First of all, i would like to say thank you to all of my friends and kodoks who have shown me their outpouring support over my most unhygenic hour, toilet wise. Thank you for your belief that there can be humor without any malice. Thanks for believing that there is a need for people to be able laugh at themselves first, before other people start to laugh at them. For realising that there is learning in humour. And finally, Agreeing that cleaning Toilets makes you a better person and doesn't demean you. I am truly blessed to have friends like you guys and thanks again for having my back.
Before i can share with you my experiences on my current film production called LOS dan FAUN (which i might add is rocking like a hurricane!!!) i have to do some house-cleaning (which includes toilets as well.)
Kepada Harimau kumbang, Harith is also a comedian dan dia amat terasa bila benda ini terjadi pada saya, Like Visitor said kenapa kita perlu berterimakasih bila orang tu yang nak menjahanamkan kita dulu sedangkan kita tak buat apa yang mereka kata kita buat. In this case,they said i was trying to defame the Flight Attendants' profession. Saya telah bersedia untuk melawan saman itu, selepas mengambil kira pendapat wakil-wakil Film Director's association of Malaysia, Producers' Film Association, and many of my friends and fans out there, who believe in what i do. Berani kerana benar KAn.
Kepada anonymous yang cakap "lepas ni nak buat lawak pasal orang gemuk , orang cacat, pompuan !!!" All i can say is Too late-lah you bodo siaa!!... We have been the brunt of evil jokes in this society since time immemoreum (whatever the spelling is). Sampai we are the first to learn - to just take it as a joke. BUT kalau berani, why don't u show us your name and email when you do it. I didn't hide myself.
Actually lemme do it for you-la " Perut Afdlin Shauki boroi gile sampai kedai hiphop pun takde saiz baju dia, Perut aku macam tong dram kalau, Aku ada banyak sangat lemak sampai kalau aku jatuh dalam laut pun aku takkan lemas pasal lemak (minyak) lebih ringan dari air. Aku boyot gile sampai nak masuk toilet kapalterbang pun sendat!", tambahlah kalau ada apa-apa lagi cadangan. Gua takde rasa apa-apa beb, pasal gua dah lali dan gua tahu nilai harga diri gua sekarang. You must have your backside for a brain!
Actually, Right now, i think i would like to make a defamatory remark about people who use the nick ANONYMOUS with the intention of hurting people's feelinglah, pukul curi and defaming... kononnyalah!! tapi tak nak mengaku sapa dia. Takut apa?
I am here, for everyone too see. Bak kata orang Melayu " Walaupun teloq i kecik , at least ada gak teloq!" Hey, Maybe when you file a defamation suit i can finally see who you retards are... OR MAYBE YOU YANG TAKUT KENA SUE!!!
Here it is...
ANONYMOUS ni are bloody low life cowards-chicken with birdflu shit- good for nothing - worse than excrement and seriously, you must be the dumbest people on earth pasal you fail to realise that what you think or say doesn't matter, because you have no presence no being and obviously you do not believe in what you say because you will not commit your name to it. In short you are NOTHING. If you are brave enough to voice your opinions than show yourself be ACCOUNTABLE. you make me wanna vomit fluorescent green phlegm.
So kalau mahu berdiskusi janganlah datang mu anonymous. at least bagilah e-mel ke kalau berani nak bersuara lantang. Kalau tak memang macam Harum sundal la lu.
Please excuse my language people, i think i have been under so much duress and distress of late because of this issue that i a do not have all my wit from my fat head about me, with my name being dragged out in the newspapers, with people claiming that i have tried to demean and discredit them, it has caused a lot of stir regionally as my friends from Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei have been telling me that the news have broken there as well, will it effect my capability to work there?. Whereas the stewardess's name nor airline was ever mentioned. My name was mentioned over-an over again and painted as the evil fat boy with no regards for other people's feeling. How will that effect me getting sponsors for my films. I already have a meeting scheduled with airasia for film sponsorship as they were keen to , but because the issue arose, it has been hard to get them to commit a meeting.
WAIT a minute. maybe i can sue MAFAA for DEFAMATION, loss of capacity to create income for projects due to name being defamed and Loss of capacity to work due to distress??
Is this possible?... Can i sue them?... Will check with my lawyer. Or any lawyers out there have a thought.
Relaxs afdlin shauki. Ini adalah dugaan. Ada orang akan berasa iri hati bila ada orang melayu yang dah maju. Just relaxs and sit back. Just do wateva that u think is right!!
Marah pun still cute and entertaining...
But but...don't let the "anon" get the better of you, K. The best is.. sesapa yang gunakan "ANON" dengan entry2 yang tak membina, bro delete je lah entry mereka... jgn dilayan dan dipertikaikan. Maklum they don't exist to start with. A non-entity.
Faizah rasa, in order not to be classified to be in the same league as your Sueers (If there is such a word) and in the spirit of Buli Balik (i.e. what goes round will come round) ... but bodo suaa je.. takyah nak sue menyusu.. Buang current bro aje.
Faizah ada one idea.... Lebih baik bro buat filem satira tentang manusia-manusia atau kejadian2 yang bersangkut paut dengan pengguna dan pencuci tandas. Boleh jugak make money...
Orait.. brader.. lu gerek... Don't khuatir..orang singapo sema sayang kat u. Maintain cute dan honorable.
And by the way.. it's spelt "Immemorial".
and its quite strange that the paper that broke the news about MAFAA and the impending lawsuit put it on the front page BIG BIG BIG when they broke the news. gambar Afdlin pon ada.
but when the threat of lawsuit was pulled back, the news came out in such a small column, we almost missed it if not for one commentor here who pointed it out.
