Hi there it has been an interesting trip to fukuoka thus far because there have been loads of stuff happening. Besides the film festival there is also a cultural exchange programme with thailand and India.... really cool. So everyday ada dance and other performances there.
Some really great movies from Asia, termasuk juga some from iran and iraq. Memang menarik melihat filem diorang kerana ianya memberi gua sedikit insight on how they think and since their movies are mostly about human issues, a little bit how the people live in that part of the world. Walaupun iraq sedang menghadapi kesusahan gua amat kagum yang karyawan mereka tak give up berkarya. More power to them.
Sekarang ni gua nak menjemput sesiapa rakyat Malaysia (student or otherwise) yang berada di Fukuoka dan yang belum sempat menonton filem Sumolah untuk datang esok ke El' Gala Hall 17 hb September, pukul 7.00pm. Sebuah lagi filem dari malaysia arahan Deepak Kumaran Menon 'Dancing Bells' akan dimainkan pukul 10.30am on the 18th, juga di El Gala Hall. Sumollah ataupun LET's SUMO (japanese title) juga akan di mainkan on the 21st September di Solaria Cinema 1 at 4.00pm and again on the 24th Sept at the Nishitetsu Hall at 1.15pm
Kodok-kodok di Malaysia kalau u all ada member kat sini... please holla kat depa kalau nak tengok something from home. If they come tomorrow, we can meet up and borak or buka sesama.
Miss my family at home. Hope everyone is ok. My phone charger still belum sampai mama.
Hope the rest of you are all safe and happy. Chow chin chow. Assalamualaikum.
Power to the People
Salams Bro,
Welcome back sbb lama tak dengaq cite. Anyway hope everything is a OK. Waiting for LOS & FAUN.... Good Luck
cip..why do u seem tanner?
hurm, cam best jer kelab jiwa luka. hehe.
Yasmin Ahmad tak join ke, afdlin?
Were u cordially invited to this film festival? tak salah, i read on the news that malaysia gonna host something like that soon somewhere in malaysia la...
Supporting jamaican (rasta,reggae, etc) i see, ur fleece that is.
No matter how busy u r, ur sense of humour is always intact, good for u bro!
huhuhu..finally...boley jugak baca story bro..keep up a good work bro!!!
Man, you are so lucky!
I wanna go Japan!!!
Seems like you're enjoying it there. Good to see that.
Visit my blog once in a while can?
balik cepat cip!!
make Malaysia proud my man!
abg afdlin...saya suka sesangat tgk lakonan abg...klakar gila arrrr..u are full of ideas....saya peminat abg n kak nasha aziz.. kalo jumpa kak nasha kem salam ngan dia k.....amy
They featured your blog in one of the local newsie last weekend. i was really expecting to see a major leap in number of comments, tapi... hmm... knapa ya...
takpe la cip, keep on writing for your regular, kipas susah mati yang selalu lah sangat melangut park kat sini tunggu your updates.
(thanks for updating, takla boring luchtime bulan puasa ni )
Salam ramadhan :)
P/s: berbuka di fukouka dengan sushi kah? hehehe
hope sumo-lah will be well-accepted on the japanese soil. how's los dan faun doing bro?
Hi Alf
tanned skin due to underwater adventures ker??..
kiut la elmo tu..
apapun gud luck for ur next muvee. moga lebih best dari SUMOlah!
Sumolah is a great movie, & ur one damn great actor & director lah..Rock on man! 1st stop Japan, next stop HOLLYWOOD!!..erm maybe bollywood also while in transit..heeeheee ;)
Love from Spore.
hai...sukelah ngan abang afdlin..comel!!!..hihi...
selamat berpuasa biar dimana sahaja abang afdlin berada...chewah!!!
selamat berpuasa buat bro Afdlin walaupun di perantauan. Bila karya baru nak kuar kat panggung? saya tonton semua filem bro yg kuar kat panggung tau..tak sabar nak tunggu hasil karya bro yg baru ni..
hey there is and update...yea yea...like fun only..
I'm trying to get in touch with our very own industri filem tanahair. Is there any premiere or show going on in this part of the world?
London is convenient enough for rakyat Malaysia in the UK to go to so... suggestion is: say if you want to premiere your next movie next year, make it a point to gather the whole nation in the UK to watch it during Merdeka weekend perhaps?
You will definitely make it a hit.
ktorang nak blakon dalam filem bro utk seterusnya.ajim n rahim UTHM
i pun pikir kelab "jiwa luka" tu macam smacam jek....feel dia tu lain ek....seram sejuk pun ada...bahang pun ada...fening-fening pun ada...jiwa nak makan ter lebih pun ada...
