Pertama sekali ingin saya memohon ampun dan maaf kepada kesemua pembaca blog saya jika ada terkasar bahasa dan tutur kata. Selamat Hari raya and maaf zahir batin jika ada perbuatan diri ku mengacau mindamu, membengkakkan hatimu dan menghiris emosimu. Sememangnya aku hanya manusia biasa yang banyak kelemahan dan yang senantiasa sedang mempelajari ilmu hidup. Have a great raya guys. .
Kini ku persembahkan agar sentiasa kekal abadi di mindaku, berberapa babak dari rumah terbuka saya yang ala kadar semalam.
Ako, Yazlan, Hans and Gua
Producer PAPADOM dan BAIK PUNYA CILOK , Gayathri along with bulat and heil at the smokers corner aka creative nak termuntah corner.
David Teoh tengah meracun minda DOP gua Heil.
Nell making her grand entrance.... in other words, she came late la.
Joanna , Priscilla and June. Bunch of Posers
My sister and her inconsoleable child.
My sister and sister in-law posing maut.
Cikgu diving gua. Capten Nizar and chewren!
Nurul and NOT HER boyfriend ... rrrr.
Joanna , Sharmaine and Zona. Women and their bags.
The Legendary director Mr. Othman Hafsham telan mamam.
Suasana meriah dimajlis ala kadar ku.
Kavin (pusher action figures gua) punya wife...HOT!
C Locco and Mr. Tech yang rap on SUMOlah tu
My Bonda and Joanna Bessey
Saw Teong Hin , Kai and Hans
pia contemplating the lemang.
my bro and budding entrepreneur.
Semoga semua selamat dan berbahagia di hari raya ni. love you all.
Peace on earth! Power to the people.
Afdlin Shauki
Bro Afdlin..
Selamat Hari Raya 2 u n ur families bro....
same goes to all the kodokianz outhere...
Looking forward for your next movie..
Stay strong always....
Is that Adi Shamsul (gambar kedua, cap hitam). I know him as the man behind Roda Impian and kemudiannya Akademi Fantasia (pada zaman kegemilangan AF).
Selamat Hari Raya semua.
ohh mannn. tak dapat gua nak merasa lu punya laksa johor dengan kuah kacang 'miscue' tahun ni. :(
selamat hari raya, chief!
Selamat Hari Raya to you & family
Greetings from Scotland,
i hate to do this but i cannot be shy to say that i am currently asking donations from whoever and any company that is willing to donate some money for me & my group.
We are : Sakiinah, Joe Yin & Jega from Universiti Sains Malaysia Yes, a multi racial group set to join Nihon Fukushi University Culture Program this 13-22 Nov 2007.
We have try our best to seek any source of financial support but money have been rolling in pretty slow while time is running out.
We ask many company already and set to go door by door if we have to. So, internet is one of our alternatives.
To whoever kind enough,we really appreciate if you could just help giving some RED or GREEN or PURPLE note to our joint account under CIMB Bank:
Account Number: 07090069772523
You can confirm with this contact number, NO we are NOT frauds looking scheme. This is TRUE and we can assure you. Berani kerana benar,right?
Encik Abdul Hamid Bin Majid
Principal Assistant Registrar
International Office
Division of Academic and International Affairs
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800, USM,
Penang, Malaysia.
Office No.: 04 – 6532779
Mobile No. : 012 4020151
Email address:
sakiinah | 10.17.07 - 2:06 am | #
Oi budak gemuk, kenapa tak invite aku ke open house kau? Celakak lu...
Tak perlu jawap, confirm kau akan cakap, "sapa kau aku nak jemput"...
Ok... selamat beraya and harapnya akan datang dengan kerja2 yg lebih gempak. Hari raya hari tu aku tengok Baik Punya Cilok kat TV, gempak juga filem tu rupanya. Kudos to you.
Ikut suka lu la mr. right.
wahhh...meriah! salam aidilfitri to you and family :)
btw, first picture teringat the drama which tv3 showed on the wee hours in the morning during raya (i think i saw it while waiting for the england vs. france rugby match!)...the drama starred by you, ako and the other guy i forgot-lah but one of your geng jugaklah! the one where in the end you three housemates beraya kat kampung with ako's family...hehe...
kirim salam kat Hans! hehe...Ako pun!
alamak, to Joanna her! hehe...
i can watch baik punya cilok over and over again and still crack up. :-D
i was this close to ambush your open house but an unexpected visitation delay at shah alam had lead me to leave your invitation behind.
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
thanks for inviting. i'll try again next year.