Criticizing against fat, ugly peeps or [insert ur own defination of an object that's worth condemning in here], has always been lingering like an incurable disease around the world and like you said, some already get used to such remarks. Retaliating them back is a waste of time so "pekakkan telinga, buta kan mata" and let those remarks pass by you like nasty poops diminished with a single flush. And whatever act you'll apply against MAFAA, I'll be right there by ur side, although not physically, rest assured I'll support you 100% dude.
Long live Afdlin Shauki! :)
Aaa..I haven't read any latest news regarding ur issue bro? So how is it goin? But some how you should just do your thing, minta sponsors mcm biasa kot. And u have the Film Directors and Producers to back u up right? If this thing really effect ur life, then thats the time for the sueing thing. Why don't u ask Cheryl Samad about this? Heh, joking. Anyway dude, u are truly an inspiration. I know u have a big heart and u r a great n kind person. I can say "be carefull next time", but thats not what is really in my mind now (and it wont work either). To release or maybe throw away bits of ur stress rite now, its better to turn to God, as he knows wats the best for us. Amik wudhuk, kenang2 kembali, then u'll get ur strenght back. As Pot said - Water is the root of inspiration ;) So jgn lupa amik wudhuk k. Peace
lolx To sue or not to sue?! thats the question?!....if u look on the bright side. maybe lots of M'sia who didn't watch Buli Balik starts
buy/watching/searhing for the Movie lolx
XD....but hey?! if u can Sue them then do it?!. who's the victim here? You or Them?!...
p/s: this is just 1dude's opinion.
Tarikh:22 April 2006, Siaran: RTM1 (Berita Negeri) Masa siaran: 5:00 petang - 5:30 petang.
Dalam salah satu segmen berita petang nih, adalah mengenai Wisma DarulAman (pejabat pentadbiran negeri Kedah).
Tajuk: Wisma DarulAman bersih luar dan dalam.
tahu apa fokus berita nih...
TANDAS yang bersih.
Siapa yang mereka interview?
Pengurus TANDAS dan salah seorang pekerja yang mencuci TANDAS kat situ.
Apa yang berita tu paparkan?
Ganbar orang cuci TANDAS dan sinki. 2kali lagi!!!
Takder hal pun...
Mr. Shauki,
anda berada dipihak yang benar.
Mr. Shauki,
kami akan bersamamu.
Mr. Shauki,
buat kerja yang terbaik.
dan Cip,
KODOK akan sentiasa menyokong mu.
Bro'. Bersabarlah. Ada hikmahnya semua ini. Selepas ini filem2 bro' akan menjadi perhatian sebab publisiti free ini. Who knows..
Begitulah pemikiran segelintir orang2 kita. Bukan orang lain. Bangsa kita juga. Biarkanlah kalau sudah begitu. Agaknya mereka dah tak ada apa lagi untuk diperjuangkan. Sempit sungguh perspektif mereka. 'Shallow Thinking Syndrome'
setakat cakap tak berani buat, baik ko jadi anonymous. aku cabar ko saman balik
mister shauki, my dad is a big fan of yours. these loser stewerdesses dont know what their saying :) come to think of it, you'd look nice in a stewerdess uniform, just a thought. hehe, good luck! XOXO
hang in there, afdlin. don't let shallow, cowardly peeps get the better of u.
yea, i'm very much aware that this is ur blog, so u have the right to rant. sapa yg tak suka tu, sapa suruh depa datang baca, right?
but... but... u're a celeb, even in blogdom... so a lot of peeps will read this.
i blog, too. i've put my opinions out there for the world to see and then come some crappy anonymous commentors who, instead of trying to intellectually present their view of the case, attack me instead. sometimes hangin satu badan jugak dgn makhluk2 yg masa skolah dulu tak pernah di train utk berdebat dgn sopan ni... but then again, that's part of life. setiap patah yg kita tulis, kita tak tau apa kesannya pada org lain. ada positif, ada negatif. never know... nak-nak lagi someone like u who make movies.
ada orang yg tahu mengkritik dan dikritik, tapi ada org jugak yg bodoh. in fact, the irrational outnumber the rational all the time..
just keep this in mind:
it is the empty can that makes the most noise.
that saying especially goes to you, anonymous. i whole-heartedly agree with afdlin. if u have the guts to stand up for what u feel/think, don't hide behind a cloak of invisibility. i have a distaste for rude, ill-bred people who don't know how to argue gracefully. dude, if u don't have the mental capacity to process an intellectual comeback to an assertion, don't resort to filthy language and attacking the person who made the assertion instead (argentum ad hominem). balik baca buku and refine your manners dulu ok...
and u're welcome to come to my blog and piss me off with ur filthy language there. unlike u, i have an identity. my parents taught me not to be cowardly.
i think this is the best piece of post i've ever read in here! LOL.. coz it's so honest...
Yo bro... utk kes anon nie... sebenarnye jgn dilayan sgt sebab dia nie sebenarnya saja nak provoke org. setiap forum mesti ada org macam nie. he has no life, lepas tuh cari keje dgn provoke macam nie. itulah sebenarnya. bila dilayan, dia akan suka dan akan buat lagi sebab dpt respon. ituja sebab dia.
pasal mfaa whatever la, tak jadi nak sue, aku dr awal2 dulu lagi dah tahu. walaupun aku nie bukan lawyer, tapi kalau ikot logik, dia mmg takde kes pon. dia nak saman sebab ikot kepala bodo dia jer. bila jumpe lawyer, sume kate takde kes. balik2, kene tarik balik. takke malu namenyer tuh... sepatutnya kalau nak counter balik pon boleh. tapi takpayah la sebab mengabiskan duit jer. lawyer gak yg kaye.. hehehe...
psiko kat sini pon dah cukup, diorg mesti baca punya ape yg cip tulis kat sini.
kepada anon nie, sudahla.. aku tahu ko nie saje nak provoke jer. ko nie budak skolah lagi kan. sebab tgh cuti takde keje rumah, ko cari keje kat sini. rentikan jela.. takde sape sakit ati ape yg ko cakap... bodoh...
klakala anonymous tu. at least orang bercakap dengan berani.
