Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hello Gang !

Lama dah tak blogging, rasanya banyak dah pengalaman yg dilalui, banyak betul benda nak cerita tapi kini aku lebih menggunakan facebook daripada blog. dulu hanya ada blogspot, sekarang dgn myspace... yourspace.. facebook... twitter... life has become more complicated. Anyway... i akan cuba update blog saya dgn lebih kerap dan kepada yang berminat untuk share my london experience here are some merchandise dari persembahan saya di london.

Kepada my fans yg berminat untuk mendapatkan merchandise ini:

Afdlin Shauki UK Limited Edition - Long Sleeve T-shirt-stok terhad- (Malaysian Size not UK size)
To buy merchandise:1) Send name2) contact details...3) size wanted to / or call 03-41435097,5)
or visit our office at the address in the Information box (10.30am til 6.30pm).
We need proof of payment before sending to you. For payment details, please make a payment to our Maybank acc : 514815000705 thank you.Pos Biasa Semenanjung & Sabah Sarawak : RM 3Pos Laju : RM 7



salam tuan, hampeh la dah lama tak berblog, jumpa2 cuma nak clearkan stok london aje..he heh..citerlah pasal ffm23 ke, pasal apalam ke..ok la just nak menyakat aje...

Cipkodok said...

hehe, blog aku, aku punya suka mat. kalau nak keep up dgn aktiviti gua check out facebook fanpage gua orait. sangat current.

Cik Mya Cik Mini said...

very nice merchandise.......

orangrawa said...

ok....nak order package A yg rege RM40 tu....nanti kawan email siti/ady.

BPS said...

Nak t-shirt tu... family kata bila tengok filem Afdlin Shauki je, teringat kat aku

Q said...

timo kasih... gua dah dapat merchanduse lu... terbaek dari ladang lin sum

Darling Pya said...

merchandise nie ada lagi ke???

Anonymous said...

available lg ke skang nih ?

Jenong said...
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Dilan said...
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Telkom University said...
