Gua excited sangat and NERVOUS yang teramat khinzir sekali akan pembukaan filem baik punya cilok pada hari khamis ni. I would really love for all of you to tell me what you think of it. Ianya bukanlah satu kerja yang perfect but in many ways ianya berbeza dari kebanyakan filem melayu yang lain. Ada yang mengatakan yang the story feels a bit like lock, stock and two smoking barrels but believe me any coincidences are incidental and bukan di CILOK dari situ. It is one of the movies that i used as a reference beside the italian job, snatch as i think LSATSB is one of the best crime caper type film that has been made in recent times. CILOK however has a very strong selamba Malaysian feel to it.
To all the kodok-kodoks that have seen the movie and have been promoting it gila babi...THANK YOU!!! my brothers and sisters for your undying support and belief in my work.
LET's ROCK THE CINEMAS AND MAKE CILOK ONE OF THE MOST HAPPENING KODOK EVENTS THIS YEAR. Bagitahu semua orang kampung untuk keluar hujung tahun ini untuk merasakan penangan BAIK PUNYA CILOK, insya-allah tak menyesal.
The power is now in your hands to make this film a memorable experience.
Good luck afdlin! I am surely gonna catch this flick - dah lama tak kena cite melayu lawak. Sure tergolek tengok le.
Keep up the good work dude!
Yo brader,
Singapore opening Baik Punya Cilok bila?
Anyway I wish u all the best in ur new movie!
Ok ca loh!
japan opening takde ke?
Great work, afdlin! btw found a review of your "Why You Still Fat?", check it out:
Brudder, I tell you ah. This Baik Punya Cilok damn funny leh. Must at least see few times to appreciate fully la. I tell you ah, that Awie fler damn funny leh. You are great as usual la. Ha? That Patrick Teoh fler? He's okay la.
Damn right bro!
Want something new in Malay movie? Go watch BAIK PUNYA CILOK and you wont regret paying for the tickets. Cakap banyak tak guna.
Watching is believing (sukati aku je adjust ayat ni kan?)
afdlin punya buah tangan ni rugi if i missed it. Will angkut my hubby & in laws sekali. Huhuhu..
Am waiting for BULI BALIK too!
If you like something different than the usual dose of soap-opera and clowning around shown in most Malaysian movies, go and watch this movie. No, Afdlin won't cilok you with this movie.
watch it on cinemas. then buy the VCD (or DVD if available). the reason, 70% of the jokes are in the witty one liners, in the background. if you watch the pirated version, chances are you would miss the jokes due to low quality recording. there's maybe other non-movie related jokes (like the cameraman who got sounded by the cinema's usher for recording pirated version or the man who went to the toilet 6 times in King Kong), but that's another point.
afdlin, if you're going to continue on something based on Italian Job, i would love to see a chase scene using Savvy cars. Proton would like that kind of publicity.
Hats off to Captain KodOk!
Me def wont miss this one.
*It's still fresh in my mind, the scene AC nyanyi lagu Ramlah Ram in Buli, i had to fight for dear life sbb gelak tak ingat donia*
Anyways, i kinda agree with what Lizzam suggested there, to use Savvy cars in chase scene, bet it'd be unrecognisably identified object after couple of bangs tho.
BAIK PUNYA CILOK is really so funny la and the way the director told the story is also lain dari yang lain la. Go, go, go watch it :)
The film is not opening in Singapore as all the Singaporean halls are booked already by year end Blockbusters. Come la to JB.
yeah...let's cilok!
What is cilok?anione?anyways Wow can't wait.
weee confirm interesting however it is very sad
that the movie tak ditayangkan di Singapore.
Tapi takpe kalau best punyer pasal terpaksa turun JB.
YEa Afdlin kudos!!!
haha.. layan cilok.. mesti berak2 punya.. haha
Hi Afdlin ..
semoga terus sukses ... kami sume dah penat tgk citer melayu yg sentiase di awangan ... so kali ni bio realiti skettt...pedih..sakit... malu...busuk... tapi realiti...
i baru jek ambik ticket BPC, this Thurs 22/12/05, 9.00pm.
gonna watch it with my hubby...just can't wait to gelak and most important, to SUPPORT EDUCATED MALAY MOVIE!
Hi Dudes and Dudettes!
Christina here - About Actorlympics, I checked with the Actors Studio Box office and they say tickets are selling fast! You cannot book over the phone unless you pay by credit card, so the quicker y'all get down there and buy your tickets, the better your chances of getting good seats!