**yes, i think you can, afdlin.
Just a thought.. when we are challenged or in challenging situations, we dont react, because that's what most people want us to do, react. Being a positive person what I often do is to let go and let GOD. Besides we have loads of goodies to do, who cares what these bottom-feeders think or do.Breathe, hold your head high and move on...
PS : Moved to your blog by accident, didn't realise who you were or what you did... sorry for trespassing. Cheers!
A"kum saje je nak mencelah kat sini
dalam setahu saye kan pekerjaan pencuci tandas ni tak hina dina macam diorang anggap tu ....
dalam quran pun tak mencaci orang cuci2 tandas ni
jadi ape lah salah nyer cuci tandas cakap pasal cuci tandas bukannyer salah dalam filem ...
jadi to bro afdlin jgn risau dan berani kerana benar....
insyaallah ade jalan utk orang2 yg benar ni...dan semoga berjaya...
ala.. lagipun , takkan ada org lain yg cuci tandas kat atas tuh... macam kat tandas awam kat bawah nie. tolonglah... sape lagi kalau bukan pramugari.. ader ke makcik2 selain dr pramugari yg dok cuci tandas atas tuh... saje je diorg nie sebab kene btg hidung depa sendriri...
just be patient..anon jeles tu xpt jd celeb kot..hehe..blk rumah cuci tandas sendiri la lg baik..
btw sume DOGAAN..
hi abg afdlin. i am your fan fr singapore..and i have been readin your blog. eventhough i have never meet you in person..i feel close to you. name is nadia.=) pls dont feel too stressful abt this.kena releks kae..must stay cute!!
i agree with you..theres nth wrng with cleaning toilets. ahah..everyone seems to have one common mindset. so sad when they failed to see the true reason or idea. if it come to cleaning or something that dont look glamorous..its demeaning.
i was hoping to learn alot fr you. i am currently taking degree in mass communication and am very interested in tv and radio broadcasting. and hoping that you can point out a thing or two..:)my email is
all the best in everything that you do and hope that everything will turn out alright.igt tau..stay cute!!hehe
to afdlin... tak payah kesah la pasal semua tu... u're still human even though we can see ur tummy from karachi ok... terus kan ngan kerja lu... u r one of my favourite directors ever... tak tipu nya....
HEY anonymous... get a grip..let go..come on be open minded.. kenape cabar2 cif kodok camtu... if u really watch BULI BALIK... mmg spontaneous pun dialog tu... by the way nape MAFAAA nak sensitive. Lagipun hina sangat ke keja cuci toilet... tak semua org yg blh buat keja mulia ni.. keja membersih kan other pple shit not easy... only org2 yg SPECIAL aje blh buat keja sebegini.. If at home cuci toilet tu perkara biasa tapi cuci toilet di public places with all the dirts & shits surround...even I myself tak sanggup melakukannya.. Sbg org yg hidup di zaman canggih...kita mesti nak ada pemikiran yg terbuka.. jgn kerana perkara kecil nak melinting... if semua org nak amik hati juz b'cause dialog SS sebegitu...not only MAFAA aje terasa erti kata satu dunia punya flight stewards/stewardesses terkenalah...whatever jgn krn perkara remeh temeh ni di perbesarkan....
buat dek jer bro kodok..dlm dunia internet ni ada ramai kaki flamming..mangkuk2 flamming takkan diingati selamanya disini..yg trus hangat adalah mereka-mereka yg mempunyai visiutk merubah industri perfileman malaysia...abaikan jer dan harapnya bro kodok takkan merajuk kerana ianya amatlah merugikan..jgn sampai kehilangan cita-cita..orang ramai tahu siapa afdlin shauki..samapi nak beli cetak rompak vcd/dvd afdlin shauki pun dah cukup segan dek kekrebilitian manusia bernama afdlin shauki..keep it up!
huh.. chip kodok.. kodokmu yang malang ni memang dah agak.. mesti ade orang yang nak menjatuhkan kite bile kite ada di tempat yang lebih tinggi dari dieorang..MAFAA ni tak pernah tengok cerita berunsur humor agaknye.. hehe.. tapi takpe.. zul pun support chip.. erm. zul ade pegang satu pepatah dulu, "KALAU KITA BERADA DI BAWAH, CUBALAH FIKIRKAN BAGAIMANA MEREKA BERADA DI ATAS, JIKA KITA BERADA DIATAS, CUBALAH FIKIRKAN BAGAIMANA UNTUK TERUS BERADA DIATAS" kalau MAFAA tak suke ngan lawak chip.. ape kata kite bagi pecahhhh .. idupp chippppp
Adusss...memang payah kalo dengar kan sgt cakap2 org ni...
Teruskan perjuangan mu Abg Afdlin..
Stay strong yah... Take care!
salam... gua tabik pada lu bro... kerana berani menyatakan pendapat. IMO...MAFAA tuh mungkin sibuk nak saman org pasal nak carik duit cover rugi?... keh... just joking.. Kepada "profesional2" malaysia... bukalah mata bukalah minda kalau nak jadi rakyat negara maju... jangan kuman bwh pinggan nampak, gajah duduk sebelah buat bute...
bak kata pemimpin, "kita ada first class facilities, tapi masih third class mentality"
Gua umur 21 pun tak masuk lagi... tapi pelik ngan pe'el org MAFAA nih...
BTW... love ur work. Keep it up bro... gua tengah kumpul duit nak nengok sumo-lah ni. heheheh....
dude, I feel for you.people who cant take life with a grain of salt is just pitiful. I love your work. You and your friends have given much of yourselves so we could look at life and not be serious all the time. YOu remind me of Carlos Mencia(Latino comedian).His motto is keeping it real !!! Looking forward to going to one of your shows(if u are still doing any)on my next trip home.
