Hi gang, sorry lama dah tak update but i have been swamped with work, tapi seperti biasa.... tak kaya-kaya jugak.
Tapi gua redah aje liku-liku hidup ini bak kata si ZAITON SAMEON "Dulu aku sendiri... kini masih sendiri...!!!!" Rasanya macam nak give up pun ada... For your information, i have been busy all year round, but as for income received, this year has been the worst most f@*%ed up off recent years, so as thing would have it, I know feel like a MAS shareholder after reading it's 2005 financial report. alangkah baiknya kalau aku boleh membayar untuk lampin anak aku dengan sebuah lagu atau a joke. That would be the bomb. Oh... kalu ada kengkawan yang dah dapat album dan belum lagi sampai seru untuk membayar... this is a good time to think about it. heehee.
BUT i still consider myself EXTREMELY lucky and because of that will continue on my journey through MORDOR to reach the fires of MOUNT DOOM so i shall be able to cast this preciously cursed ring into it's searing flames. ARRRGGHH!!! Basicly, i have achieved many landmarks thru this trying times and i guess the old saying of " You never know a true man's character until he is faced with hardship". Well, i come from hardship so i guess this is like visiting my kampung la... it's nice to visit once in a while, it reminds me that i am human, am fallible and still one of god's creature who is on a test called life.
A lot happened in the recent weeks that i want to purge from my mind so that it doesn't rot in my brain or infect the joyful ions into becoming FRAKK-ed up ions.
1. My sister gave birth to my latest niece. PUTRI NURFATIN ANTANSHA... haa ambik kau nama, memang nak menyusahkan jabatan pendaftaran la ni my sister ni. I saw the baby recently and she is absolutely gorgeous... i donno why, but i guess whenever i look at a baby's pure innocent face, smell their fresh newborn scent and gaze into their crystal eyes, i feel like i am looking at heaven. I WANT SOME MORE BABIES!!!!
2. Found out my new father has relapsed back into his cancer situation. He is not going to do chemo this time but has opt to go to CHINA for some herbal treatment. Good thing he has my mom now to take care of him and be his companion thru this trying times. I WISH HIM WELL and all my prayers to him and my mom.
3. I am smoking too frakk-ing much and i feel it is starting to affect me!!! Batu rasa macam nak tercabut paru-paru... but how to stop la...everyone around me smokes, so no support can be expected by them - except for my wife. i want to TAK NAK! tapi.... K GAK!! selalu terjadi. BUT I HAVE TO STOP!!!!
4. I Saw Julius Caesar and lemme just say that i am impressed with the whole play and there were some truly memorable performances by the cast namely,

PATRICK TEOH, ARI RATOS and GAVIN YAP who played members of Caesar's senate . As i am a big fan of Shakespeare and DRAMAS, i am however a bit irked by the fact that the men in the play were not sporting togas but some star trek outfits. The sound design for the play however was breathtaking and mengalahkan tengok wayang yang soundnya pakai DOLBY DIGITAL SURROUND 6.1 EX. The price of the ticket to me was worth that alone.

Also, it is important to support MALAYSIAN THEATRE because it is the source of many great talents to come. So please do try to make it to the play. Kalau interested to find out more check out
5. Just got back from Singapore from the ASIA TV FORUM... and got Gurmit Singh aka Phua CHu Kang to agree to star in SUMO-LAH!...

Banyak gak tv programme yang kita bercadang nak beli dari visit tu for our new tv channel... watch out for a truly kodok experience next year.
6. APA NAK JADI DENGAN FILEM SUMO AKU???????..... Kitorang dah ready nak pegi JEPUN esok (5/12/05) dah tapi duit belum masuk lagi.... TOLONGLAH TUHANKU.... don't let me be a victim of another KEKENCINGAN (after my T.U. experience) and make my VENTURE CAPITALIST/INVESTOR pull thru. IF They do, they will realise that they will be a part of the biggest most rocking Malaysian film EVER!!
7. I am tired of empty promises.
But that is life.
But it shouldn't be.
