Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Monday, June 19, 2006

CHIEF KODOK RETURNS!!... SUMOLAH first day of Principal Photography

First of all SORRY teramat sangat kerana tidak mengupdate blog pacal yang hina ni, kerana pacal macam kamu jugak... hanya insan yang lemah dan masih banyak melalui liku-liku hidup. Bak kata pepatah mat rempit berwawasan "Bukan senang nak hidup senang brader." Satu headache dah habis dan satu lagi bermula sekelip mata. I am not complaining , actually i am saying bring it on... cause what doesn't kill me will only give me information and make me stronger.
Ok let's retrack my thoughts step by step. Let me give you a brief rundown of what happened in my life in the last month till today.
We ended LOS dan FAUN on the 1st friday of JUNE. It was a an interesting experience and i must say the hardest shoot that i have encountered so far. There were many casualties of the production but thankfully most friendships still lay intact.

Then straight away, without a moment's breather we went straight into actorlympics May which was so much fun and such a tension reliever.
Managed to jumpa a bunch of fellow kodoks who have been infected by the Actorlympics virus. A good frien of mine decided to get married secara tergempar... Aida Nerina yang juga biul tapi beautiful tu.
My children's nanny, Annie left us, as contract dia dah habis and she has gone back to KK to Start anew and we wish her the best of luck and may allah keep her safe, she has been so close to Mia and Anais that i regarded her as their older sister. Her going back feels like a relative has gone away.

After a couple of days break, pre-production for SUMO-Lah resumed and is the stress and headaches are coming back. BUT I LIKE IT.
Sekarang kita baru mula Shooting, the longest project and biggest project of my life, the one that i am risking everything to make it the best : SUMOLAH. Dengan budget sekangkang kera (comparatively to other foreign projects) We are trying to make a movie yang kalau ridley scott atau francois truffaut tengok pun dia kata," ok gak la mamat malaysia ni buat filem!" (dude i have to have a dream right). OUR JOURNEY BEGINS TODAY! DOA-DOAKANLAH KAMI SELAMAT.

- Ahmad Daniel (SOAL HATI)


Afdlin Shauki


Anonymous said...

sumolah - kewl..;)

anxiously waiting... 4 'los dan faun' to reach singapore .. yea.. take care bro!

Syed [rumput yang hijau] said...

yeah! cant wait for los dan faun!
tak sabar nak experience sumolah!

keep on rocking malayisa movie industry wahai cip!
kami akan sentiasa melompat bersamamu...
ber 'ong... ong... webek..webek..' di sisi mu...
menjadi berudu yang setia memerhati kodok besar yang bertenggek dengan gah di penjuru kolam...
sehingga akan tiba satu masa...
kami yang akan bertenggek di sana...
dan sama-sama kita bersorak gegak gempita...
memanggil hujan... rahmatNya..

p/s: and whats with the half-naked-rock-sign???? gambar tu akan jadi trademark utk setiap posting/update ker??? wakakakka.... cip mmg crazy... wakakaka model utk ++ size ke? wakakakka...

Lord Vorphalack said...

semalam kat Keramat permai ada shooting Sumolah kan...? Aku saja lalu2 kat situ je...

Jalal said...


Good luck for your Sumolah. Looking forward for FnL.

You rawk!


Cool Crex!

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck dude!! *winks*

mafiaries said...

teruskan perjuangan mu..


SpidEy d'lEfty said...

I was so hyped up when watching BAIK PUNYA CILOK + BULI BALIK and really can't w8 for LOS AND FAUN dgn SUMOLAH.. in fact, i think i'm starting to put myself as a fan of u now.. muahaha.. jadi kodok gak ker??

ManaL said...

Nanti theme song/ montage ada ala2 quentin tarantino 70s action/chopsocky sort of movies ker? or more towards akira kurosawa's Seven Samurai? Those photos got me imagening about the movie-making. Would there be subtitles or dubbing (japanese to malay for eg. ala2 citer alihsuara la...hang on, that has been done by steve oedekerk,but funny idea nonetheless). Malik Noor ade join the cast ke? Saje bertanya.

Anonymous said...

Weiii....Mana Aciii ??!!!

Apesal takde update pasal May Actorlympics? Kan dah terlepas ni!!Tak pueh hati! Dah berbulan bagi no phone, takde call pun! Mail update pun takde !

Tak puas hati !!!!

Darius said...

Ya Rabbi!!

Now where to get sumo size t-shirts meh?


doff said...

wohoho..poster best siyut..can't wait..

best of luck bro..