I suggest you get these 'anonymooses* I.P address, then sue their asses off. There's no need to bring yourself to their level, which is to maki jorang balik. Do it professionally.. or may I say, sophisticatedly. I had lived by these words, "It doesn't matter how you look on the outside, It's what's inside that matter most." Apa gunanya kalau muka macam Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie tapi dalam hati, busuk macam toilet yang tidak di flush.. no puns intended..hehehe..
several things i just wanted to ask anon (the moron who said this)
"setakat cakap tak berani buat, baik ko jadi anonymous. aku cabar ko saman balik"
1) seriously, honey, how old are you?ten?get a grip lah.if you ARE 10 or somewhere thereabout-go do something more constructive than seek negative attention from people
2)on a related point-do you suffer from ADD?(attention deficiency syndrome in case you're too ignorant to know what it means)
3)did you even understand what afdlin was talking about?or did you just jump the gun and think "ooo..let's yank his chain?" unlike MAFAA, i am sure afdlin is level headed enough to consider the merits of bringing a defamation claim against the former party.
4)do you not have ANY OTHER valid arguments why you think afdlin should be sued?setakat "aku cabar ko saman balik"..takpelah kot.come on dude,at least give us something to whup your ass with
5)seriously,ARE you 10?
afdlin. i don't actually think you would have a very strong case against MAFAA given that they retracted their threat to sue you and it would be rather difficult for you to prove any losses/profits or loss of reputation in court.that's prolly legal jargon for my advising you that you're better off spending your money in making good movies.having said that,the decision is always yours to make.chin up dude.
Dude, I think you should sue. Biar padan ngan muka diorang.
Let it out, Abg Afdlin. Let it all out. *breathe in, exhale* Banyakkan sabar ya?! We're all still here...
wait..wat so HINA about being a toilet cleaner???at least it is a more HALAL N DIRESTUI job oleh Tuhan kita yg Maha ESA..rather than being a murderer or rapist or even a JUNKIE right???at least the "toilet cleaners" MENYUMBANG to our society n help keep the country clean..aiyah~~~~
n if the MAFAA people nk pissed off sgt apsal..they mnyumbang to society,economy n make the country proud by CLEANING THE TOILETs..imagine kalo foreigners naik our MAS airplane n the toilet look n smell like our Public toilet..kan malu org msia!!!malu gak MAS n MAFAA..
so to stewardess n steward out there, BE PROUD OF WAT U R,WHO U R n WAT U DO UP N OUT THERE bcoz u make us malaysians proud...
over small matters nk sue n masuk court..adoi..think again lah~~~u all are WORKING CLASS tau..apsal kiter tak sue cikgu time dier rotan kiter in front of the assembly skolah dulu??kan bnder tuh pun MEMALUKAN..semorg nmpk n semorg tau yg kiter ader buat jahat..perasaan malu tuh tak bw ke MATI coz people wont even remenber ur name after u die...they remember WAT U DID..
be open n GROW UP lah!!!!camner melayu nk maju????huhuhuhu..tuhler sbb ramai steward n stewardess kat MAS nk kena buang kerja kot...
p/s: bro afdlin..wateva happen we'll support ur movies n U!!!!n sori, ter-emotional plak..hehhehehe
dearest afdlin...continue with what ya doing...and ALL THE BEST
'PERSETANKAN ANASIR ANASIR YANG MEMBINASAKAN'(betul ke bahasa melayu aku nie?)
abang afdlin..
jgn riso...we all support u..
i agree...nothing wrong about cleaning the toilet..
alah dorang takde idea nak create issues..
bosan ajek mas ni..dia yg lebih kepoh...
Eleh, rilek ah dok. tak yah nak melatah banyak sangat. u know better that what u said are all true. not to defame anyone here, but everyone knows that the stewards are justa high class waiters that wait on people. well, they do earn a fair share of respect. but if they still think that they are the people who command total respect as theya re the one that was "chosen" then, go to hell with them. in the first place, they know wat tehya re suppose to do when they aplly for the job. its to serve people and to clean the toilets, other than taking care of the passengers and to render assistance in times of emergencies. kalau diaorg pikir yang apa ko kata menyakitkan, then, wake up face the mirror. see for urself that u r actually a cleaner-cum-waiters-cum-general workers. Heheheh... its not as if u employ a cleaner on a flying planes, or technician or a general workers to do certain "specialist" stuffs, right. its them people (flight attendant) that got to do it. wat people hate most are those flight attendant (mostly all) kerek giler. macam diaorg nie intan terpilih yang bagus sangat. just because u fly to most country doesnt give u any rights to think that u r better than anyone else.... right, A.S.? the fatso'ss!!!! we are born and bred to tolerate all those shits said about fat what??? it just makes us a stronger person... anyway cip..for what's it's worth you've said your point..lets close this chapter..and for that fernandez guy to defer your meeting on the sponsorship thingy..well i guess he's really not who i think he is
this Upcoming Malaysian (Malay) movie will make fun of those with short tounge (lidah pendek).not just a scene, but the main character and the main premise revolve around it.
now, won't there be a body for those with short tounge or auditory disability taking actions then?
oh wait, they've even had Ma*i to endorse an ad for it, then maybe we can all just forget about that one...
cip, jgn marah2 nanti tambah keduuut. hikhikkk
so dude,did u smoke the past few days?the tendencies of one to smoke during the tense period is quite ada hisap ke tada?
