Hi gang this is afdlin shauki checking in after a long break. I have been going through many new phases in my life and i am sure the future will be great. First of all i'd just like to say that i am sorry for what happened on the 27th August an urgent matter arose, a friend needed help so i had to be there for him, so i spent some time scuba diving on an island with Hans Isaac who is currently not feeling so hot after his breakup with his former girlfriend. Since gua pun baru habis intensif stress di studio shooting actorlympics so bolehlah pi but little that i know on the island especially the resort which i stayed at, which was the Arwana, takde connection internet yang boleh diharap. So i am sorry for the missed date.... but to those of you who had nasty things to say about my absence, i didn't start this blog for you, i started it for myself.. so if you don't like whats happening here there is a billion other blogsites which may interest you. So bring your hate elsewhere, this blog is for happy cheerful people. its people yang berhati bacin macam ni yang make me sick to blog anyways... but hey that's life on the net right.
There is much on my mind lately and the change that i have been talking about is that i don't want to work non-stop like before. You see i am a workaholic and i realise that because i put all i have in everything i do, my relationship with my family suffers. Of course i keep telling myself that the reason i work so hard is for them anyways but the real reason i work so hard is that i fear i won't be able to provide for them and thus lose what we have. But i have realised that i don't want to miss out on my family's life so i will try and be a more balanced person. Although many people want me to start my new projects like BIGFOOT : HANTU SEJARANG GIGI, BAIK PUNYA CILOK 2 & AH-LONG BUKIT BERUNTUNG THE MOVIE, i have decided to just take my time to start it. Watch the market a bit. i have decided to take it easier and put my family more in the front seat. Yes i have been spending more time with wifey and kiddies on a regular basis. Started tutoring Mia (8yrs) on her homework more regularly and helping lil Anais (4yrs) on her writing... because she s a bit shy of me... so far i am enjoying myself and stress levels are at an all time low.
The only thing that i am working on is Los dan Faun. Trying to get it ready so that it can get released by the year's end. I like this movie. it's fun and gila.
I have to say honestly that what happened to SUMOlah was very hard to swallow. It did take the wind out of my sails a bit and i needed to recover from the dissapointing box-office sales. I am a bit weary about making movies on my own again but i do belief if there are still people who believe in my movies i should and must fight for them.
How am i gonna be different from now on.
New Afdlin (the changes i am trying to implement) - 1. One month must have one holiday trip with family and one on my own. 2. Work only if the project is groundbreaking, exciting or interesting enough, must not take precedence over first change. 3. Changing lifestyle - eating habits and exercise in order to be healthier and possibly lose some more weight 4. work with younger talents to impart practical knowledge of film and entertainment industry.
Anyway below are some exclusive pictures which i would like to share with you guys revolving my life this past couple of months
These are some of the things that have been happening in my life and i really do believe that this year will be an exciting one for the entertainment industry. i still fight on eventhough i have taken some heavy blows this year. But i believe that i will bounce back. Not many people are given the same opportunities like me and i am very bersyukur kepadaNYa for all that HE has given.
Today i am leaving for BANGKOK to attend the launch of BRAVE and SUMOlah there. After that a flight straight from Bangkok to PENANG for the Malaysian Film Festival. SUMOlah has got 7 nominations, alhamdulillah insya' allah sangkutlah satu. Tapi kalau tak sangkut pun takpe dapat makan nasi kandaq Line Clear pun dah cukup baik dah. Congrats to Yasmin for Mukhsin, Shumi for Waris Jari Hantu dan Zarina for Chermin you guys deserve all the nominations. A bit upset that Kabil Kushry Kabil Igam not allowed for nominations... just watched it last weekend, not a bad movie... Rusdi Ramli was excellent in it. I think he will win best actor this year.
Power to the People
Afdlin Shauki
PS. Waaa i never realised so many people actually give a shit about my blog sampai marah2 kan. chill out dudes, maybe i'll actually get paid to blog one day. Then i'll blog non-stop ok. :)
PS2. Anne u make me blush.
Assalamualaikum bang...nak komen pasal Sumolah...Movie nie bagi sy antara Movie abang yg terbaik yg pnah sy tonton...ada international value disitu...lawak yg abg tonjolkan pun...yelah bkn sekadar lawak...tp ngan mesej...Tapi mungkin masa tayangannye yg akibat kurang sambutan...itu saya raselah...tp apa2 pun...abang jgn putus asa...teruskan apa yg abg ngah lakukan skarang...Sebab abg make something different dlm industri perfileman kita..jujur dari sy...
askm bro..peminat you ni.saya mmg minat ngan you punya talent..you mmg lain dari yg lain..apapun yg you buat saya mmg sokong 100%.saya doakn you berjaya capai matlamat you 1hari nnt..
ijust watched sumolah the other day.. it was an awesome movie! i really2 liked it.. n u were so funny!! haha.. anyways, i wish you all the best.. and don't worry.. you have tons and tons of supporters and fans.. and yup.. family does come first.. u just have to balance out ur work n ur family life.. n i'm sure u're a good husband and father.. wish u all the best, afdlin!