The only catch is that it is on a working day 13th december 2005. 1 :30 pm at GSC Midvalley.
hey afdlin. this is my first visit to your blog and its frigginnn kewl man. sangatlah masyukkk!! anyway all the best for japan man!! we're all proud of you..
don't worry chief.. everything will be okay.. InsyaAllah! we know you know that those problems are part & parcel of life which are too small to break you down.
Hang in there yah? BTW.. i dh byr.. heehee..
cipster.. gambatte kudasai!!! you rawk !!!.. you inspired me with ur works & talents.. tabik spring daku pada mu.. juz keep on doing ya thang ya.. ;) *salute*
"You never know a true man's character until he is faced with hardship". Agree! (going thru that rite now) Masa ni jugak kita boleh kenal siapa kawan masa susah.
Any preview tix for a JAHANAM blogger? I guess I can make it since me not working. But I'll skip lunch since I'm so the very pemalu one.
ni nak tambah sket info pasal tht FOC tix to a special preview Baik Punya Cilok. PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR NAME & CONTACT NUMBER ye. Will let you know if u manage to get the tix via email ok.. Have a great day!
special premier? lunch ngan afdlin? lunch ngan hans!!! ahhhh!!!! tidak!!! tidak!!! kenapakah aku kerja hari tu!?! ini tidak adil! oh! lihatlah dunia!!! uhuks!
ps: takpe, cip. walaupun journey to mount doom through mordor is very treacherous, samwise gamgee akan selalu di sisi mr frodo untuk berikan 200% support dan pertolongan anytime diperlukan!!!
never more.. never less..
once adore.. i couldnt resist less..
apoyang aku cakap ni?
well .. at least it rhymes..
bro... u are really cool
DIS 05
Bro afdlin;
We all have our ups and downs... that's life.
We all sometimes face difficulties... that's life.
Sometimes we also have our good times all the times... Hey man, that's life too!
Ain't life beautiful?
Hmmm... my office is so near Mid Valley... hmmm.... I can take an extended lunch break... hmmm...
bro kodok
cara yang paling berkesan nak stop rokok is ko pikir pasal harga satu paket 20 batang tu
dan compare dgn benda2 ko boleh beli untuk anak-anak kau tu.
ataupun apa2 saja yang boleh kau beli untuk makan.
rokok tu mahal la
hi afdlin,
1. congrats, nnt kalau boleh, put up putri's pics k. :))
2. wish ur dad well,- my dad had colon cancer, n alhamdulillah, after the chemo & all, skang dah ok :) i hope ur dad gets better jugak.
u hang in there cif kodok..
cip mmg rock.. semenjak me jumpe this blog.. never miss to read it.
erm.. mmg godaan besar preview tuu.. tp bile teringatkn ade press.. waa takot kang.. dh laa hambe nii hanye trainee.. mau failed terus training..
anyway.. nice date to preview the film.. it is my birthday.. =))
gua memang nak bg komen kat lu bro tp gua ari ni out of my mind. mlm td keta gua suntut keta cina kat damansara perdana. adui......... sori bro, keropok lekor x sempat nk beli. Monsoon cup punya pasal.
chip kodok!
can't wait to meet the whole gang of "Baik Punya Cilok" next week! I've got a seat already! Yeay..yeay.. Thanks to Anne too... Go Kodoks!!!
hey! afdlin...ni 1st comment i ni. rilex...cari rezeki begitu la. all the best to u. ehem! nxt yr nak amik u jadi emcee annual dinner ok tak?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
u have inspired so many people, either diorang ni dalam line film atau orang yang buat benda lain untuk sara hidup diorang. dan saya yang bukan dalam film industry, hanyalah kodok yang menyokong mu Cip. tetapi Cip kenalah kuat semangat (dan kurang kuat merokok ;P ). Kami akan bersama2 Cip, Insya Allah. Teruskan apa yang Cip rasa TERBAIK dan TERBAIKlah yang kami akan berikan..
betul kan kodoks semua???
p/s: Anne, I dah antar nama, tak dapat ker????
filem ko tu memang menarik tapi sorry la aku lom buat review on them yet.
banyak filem reviews aku still lom finished.
nanti ye
hey afdlin..ive been following ur blog for a while now n needless to say i really enjoy it!in fact ive been a massive fan of urs for a long time.n as crazy as this may sound i even had like d biggest crush on u whn i was in my teeny-bopper years..dont wory tho im 23now, matured, grown up (hopefully) but still a fan!:)i often go to plays n stand ups at klpac n actors n have seen u there on numerous occasions but was too shy..i dunno..maybe d fear of being branded "jakun" held me back. anyway, all d best with japan n d upcoming movie!
chip , you are as what you are and coz of what you are , be proud of yourself as we are all proud of you too ..