jgn tension, nanti kurus. take care
well said
ahakss... lama dah tak jengok kat sini ...kecohhh rupanya dalam nie ...hihihi apa apa pun be strong bro .... pastinya ada reward yang best selepas ini ... bak kata org .... setelah menyelak berpuluh helaian mee kengkadang kita terjumpa ketulan daging ayam yang enak dimakan .... ataupun ketulan udang yang segar ... yang syok dan melegakan apabila di mamah ... yeeeeehaaaaaaa be strong
I rasa steward/ess ni semua lemah keyakinan diri kot. Ye lah ... toilet cleaner basuh bilik air ngan detergent/alcohol. Yang si steward/ess ni kasik orang minum alkohol.
toilet cleaners gi keje bulih pakai sopan tanpa perlu memperagakan diri ... tapi steward/ess kena ada uniform yang ketat lagi menarik hati.
so tu yang i rasa diorang sensitif sikit kalau ada orang lain tersalah cakap pasal kerjaya diorang. Pasal i think even they put tau yang kerjaya steward/ess ni macam jadik anak wayang in the 50's in malaya la.
i rasa aje ni ... kalau i pun salah ... you cakap ngan i la yeh nyah ...
bz benor hang....masuk masuk doh 47 komen...bagui betoi....
to hell with the anonymous........
if you lost sponsors for your future movies, you should take your own advice and laugh at yourself.
lets start:
practice what u preach la boroi!
wakakaka.... lukenabeb
aku jadi anon cakap berapi api takper. aku bukan public figure yang masyhur sampai ke jepun nak terasa. kau tu, jangan cakap aja berapi api. buat tak berani.
tau la ada teloq, tapi kecik.
at least ada teloq gak. better than having no balls at all like that anonymous coward. nothing but a loud mouthed beetle brained chicken livered nincompoop. oh wait, i take that bit about beetle brained back. he has no brains nor balls too.
Stay real Afdlin..
hey there abg afdlin..i call u abg is because u're older than me and i because i respect u..i'm your big fan man..u know wat?malaysian ni mmg narrowminded la(not all la) tp yg dh mmg narrowminded tu mmg mcm gampang...bygkn la,iklan yg berape saat tu pun diorg bleh komen mcm2.padahal,it's just an ad!!gosh!!just take easy dh la..rite?so for you,just be patient aiight?people like Anonymous tu,will get more n more dosa and you'll get pahala and even your rezeki akan lebih chill k abg afdlin?hommies? aiight..
Salams bro,
Anon ke tak anon ke tu diaorang punya pasal la bro. Tapi lu jgn tension lak sampai lu tension gila babas. I feel for you man. I have a lot of people who follows your endearment knows that you're rite and true to yourself.
Anyway if you really want to get even with the MAFAA go for it man!
Power to the people.
what to do lor.. There's a mindless anonymous nimwit in every comment feature in blogs. I think u have to get use to it.
Maybe there's hidden constructive ideas in his remarks. Dig dipper...
Am I allowed to make negative remarks here? Will I be scrutinized too? Wallahualam. YingYang baby...
I hope Los and Faun will be funnier than Buli Balik. Buli Balik, for me, has a slow plot and its ending is predictable. Very predictable. Jokes intended to ppl from the age of 15 -30. My dad tidoq setengah jalan... The lawak bodoh tak cukup bodoh and the joke punye timing sux. Overall, I can see Nasha as Nasha, Hans as Hans and Syanie as Syanie; not their respective characters..
My opinionlah kan.....
If ever they called u "the evil fat boy" or what so ever, I still support u man and ur work....U still have my vote..So...GO!!!GO!!!AFDLIN SHAUKI!!!!
Hai Abg Afdlin, buat bodoh sudah dgn mamat anonymous tu. I reckon you have other better stuff to do than to layan that sick person. If he cross the line, ape lagi?? Track his ip and nail him down. But i'm pretty sure he is a coward. He'd probably is so scared that he actually went to an internet cafe of some sorts and sign as anonymous.Or dia takde kerja kot...and mebbe he's trying to get your attention and get himself a role in your movies. Wakakaka!
As you have read, you have fans all over the world...Fr Asia to US to Dublin to Russia and here in Downunder, my mates love you man! Dun let one idiot pull you down bro...He probably has a stash of your movies among his vcd collection.
Settle down brada...pepehal lu mmg cool!!! really ur movie and other stuff...
aku lak yg hangin ngan mamat anon tu. nak kena babab kut dia tu! bro.. wat tak reti jer ngan dia tu.. lagi dilayan nanti kita sama2 lak bodo cam dia.. bro jaga diri k..
Mr. Afdlin, to hell la that so-called 'anon', as far that we (ur supporters) concern, we love ur work and will support u in the future regarless what...**wink**
Susah2.. bagi je pantun ni kat diorang...
Sape makan cili,
Dialah rasa pedas,
Kenapa nak sakit hati,
Kalau kau tak cuci tandasss...
p/s: Like, Love, and Adore your works...
anon nie jeles je cip sebab thn ni saje dah dpt 4 juta. die sakit ati sebab pengarah idola dia, cite tak laku thn nie... ahahaha
afdlin, lepak je.
dalam dunia nih, memang akan ada golongan yang suke, dan golongan yang benci. lumrah alam beb.
tayah amik pot.
lek lek kool kool chill chill je.. hehehehhehe!
ala kalu org len tau pasal ni pn..msti dorg gelakkan kan org yg suke nk jatuhkan org ni...msti dorg kate..eleh..itu pon nk terasa ke? bende simple pn nk bwk naik court.....malaysian ni narrow minded people ke?
salam bro,
i'm on e of your supporter
don't worry, i just hope that you have believe in malaysia legal system. i hope this case will b heard in court to clean your name, n it will be a new history for malaysia legal system, buat pilem pas tu kena saman, he...he..
anyway, i really hope u tak patah semangat, every for us something new, open mind for a different view and nothing else matter
wish u all d' best n may allah bless u. chau...