-big fan of urs
Hi Bro....
All the best on your up coming projects,bro...u sure have my supports...
ntah apa2 ntah org yg nak naik angin tu... ur blog.. up to you la right.. like as tho u hv to jawab to this people. i'll support u all the way man! dun u worry about dat. SUMOLAH was GREAT! so keep it up la...
Finally. Chief Kodok suda balik from bertapa.
Hans is very lucky to have you as his close friend. Kalau aku blom kawin sah sah aku tekel Hans ni.. hahahahhaah).
Anyway, pedulikan all the lalats. Suka la kan nak blog bila2, you're not doing it (blogging) professionally.
And yes, balance in life is vital. Work and play needs to be equally done so that in the end you have a win-win situation.
I've always admired your talent since during those A-Level days.. and I will always be one of your supporters and fans. :)
P/S: Bila mau buat Kodok Flashmob?
27th August? Which year?
Kalau mau earn money while blogging, boleh la pergi to our own local online blog ad company, Nuffnang! It's at www.nuffnang.com
Anyways, kudos to all that you have done and keep up the good work! Hope to see lots more of good work coming from you!
chill bro, take ur time. you'll bounce back. :)
U movie mmg funny... But asyik same actor je.. Getting kinda boring.. Just my view, not meanng any real harm. I mean yes u are comfortable working wit them tapi kalau belum cuba other actor belum tahu kan???? :)
dari dulu aku sibuk kutuk mengutuk kau sampai kau tulis post pasal comment aku semua. So a couple of weeks ago, i had the chance to watch sumolah ... and maybe i am bias bcoz i have not seen any of your movies other than sumolah ... but sumolah is fantastic.
the last good movie that ive seen was Embun (it literally made me want to go out and kill some japanese). I still think Embun is better than Sumolah ... but if it were categorized in its own type of movie ... sumolah is the best comedy movie i've watched. Syabas bak kata orang kampung aku.
a lot of ppl might disagree with me here ... tapi i think awie is the most natural in the movie. And hands down ... Sumolah ... is far better than any of yasmin's movie, regardless of what those french ppl think hehe. And i think ive seen at least 3 of her movies.
i think SUMOlah is like HOME ALONE the movie. It's not a box office ... but it's one of the most recognized movie of all time. So jangan putus asa ... they use to think einstein was a crazy man :).
encik afdlin...sile jage kesihatan anda eh...mengapa kelihatan begitu bloated sekali :( cube try ukur lilit pinggang encik afdlin, if lebey dari 110cm hmm ade kemungkinan utk dpt diabetes sgt besar. ni sy tgk iklan dlm tv mbe boleh share..sbb sy suke sgt encik afdlin sy xmo encik afdlin jatuh sakit (^_^!) sy nk kenalkan encik afdlin kar cucu cicit sy nnti weee....
mm btw byk bsabar eh encik hans..dia kawan encik afdlin kan..kate sy available lagi heh memandangkan encik afdlin dah kawin sy tpakse aim yg bujang kacak hans heh
ok nk buat keje skolah...jgn lupe ukur pinggang tuu!!doakan sy lulus exam. boboi!
may the force be with you !
gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal selamanya........
" a big fan of yours"
p/s kirim salam kat Hans
ungku emran
may peace be upon cip Kodok,
sumolah was great. so don't be too down.like u said, its a learning experience. watever it is, gua mesti support lu punya. and i know u r human.peace.
berkali-kali ku mengingatkan bahawa sebab yang paling.. paling.. paling.. paling.. utama mengapa sumolah tak berapa mendapat sambutan ialah promosi dan trailer nya yang tak menarik perhatian orang. Ianya dipersetujui oleh ramai kawan den yang den paksa soh pi tgk sumolah.. Yang dia kata: "Aku tengok trailer dia kat tv sume tak best jek.. nampak cam bosan jek. Tapi bila aku dah bapak feel nya.. syok shial"
Sudah lebih terang sikit lagikan bersuluh dengan lampu suluh yang kekurangan bateri bahawa PROMOSI DAN TRAILER SUMOLAH ADALAH ANTARA PENYEBAB UTAMA ORANG TAK TONTON selain waktu tayangan yang tidak berapa nak ... entahlah.. tujeh
AFDLIN< i did say some nasty thangs coz of ur blog delay..
forgive me k coz actually im so stressed making the transformers movie. i try my best but the audience said theyre confused watching the robot battle themselves.
is it true? i need ur opinion. were u confused during the transformers battle scene at the city?
wah wah ... akhirnya chief kodok kembaliiii....
moga kembali dengan idea idea baru dari pertapaan...
jgn bersedih bro..
