Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kehilangan Yasmin Ahmad. Al-Fatihah!

My mind is so messed up right now, i have to write my thoughts down. At 12am sunday as i am having supper with my wife, Zahim, Pia and some friiends at the Esplanade in Singapore. I received an sms which was later confirmed by her brother that "Yasmin Ahmad had passed away".

I was dumbfounded. My mind felt numb. I knew that after the stroke happened, that things wasn't going that great, but her condition was stable. I wasn't ready for it.

Then it hit me, the magnanimity of the event which was just made known to me...

Today we have lost a great Malaysian.

Today we have lost someone who greatly loves her country and those who live in it.

Today we have lost a great voice of reason....

Today we have lost a mentor.... an inspiration ... a friend.

I use to tell Min that i wish i could be more like her because she was someone who always spoke her mind, especially in her films and being the kind person that she was, she always made you feel better by saying something nice about you. BUT truly to be like her, i believe is so tough especially in this time an era where a lot of people judge your film by the box office collection.Nevertheless, she didn't care, she stayed true to her stories... to how she wanted them to look like.

She told me she didn't want to do art films.... she wants to do mainstream so that the whole world could watch her stories

Some say she invited controversy.... but i feel her intention is more to get people to actually start a dialogue about the issues that she put forth. To get people to deal with issues which are normally swept under the rug. Among many local filmmakers i felt like she was the only mainstream director who had the balls to do that in quite a blatant straight forward manner, rather than colour coat some issues like me and some of my counterparts do.That is why she was special.

I was in Cannes recently and i went to the Singapore Media Development Authority booth and i saw that Yasmin Ahmad had two film projects that was being presented as a Singapore film project. I felt proud & jealous at the same time at what she had managed to achieve as a filmmaker in such a short time. She was truly gifted. But more so, i felt angry that such a talent was recognised more outside her home country rather than in it. I guess once again, in Malaysia, an artiste must die first before her / his work is truly recognised and by that time, it will be to late.

"Jangan bagi banyak sangat kat karyawan kita, nanti diorang besar kepala", maybe that is what is in our cultural belief system. Which is Fucked up. You watch... now that she has passed away.... her films will no longer be under scrutiny and all the unrelease-ables will become release-ables.

What i love about Yasmin was when she was excited to talk about her latest project, she was always drawing from personal experience and was so good at sharing it with us on celluloid. She loved making her films and she loved sharing it with us.

I cannot believe that Yasmin is no longer with us. She was an inspiration, a brave voice in our community and most importantly a kind kind soul. Semoga tuhan mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. Saya harap rakyat Malaysia sedar yang kehilangan kita amat besar hari ini. She was just a friend, but i felt extreme sadness... emptyness at hearing of her passing. I am at a loss for words..

She gave a lot of budding filmmakers a break in the advertising industry (myself included) and always introduced us to all sorts of opportunities and possibilities. She recommended to get me to be the director of the Petronas commercial. Eventually, my first commercial. She shared resources, ideas freely with her friends because you are her KAWAN first before someone who works with or for her.

It was so easy to hear her say "Kesiaan ek!" from my experience of her because she was such a giving and compassionate person who was always cared for those who were in need or wherever an injustice had taken place.

In the film industry, i really looked up to her. As a friend i was really blessed that she let me be in her space. Even if it was a short while.

We will all be the poorer because of her passing.

I will truly miss you old friend... and i will truly miss all the films that you should have made..... you have touched my life and the life of millions, in ways you could never imagine. I thank allah for letting you be with us even if it was just for a while and i pray he takes good care of you, now that she has returned to you.

Till we meet again kind gentle soul.



dJ phuturecybersonique said...

my thoughts (or lack thereof) are the same. just too dumbfounded over the loss. al-fatihah.

nadrahfihil said...

al fatihah. sy turut merasa kehilangan.

Yadayada said...

al fatihah.
i've been following her blog.
inspiritaional post she've always put up.
she's truly a unique Malaysian, looked-upon awkwardly by many, but total respect by plenty.
condolences to her family.
we've lost a truly inspirational person.

BlackBanner. said...

Beliau telah membuka mata aku untuk lebih menghargai filem melayu.Dan kini beliau sudah tiada,Al-Fatihah buat almarhumah Yasmin Ahmad,Takziah buat keluarganya...