The MAFAA did more to harm their own reputation than Afdlin ever could by grandstanding about their hurt feelings and then retracting their statement without apology. Afdlin would probably have more reason to sue for defamation in court than they ever had with the scene from Buli Balik. Besides which, most people who read the article probably thought to themselves, how come I never heard of the MAFAA while all that publicity about their porn video was on the front page? Probably someone pulled the MAFAA to one side and reminded them that they weren't doing themselves any favours.
I seriously think Anon has a language problem or suffers from some kind of psychosis or social barrier. He/she doesn't understand that you cannot challenge someone if you on't show your face.
Let us take pity on him/her andpray for his/her quick salvation (hopefully medical).
there goes my hero, AFDLIN SHAUKI!
thats a good one, afdlin....
*maybe u can change your comment setting to no comments from anonymous and then we'll see if they are up to show who they really are.
HURMPH..apa yg dapat dilihat..anon tu masih tak puas hati kat cip, biarkanlah cip..Allah akan balas dia..
hoi Anonymous yg pengecut..pehal cakap sorok2..tak de telor ke??
ko mesti bengang kat cip pasal..gemok2 dan boroi2 cip pon dia ada teloq, ada big fans, ada bini lawa, anak cantik,
ko tak de apa..even toloq kecik pon ko tak de.dah tu ko buduh sial!!!!bangang!
dah tu jeles telor org lain.
nota: anonymous tak de telor. tak siapa nak dia, layan dia. sial tak de telor!!! la lu beb!!!
sabar wak afdlin...
he he he
dugaan tu...
If it affects your income, caused you distress sampai kena jumpa dr etc etc then yeah, you can sue them but much has to be discussed. dont sue people just because you're angry or in an angry state of mind, you will end up losing. this people from MAFAA just dont appreciate good humour. Maybe these people from MAS are just angry coz 600 of them have been asked to leave their job, sad and desperate people mmg suka cari pasal or buat hal when there is no hal. other than that, I love your work afdlin, keep it up.
Adflin, only the insecure hide behind anonymity like the idiot ANONYMOUS ni...Berani bagi komen tapi takut nak bagi nama. Pathetic.
Don't let this incident deter you. Keep the humour and the laughs going - your films and insights are truly original.
hey afdlin...
I feel sorry that there are still people who are jealous of your success to go through such lengths to "sue" you for attention.
Honestly... THEY ARE IDIOTS.
My first impression of the movie (especially this controversial part) was that it was an honest joke.
As for suing for defamation, the way I see it... you have a locus standi for such action. You're internationally defamed by the idiot action of some people who thinks that it was a personal action to degrade stewardess... if anything, the stewardess can degrade themselves with all those really "gud" clips.. get my drift?
Oh well... just my two cents.
I'll pray for the cloud to pass....
MAS sekarang dalam keadaan huru-hara. re-org !!! 7000 ppl will be out of job !!!
Ini adalah satu cara nak divert attention somewhere else .. unfortunately they divert it to you.
aku ni bukan la nak ckp ape yg buruk pasal MAS. tapi biler cip kater "AIR ASIA, i hope you have seats big enough for me FAT ass.." mmg aku setuju sbb Airbus Airasia ni selesa gilo adindong. aku pun kategori 'sihat' gak. husband n wife sama size. naik Airbus Airasia selamba je masuk mase nak duduk tu. ruang kaki besar idak mcm MAS. sempit. sampai kalau nak duduk tu, lebih2 lagi yg duduk tepi tingkat...terpaksa bersusah payah nak menuju ke tempat duduk tue. hmmm airasia ni rasenya mmg sesuai utk org 'sihat' mcm kami ni.
Sah anonymous ni one of the stewards or stewardesses. bukan main marah & biadap lagi dia. maybe dia kena pg klas anger management?
Cip, don't feel bad because you've done nothing actually. Just chill and don't start smoking back. That anonymous person is just like a bug. Bila2 je bleh terpenyek kena pijak. Just ignore him/her.
Lu rawk! jangan kasi muka.. saman balik. apa bende la diaorg.. kalau camni lah pangai, camne pelem melayu nak evolve. Habis.., sume cite kene bertapis2 bahasa..
Ekcelli.. stewardess sendiri ada yg ngaku keje they all tak glamer mana.. cuci toilet jugak.. stewardess mana lak yang tak ngaku keje dia cuci toilet sampai nak saman2 tuh? tak sedo diri tul..
so brader, lu march on.. usah stress kerna nama lu aje yg ditimbulkan dlm issue ini.. kan apa.. lu femes.. persatuan stewardess tu mana de yg femes.. tu pasal la nama lu aje yg disebut2.. betui tak?
Hai Afdlin,
THE ORGANISATION tu gertak je tu, the organisation nak saman you pon kena tunggu priority lain settle dulu..tangga atas sekali priority dia "macamana nak bagi ticket KAPAL TERBANG M (bukan nama kapal terbang sebenar) laku supaya org tak naik air asia"..nombor dua "ticket air asia lagi murah + jual makanan dalam kapal terbang sepuluh ringgit = air asia boleh untung, sedangkan Organisation M (bukan organisation sebenar) ticket mahal + makanan dah include dlm air fare siap charge double lagi kat penumpang = tapi company rugi"..dan lain-lain lagi isu berbangkit...lepas tu barula dia boleh nak fikir "mana kita nak cari duit nak saman afdlin shauki"..."Laugh out loud"
*harap maklum nama organisation perlu ditukar untuk elak dari kena saman"...huhuhuhu
buat de' je lah. Penyokong cip dah banyak nie. Jadikan ianya satu anjakan untuk terus berkarya. I like you. My anaks like you too. So, peminat you banyak range nyer.
Kepada pencuci tandas, well kerja u all tu yg pentingnya halal. Bagus dari melacur seperti yang dipaparkan oleh Edisi Siasat last weekend. Kan... kan ?