aku bangga ngn ko..ko lain dari yg lain..ko ttp hero..sbb ko tak buat mcm org lain..tu yg penting..
haritu citer ko bukan tak best...mmg best..tp citer ko main time ada citer mat saleh yg power2 tu..
takpe takpe..10-15 thn nnti ko ttp akan dikenang sebagai hero filem melayu,sbb keberanian ko...citer ko mesti selalu pusing kat tiwi (mcm citer p ramlee)..ntah2 nnti ko dpt dato..tak pon tan sri..tp tan sri tu tak tau la masa ko idup atau arwah..(mcm p ramlee gak hehe)
ape pon..jalan mesti ke depan..jgn ke belakang..n jangan pandang belakang..wakakakakak..
aku harap ko menang byk masa festival filem mesia nanti..
peace bro
p/s: bro...ko tanak buat citer antu ke?
Arwana Perhentian? my friend own that place.. I know they don't have internet connection there, but the rest of it is just superb...
fuhyoo...lama giler nak tgu apdet..
anyway... wb incik afdlin..
aper2pun... teroskan berkarya..
saya tgu setiap hasil karya anda!
Keep It Up Bro!!!
Peace ...No War!
you make great comedy film, i never laugh at all watching other local comedy films but yours truly is funny. i haven't gone to cinema in years, now they sell clothes in what used to be a Pawagam. that alone is funny too :D if you sell VCD i sure grab the original kay. bonne chance!
Send Free SMS at Mobikom
really long post. welcome back after such a long time ....
jealousnya .... kat monte carlo ... a place i wanna go to someday
jam tuan sofar ada kat datin jlo.. hahahahhahaa..
cipsterku.. bebaik jalan2 di bkk.. and Insya Allah, klo ada rezeki, adalah sumolah terlekat satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh.. mana la tau kan.. ~amin~
to me cip, u're a great person.. seorg yg x pernah kedekut ilmu, passionate & sgt berdedikasi.. u've taught me A LOT and i am a stronger and a better person now because of you.. :) thank you so much cip..
nnt lepas pulang dr penang, kita pergi berjimba ok.. and u still owe me tht pakaian renang muslimah berwarna pink... hehehehehe...
i heart you mr afdlin shauki.. u're my mentor & my hero..
kim salam kat chris.. i mish her.. and p also... uwaaa.. n mia & anais gak.. huwaaaa... sob sob..
ok tata cip, aishiteru yo!!
jya ne..
semalam baru je tengok blog ni,alih alih dah update,anyway aku minat gila ngan afdlin shauki ni,sama gila bila aku tgk salleh yacub,lawak lawak memang best...anyway sumolah memang best pun,cuma org kita ni je eksen tak nak tgk citer kita,kalau citer cinta bukan main lagi.ntah apa apa....anyway afdlin ko memang best..lantak diorang nak kata apa kat ko,ko punya blog,ko punya hak..dia baca sudah lah....hidup afdlin...bila nak masuk felda selancar bertemu peminat?besar prospek ni tau.
he's back :D
yeah! you tell em afdlin! its your blog you do what you will with it!
Bro, just blog whenever you have the time. You're a busy man, we understand that. Glad you've updated with some latest news & pictures. Monte Carlo a day before the F1 race? Are you serious?? Jealousnya...hahaha.
Do whatever it takes bro, to keep yourself sane. Re-prioritize, slow down, re-assess, look at the bigger picture.
Keep up the excellent work!
Hi Afdlin,
Apsal laaa lama sangat launching Los and Faun tu? I tot u've finished the movie way before sumolah. Just dont forget us for the premier ye. We love to cover you guys.
We are commited maximum to all yr project. Plse kindly advise also the premier dates for "Cuci" and "Brave". email us at myfotopages@gmail.com
For the rest of Selamba Kodoks... come and drop by at our fotoblog for pure Malaysian style gosips. Cheerios!!
P/s: Nazatul Shima looked cute wet.. i mean underwater he he
Bro Afdlin,
Plse continue to communicate with us. We love to hear yr story. If you really feel down.... plse remember.. we are your strength!! We are yr Kodoks!!!
Take care!!
Hello Cip!
Finally you've updated your blog. Hehe knowing that you're busy taking a break from work - that's good. And knowing you wanted to spend time with your family, etc. - that's fantastic. you've been busy for months and you deserve a break kan?
I haven't seen Sumolah, tp nanti saye beli vcd ori bleh? Saye blaja lagi tak sempat lah.
Kekadang saye terpikir nape la saye tak knal cip - to have as a friend mesti bertuah.