Call 2094 0400 / 1400 to book.
Baik-baik menCILOK.
gunakanlah taktik SMS untuk sama2 menyapot hasil kerja afldin nie...aku dah antor 4 sms pasai BPC je utk arini...arp2 film ni bkan cam filem dari 'orang yang bijak pandai'...(x kan x phm kot)
maybe i'll sound really dumb.. tp..apa erti 'cilok' tu?
TERUJA... Got to see.
hey..nampak u di mhi dan selamat pagi msia..cool betul..bila dgr u cakap yang filem 'baik punya cilok' ditayangkan pada 22 disember nanti, i was really excited sampai la sekarang sbb 22 dis ialah birth date ku..hehe!
power to the people!
mr afdlin,
saya "cilok" ni poster (http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6509/1384/1600/BPC_giant.jpg)
untuk "tampal" di blog saya.
eh... wat's LSATSB ekkk...?
All the best Chief! Bila agaknya kita kat UK nih bole menikmati filem itu????? Jawab Chief! Jawab!
Afdlin, I've only watched Soal Hati and Soalnya Siapa (both directed by Othman Hafsham) so far, so I haven't seen an actual "Afdlin's movie" like Buli (2004). The ones you wrote and directed.
But I gotta say looking at Baik Punya Cilok's poster, it reminds me of the Guy Ritchie's masterpiece Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. 4 main characters.
Cip Kodok...aku baru tgk BPC malam tadi...atas belas ikhsan Badrulaftersix ngan Wink (tqvm to them). Also thanks 2u sbb menghasilkan pilem sebegini.. Dari awal aku masuk GSC semalam..sampai abis...kejang perot aku gelak, malah...sampai pagi ni aku masih terasa nak gelak lagi. Mekasih bebanyak Cip! Aku baikk punya promote BPC kat bebudak opis..Fiday ni kami buat rombongan pegi nonton.
yeahh.. x sabar mao nonton!! :D
bagi pihak dewan bahase dan pustake :
orangelady & jos-
'cilok' (colloquial) : 1. curi, ambil tanpa kebenaran; 2. memintas kenderaan di jalan raya tanpa memberi isyarat terlebih dahulu
ija -
'LSATSB' : singkatan bagi tajuk filem 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', sebuah filem dengan tagline "A disgrace to criminals everywhere"
gua baru je lepas tgk semalam BPC.. muahahaha mmg best..
tapi satu soklan utk cipkodok.. err kenapa mula2 loket pastu jadi kerongsang yeh? ke dia jenis 2-in-1 ?
lupe lak nak panggil cip kod0k.
disbbkan cip x bls lg soalan saya tu, kira on la cip. sy amek jek tampal kat bl0g. hehe.. tp dun wori la. ade jek credit name cip skali. huhu..
esok nak gi tengok BCP nih. semoga BCP bulih memecahkan perut ku ini. same cam buli. :D
Hi Aflin ,
I like the song WARAS - buli ...
The lyric memang pasal our life ...
BPC rawkss!!!!
gelak gelak guling punye cite...
GOOd luck to you kodok......
bro afdlin kesayangan & ke-tabik-kan gua...
saya dah nonton ini wayang. BEST. tahap gelak & mesej sampai.. caya lu lah bro!
gelak cam nak rak waktu AC cakap "apa ngo keng2" waktu kat phone booth tuh.... hahahhaha
Long live brother afdlin!
-sofea hype-
Hey Sir!
Will it be opening in Singapore? How about you doing a promo here so i go see you and succumb to my pre 30s behavoiur by screaming my head off just to get you to notice me and sign my tee shirt? I absolutley love anything you are involved in....
yeay tak sabar nak tengok! :D
Whussup Cip Kodok!!! Thanx YOu for giving us 20 kodoks to preview your movie BPC really enjoy it. we as kodok will promote ur movie mcm kita punya sendiri. just a few things about the movie la cip, just some factual error skit, masa silencer pasang kat pistol, biasa takde la kluar suara or api (ie that's the idea of the silencer kan? =) ade la few scenes abit dragging skit and some character tak cukup develop to get over with the audience (or its just me je kot) aywys but overall, i really congratule you (and the others too) to a very good and different other malay filem.
p/s ade keje kosong ker? i would love if i can work with you. cari experience.. =)
sori, too busy to read all the comments, but what i wana say is:
ur posters best giler! unlike all those crap local movie posters that try to fit every bloody damn thing into one frame. and they all have crappy colour-colour samor!