I ingat kalau di kumpul kan ahli kelab boleh bikin movie or sit-com [ budgetkan or tak nak risky sgt] ...yang maintain luka...yg dah cross over...yg dah under ground...yg ter-tobat...ter-masak masak...yg ter-lost world..yg macam-macam yang la...yg ter..ter..semua ada...
Tapi itu semua mungkin jek la....sebab masalah jiwa ni macam keadaan cuaca...berubah-rubah...ibarat tukang masak reka menu kat cafe tu...
Bro...keadaan cuaca skang ni panasnye....boleh panggil hujan tak...i need cooling effect....u know the "C" Major....
Kalau tak paham tak pe...i need ice itu jek......
Brader Afdlin,
semoga kehadiran brader di Jepun dapat membuka mata orang jepung yang malaysia juga mampu bikin movie yang gempak-gempak.
One small step of a man, but a large one for the Malaysia nation.
Abg Afdlin, as a Malaysian I am so so proud of you! But don't work too hard la ok. Anyway, ur a man with a heart of gold and God will help people like you. Kerana Allah melihat pada hati bukan pada luaran kita. God Bless!
hari-hari naik beskal kurus la..
dah tak macho la macam ni..
gua dah tgk itu Season Change kat Astro box office, mau 3 4 kali gua ulang tgk cerita tu...syok gak, awek cun, nnt lu ambik awek tu berlakon filem tu ok.... lu ada tanaya itu director, itu hero filem tu memng terer main dram ke?
Setiap hari tauke tersebut, memerhatikan pekerja Indonesia yang beragama Islam itu, melakukan sembahyang zuhur dan asar. Pada suatu hari tauke tersebut bertanya kepada pekerjanya:
Tauke: “Ei..lu ha…hali-hali celita sama Tuhan apa bikin? Itu Tuhan Alla ada cakap sama lu ka? Dia pun tak mau dengar lu punya cakap la. Lu mau lengar Dia punya cakap ka atau itu Tuhan Alla mau dengar lu punya cakap? Lu juga cakap sama Dia… Dia tak da apa cakap pun sama lu. Gua pun manyak helan sama lu. Wa tengok ha…lu hali-hali mintak sama Dia. Itu Tuhan Alla ada kasi sama lu ka? Haiyaa…Lu hali-hali mintak apa bikin…? Lu pun talak dengar Dia punya cakap. Keleja pun talak bikin. Siapa mau kasi sama lu? Lu tak payah mintak sama Dia la, lu mintak sama wa pun wa boleh kasi punya. Lu talak bikin keleja sapa mau kasi sama lu? Lu ikut itu saja Tuhan Alla punya cakap. Lu bikin keleja saja, apa Dia suluh. Lu tak payah mintak, Dia misti kasi punya. Selupa wa juga. Lu bikin keleja, gua misti kasi punya. Lu bikin keleja dulu la. Lu tak payah mintak wa misti kasi punya. Haiya…Lu apa macam ingat, itu Tuhan Alla? Lu ada kenai sama Dia ka? Lu manyak boloh punya olang. Lu tak payah bikin itu semayang la. Bikin wa lugi meniaga punya..sikijap-sikijap mau semayang..Ini macam gua punya kelija tak boleh siap woo..haiyaa…manyak susah ini olang. “Nang bo tinang, Kui Bo tikoi.” Olang bukan olang, hantu bukan hantu..’
Begitulah kisah ringkas di antara tauke cina itu dengan pekerja Indonesia yang beragama Islam tersebut.
hi Afdlin!
i'm one of your fans.just want to say that 'i salute your wife'. she's sooo understanding, looking into your work style. jaga dia baik2 k.
HI Adflin,
I'm anthony. I did came into ur studio to interview u b4 under the pilot of KLTV on Baik Punya Cilok but the clips was not out. NVM... now i'm in 8TV interactive TV.. Content producer... I would like to invite u to my show. Celebrity Chat, on air every Wed 1.30pm - 2.30pm. I need your some infor on ur profile, upcoming plans n ur schedule. Do mail me at anthony@8tv.com.my o call me at 0166433118...
Hope to hear from you soon.
C Ya.. SUMO ROcks..
kewl giler dapat puasa kat jepun hehehe
Afdlin.. Very interesting indeed. Cool without a doubt
man..i was fukuoka at that time. wish i knew earlier u guys were there...ada jugak la geng nak berbuka...had all sort of bekalan with me that needed to be cleared before returning home. serunding daging, ikan bilis, sambal tumis,etc.
anyways, good luck with ur film.u rawk!
Cheers for your wife! You must be quite proud.
I agree that some of the great movies come from Iran. Unlike many malaysian movie that were based on love stories, Iranian movies focus on their hardship and tragic life. Some film are just simple perspective yet so enchanting.
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