By da way tell Hans - to be strong (I'm also his fan) and move on lah! Saye single lagi ahahaha
Ok cip, have fun!
first time ever rasa nk leave comment, i think org kita kurang idea sket psl sumolah, sbb tu la slow sket sambutan..anyhow bro, ur products owez good dan best lah! at least i like it!
one more thing, u are great bro, i saspek la sama you, u r good at heart :) i wish u luck n happiness in career, famili and all! :)
ya allah,bang afdlin, baru ada kat blog nie. Saya punyalah tunggu kan mana tau bro ada tulis cerita2 baru. Rindu giler. Tapi saya geram gak pasal 27 julai tue. Saya bukak blog nie tak ada bende pun. Ari nie dah ada cite2 baru. wah bercuti kat negeri gue. X singah dulu ke kat kg kijing. Datang ah,blh la mendulang(mengayok dalam bahasa trgganu) emas.
bro lu sudah membuktikan bahawa orang gemuk takkan tenggelam dalam air walaupun di tambah dengan berat scuba gear...thehehe...
cif! tak sangka ek ade gak org yg memarahkan cif...kesian...ignore je! wonderful pictures...can't wait for whatever new movie you are working on...!!! and SEPI...cambest je!
oklah take care!
hai bro,
tak sangka ya apa yg terjadi dgn SUMOLAH. Its actually a very good story. CUma mungkin masyarakat kita masih belum blh terima cerita mcm ni lagi tak? Anyway, do not give up. Continue to do the best movies. Eagerly waiting for your new release.
Take care.
Hi bro, recently saya tengok movie Sumolah and it was the best ever. Looking forward to your new movie...peace~
Dear Afdlin,
My son, loves watching Sumolah - and he's only 3! Practically one of the two Malay movie he loves watching over and over and over and over again! (Btw, the other one is Mukhsin) Other than that will only be Ultraman and Power Rangers. No compromise! And about ur blog - well I hv it tagged on my 'Favourite' list in the Internet Explorer. Nuff said!:-) All the best 2 u n life!
rindunya kat kak nasha..abg afdlin nanti ambik la dia lagi berlakon watak2 utama
dia selalu kurg dpat peluang tunjk bakat..please
hehe teruk tul la
Bro Adflin, sporting new hairdo nampak last nite at FFM-20.
Sumolah did win some awards kan?
Funny this year only the best movie award winners were allowed to speak on the stage. Was that supposed to be post-amani trauma or they just had had to be strict with the timing? Seems like AC still gets his MC contract with FFM.
May u achieve ur new Afdlin changing targets!
dear bro. some people took a very long time to realise that family always comes first. no matter who, no matter where. i wish you all the best.. by the way. i org trg.. how's perhentian? hehe.. hope you like it. Taa!
2 minggu lepas pun baru g Pulau Perhentian. Syok giler a... ada nemo,ada shark,ada turtle...
baguihla kat stu kureng comm ngan luar. dats the reason we take a vacation isn't it? to relaaaaax
by the way, tak habis tgk sumolah lagi. hari tu terlaloo ngantoookkk. karang sambungla. jgn risau..ori punyer
afdlin!!!! ada typo!!! not 26th august la...26th july...hehe! watever la, tak update ker, update ker...asalkan 'spider'man punya cucu cicit tak buat rumah at ur blog, dah! keep on rockin'1
I just went perhentian the other time too! Best kan? Didnt stay at Arwana (Evergreen actually) but the massage there was fantastic!
Tengok gambar2 tu rindu plak kat perhentian.
Hey all the best in everything that you do! I know you can do it! Woot woot! =D
Hello abg afdlin, if u remember me & gang took pictures with u pukul 1 pagi kat arwana...hehe.
Btw if need cupcakes for your girls or need any gila-gila design for parties..can buzz me anytime :D. Hop to my blog. TQ
vanida is soooooooo gorgeous!
nasha is glowing as always.
tak ketinggalan afdlin pun hemsem jugak, especially when backed by beauties.
have a sweet day.
Bagi I yg tak penah miss filem u..i rasa Sumolah..pd pendapat I, awal sgt dia punya iklan n promosi..then bila dah nk menjelang hari tayangan..tak meriah plak promosi dia kat TV..tu yg sy nmpak la..
apa pn..keep up
wutever is it, afdlin shauki is crazy but damn good !!
Hi bro afdlin...tgh stress-stress kat keje, baca blog u...ketawa sorang-sorang. Jadi org senget kejap..tapi tak kisahlah, asal i bahagia! Hahahahaha!
Anyway, i missed a lot on yr entries (PC down, keje baru boleh cilok Internet ni..) so I'm gonna take my time to read ur blog Backwards...
Oh..I've watched ur Sumo-lah (of which I tertido setengah jalan) - but dont worry...nanti i tengok lagi! Hehe. So far, ur films have never been dissappointing!
Send my regards to Abang Awie (Hubby is a big fan of him!) and we both have watched his Zombie Kg Pisang. Please tell him, we love hs acting.
