Khabir briefing me.
I story u ok, actually the story like dis.
Panas macam babi... Indi sebagai pailang baru keluar jail
Bersama Jay... makeup artis filem STAMP.
Nani (wardrobe dresser), Jay (makeup), Razif (assistant Line Producer) dan Wawa (wardrobe)Aku sekarang ni tengah melalui perjalanan penggambaran sebuah filem berjudul
'STAMP'. Filem ini diarah oleh sahabat lama aku dari zaman
Bila Larut Malam aku, Khabir Bahtia. Khabir is an Indian director from india who moved to Malaysia during the Antah UTV days and fell in love with Malaysia (or maybe the possibility of work here was higher, heehee...), got married here and never went back. A very talented director, it was just a matter of time before he started directing films, i used to tell myself that, because of his vision, he will definitely make a fine filmmaker and sure enough, his first break came when he was offered to direct
'CINTA'. Love it or hate it, the movie won accolades and another star was born in the Malaysian Film industry. He is now directing his fourth feature after CINTA (LOVE) versi Indonesia and SEPI (in which i had the pleasure to work with him too). Not only has He got a great eye for story telling but his strength also lies in his ability towork with actors well. STAMP is a really fun story ala OCEAN 11, meets lock, stock and two smoking barrels macam tu la. It stars Me, Rashidi Ishak (my buddy from my first acting gig with
Shuhaimi Baba, 'MIMPI MOON'), His wife; the wonderful Vanidah Imran, Que Haider, Indi Nadarajah (from 'Indi and Alan' fame and last seen as Mr Leong in Hans Isaac's
CUCI). It was supposed to star MAYA KARIN as well but she pulled out due to scheduling Issues. Personally i think it is going to turn out to be a great film.
BUt a lot goes into making a movie and to get an amalgam of ideas to become one huge cohesive feature film requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. As an Actor , i question wether i still have what it takes to layan the trials and tribulations of making a movie. The truth is, although i can do the work, i am not happy being on this set. I am not sure wether age has made me a crankier person or having been doing this for a while, i really have expected a certain standard or level of treatment for actors, Who for the large part of the entertainment industry are treated like crap by producers. To make it worse, They get no respect from anyone; The public, corporations, the government. No laws protect or help regulate wages for actors. People want entertainment but do not respect the people who make it. As creative people, our Intelectual Property rights in this country is a big joke and currently resides in the longkang. So, after all that, is it wrong that we ask for a little politeness and thoughtfullness at our work space.
I am feeling kind of strained and stressed out being on set and working with some of his production team who doesn't seem to have any inkling on how to handle people on set. This is the first time i have actually felt like murdering somebody for being rude and inept. I however take a lesson from all this, which is, getting a good team to work with is a priceless thing
Maybe its time to hang up the acting boots and concentrate on directing. That i really love.