Aleph said...

die tidak membuka mata filem melayu, tetapi membuka mata org melayu itu sendiri. filem beliau lebih membuka mata orang malaysia, walaupun ada yang masih pejam.

Maizura Mohd Ederis said...

Al-Fatihah untuk Kak Yasmin.

Ajia said...

Al-fatihah for Yasmin Ahmad, one of Malaysia's finest director

Mr. Afdlin, well said.

ejaescobart said...

AlFatihah untuk allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad.. Malaysia sekali lagi kehilangan sebutir bintang...

dan seperti biasa, pelbagai anugerah & gelaran akan menyusul bila tuan empunya diri telah tiada..

semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dari Allah s.w.t

lufisaini said...

bro, as i'm writing this my heart is crying in silence... never in my life i have intention to flourish my love to local film until i met u n auntie yasmin.

we've lost a great person, a TRUE malaysian and a great local filmmaker

thanx auntie for the sweet memories that u had shared with us

RIP auntie... al fatihah

nita said...

AL-Fatihah buat arwah Yasmin Ahmad.

cuaca di sini hujan.. muram.. dan suram..

seakan turut menangisi kematian..

V.I.C @ D.I.A.N.A said...

Al-Fatihah buat Yasmin Ahmad..
Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.
Kepergiannya merupakan satu kehilangan yang besar kepada Malaysia. Moga orang-orang tertentu yang kerap menghentam Yasmin semasa hayatnya sedar...
Apa boleh lumrah manusia... orang dah tiada, baru kita nak hargai...

yuyun said...

sampai sekarang, sebak di dada masih terasa. ia memang satu kehilangan besar kita hari ini. semoga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.

qishie said...

al-fatihah buat yasmin ahmad

dan takziah buat keluarga almarhumah.

Blog Anuar Kamaruddin™ said...

ekspresi jujur dari afdlin...

sayu kehilangan pesona bintang

al-fatihah utk yasmin ahmad, keluarganya dan sahabat-handainya...


sEmut said...

sejujurnya saya tak sabar sabar nak tunggu filem terbaru yasmin ahmad.

tapi malang.


Pocket said...

Alfatihah untuk KakMin,

Kehilangan cahaya dari satu bintang itu pastinya tidak kan bergant.

idasm said...

a-fatihah... semoga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.
.... kehilangan sebutir mutiara yg pasti sukar diganti walau diselami jauh ke dalam lautan beribu kali...

Mafia Master said...

me too, crying last nite, we've lost a great film thinker! this raya will boring without her petronas iklan.arhhh

naz from aenaz[dot]com

Anonymous said...

setiap kali tajuk2 filem arahan arwah beliau bermain2 dalam kepala ni, tiap kali la air mate nasha bergenang..sangat terkejut sbnarnye...sangat2..tapi sumenye ketentuan dari Allah S.W.T...innalillahi wainna ilaihi raji'uunnn.ape lg yg bley nasha buat selain sedekahkan arwah al-fatihah dan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga arwah..itu saje yg termampu... ='(

Along said...

al fatihah kepada beliau, tazkirah kepada beliau. saya antara yg meminati filem beliau. filem beliau lain dr yg lain dan mempunyai plotnya yg tersendiri walaupn agak perlahan. semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat...amin..

FaShiHa said...

Saya amat meminati filem2 arwah dan juga iklannya.. Kini beliau sudah tiada..n i wonder..can I watch such kind of movie/advertisment again? Harap abg Afdlin dpt mmbuat filem sepertinya juga.. Malaysian gonna miss her..
Al Fatihah n condolence to her family.

Wei Jiet said...

Her petronas ads, sepet..all will be a lasting memory to all Malaysians. Her legacy in filmmaking is a testimony of how great a Malaysian she was and how she has inspired millions. Thank you

Tea Dean said...

Apa pun orang kata, saya lah penonton paling setia Kak Min... Apa pun Tuhan memang sayang orang yang baik dan jujur ni abg Afdlin. Biarlah dia pergi dengan aman, kita pulak jangan lupa sedekah kat dia.

Azzah 'Izzat' AR said...

bro, i hope u will continue her magic touch for iklan raya petronas..

i am shocked until now, still can't believe that from now on there will be no more sepet, mokhsin, gubra, mualaf, talentime........

al Fatihah to the true Malaysian, Yasmin Ahmad..

mirot. said...

she's different from others.
she'd have her own uniques.
her films give new feel in industry.
i miss her already even i'm just a watcher of her films.