See u soon, Bro. N take care! Salam buat sekeluarga n ahli-ahli yang sewaktu dengannya...:o))
hello afdlin..
hey i just watched ur new movie SumoLAh...great job!! love it very much..in fact dah tgk 4 kali.. im actually studying in adelaide doing my degree here..n we are so proud of ur movie sumolah..that we are showing it on Merdeka celebration here in adelaide to all msians here...
all the best in whatever you do..
yeah!! power to the people!
A'kum...baguihnya blog hang ni afdlin. kekadang wa boring2, mmg sengaja masuk blog lu. n bile ada new info tu, wa jadi excited giler. kekadang jadi syahdu pon ada bc ur cerita. Idea lu mmg baguih, wa respek lu beb! tell u what, my father (60++) tak suka tgk filem2 melayu skang, katanya tak kick. tapi start dia tgk lu perform Soal Hati, dia sgt2 kagum ngan lu, n tak penah miss setiap film lu. Wa skang ni tgh study PhD, wa suka sgt dgn ur spirit..sometimes leh wat pemangkin semangat utk study wa. Keep up ur gd works!...anaconda..
eeee..you look so comel when you do the "v" sign..one question. how old are you now ah? have you ever thought of hosting a show? do you even host a show?
best la jenguk2 kat sini...jadi sronok xtentu pasal..kadang2 bleh ilang pertimbangan bila bukak blog bro..xtau la..kawan2 semua kata saya sawan afdlin ( sejenis penyakit baru )..tp saya rasa saya ok je...diorang jeles kot, tu yg cakap camtu...huhu..pe2pun, best2..
Hey there Afdlin, I didn't know you had a blog. I just found it through Wikipedia. Was doing a search for your movie, Sumolah. I watched it with my friends during the FFM20 and we have to write about the plot, acting, and directing!
Anyway, it's a really hilarious movie. Got everyone laughing their heads off!
Well, all the best then.
nice entry lah
cover dari hujung rambut till hujung kaki...
enjoy while reading it.. hehehehhe
yeap2... tak sabar nak tengok movie2 baru nanti...
Welcome back cip!
hi cip,
masa nak tengok sumolah kat mid valley, dat digital running info screen kata sold out. tp kt stayed in line jugak. bila sampai kat kaunter ada pulak tiket. seats pun kat belakang ... tak payah terngadah kat depan.
dis thing happen kat a few other local films screenings. why ah?
af... melayu punya jack black! haha...
Afdlin..u rock lah!!
i watched sumolah.
but i think, besides x cukup promosi or wat so ever, the filem kurang dpt sambutan is because malaysian nowadays mmg x nak pegi cinema for malaysian movie.
i went to a pasar malam somwhere there are lots of malays yang beli dvd there.
but keep u[ the good work.
u should be proud that u made such an interesting and ada nilai murni punya movie. i like it. rathr than to watch malaysian movie yg asyik nak bercinta & putus tanpa sampaikan motif. aite, fens?
kay, later.
ps: so kind of u 2 b with fren when he's down.. *wink*
wow, this is totally superb. No matter wut it is, u bro, ROCK!!!!
As'kum bro!!
cayalah...saya minat giler la sumer citer yg abg wat..
mmg lawak natural la...
teruskan hasil citer yang penuh humours...k??
keep it up!!
Bro Afdlin,
Can u see bro...u still got lots of supports from ur fellow kodokians out there.....
I wrote about my sentiments regarding "Sumolah" in my blog http://lunchatthelakeclub.blogspot.com titled "Here's to Tan Sri Adflin Shauky!!!"..I have quite a good number of apt readers, locally and my friends overseas, even though i am not a celebrity. Cannot kalahkan the super kodok laaa...You the maaaan mey..
I would be more than greatful if you could read my article regarding you and Sumolah, posting a comment would be an honor for me.
I apologise for turning up late to view the Sumolah at the thearter hence missing it. I happen to be shit f*&^%$###@ing busy at the time ( m a doctor,albeit i wish i worked at the mortuary as the patients would be all dead anyway and don't need my urgent attention. That would buy me time to go catch movies in cinemas). But I made it up by buying THE ORIGINAL VCD. That's coz I still want you to be around so that my grandchildren will have the privilege to enjoy viewing your work, just like I did and do...I am sure.
It is brilliant, as expected from you.
You just made this one mistake of being born earlier than your time ( the melayu time run a bit slow laa...like the penyu in East Coast. Actually, come to think of it, that is probably why the penyu mostly found in East Coast..the only place they can keep up with the pace of the homo sapiens...sorry aaa...wa melayu baru...)
Anyways, if you are a reader, I suggest you read ,"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes.May cheer you up. You may find in handy as a guide to success. Of course, being a Muslim, we need to figure some things incorporating God in it.
Don't be disheartened. We are conditioned to NOT make mistakes.Albeit your only mistake with Sumolah is that you're born ahead of society's time. But sometimes, we become stronger when we learn from it. Christ Gardner, now a multi millionaire ( the actual guy played by Will Smith in "In Pursue of Happiness", was homeless before he became what he is right now. And Oprah...well, enuff said about that wonderful woman.