..keep marching !!
Cip lamaaanya tak masuk blog errkkk a few times masuk but tak citer2 kat sini ;-> Good luck n all the best to u & ur team... ;->
cip the best ;->
uhu.. just drop by.. suka sgt baca blog ni.. caiyo2 bro. afdlin.................... V(^_^)
Huwarghh... nak gak tengok Baik Punya Cilok.. tapi .. tapi . tapi.. buat masa weekdays.. tengahari pulak tu! This time takleh cilok dah konon nak "work from home" .. ehhehe project sudah masyuk....
P/S: Have fun to mana mana kodok yang pegi... am sure you'll enjoy the event!
yeah yeah.. sib baik aku ada course ari tu, kalau tak aku pon mau join.. ish3..
wow incik afdlin. am a firstimer here. mang dah agak cip kodok-kodok berjaye ni mang laa sorang telen yang bersemangat! jangan givap ok! kami perlukan warga malaysia seperti anda! gambatte!!!
i've sent selambakodok like 3 mails to ask for a cd. i noe i'm nobody, but i'm tired of waiting. it's been 2 months plus. no news. no delivery. if u guys don't have stock also at least reply to my mail or something. let me noe. don't let me wait like a bloody dungu. now? well, i'm just... i dunno. dah takde mood. i really want your cd. maybe u think i was some kinda joke for wanting to pay you 50 bucks for it. it's just that, i really don't think u're worth 25cents. even 50 is not enough. but that's all i can afford. maximum. whatever lah. if u don't want me to have your album, then i have nothing else to say.
the tix for Baik Punya Cilok Preview are no longer available ye!! Am sorry to those who didnt make it in time to grab the tix. Takde rezeki. Insya Allah, mana tau, lepas ni for the next movie, cip leh allocate lebih banyak tix ke, satu cinema perhaps.. heehee..
Or prolly we can arrange kodoks next flash mob to watch the movie beramai2.. To those yg dapat tix tu, i will email you the details as soon as possible.
and to cip,
selamat sampai ke japan.. bawak tak buku pinky tu cip?? and thanks for the narnia tix tadi.. enjoyed it.. kim salam kat shima, cakap me dah rindu.. heehee.. btw, comel kan snow cap dia.. saya pilih ok!! hahaha..
and to chris,
thanks so much for sorting out tonite's tix.. really appreciate it to da max.. couldnt reply your sms coz they kept our cellphone out of the cinema... by the time the movie habis, its kinda late to text you back..
and to leen,
u're welcome
and to mafiares,
yeah i received your email. you got 1 tix for yourself.
hahaha.. sekali gus msg di convey dan di balas.. heehee.. kodoks rule yooo!!!
cip.. nasihat yg agak x baik dr. diri ini.. once cip dah dok atas sana.. dah berjaya.. cip punye turn laa pulak mainkan depa ni.. mcm donald trump.. sian tgk org yg dump die time die bankrupt.. :P
saya tak kerja. tapi saya kena lah travel dari singapore.
camner eh?
have anybody suggested to you to make and produce vcd out of your live performances? i.e. the one from actor's studio, etc. and what do you think of doing all this live acts up north (penang) or even jb? it have been mainly kl and in english. do in malay! start something new and reach out for those people who are only used to prof's & datuk's work! the issue is demographics kan?
kodok anne: terima kasih!
kodok-kodoks: keep on supporting AFDLIN SHAUKI (chief kodok)
cucur kodok: memang sedap! (esp. udang kering)
abg afdlin! ure the best!