at least urs are very well designed, and have something to say about the movies they represent.
dear afdlin..
u memang rock aaaa... u always make me happy. i laugh evertime i tengok u. alway cherish my day aaa.. best giler!
btw.. kat mana i bleh beli vcd buli? i cari punya cari punya cari kat kedai tapi tak der pun.. camner nak beli eh?
good luck with ur baik punya cilok. tak sabar tunggu esok nak serbu panggung. awie.. hans... ac.. & u.. sure runtuhnyer panggung tulah..
dengan bangganya diumumkan bahawa gua telah pun menonton baik punya cilok midnite mlm tadi (21/12/2005)...another outta space movie from outta space director...er bila lu nak upload lirik "baik punya cilok" chip?
Good luck to you.
yo bro afdlin, aku salute la dengan kau, pembikinan file baik punya cilok, memang lain dari yang lain. aku nak ucap tahniahla kat bro. semalam panggung sikit jek (mungkin sebab premier night..abis dekat kol 2 pagi) tapi satu panggung sporting siot. gelak sakan. it's like one big happy family la watching your movie.
pa lagi, KASI PECAHLAA.............
cerita macam lock, stock and two smoking barrels??...wahhhh....memandangkan guy ritchie itu salah seorang idola saya... maka saya akan tonton cerita ini dan pastikan samada terdapat similariti atau tidak antara filem baik punyer cilok dan lock, stock and two smoking barrels.... apa-apa pon good luck ehhhh
Wahh...manyak suka hati tengok ini celita! A must see movie of the year!
ya.. sapa dah tgk LSATSB akan terimbau2 cerita tu.. ada la beberapa perkara gitu yg sama... cip pun ada mention about being inspired by LSATSB kan.. anyways BPC is very2 malaysian flavour punya.
malik : uncle, masak lemak...... kuda.
nak citer banyak2 tak gune la..sebab ako belum nengok lagik ..tapi disebabkan kami (ngan hubby sekali) suke sangat dan veri konpiden dengan air tangan afdlin bikin gambar..so nantikan komen ako nanti sepas tengok baik nya cilok..lallala lu cilok wa cilok lu.....
GO WATCH BPC!!!kelakor siottttttt!!!! br lps tgk ni :-D
tapi ada sorang makcik depan aku, org blom gelak dia dah gelak dulu .. org abih gelak pun dia tak abih² lagi gelak ... potong stimmmm toolllll!!!!
afdlin nanti i bawak satu bas datang nengok movie u nie.. :)
erk... chief ... wa blom byr lu punyer Fuyooo!! .. hehhee.
lps tgk BPC, rasanya dah sampai seru lak untuk gua membayarnya. tp wa dah ilang kertas instruction payment tu, leh bgtau semula ka? :-)
baru lepas tgk BPC ptg tadi.. mmg sempoi ah.. rasa nak tgk lg laa.. haha.. rosalinda! rosalinda!
cip.. kat kuching ade tayangan x BPC ni? td tanye one of the cinema thru phone die ckp xde.. yg lg satu x tau no. phone plak..
love it.. love it.. loveeee it...
if u are suffering from depression.. x dpt bonus tahun ni.. baru lepas accident ker.. baru putus tunang ker atau ada penyakit bipolar disorder.. pegila tgk citer nih.. !!
sure korang x nyesal nyer..
CHIPP! .. peraduan utk poster BULI BALIK tu dah tutup ker? hehehe..
hopefully by next week i berjaye la tgk ur movie... tak sabar rasenyer...
bapak!! best citer baik punye cilok..hahaha..steady ah
BPC sangat best. Way to go Afdlin!
gile babas... sampai tebabas aku baca blog nih.. muralelelele...
a.s: keep the good work! BPC nnti aku tgok.. dun worry.
aku baru je tengok tadi kat GSC Midvalley... superb!!! i'd say this might be d first "smart" malay movie. tapi naper ko punya movie mesti go in this order: lompat(aku tak tau istilah sebenar tp aku maksudkan secebis adegan pertengahan cerita dibawa sbg intro) - rewind (start citer dgn merewind kisah dari kejadian sebelum lompat tadi) - then conclude.
but BPC is good! sebelum ni aku tengok ROCK and perut aku sakit senak tahan gelak. tadi aku tgk BPC perut aku tk sakit sgt, tapi aku gelak kuat2..!! ekekkekekke...