So, all I can say to you at this point, is....NOKOTTA!!! Keep up the good work.
dear mr.afdlin.
wow besnye dpt jumpe blogspot abg afdlin!
suke sgt ngan sume lawak2 afdlin. serius klaka.
first time tau sape tu afdlin time show bile larut malam.bes la BLM.nape tak buat dah. n btw,and no offense..apsal makin chubby?
no matter what happened, ur movies r the best!!!
sumolah failed? yet i bout the ori vcd tau, as i feel it's worth buying n watching again and again...
what's going on yo bro kodok san???
sepi? tell us more
hey its me again. If it interest you, our medical journal concluded that Dr Atkins diet , by far, had managed to increase the level of good cholestrol, and decrease not only weight, but the bad cholestrol too. It tallies with the "combination food theory" and more importantly, "the glycemic index". Frankly, a balance of exercise and eating smartly ( not practicing the "diet that is die with a 't' ) would be good. If you understand concept of glycemic index, you may get away with eating barbequed lamb with minimal absorbtion into your system.
A thought crossed my mind. Perhaps what happened with Sumolah has a blessing in disguise. Perhaps it is an event to which you will realise the importance of balancing your life...the ying and the yang ( cek orang melayu, ape ke jadah nye ying and yang tu wallahualam...but it sounds good saying it...)
Cherio bro!! Good luck in trying.
Bro, the alma mater masuk Book of Records. check this out:
people can say whatever yhey want to say. pekakkan telinga. do ur own thingy. keep up ur god work bro!
ps: betul jgk ckp some of ur blog readers. maybe u should make some changes. i.e: tukar pelakon laen. but hate to admit it, ur actor/actress mmg best2 pun.. huhu. they r good at acting.
ramai lg penyokong kodok.so have no worries :)
I was there when you spoke at forum 'Sinema Malaysia Kontemporari: Trend dan Cabaran'. Words that came out from Wan Zawawi & your mouth saja boleh pakai.
Gua respek apa yang Afdlin lakukan kat Cannes. Sudah tiba masanya kita pegi sana & cari cara memajukan filem kita. Bukan sekadar pegi jalan² & enjoy permandangan.
Good work bro!
Afdlin afdlin afdlin!!! hehehe. Respect sama lu, so lucu lah brada. A'way, have u watched "hot shot"? Not a new movie, maybe a few years ago and it's so funny. Why don't u make a movie something like that? hehehe. Well, it's a kind of lame jokes but very funny. *hahaha* anyway, goodluck in e'thing you do bro. "Buli" is the best. *hehe* Peace!!!
Sorry brada!!! Hot Shots not a few years ago ... salah info!! it was in 1991 and 1993. hehehe. check out my blog
... i posted it there (wah promoting my blog plak ... mwahahahaha). Jgn mare!!! peace!!!
oh yeah ...
Assalammualaikum ....
Actually your blog kena seminggu update sekali,kau ni STAR ka?we need to see more more NEW about you.i love you.take care.
Can't wait to watch SEPI
u best...respek samalu. bler nak ajak wa acting...
lawa vanida...
bang, nak blakon!
youre blessed with many things.
be clear with your intention,trust your intention,be in creation and the WORLD will deliver!
have fun! hope one day we can work together.=)
come la for this friday's torch passing.its my LP.perhaps you can see my touch on my video
malaywood ,lead LP
anda akan terus berkarya encik afdlin dan itu membuatkan KAMU adalah KAMU...all the best..good luck and i'm waiting for your next products...
P/S Terima kasih kepada webster blogger dan juga jalur lebar kerana saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan afdlin shauki secara 2 hala yang halus....afdlin shauki nih beb...homer simpsons versi malaysia...huhuhuhu
Thank you for the nice post. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for the
time and effort you spend for keeping blog lively and attractive and that
makes it worth visiting and re-visiting.
salam abg afdlin..(confirm saya lagi muda)
I enjoy reading your entry.....
SEPI macm best jek. SEBAB nat suka Afdlin act plus Nasha Aziz!...
huwa... kene sedia tisu yer...
fuyo bro...............
skali update brape byk punye gambar and text la..................
ape2 pon sggh la blog gua
Dear Abg Afdlin,
the first time i opened this page. i was like.. omg.. he looks exactly like my ayah.. hehehe.. which is cute, n bubbly.. huhu
I like ur writing so far, please keep on blogging..
Looking forward for your next hits!!
afdlin, go and visit your http://selambakodok.multiply.com la. ramai gak yang posting kat situ... kasihanilah mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah insan yang terbiar oleh cip mereka...
xde benda lain gua nak cakap..
teruskan.. lagi dan lagi dan lagi..
kita takkan tahu apa yang kita buat mungkin akan beri sesuatu/mengubah hidup org lain.. jadi teruskan la wahai cif...
hehehehe go go power rangers...