Zalee said...

True bro. There will be a "hole" in the industry after her passing but we, the living (filmmaker's friend) must continue her legacy of good storytelling, that will touch more hearts. She will always be remembered. We just have to believe in what we do form now on.

Ophe said...

yasmin ahmad bukan siapa-siapa kepada saya.. tetapi entah kenapa kepergiannya mengundang rasa sedih yang berat kepada saya. Yasmin tiada ganti. Hanya satu, tiada dua. sama-samalah kita hadiahkan al fatihah buat arwah... aminn...

omarkhayam said...

her films is just about truth. nothing less or more. just like that. no exaggeration, original come from our own society and community. even a litle bit controversy and sensitive, but thats how she arise the malaysian to think. not just sitting watching a movie that meaningles but think about the message conveyed by her.

Edzlin said...

Al-Fatihah. mmg satu kehilangan besar.

hazirah aziz said...

it's a loss to the nation. malaysia needs people like her. a storyteller who tells stories that really exist. not just a plain fairytale.

p/s: encik afdlin, you're special too, in your own way =)

atanjamilselamat said...

Semoga Allah letakkan beliau di kalangan umat yang beriman. Amin.

Al Fatihah.

Jarr said...

Al Fatihah buat Allahyarhamah..
Semoga ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yg beriman...

rindu la nak baca blog dia pasni....

who i am? said...

alfatihah utk arwah :(

sedih nyer ! ;(

Jerry H. said...

I feel the pain and the sorrow cip. Though I never met her in person, her work is enough to reflect who she is, giving us the idea and view of life in her eyes and altogether connect us all despite the races, religion and ideology. No more we'll be seeing heartwarmings festive ad, no more we'll be seeing an honest story on a film. No offense to you cip, but her work is truly different and unique and no way in this world anybody can top what she achieved. To those you never appreciated her and blinded by your perfect deceiving life, I can't help but to pity you guys sebab tak sempat nak memahami this special individual and what message she is trying to bring. And to those who mourns, please, you all know she would want you all to wipe the tears, and remember her for the joy she bring us, and if possible, carry out what she believed in. God bless her soul.

fadz said...


.Gha A. said...

Afdlin, teruskan legasi yasmin. anda calon terhampir :)

Al-fatihah buat Yasmin, the great film maker.

Pinky said...

AlFatihah to her.. such a great lost to the country. yeah laa like u say .." you watch..." after this sultans will be awarding her with knightship and many more laa

Princess 1108 said...

semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat ke atasnya...
i love her n her films so much!

Wawa said...

Al-fatihah to Kakmin...
Love her so much...GREAT PERSON
Selalu fllw blog kakmin...mendekati kehidupan nye..namun hari ini tidak sama lagi..
Bro boleh tak sambung semangat kakmin in ur coming film..?

Hydolarc said...

"Beyond the drapes fluttering in the wind,
what shivered at the feeble voice wasn’t my body,
for the first time, I felt “loss"" - Shiroki Yuutsu by GazettE

I totally loved her story.her mind,her way of thinking,the way she look at things,i really respect that.Sedih bila dengar dia dah tak ada..i'm going to miss her... Al-Fatihah...

Rabia Sensei said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabia Sensei said...

Yasmin Ahmad will always be remembered in each every one of us.

Her films, her TV commercials have always touched our hearts, inspired us and at the same time teaching us in its own magical ways.

Marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad. Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Al-Fatihah…

sutera putih bertukar pink,,, said...

Al Fatihah!

Cicadasx said...

Al Fatihah

Nor Khaizura said...

memang sangat terasa kehilangan Yasmin Ahmad..

Afra Yuri said...

Rest in peace, Yasmin Ahmad.
You will be missed..

fad.zain said...

i do love yasmin ahmad too!!she's storyteller...she's a great director and i do really love her movies. her arts of producing the movies..


Bukan Sepet said...

Perginya satu dalam sejuta...

Chief, we rely on you now..
& mamat khalid.

Nursuzry said...