Cip, I have the same problem too. Everytime I see a newborn, I pun macam nak beranak lagi.. But in Singapore to have too many kids... EXPENSIVE OIIII... I've got 3 NZKiddos... dah cukup lah tu... my son, NZ3 seems like he's Afdlin Shauki gonna be... ARGHHHH.... kaki loyar... ;p
1. I sampai mesia dec 15th, so takleh tengok wayang free
2. I ni supporter dari jauh je.. rasa macam tak layak lak.. ke ke ke
Anyways, will try to catch the movie after dah release, k?
p/s bebudak boleh tengok tak cerita ni? sebab kalau tengok, kena bawak satu keluarga..
I was there when Joe Hafsham judged your play 'Me the Mortal'to be the winner. I knew from then that you're extemely talented.
to ...yeah, whatever. said
lu ni mcm marah kat cip jer bro..
wa pn ader gak antar e-mail kat cip nak mintak (beli sebenarnya) cd fuuyyo tu..n tak dpt reply..
but i,m still searching for the cd n guest what..wa dapat gak beli cd tu siot..
wa jumpa cd tu kat tesco bukit tinggi, klang..
so kesimpulannya kalo nak cari cd "fuyyo" tu, lu carik la kat kedai2 music yg ceruk2 ke, yang banyak jual album2 lama ke..pasal album ni dah sampai tahap "rare" beb! or..
wa bley burn kan untuk lu tapi kena dapat permission dari cip la..n of course cip tak bagi nyer..betul tak?
"sampai bila kita hidup jadi mangsa..."
Why don't you open an account so that the so-called you biggest fan can make some contribution on your project.
Maybe some of us here want to help you out but at least show us the way how.
I know I will.
"No empty promise"
Bro, gwa mmg nak sgt ticket tuh tp time keja laa x dpt bro... Anyway good luck for your SUMO project... lu kasi la keluar 10 filem setahun pun gwa support (Wayang n CD).. Lu memang terbaeks...
cip..tinggal 2 minit lagi nih.. benfica leading 2-1.... MU abih kat sini je laaa...
this is an urgent matter unrelated to the post. i am unable to send email via yahoo from office so i'll try to spread it thru here. Harap cip tak marah...sebab ini ada kaitan dgn maruah negara
those who can't go to the link can read it in my blog. Just clik on my picture or go to http://bluqube.blogspot.com
i feel really f**ked up when Malaysian image were thrown into the jamban by these stupid moron who dare to call themselves MALAYSIAN.
abg afdlin.. sampai la ni saya tak dapat lagi CD abg afdlin tuu.. dah diberhentikan ke projek tuuu?
Hang in there! It's a shame we can't harness talent like you as much as they do overseas. We should have a weekly show focusing on local stand up comedy as well as snippets from foreign shows. Abang kodok buatlah pilot! bang kodok jadi host. But, kalau success I want free tickets to featured shows! Hehehe.
I dun really follow up about u... but u noe wat!!! U r Are SO CUDDLY!!! I WISH I COULD HUG & SQUEEZE U SO TIGHT!!! hehe... tc!
hmm...... that day I'm supposed to catch a flight to India..
Yo dude,
Kau dah TAK NAK dah? AAAAaaaaaaa???? Ko dah gila ke? Dah hilang akal ke?? Oit oit! Janganlah dudeee!!! Plese please please!!! NAK GAK laaa... Alaaa, setakat batuk sikit2 - ok tuh!!! Esok baiklah tu!!! muerekekekekekeee...
weih...buat laa MENONTON WAYANG beramai2...gua pOn nak jOin =) asyik ketinggalan keta api jer..sedeyy siol!