Afdlin.....seronotnyer bila dapat baca blog u lg... Missed it so much! missed to know ur xtvts during ur absence.... Ari tu masa u turun penang i x sempat nak p jumpa sebab outstation ke johor. Anyway, it's nice to read ur blog again and again and again..... feels like i'm really inside ur head! heheheheh.... Afdlin, keep up the good work! wish u all the best in e'things u'll do, doing, did etc...etc.... What ever people say abt u, u'll always be my idol since before, now & forever. Love u so much! U r soooooooooo cute!! so adorable & i adore u so much!!
p/s: utk makluman u afdlin, u lah satu-satunya artis kat donia yg fana nih yg i betul2 adore.... u r unique, sempoi, cute & tersendiri.... u ada daya tarikan & bakat semula jadi yg jarang ada pd org lain..... u r what u r...
i have a few cases who comes in with stories of the manupulation at the ticketing booth whereby spectators are encouraged to watch english movies like "spider man" etc when some initially wanted to go watch,local movies like "zombie kampung pisang" etc.
kite suggest Tan Sri pi complain kat FOMCA etc, request depa pi hantaq spy (yang bukan pakai spec hitam and jacket hitam tebal di tengah panas) ke pawagam kite masa wayang local tengah dok main. Hantar orang yang rupanya macam Apek-gitu-gitu tengah confuse.
In malaysia, the law will be created for just about anything. Our problem is not coming up with brilliant laws, our problem sejak azali lagi, is IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW.
Just a suggestion, so that the local production be protected against greedy manupulative tuan punye panggung wayang.
yo bro kodok san!!!
tau la buta filem sepi...
takkan sepi terus kot...
we all missed ur bloggings man...
Hey Afdlin,
i stumbled upon your blog by accident. was just doing a search on you and your acting as the impact of the two Buli films have not left my mind even til today. love your acting. love your blog.
filled with originality and I hope to see more from you.
Anyway, kalau blog dah bagus and interesting...mestilah peminat tertanya-tanya kalau it's not updated! ;)
salam... hye abg afdlin.... sye suke sgt kat abg aflin since abg jd pengacara RIM chart dlu.... so cute la.... so what yr new project.. cant wait to see it... ermm nak tanye SEPI tue filem or drama??? bile nak kuar??? x sbr2 nak tgk... sesuai abg n kk Vee... Luv u abg afdlin... do email me plezz.... eja_163@yahoo.com
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dear abg afdlin,
i am a big fan of yours since u jadi mc kat one of the big events.. ever since that i hv been following ur movies watch every single one of them in the theatre/cinema.
for sumolah..
my cents comment..
i have been waiting for the release for so long..since u dah dpt support drpd celcom and all.. but somehow.. the release date mcm suddenly hilang.. the week yg sepatutnya more publicity on sumolah.. i tak tahu langsung.. sorry mebe i jenis yg tk baca paper sgt but usually the hot movies never miss my attention... after2 weeks baru lah i dpt tgk.. sumolah..
my comments on the movie.. NOKKOTTA!! i am a big fan of japanese culture.. tak tahu la plak ada japanese culture center kt kl. ni.. mmg la mencari2... hehehe..
for you afdlin as my idol..
keep up the good work.. always focus on your family first.. therefore wat u r doing the the right thing.. i have read your plans.. mmg best la tak sabar rasa nya nak tunggu semua movie u keluar panggung.. really really love your work.. ur choice of artist also very good.. nasha .. pergh superb man.. another of my idol.. hehehe.. and the rest of the group.. pun best.. awie hans ac... vanida.. uncle sumo.. honda.. lupa lak nama die.. mmg best arrr.. he's one of the best chinese msian actor (actually my favourite atm).
finally.. just do wat ever you r doing.. coz that is wat u do best.. love you all .. keep up the good work.
hola abang along bukit beruntunggg...heheh...saya suka filem sumola ...semua filem bro semua saya suka ar..well i think sumola is thebest ..i love the scene..the expression..the angle of pics taken..well keep it goin bro...me and my friends will always supot u lah...taknak amikkitoarang berlakon ke..ahaks...joking...jom layan gusti perut..heheh..gud luck man..i will checking up ur blog from time to time...ecehhh..siyess bebb
huhu.. lama nyer dia tak hupdet blog ek.. bro.. saya dtg nie bawak penyapu sawang nie. ekekekeke..
Just wanted to say keep up the great work. Love your work!
Was also wondering why dont you take advantage of the english media to help publicize your projects/movies? SUMOLAH was a great feat for the local film industry and I am so dissapointed that more Malaysians didn't get to see it.