Ada sesiapa tak yg menonton Fenomena Seni mlm tadi kat TV1? They were debating on whether Sepet or Gubra mencemar budaya. WHAT THE HELL they're talking about? There are so many other films yang lebih lagi mencemar budaya than these two outstanding movies. And one of the panel (lady) cakap pun tak bernas lalu!! Dah lah filem tak laku...
My cabin crew friends takde rasa apa-apa pun pasal issue ni.. nak tersinggung pun, diorang suka betul dengan Buli Balik... no issues at all!
Anyway, bro, take it easy.. bawak bertenang.. kalau dah rezeki tu yours, no one else can claim it's hers/his!
bagi gua la, kalau setakat berani mencaci maki jer, tapi tak berani nak mengaku serupa mcm takder harga diri la, apsal berapi2 maki hamun tapi tak kasi tau siapa lu sebenarnya?
tapi kita sebuk gak la dia ni, sempat layan blog lu ni chip, dia kira minta gak la dgn lu chip...kalau tak takkan sanggup hari2 kasi komen kan...
Hang in there bro..take the positive..campak dlm laut je negativity diorang tu..
Anyways...u were the bomb laa jadi MC TM Awards hari tu..waktu cip tanya any kodoks out there? i was waving like mad..tapi u tak nampak..sedey weiii...huhuhu..
Power to Cip KODOK!
hi afdlin sayang
i'm with u, i support yr work, i supportu ALL THE WAY...GO AFDLIN SHAUKI!!!!! JGN TAK JADI AH......
love, sophia frm singapore
i've been a big fan of yours since forever and have big respect for u, partly because u r different and not so 'melayu'. but now, reading your blog entries, i can only say that u r as 'melayu' as 'melayu' can be! i would have thot u'd have much higher regard for yourself that u wouldn't stoop so low so as to vent and rant as u did just because some people made some negative comments to or about u. taking those comments gracefully would have been a much better approach. After all, when u blog and bares everything for all to see, u open yourself to not only praises, but also criticism. Nevermind that they chose to disclose their identity, or do it anonymously. U gave them those choices when u decided to blog and let the anonymous option available. So it’s a risk that u have to bear.
Besides, don’t u think that u r giving them much satisfaction that their comments got to u that much that it called for a whole post to be put up for it? Come on afdlin, I believe u r much better than that.
And btw, for the record, I’m not racist. I’m malay.
nana ni ke anynomous tu? terasa lain mcm je dia?
bro afdlin,
xmohla layan drg2 tue..
siyesly... lau mmblog nie.. pasti jer yg dok nyibuk2 + kutuk2 kt komen space tanpa bgtaw nama... ampehh jer!
Yo Aben bro, gua harap lu cool, okay. Kak Yasmin Ahmad tu kena hantam lagi teruk, but that does not deter her from moving forward. Org akan ckp memcm kalo kita dah berjaya, so cool, ok brudder! And kitaorg akan sentiasa support lu punya career (and body weight, hehe). Gurau jek.
Mr. Shauki.. You've lost your cool. You know this.
People searching interesting things to report or to write would have loved when you say the things that you've said. To back those words up, are the true issues now. You know this.
You do have lots of supporters that would probably follow you blindly on whatever you say. You know this.
There's a big responsibility that comes with that 'invisible' power. You SHOULD know this.
I AM a big fan of yours, always had this urge to go see any of your movies whenever it comes out. I wish you all the best and sincerely hoped that good things will come your way.
we take those rant and vent if we know who talking and giving advice. But if those guys hide behind anony themselves, how you expect us to respect them?
At least have a guts. A lil is enuff. State your name for a start.
For me laa, kalu aku kena maki, aku takkan diam diri. Lelagi kena maki ngan orang bodoh. Dan makian tue pulak langsung tak bererti.
Tabik Cip. For the sueing issues, Cip bincang arr dulu ngan professional. Then you decide. Jangan amik mentality Malaysia, wat tak kisah jer. Orang dah kacau periuk nasi, takkan nak diam jer.
hmmm...biar la apa org nk kata ttg kita asalkn kita tau yg mana betul yg mana salah..xperlu dengki mendengki sgt..xbwk kemana pon smua tu...biar je si anon tu nk kutuk slagi dia larat...mgkn tu habit dia yg boleh dibanggakan..hahahhaha...LOSER!
**chaiyok afdlin!!
a blog is place on the internet- an open ground where people are free to express themselves. like you, the people commenting have a right to say what they want- be it positive or negative. n yes, cowardly as it may seem to remain anonymous,they're just giving their 2 cents. its called freedom of speech. as much as i disagree with those anony peeps who leave completely stupid unbased comments, it has to be said that a blog IS a public space. a place open for comments by those wanting to be known or remain unknown. choosing to have a public blog comes with its territory, im sure you know that. let them be.
anyhoot, i DO love ur craft and i appreciate ur sense of humour that has wonderfully coloured our local scene.
just don't let things get to u so easily. ranting about it just gives them the satisfaction of stirring things up.
hope all goes well with the whole issue. im sure ppl will see whos right when the sky's cleared up. n thanks for the gift of entertainment uve given us msian peeps here :)
(holding out two pills): Take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more....
'There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
Take good care of your world!
dont take malaysian airlines anymore. stingy frequent flyer points... (could imagine stewardesses... errr.. flight attendants going "kita pun tanak awak naik kapaterbang kita"...)
my sis-in-law was a stewardess.. damn... err flight attendant. but w/ SIA lah, and it is true. they do clean toilets. So it's not defamation, because the script is based on the truth. and what's wrong with cleaning toilets? I clean toilets. you clean your toilet (I hope). I guess even Badawi cleaned his own toilets when he was young. difference is, flight attendants clean toilets while crossing 3 countries' borders. but, of course, we're malaysians. we cant take jokes. but we like to think that we're a funny lot...
and dude, trolls are a way of the internet life.
hihihih... weh bro... ko nie ke yg pernah gosok gigi anonymous guna berus gigi tandas satu ketika dulu? Patut laa dia mcm tuh...