Afdlin, just happened to come across your blog on someone's link. Cool. Visit my blog kalau ada masa ok. Tak sehebat yours but it's ok for me. From S'pore to Malaysia with love, bro.
abg afdlin..me and frens akan ke kl this end of the month. ingat nak new year pat sana...ada tak any fun itinery yang kita boleh pergi? ingat nak jugak be together with the baik punya cilok lineups ...tapi the dates tak sama plak... but any other shows??
elfyza, end of this month ada actorlympics.. sure tak rugi klo gi.. check out more abt the gig bawah tuh.. make sure u tak miss it!!
comel la kamu ni afdlin =)
Awin! Nordin! Fuad! Ah Long Bukit Beruntung! I miss u!!
what is your opinion on Erra-Yusry controversial news?
kesian la kat doranggg....:(
biler sy mau join flash mob movie with other kodokians...aaa...i wish to cepat2 grad supaya bole join korang!! ;)
hey afdhlin!!wassalam!!!...this is the first time i read ur blog and kesimpulannye... best dan lawak siot(geli hati dan pankreas aku)!!!!and wut u say also is quite interesting serta sgt bernas....semoga u get to go to japan and SUMO-lah project get realized..ur movies r the best,cant wait to watch cilok n buli balik....(wonder y kebanyakkan cerite2 melayu semua satu jenis stereotype yg mmbosankan..huhu..nasib baik afdhlin movies came to the rescue)..
...bila sampai masa akan kaya jugak, insya Allah..
sheezz..i so wanna watch the shakespear's theater.as much im dying to wacth the play,im stuck here in kedah.couldnt get my ass off to the watch it.*sigh* i love watching the malay theater rather than watching the malay movie likewise 'sembilu' and some other synonym malay movies.kind of irritating.for some reason,lately i have the passion for watching some malay play such as 'sepet','gol dan gincu',i think those movies have make some improvement in our malay movie industry.im a movie wacther addictor.but is not that i dont want to lavish my money o not to support our malay movie,is just that sometimes to story line is hell a pain in the ass story.and more over the impact sucks.im not the only one who has been notifying this issue,there's lot more people out there thinks the same.but so far,i truly like 'sepet' its a cool movie.n yes not to forget 'puteri gunung ledang'i kind of like it too.
i dont know why,but do u know why people are more attracted to P.Ramlee old stories no matter how zillion times its been played on the tv?as a matter of fact, i love watching the old P.Ramlee's movies no matter how many times they are being played.i hope to watch ur movie while im on my hols this month.all the best to u afdlin.i truly like ur acting.we should have more people who can have the natural act like u
Can we flash mob the Actorlympics play? Ain't it kinda cool having the kodoks to watch the play beramai-ramai.
What do you say kodoks? Huh? Huh?
Err... are you ok with this idea mr. afdlin?
Any takers? Anne?
Yeap, it'd be cool to have a flash mob @ Actors Studio for a change. It would be a riot!
On a different note, BAIK PUNYA CILOK roxxxxx! There's so much of the 'gelak guling-guling' moments. Well done cip! Thanks to you (and Anne too) for the ticket for the premiere!
And to fellow Kodoks that I got to know today, nice meeting you guys! Hope we can meet again soon. ;)
malam besok (Wed 14th Dec) jangan lupa dengar planet xfresh (103.0 FM di Lembah Kelang) pukul 9 malam, sebab ada radio interview pasal Actorlympics! Afdlin and Harith akan ke udara :)...Jumaat malam plak, Nell Ng and Na'a Murad...dengar tau jangan tak dengar ;)mana tahu ada cara nak dapat tiket free ker? hahahahha kidding....
to shereen.
this is just my 2c laa.. reason y it's ok for us to watch p ramlee, hollywood, & endon movies.. bcos we don't really know how the situation or life really is there.. so we assume that how they talk about.. what they do.. reflect what they really are in the real world.. and we'll think that they're honest and of course the next stage u feel connected to the movie.. else for the yusof selam's movies.. n prof wutever his name is.. we know how malaysians are these days.. rude.. s*ck big time.. but in the movie.. we were so sopan.. n everything that is not sopan in the movie also is not up to the NOT SOPAN mark.. n the jiwangness is crap.. it's bitter rather than sweet.. :) as a result, u won't be able to connect with the movie.. just my 2c laa.. it might not be true..
flash mob, actorlympics? hmm.. tht would be great! am sure cip akan teruja with the idea.. bawak banner skali eh? amacam herman..? hahahaha.. the uno problem now is THE DATE.. am sure some of you dah book your tix kan..?? so kena bincangkan dgn lebih mendalam ni!
lets discuss it in afdlin's yahoo group.. wokeh??
anyways, as what i told you just now cip, Baik Punya Cilok telah memberikan saya migrain episode yg melampau dan juga berkemungkinan kena batu karang akibat menahan hajat kecil selama sejam dicampur adukkan dgn gelak batu.. but its all worth it.. daku sungguh gumbirah cip!! TWO THUMBS UP CIPSTER-SAMA.. omedeto!!!! bravo!!!
and it was nice meeting all of the lucky kodoks today.. lepas ni kita bawak banner eh..?? heehee..you guys rawk!!! mwaahhhsss...
