First of all, i would like to say thank you to all of my friends and kodoks who have shown me their outpouring support over my most unhygenic hour, toilet wise. Thank you for your belief that there can be humor without any malice. Thanks for believing that there is a need for people to be able laugh at themselves first, before other people start to laugh at them. For realising that there is learning in humour. And finally, Agreeing that cleaning Toilets makes you a better person and doesn't demean you. I am truly blessed to have friends like you guys and thanks again for having my back.
Before i can share with you my experiences on my current film production called LOS dan FAUN (which i might add is rocking like a hurricane!!!) i have to do some house-cleaning (which includes toilets as well.)
Kepada Harimau kumbang, Harith is also a comedian dan dia amat terasa bila benda ini terjadi pada saya, Like Visitor said kenapa kita perlu berterimakasih bila orang tu yang nak menjahanamkan kita dulu sedangkan kita tak buat apa yang mereka kata kita buat. In this case,they said i was trying to defame the Flight Attendants' profession. Saya telah bersedia untuk melawan saman itu, selepas mengambil kira pendapat wakil-wakil Film Director's association of Malaysia, Producers' Film Association, and many of my friends and fans out there, who believe in what i do. Berani kerana benar KAn.
Kepada anonymous yang cakap "lepas ni nak buat lawak pasal orang gemuk , orang cacat, pompuan !!!" All i can say is Too late-lah you bodo siaa!!... We have been the brunt of evil jokes in this society since time immemoreum (whatever the spelling is). Sampai we are the first to learn - to just take it as a joke. BUT kalau berani, why don't u show us your name and email when you do it. I didn't hide myself.
Actually lemme do it for you-la " Perut Afdlin Shauki boroi gile sampai kedai hiphop pun takde saiz baju dia, Perut aku macam tong dram kalau, Aku ada banyak sangat lemak sampai kalau aku jatuh dalam laut pun aku takkan lemas pasal lemak (minyak) lebih ringan dari air. Aku boyot gile sampai nak masuk toilet kapalterbang pun sendat!", tambahlah kalau ada apa-apa lagi cadangan. Gua takde rasa apa-apa beb, pasal gua dah lali dan gua tahu nilai harga diri gua sekarang. You must have your backside for a brain!
Actually, Right now, i think i would like to make a defamatory remark about people who use the nick ANONYMOUS with the intention of hurting people's feelinglah, pukul curi and defaming... kononnyalah!! tapi tak nak mengaku sapa dia. Takut apa?
I am here, for everyone too see. Bak kata orang Melayu " Walaupun teloq i kecik , at least ada gak teloq!" Hey, Maybe when you file a defamation suit i can finally see who you retards are... OR MAYBE YOU YANG TAKUT KENA SUE!!!
Here it is...
ANONYMOUS ni are bloody low life cowards-chicken with birdflu shit- good for nothing - worse than excrement and seriously, you must be the dumbest people on earth pasal you fail to realise that what you think or say doesn't matter, because you have no presence no being and obviously you do not believe in what you say because you will not commit your name to it. In short you are NOTHING. If you are brave enough to voice your opinions than show yourself be ACCOUNTABLE. you make me wanna vomit fluorescent green phlegm.
So kalau mahu berdiskusi janganlah datang mu anonymous. at least bagilah e-mel ke kalau berani nak bersuara lantang. Kalau tak memang macam Harum sundal la lu.
Please excuse my language people, i think i have been under so much duress and distress of late because of this issue that i a do not have all my wit from my fat head about me, with my name being dragged out in the newspapers, with people claiming that i have tried to demean and discredit them, it has caused a lot of stir regionally as my friends from Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei have been telling me that the news have broken there as well, will it effect my capability to work there?. Whereas the stewardess's name nor airline was ever mentioned. My name was mentioned over-an over again and painted as the evil fat boy with no regards for other people's feeling. How will that effect me getting sponsors for my films. I already have a meeting scheduled with airasia for film sponsorship as they were keen to , but because the issue arose, it has been hard to get them to commit a meeting.
WAIT a minute. maybe i can sue MAFAA for DEFAMATION, loss of capacity to create income for projects due to name being defamed and Loss of capacity to work due to distress??
Is this possible?... Can i sue them?... Will check with my lawyer. Or any lawyers out there have a thought.