Afdlin, u're among our malaysian unique film makers..! dun stop!!!
hai bencinye kene exam. tak dpt tgk citer ni lagi. tapi janji akan pegi sbb citer buli pon tgk sampai 3 kali (2 kat cinema, satu kat tv).
jumpe di sane ye?
najwa..i think, in ths movie afdlin try to make ppl suspense dulu..ppl will rasa x selesa if the movie ending like tht..all da main characters havin' bad situation.kene tembak, darah2, kete meletup. then see wht happen?? while they planning how to make the rompakan, ppl keep in mind, bad thgs will happen to them. Seriuously, i get nervous few minutes b4 dorang nak merompak tu. huhu..afdlin, u got me!!physco u!!rompakan menggunakan sayur2an!!whre on da universe u got da idea hah??
Caya la abg afdlin citerBaik Punya Cilok.... memang BAIK punya.......
kelakar habis...semalam saya p tgk kat GSC KK Sabah....sampaikan member saya gelak kerusi pun hampir nak tercabut....kalo biasa org kasi 5 star saya UP lagi 10 star++++++++++++++......harap nnti abg afdlin buat lagi citer2 cenggitu...
cip.. awat amoi cun tu mcm superwoman? kene tembak pun masih bley layan chenta plak.. hehehe!
caya la kodok....wa baru aja tgk citer lu semalam, tahniah, wa rasa semua yg ada kat panggung terhibur ...wah lu semakin sihat la,bro.
good luck...!!!
teringat tengok your 'free' production masa kat PPP dulu. and after i've seen buli and bpc, well, you've come a long way baby.syabbas inspekter saab!!!
1st time laa..... i tgk citer melayu yg pecah perut ....best gile.... mmg best best best best ...
Sy baru je lepas tgk BPC.. mmg best giler.. pecah perut reramai dlm panggung.. mmg kelakar habis laaaa.. suka tgk watak awie, hehehe. mmg nanti2 sgt filem2 afdlin sejak Buli. Gd luck to u bro.. x sabar pulak nak tunggu Buli Balik tu.
Bro, i link ur blog from my blog ya.
yo brooo..superb tahap dewa lah BPC nih!
kasi sequence lah..itu tajuk kasi
uii...this movie is HILLARIOUS!!!!
Besh giler and sgt rugi kalo korang tak g tgk..
lawak! lawak!
Afdlin mmg pandai buat citer...
Keep up the great work man!
my fren watched this movie 3 times already..
and still got no time to watch it and the cinemas are all fully booked.. camna tuh?
How am i supposed to catch this movie when im overseas??!! ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!
I have NEVER been so DESPERATE and EXCITED to watch a MALAYSIAN MOVIE..well besides Sepet..
Bro..cant you sell copies of the movie on your blog or something..I NEED TO WATCH IT LIKE NOW!!!!
yeah, posternya sendri teringat pada film Lock,Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels. tp tu la, cerita ini agak lain sedikit. cara flashback nya sugguh creative. babak na'a murad ckp eng-klate sgt lucu dan lari daripada lawak2 yg sedia ade kt msia ni.
*thumbs up*
Yo bro..!! Five million kudos to you.
Took the whole family (6 pax) and a guest to the cinema today. Enjoyed it to the max.
Wow been waiting for a new one from you afdlin. Might not be perfect but it is awesome!!
baru tgk 31 Jan..mmg best lah..panggung penuh giler!good work!!
nak comment bleh..ending x smooth sgt and x logik skit..tp overall best!!
A'kum Bro Aflin..
Cayalah..Baik punya cilok bikin gua pecah perut kat panggung..
suka sgt watak ke keempat kawan karib tu..
Congrats dan Good Luck for BULI BALIK..harap2 dapat dapat blk modal blk..juta2 lagi..heheheh
giller babeng punye BEST!! wa dah dapatkan CD yg ori. Yo Bro, Chip Kodok... walaupun most of the main character in Buli Balik same ngan Baik Punya Cilok, I have to say that BPC jauh lebih best la.. BPC2 will come soon, right??!!! Anyway, congratulations bro. Malaysian needs more entertainer like you!!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I noticed a couple of references to Sepet. The playfulness between the characters played by Harith Iskandar & Ida Nerina in both movies. Also, I think the dangdut music is actually a remix of "Dia Datang" which was the song that Jason danced to in Sepet.
Best giler citer ni...
Yg best tu pasal watak awie tuh...
Nampak ganas tapi baca novel chinta mnangis. Kehkekekekekeke....
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