Teruskan keje mula anda bro... Gambate!!!!
ops.. kerja mulia.. typo error
i tau you dah nak move on from this whole thing.
just nak tunjuk ni, kalau belum baca lah. fyi.
thanx eme for the link..baru found out that these flight attendants ada associatan rupanya...hahaha
they just wanna ride on your fame only la... b4 I don't know that flight attendants have a brain to form an association... Anyway they just under stress of possibility being fired you know MAS downsizing plan is coming....
Hi Afdlin,jangan layan la Anonymous...buang masa!!!!Theres a lot more people out there who support your work including me over here in Qatar....! Even if i dont get to go to the cinema and watch your film, but i'll make sure to own a VCD..and of course I beli yang original daaaa....
audriena said,
tak kisah la apa semua orang nak cakap, afdlin. kalau you nak ambik kira dan ambik hati semua orang cakap, buat sakit hati you je. kalau you stroke ke apa, you jugak yang susah... sedangkan diaorang tu plak ketawa terkekek kekek. wiffy you and your children jugak sakit hati.
buat derk je. kalau hidup nak peduli semua orang ckp memang tak ke mana. definitely bukan ke depan. yang positif tu kita buat teladan. yang menulis tak pakai otak tu, biarlah diaorang dengan kepala tanpa otak diaorang. sebab tu dia orang tadak otak, dak?
i serious respect what swan had to say. i think she got the best opinion here. dengar atau baca je apa si anon ke, si apa ke nak tulis, tapi tak yah ambik peduli. definitely tak rugi satu sen kalau tak pedulikan diaorang, but probably lose a lot of money kalau layan diaorang sebab you might jatuh sakit kepala.
so, i know i tak payah ckp apa dah. you know what to do. let's make this a fun blog, aight?
you're one cool man, bro!
Afdlin, I really like you a lot. Too bad I can't get to watch you dekat U.S.A but I baca tentang Waitress glamour complaint about your new movies. Tak apa lah Afdlin, you cannot make everyone happy. Is only a movie and if they can't take it, is just too bad for them. Dekat sini everyone make fun of the President. Looks like dia kena sue semua orang lah tiap tiap hari :) :) Take it easy, Afdlin... you still have banyak supporters and fan.
Best wishes to you and your future.
Waaahh..marah nampaknya uncle afdlin ni.Sabar.. uncle afdlin sabar...
Naper nak ikut menyanyi jugak dalam lagu yg dah hilang rentak..
hiasilah diri dengan senyuman..
mudah2an iman didada diguna baik..
moga menjadi contoh untuk yg lain..
Kadangkala berdiam itu lebih baik dari bercakap.. kerana kata yg sia2 itu hanya menambahkan dosa saje..
Peace :)
Ikhlas dari:Peminat uncle afdlin
Newcastle, Australia
Hi afdlin,
I just got to know your blog address...well...I agree with you..they should not have condemn Yasmin like is not fair. I think these people are too shallow and refuse to accept changes. They want every director or producer to produce a movie or drama like the drama in TV1...(am I allowed to say that..:P)..anyway...can't wait to watch your next movie...your work is fabulous...!!! Dont stop doing it. There is never a rule on people expressing their opinion or art as it is too subjective. SO KEEP UP WHAT U R DOING. :)
It's me again...I have watch buli balik like three times...and can't see that there is anything wrong with the stewardess character..hmmm...or maybe a certain stewardess terasa kot...hehehe...well some people can't handle a silly joke. How silly of them..
Once again, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Azura said.....
senang cam ginin.. To abang afdlin.. i memang sukung u 200% .. Filem tuh u punye karya.. macam i kalu i nak buat filem pon..suke hati makcik belah nenek sedare i lah nak buat filem pasal aper pun..beside..that stewardess thing tuh pon cume tak sampai 2% pun dari keseluruhan cerite...this anon cume kekurangan perhatian kot.. untung jadi toilet kan?? glamour plak dier..
Tak tahan nunggu Lost dan Faun.. i pon gile admire ngan Adlin Aman Ramli... he he he
teringat citer lawak courtesy from a friend of mine...
'peristiwa berlaku ketika dlm penerbangan.. sorang pakcik bersusahpayah mengambil wuduk dlm toilet cabin...
ketika mencuci kaki disinki dia disergah dan dimarahi oleh seorang stewardess.. antara dialognya ;
stewardess-"...kenapa pakcik cuci kaki yg kotor dlm sinki ni!!?, eii... abis kotor tandas ni.."
pakcik-" maafkan pakcik nak.. err.. anak ni sehari baper kali cuci muka?"
stewardess-" 3 kali!!kenapa tanya!?(dgn nada menyampah..)"
pakcik-" hmm.. pakcik amik wuduk 5 kali sehari... jadi maknanya kaki pakcik ni lagi bersih dari muka sedari.. heheh.."
de moral of de stori... stewardess kena maintain cool la.. dont take it too serious..
hehehe... oh btw, amik wuduk on board doesnt mean nak solat, maybe nak baca quran ke.. apa ke..
aku pun taktaula apa yg aku merepek nih... sori cip...
bro afdlin... we got ur back man...
Perhaps the Persatuan Pencuci Tandas (if there are any) should sue the MoFCKR (or was it MAFAA) for saying it's a dirty job.
hi afdlin,
sabar!i sokong you 100%! pelik laa pasal stewardess tu pun nak jadi kan issue..i mean what's the point? memang betul pun kena cuci tandas keje halal dahlaa. nih kes nak jaga standardlah nie..buat derk jer afdlin and keep up the good work!
Afdhlin well said..this anonymous pple pandai cakap belakang lah..cuba kedepan tengok..
yr singapore FAN!!
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