Today's BPC preview was great. thanks for the tix anne and of coz our cip for supplying the tix, ma fren & i really appreciate it. nice meeting other kodoks it was a pleasure to meet you guys. sorry didn't join for the minum ptg kat sate place. hopefully will meet again. i'm guaran-damn-teed be goin for the actorlympics, wah kalau buat flash mob mmg bes. coz u guys rawk!!!
selepas tgk fan2 AC Mizal pakai baju dorg (banner pun included), biler kodok2 nak ade baju sendiri utk support cip kita =)
Please, always count me in (2 places) for the Actorlympics flash mob thing.
I would suggest kalau weekdays kita go for night show, weekend kalu, anytime is good.
BAIK PUNYA CILOK will really change your perception and view on malay film story-telling style. Pegi tengok! It's worth your time and RM.
p/s: It was nice meeting you kodoks back at GSC yesterday. Again, we must do something to outdo AC Mizal's fan. Sigh.
Am so proud of you !!! All the best in your future endeavours .. At least one Malay excel ... All the best in your work.
BPC memang best giler. gua da tampal poster tu kat bilik gua. hahahaha. guys, nice to meet u all yesterday. smlm x bwk camera so xde le gambar u all. so sesape yg ade tangkap gambar tu share2 la ye.
Gua gelak terangkat2 kaki...nasib baik tak guling2 kat tangga sebelah gua semalam... Gilos! Anyways, Anne..thanks for the ticket and to all new kodoks yg I baru jumpa.."Nice meeting you guys".. It wud be fun to meet u guys again @ TAS for Actorlympic.. Gila sebelah rumah i je ni.. Ish.. Nak bawak banner lah.. muahahaha...
for those yg tak tgk laie...tempah tiket awal2 utk tgk filem ni...i'd guarantee you that you'll not regret it. if you'd like to know a bit about the story you can read the review in my blog. if you like BULI, you'l love this one.
can't wait for buli balik!!1
niceeeeee cover!
sepanjang malam, setiap kali nak menceritakan BPC kat orang lain, betapa bestnyer movie nih, seluruh badan akan merasai kegelian bila mengenangkan aksi2/slot2 dalam BPC..(kelakar gilerrrrrrr......)
kodoks sekalian, silalah menonton BPC ini. sementelah ada kodok yang nak wat gahtering kodok kat MBO sambil menonton BPC, apa kata anda semua join twaran yang hangat ini...
dan kodok2 lain..
mulai sekarang, bolehlah memulakan acara melukis banner untuk flashmob actorlympics nanti (eh, dah kompem ada ker nih?)..saya pun belum medapatkan tiket lagi..jadi eloklah kita decide cepat2 beli tarikh bila..dan sesape yang dah beli, beli lagi pada tarikh yang dicadangkan..heheheheh..webeks!!!
ketahuilah sekelian kodok yang tak dapat join kitorang yang pergi tgk preview BPC (takpe2, next time maybe korang punya chance lak..), sesungguhnya wujud keterujaan bila melihat fans AC Mizal yang berpakaian T Shirt fan nyer.. apakah kodok sekalian ada idea untuk mengkodokkan diri kita dengan baju T Shirt?atau cap?atau sarung kodok?
||mafiaries is herman||
benci arghh..gua tak dapat jOin preview BPC..benci arghh
man, biar je le geng AC pakai tshirt. ape kelas. kita nanti pakai flippers la. hahahaha
Assalamualaikum bro. this is my first visit to your blog, you got big fan here...congrat bro...!!!
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