Pothocsexy said...

totally agree with you, i dont think half of her fans, sedia untuk kehilangan such a great person.

lieawulf said...

salam bro,

i dont personally know yasmin ahmad. but when i read the news about her death, i felt sad and couldn't believe the news. i kept on telling myself that maybe it was another false alarm. but when melodi confirmed her passing away, i felt miserable, sad and confused.

ramai orang 'mengutuk' yasmin for what we dont and would never really understand, but seeing her 'leaving' in such an easy manner (tak suffer for years sebab cancer or something horrid like that) membuatkan saya rasa apa2 kutukan dan cacian orang terhadap yasmin personally sebenarnya silap dan tersasar jauh.

semoga Allah mengampuni kita semua dan mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. amin

lieawulf said...

btw please boycott Utusan and its publications!! Penulisan wartawan Kosmo! memang tidak prihatin dan 'kejam'.

D.N.A.S said...

Because of Yasmin's films, my friends yang anti filem Melayu semuanya pegi tengok filem dia kat wayang. Bukan setakat kat TV atau CD tau.... kat wayang...!

Anonymous said...

alfatihah..may her soul rest in peace.

dude...saw u the other day..u r losing weight :) keep it up!

Anonymous said...

sempat dengar cerita2 dia dari my sayang masa Anugerah Perdana Seniman 09 coz my sayang sahabat dia.
ALLAH lebih menyayangi dia..

Anonymous said...

lost for words. such a great lost to the country and we waited her to die first to recognize all her brilliant works. so typical Malaysian...

Unknown said...

Al-fatihah... (speechless)

Ida Azahari said...

Al-fatihah to kak Yasmin. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...

saya turut merasa kehilangan yg teramat sangat dgn perginya our 1 and only Yasmin Ahmad. I never like malay film until I see those film by you and kak Yasmin. I can say that i'm a big supporter for Yasmin Ahmad and Afdlin Shauki. I bring all my family members that also loves yours and Kak Yasmin's film to the cinema every time you both launch your new film. Tak cukup dgn tu, I also bought a CD to watch at home. And every time it showes on TV, i'll watch it again and again and no one in my family bother to change to other channel even though we know we've seen it so many times.

Abg Afdlin, please look after yourself, please take care of yourself..sbb saya tak sanggup lagi kehilangan seorang lagi bintang yg sgt2 unik dlm Malaysia. Setiap filem abg Afdlin dan Kak Yasmin sgt2 berkualiti, sgt spontan, sgt real...dan tak patut lgsung dikutuk sebab itulah gambaran realiti kehidupan kita...

Tahun nie raya dan merdeka kita sunyi tanpa iklan2 dr arwah Kak Yasmin...sebaknyee...

klacias said...

gila tak gila lah...
Sjak pmergian Yasmin Ahmad (Y.A) aku tetiba jadi mcm puntianak dahaga mncari darah.. Bnyak blog aku surf utk cari crita ttg Y.A. Kbanyakan blogger yg pnah kenal @ bkerja dgh Y.A mmg ada beautiful n sweet memory dgn dia.

Sdang neuron2 di kpala otak aku brsambung memikirkan ttg dia, tetiba suatu memori terpop up..
ya ya.. Aku pnah trserempak ngan dia.. ;)

Di suatu petang, di klcc sdang aku mnaiki escalator tetiba mata aku terarah ke suatu susuk yg sdang brdiri mnuruni escalator..
Utk sketika aku terpaku dungu.. "ehh org ni cam aku knal lah..sapa arr ??" tnya aku dlam hati.. Ktika mata kami brtentang aku wat dono je.. Aku trus merenung dia dan brfikir.. Mgkin dia perasan yg aku msih mlihat.. Utk kali ke 2, dia mlihat ke arah aku.. tanpa berlengah aku mnunjukkan isyarat "thumbs up" ke arah nya... smbil mngerakkan bibir (tanpa suara) "good job" !! dgn senyuman manis dia mmbalas "tang Q"

Komunikasi antara kami smudah dan spantas itu.. tetapi cukup utk mmbuatkan aku brada dlm keadaan sparuh sedar !!! mcam ya tak ya jee.. mmg happy & xcited giler.. ;)

Iyalah.. itu lah orgnya yg mnyebabkan aku brjaga smpai ke pagi sbab dok nengok ulangan Sepet & Gubra kat Astro !!!
Ulang lah brapa kali, pada jam berapa skali pon, aku sperti dipukau !!