N said...

sumolah is looking good on first impressions because you're actually trying to compete with foreign films. cun ar afdlin. think big! bagi orang msia ada at least one more respectable movie in their collections. (we already have sepet but hoping this one to be better). harap2 as mantap as i'm imagining it to be! give us some deep shit to enjoy!

ps. i like your characters' insecurity in buli balik! bring on more of the heavy stuff to the people!

nik amir

ontahsapo said...

hahahahhaa... best best.....tak sabar nak tunggu ni.....

KECU said...

Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin,

Bro... first pic tu lu ke bro... waduhhhh!!!!!...

good luck for sumolah... n tak sabat nak tgk loss dan faun..

bro lu jadiklee guest kat ACdisini...

Edd Vedder said...

that last photo, the pimp shot is awesome man.. haha.

looking forward to see your butt crack...

..and cleavage!

pye:rudz said...

walk the talk bro, walk the talk... prove to them all, you can do it!

juliana said...

abah u rockk!!! - nazreen!

was sunsetdihatiku.. said...

I went to a club in Sydney over the weekend, and the bouncer dude was so comel. Imagine Afdlin, but Taller and Wider; the size of a normal bedroom door + another half. He's either Abo or like Samoan (pepandai je Khad~)..anyways yeah, he was nice and friendly. And it reminded me of Afdlin Shauki & Sumolah and that I haven't checked out this blog in a while.

So if you need another Sumo dude, consider the bouncer at Sydney's Equilibrium ;D teeheehe~

Anonymous said...

is that really you in the poster? or is it some cgi that makes you look bigger than you're supposed to be?

Nizar said...

woo.. brutal last pic tu. anak i yang 6 tahun pun dah kenal u bila nampak dalam tv.. "eh.. eh... nordin!"

Anonymous said...

good luck brahderrrr....

ingat! mesti dapat nombor satu!!
- kingbinjai

Anonymous said...

afdlin...check your email please!

Adam Kulim said...

chip..what i can say is keep it up...bring it on...
goodluck to you...

dont worry all kodokians are here to support you!!!

UglyButAdorable said...

cip..utk sumolah takder arrange set trip like los n faun ker?? it wud be great to do that again.

nanny dah takder?? looking for new nanny?? i'm available...hehh..hehh bekas nanny jugak nie..

Anonymous said...

hey afdlin...I am a singaporean. I was surfing through the net when i stumbled upon ur blog..ur blog is super power!! I love the humor that you insert which really tells me that you are not just funny on the big screen but i guess as a person as well. Anyway, I am waiting to read more of your stuff. So strut them!!

You take care and waiting to watch more of your movies.

Anonymous said...

Yo cip! finally LnF abis shooting can't wait for the movie to be released.

about the `sumolah`...wah cip! seksi tuh hehe

fm all m'sian all the best cip!

shark fin said...

congrate coz da abis shooting and etc..
nampak cte 2 cambest eh?
harap2 box office lagi la eh..
leh blanje rakyat malaysia ni makan..
congrate again 4 your astonishing work!


Anonymous said...

tanks 2 almighty allah 4 giving u d passion n energy in life. we'll support u...keep up

Anonymous said...

hey dude. awak kelakar nak mampus tak ingat dunia tau tak! do i sound like a deranged fan? takde la that bad, hahaha. anyway, i'm a student studying in melbourne so hari tu i balik kl on MAS (of course) and i was watching one of your movies, entah ape the title, i can't remember (u were trying to look for the hantu in the hotel room tu) and the scene where u were trying to get that specific floor tu memang kelakar nak mampus i tell u aiseh man. i cracked it dude and i think the whole plane heard my unfeminine laughter. dah la i asyik rewind balik rewind balik (dah kata technology dah maju kan kan kan). anyway, i'm coming home again soon and will try to catch up with whatever movies u've been doing. daa! (if u dunno, that means bye bye in indon, hahaha). -Juliana Johan)

Romantis Selatan said...

nanti ada pula kisah ahli sumo yang dibuli... =p

agak2nya bila afdlin nak buat filem yang ada sci-fi punya.


biar aku terus terang..

aku meminati filem kamu, kerna aku rasa ia lucu

juga membuat jiwa aku merasa hidup


ada lagi pujian untuk kamu

aku juga menyukai kelucuan kamu...

hingga aku terfikir untuk mempunyai perut seperti kamu

tapi ngak jadi

kerna maintainan nya tinggi...heheh

aku ngak punyai baiya sih


ada lagi

aku suka melihat keluarga kamu..



untuk lebih jujur

aku beritahu kamu

aku sebetulnya mahu uang yang banyak seprti kamu

kaya ...



apapun aku senang dengan diri aku seperti aku senang dengan kamu


ketemu lagi

Anonymous said...

hey.. cant wait for LOS dan FAUN.
keep up the good work..!
And no worries.
we'll be supporting you =)

Hafiz said...