Slamat Aidil Fitri kat Cip,
Aisey nape tak jemput gua ke rumah lu cip... gua pun raya kat-kat ampang gak. Anyway gua harap L&F lu success la ok. Nanti gua buat open house gua harap lu datang aaa cip. Nanti gua e-mail lu. ok peace!
Just a word regarding what you guys did to Yusni Jaafar. For the peminat peminat selambakodok dan rakan rakan yang sewaktu dengannya, Hans, Afdlin and Awie helped out Yusni Jaafar, who had some problems with her family. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, Ahmad Idham pays monthly rental for her apartment she's staying in right now and Hans,Afdlin and Awie bought Yusni some funitures etc,(even let her pick her own).
I think that is the most decent thing anyone could have done for a 60 year old veteran entertainer. If anyone dare say you guys masuk paper for this to berlagak, tell them, why not hebohkan a good deed, as you guys are celebrities and things you do effect many in god knows how many ways. Hebohkan perlakuan yang baik so that this "giving" attitude and practice becomes contagious, ergo, our culture.
I do pro bono work myself. If Yusni Jaafar needs my aid in health aspects, buzz Sharifah Haslinda (Lynn) or Sharifah Shahirah ( Sheera),ye laaaa..the entertainers, yang mana lagi... they know how to contact Kak Pah Nor.
Keep up the great job guys!!!
selamat hari raya bro. ampun maaf dipinta.
Selamat Hari Raya abg Afdlin~~
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri..
Terima kasih kerana sudi menjemput ke dapat jumpa Lin and famili...especially your mom yang dah lebih 15 tahun tak jumpa....
selamat hari raya kepada cipkodok and famili.
tak sabaq nak tunggu los and faun.
takdak ka gambaq kodok2 kat great eastern hall tu (walaupun kita tak dpat join)??
Rasanya macam tersalah blogg pulak.....
Selamat Hari Raya Selamanya.....
Ur budding bro dalam islam eh...hidung tak sama pun....keaadaaan warna tak ada unsur-unsur persamaan pun....Banyak kepada unsur-unsur kelembutan.....
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin...
Selamat Hari Raya bro,cipkodok n
Maaf Zahir dan Batin pinta gua
Abg Afdlin, my fellow Facebooker. :) Selamat hari Raya to u too.. I was so happy to see that u were in the Raya special on Ntv7 called Raya Nite Special--klu x silap. Yg ada Kaer tu. I actually recorded it for Kaer-- my adik angkat knew that he's gonna be in it.. and what a great surprise to see u in it too. Rindula tgok Abg Afdlin in action :) Cant wait for Los&Faun and Papadom sounds great. Good luck and take care!
Selamat hari raya..
Bila nak ambik gua jadi pelakon nih? :D :D
afdlin ... saya berkenan nak berkenalan dengan sister in law afdlin la. Dia ada friendster atau facebook tak?
btw, i love you sumolah movie. Raya ni baru dapat tengok movie yang lama lama ... macam buli balik and buli and 4 diva sekampung. I didnt like it as much as sumolah ... plus i think ... kalau dah tengok all your ol movies, i might not enjoy sumolah like i do now. One quick question ... kenapa asyik pakai the same actors je? Saya tengok Yasmin Ahmad pun sama ... all same actors.
Please let me know ye how to berkenalan dengan afdlin punye sister in law yang pakai tudung tu. Ma kacih :)
One question bro.Where was Harith?
He wasn't around?
hmmm...tak nampak ur family(ie:wifey and chewdren) punyer photo pung...
joanna bessing... gosh..
havent seen her for quite a while..
she was in "kopitiam rite" rite?
bro, ambik la die berlakon..
hans tambah hensem la wearing bj melayu tu..mengancam jiwa!
ur sis Pn. awin, (which all of us called her miss sbb ramai lect kami tak kawen lg, so dah t'biasa panggil mis.. ;P), is my lect kat uitm melaka about 3 years ago... she's wacky dlm clss, mmg laaaa besh gile... awez talk about her ohauna and lisa (cute lisa)... she's awez talked about her life and at the end of the story die slalu kate yg story die b'kait ngan cite die (which is mcm tak de kene mengane jee ;p)... but she's the besh... if u r a lect mst wacky cam die jgak plus cuteness!!... huhu...
oppsss... sori... typo... 'story die berkaitan ngan topic yg die ajar for dat day... die aja marketing'... another thing yg i paling ingat was mse buli klua wayang, at dat time i've watched the movie (which was really great movie!!), but die kate die ade jd extra tepuk2 tangan... kitorg student nih pun g la tgk lg skali semata2 nk tgk die tepuk tangan... tp mcm tak de... next clss kitorg ckp tak de pun, n then die kate itulah my marketing strategy for my bro's film!!... huhu... hampeh!! (but it works!!)
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