Semoga Kau menempatkan dia, di kalangan orang2 yg Engkau Kasihi dan Sayangi.. kerana dia telah menggembirakan dan menyentuh hati kami di sini.. Amin. ::(

..:: WiRdA ::.. said...

huhu mesti rindu nk tgk karya2 like Yasmin Ahmad..

.. said...

Tahniah kepada bro sebab menang several awards malam sabtu tadi... all the best!!! teruskan berkarya!!!

Rickywan said...

Tahniah juga bro, wa respek sama lu bro, harap-harap kodok2 semua terus maju menjadi seorg yg bekarya kehadapan...misi 1 malaysia...from bro ricky

Unknown said...

Asalamualaikum Afdlin,
Ini pertama kali saya menulis komen disini, even though I have bn following your cool blog for quite some time dah.
Al-fatihah untuk arwah Yasmin Ahmad. I had admired her tremendous work and awards.
Last but not least, I saw you have won many awards at the Festival Film Malaysia on Astro last night and you well deserved them!
Keep up the good work Afdlin.

Semoga sukses didalam kerjaya anda!

Anonymous said...


Bukan Sepet said...

Tahniah Chief.

theriderinblack said...

Tahniah Afdlin atas kemenangan cemerlang dalam FFM baru-baru ini. Memang confirm YOU lah karyawan filem Malaysia yang PALING LAYAK meneruskan legasi Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad. Saya ulang, YOU calojn paling layak menggantikan Yasmin Ahmad. You ada semua ciri-ciri yang perlu, berani,berwawasan,bermatlamat dan yang pentingnya berjiwa Malaysia. Teruskan perjuangan you. I akan terus menyokong perjalanan you.

Yanti Rahim said...

al-fatihah to kak Yasmin.

eventhough saya bukan "kipas susah mati" allahyarham but i really admire almost all her adv n movies..

now..wif chn 110 i watched Sepet like almost's like living in Sepet's world...funny kan..she was not only a director but a story teller...she brings the what is in our daily life into the kenapa larr some of the smart ppl can't except her movie..macamana industri perfileman negara kita nie nak berkembang yek?...

sorry i'm not from this industry.. but sepet is 1 of the best malay movie i've watched after tragedy bukit kepong...

en.afdlin, i've watched few of ur movies too...and i really enjoy watching them..x stereotype (mind if salah eja) hv ur team n theme..keep it that way...

walaupun x ke box-office or box-school...janji the outcome ada kualiti...itu yg penting

komando said...

The late Yasmin Ahmad reflected the true picture of Malaysians as a whole, their individualistic perceptions of things and how the others live!

She told the truth just like it was, no holds barred!

The suspicious minds of the three major races against each other!

The taboo of each race against each other.

The cultural up bringing of each race and the hatred instead of love we have!



komando said...

AFDLIN, you do not have a choice, you are the last man standing to continue where the late Yasmin left.
Otherwise this country of ours will forever be a pariah state.


noname said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
noname said...

Salam. Abg Afdlin,
sedih sgt2 baca your entry nih...
You know what, Kak Yasmin is 1 in a million.. Eventhough she just made only 5 films, for me ITS WORK IT!!! Full of msg, passion and love.
So far I nvr watch Rabun and Muallaf, the rest... AHHHH FANTASTIC!!!!
The 1st day that she collapse, I'm hoping that she will fine later on...
And I was planning that to visit her at hospital, by texting her brother. Abg Muzzaffar..
Then at night, abg Muz calling me.. and tell.. "Kak Yasmin passed away just now, at 1125pm.."
ALLAH LEBIH MENYAYANGI BELIAU... Now.. raya is around a corner.. no more NEW ads Petronas by her...
No more "weirdo" and controversy films by her..
To abg afdlin, you're num two in my fav. director in M'sia!!

AL-FATIHAH untuk Yasmin Ahmad,
ALHAMDULILLAH untuk percapaian abg afdlin selama ini.... teruskan perjuangan perfileman M'sia kita!!

Anonymous said...

i love her so fucking much..

ssyafika said...

a very sad entry..
rs nk nangis jek..hopefully rohnya dicucri rahmat..n diampunkan sgl dose..amin..

admin said...

perginya beliau umpama kehilangan sebutir permata..


cinergy health insurance,
vasectomy reversal,
mattress discounters,
paternity test

Mohd Hafiz Kamal said...

Yasmin is so original

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