Rani Balasingam
ohoho~ afdlin, one of my fav actor, musician and wutever !! ahaha~
afdlin, i thought sumolah's great. pergi tgk by accident sebab takde filem lain yg timing dia suit with me at that time. think it's more on the title, sceptism - yela, mana pernah malaysian buat citer pasal culture orang lain, lagi-lagi sumo.. mesti B grade movie je nih.. (maybe C kut?)..(seriously, that's what i thought when i saw the advert).
But after watching it, I thought it was B+.. sikit lagi boleh Ace! I felt there was a shortfall on the exploration of Japanese culture.. budget restraints perhaps?
Anyway, im proud of your talent, and sumolah.. such filming is rare. don't give up, u r just a pioneer, kene jatuh sekejap baru bangun balik. lawak pon A class punya.. it's a just a setback. im sure u can do it.. from sumolah, I WILL WATCH YOUR MOVIES NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS SAY! BEST! finally, a movie that gives HOPE to the local movies instead of shame and dissapointment. Thank you adflin. (i paid RM20 for both myself and partner..)
P/S: Will Write about your movie soon in my blog.
looooooove all ur gigs n gags. haha.
u got tons of fans in SG. esp since the role in PCK. hehe.
make more make more!
ahlong bukit beruntung the movie. about freakin time. can i say that AH HA is the malaysian equivalent to SNL. and you are using one of the more memorable caharcter in a movie. its a no brainer. i'll pay to see that for a dollar or two
is there an opening for the role of
" beat up guy at the bottom who pops up once in a while". i can play that role. might even get an oscar for that little endevour. hahaa.. i was bullied as child so i got the motivation on locked in
keep us updated. and increase the frequency of your writing. more writing less pictures afdlin
Very nice pictures...
afdlin, sumolah was great! my 5-yr old daughter and my 58-yr old mum totally got it and enjoyed it.
i think the timing wasn't too good though, what with all the international movies on at the same time.
remember when 'jangan pandang belakang' came out they literally had no other movies to compete with!
as always, take care of your health you looked kind of tired at era '07. or is it contentment?
love your movies.. keep at it, don't give up.
and please tell hans i've loved him since red hot days (kenapa lah tak nak tackle akuuuuuu???? kan dahh...)
tak putus2 sokongan... rasanya tu dah lebih dari cukup sebagai bukti yg semua org masih memerlukan suntikan kreativiti chief kodok :)
blog tak semestinya setiap hari, dan tak semestinya panjang2. apa pun... selamat berpuasa!!
i watch sumolah becos my bf likes your movies so much, but hey,
it was a worth watching movie, i just laugh and laugh all the way,!
cuma, umm, i was a bit dissapointed on your role, i'm not bias to xxxl people, i do adore some, tapi you in that movie(i forgot your character name) is so helpless, no soul, no manhood, no driving factor, not even cute manner, , i find that very different in my xxxl friends, they are have loads of humor, lovable, less-irritating than what you potray in the film.
but anyway, i like sumolah, tak kisah lah tak boxoffice, its still a satisfied movie.
kem salam hans, hehe.
bro, selamat berpuasa for u and family
gambar u masa AE07 ada kat my blog
Pulau Perhentian ada internet. Tapi mahal nak mampus!
Fahrin cute..Senyum nmpk gusi..Die cute cam uncle die..Hehehe
Selamat berpuasa utk Afdlin & krew2
Assalammualaikum...selamat posa..bro..saya pun bulat macam bro dan saya bangga menjadik org bulat yang kiut cam bro..erm..All the best utk suma yang Bro akan lalui dan tempuhi lepas nie..
nie bro ada la sikit idea ni,itu pun kalau dapat di pertimbangkan la erk..
apa kata bro wat filem yang jalan citer dier lebih kurang macam scary movie tuh,wat lah citer yang bleh gabung sumer citer melayu dalam satu filem U.Mesti gempak nyer.Sory lah kalau itu bukan bro punyer prinsip,tp kita bukan nak tiru sumer sebijik macam scary movie,cuma amik lebih kurang macam tu lah konsepnyer,amik scene sket2 dari movie melayu yang pames2 atau yang latest punyer pastu wat satu jalan citer dalm filem.OKeh.. selamat berpuasa
Keep up the excellent work!...
salam bro....lu mmg hebat....
sumer filem lu, gua takan lepaskan....layan, beb....
hehehe...kalo nex project takder support actor....angkut gua pun no hal....sbbnye, gua mmg gilos minat lu ngan bros yg lain....bro hans....ac mizal...n awie....
lu all mmg GEMPAK....!!!!! 3G laa..
salam untuk semua...
just finished watching Sepi...
cant stop my tears coming out...
such a beautiful movie..
Afdlin, bro.. ur role is fantastic..
and i'll bet u put some playback in "Soal Hati"....
i give 10 outta 10... salute to u bro
back to dive..did u still need BCD? hehehe
yoo bro!
bila nak panggil gua berlakun jadi hero dalam filem lu?
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