Wahahah.. you ni bagus laa menggunakan penambahan saiz badan u nih.. memula cerita buli.. you jadik orang gemuk.. pastu buli balik.. jadik orang gemuk gak.. pastu ni sumolah.. orang gemuk yang tuff.. bila nak buat cerita karekter orang kurus lak.. risau I tengok you semakin membesar nih.. karang banyak penyakit susah ooo..

What ever it is you are the biggest kodok that rawk!! nasib baik you masih lagi macho walaupun you dah membesar.. Good luck with sumolah.. I tak sabar sangat nak tengok orang melayu masuk pertandingan sumo tajaan kedai sushi!! hahaha.. lepas ni boleh laa buat sparring ngan malik noor.. buat laa live match..mesti bestkan.. ;) have fun making movies!!

Anonymous said...

dasat la afdlin...tabik spring maut nye la...tak sabar nak tunggu nie...Sumo-lah dan Los and Faun...pasti gegar....panass

FooDcrazEE said...

aiks ! badan cam tu kecik pun leh nak pi sumo ?

Anonymous said...

best of luck cip!! we will alwayz luv n support u!!

FarahChan said...

caiyokkk ...caiyokkk...
caya lah sama lu .

Anonymous said...

Hola proud of your continuous effort in trying to educate malaysians to see the talent in an artiste & not to focus only on their perfect physical appearance to make it big in the malaysian entertainment industry. You have a follower....don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Cayalah Cip Kodok!! U memang gempak punya!!

Anonymous said...


RamblingRose said...

Chief u make being thin so NOT COOL!! Cant wait for the movies to come out. Lurve your choice of actors. From Ida to Adlin. I dont care what people say about ADlin. The truth might hurts but Malaysian are really a deluded lots. It is so hard for Malaysians to hear honesty, they rather like being lied and deceived to.

shark fin said...

- Ahmad Daniel (SOAL HATI)
ingat lagi eh?
haha..memangla..dah kate blakon kan?!

Anonymous said...

banyaknya projek2 baru. Tak sabar nak tengok semua! Tengok kat wayang ataupun belilah yg original!!!

Unknown said...

bulih ajar ka basic2 how to write script for movie screen?

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Lawak la tengok gambor bro' paling bawah tu? Ha ha ha . Seksi tul...........

Hafiz said...

lolz!...byknye projek2 terbaru..x sabar nak tgk..:P

Anonymous said...

bang afdlin x sabo nk tgk sumolah..cute r u dlm sumo nye rambut tu..xkn cawat pon hang pakai skali??

Ariza & Wan said...

the title is really COOL but the most coolest is your the last picture of yours! Yah! Thats what i mean cool!! Really cool afdlin....

Your rayban tu cam masuk jer ngan rantai u tu.. Pasni nak jadi japanese la plak ek! Good job to hear good news~~

i always hope for your success...

Anonymous said...

wish u all the best for sumo-lah...

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! i'm so excited!!! im really a big fan of u, abg afdlin. u r a really talented n funny guy. al ur movies neva disappoint me. but the thing is, im so far out, wen do u tink it wil be out on vcd? n btw, the cast is sumting i really look 4ward 2 in ur movie... sure lepakz!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Afdlin! Looks like you are not short of ideas for movies this year. Wishing you all the best with SUMO-Lah. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your production team.
Hmmm... what's next? A musical animation starring you and your buddies?

yDk said...

Hi Abg Afdlin! I am an ardent Singaporean fan of your comedic personality & awesome aura! heheh...can I link you up? tag me, thanks!

- ktm400 -

yDk said...

im at

- ktm400 -

Anonymous said...

bile citer ni nak kuar..? tak sabar nak tunggu movie baru dari bro afdlin.

Anonymous said...

macam menarik je cerita ni... bile nak kuar kat wayang..??

Anonymous said...

I love the line "what doesn't kill me, makes stronger" but I hate the author. I think it came from Nietzsche, which if I am not mistaken is a Nazi supporter.

The Traveller said...

Lets ROCK!!

Amak said...

bro..aku teringin nak blakon ngan bro
tapi aku tak cantik.
ahahaha..slalu baca blog bro
pnah nampak bro tapi segan nak tego.
you rawk!

Anonymous said...

you really are so fun & funny!!!

more! more! more!

Anonymous said...

chub and chaser semua pengsan.... power chub too

Anonymous said...

afdlin... los n faun & sumolah ni dalam bahasa melayu atau english??...kalu english saya tak gi tengok...kat tempat keje pon dah berbuih2 cakap english...takkan nak tengok filem melayu pon nak dengar bahasa english kot... hidup buli, buli balik dan paling best baik punye cilok.....

p/s: i hate "singlish" movie.....proud to be malay film...