1. As of three days ago i have stopped smoking!... I will make this the last time i quit because even my wife won't agree to have another baby until i quit smoking. SO I GUESS I QUIT! ... well it's either that or kahwin satu lagi and have baby!!! heehee (JUST KIDDING BEE)... but i guess rather than face the emotional hardache and not to mention flying kitchen utensils, quitting cigarettes is easier.
CERUT i KIV because it's not like smoking anyway. Lagipun cerut mahal, hanya boleh mampu sekali-sekala.
2. Insya-Allah i will become healthier this year. Will increase aerobic exercises and probably take up Aikido again. Actually yoga bermeditasi dan bukan yang menjadikan badan kita sebagai pretzel auntie anne juga menarik perhatian guwe.
3. I don't care if i'm not thin, i just wanna be healthy enough to SNOWBOARD down a mountain without having to ask for oxygen.
4. I don't usually do this because like me, i guess everyone has their shortcomings but when someone starts saying that he wants to pull out of next year's ABP because he wants other actor's to have a chance to be popular as well, i really resent that bullcrap. It is your rezeki to win, win graciously-la... don't knock other people. It is an open secret that artiste representatives always borong the berita harian newspapers every year to help their artiste win. So his victory is at the very best 'ambiguous'. I use to have a lot of respect for the man, but after what he said at the ABP-BH, i think very little of his human skills and even more his ability to not be berlagak. RN i think you have lost the plot my brother. You should be thinking about doing better projects in the future for ur fans rather than piss off all the male actors in the country. Now you can go and makan biskut Julie's and minum tongkat ali my brother!!
5. Wanna Relax more this year. Tak nak stress sangat.

Work is currently going on for the first Malaysian ala Sherlock Homes meets ghosbuster meets desperate housewive movie calle LOS dan FAUN. Here are some current pics of me , Adlin and Riezman during our first script read.
Here are a few of my declarations and personal views about life in my hemisphere so far.
erk tumpang tanya ni fan aflin ke memang aflin betoi
for no. 1 dah kebas telinga dengar.anyway goat luck!
agree 101% wif u with no.2 points.
I was exposed to aikido by my teacher, avner eisenberg last year to illustrate the weight by underside in physical comedy.
yoga?tak kurus pun gua walaupun dah berbulan bulan kena paksa pegi kelas kat opis ni ha...
i understand how hard it is to quit smoking.. (my dad pun.. susah giler nak stop smoking..)
I was in IJN accompanying my dad for his check-up.. and i kindda 'mengadu' kat dr. bout his smoking habit.. dr kata sambil senyum2 "Kenapa pakcik susah nak berhenti.. bukannya pakcik hisap rokok dari kecik kan... u were not born with Malboro in ur hand kan..??" -Dr Ismail IJN.
Wish u all the best bro.. :).. and to my daddy to.. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! Sekotak rokok <=> 3.3litre petrol.. mmm jimat beb!!
good 4 u bro..dah sampai masa pun utk quit smokin..
take care..
akum... cip satu hari berapa kotak rokok cip isap.. 1 kotak = 3.3 liter petrol byk tu cip.. kasi pelan2 berenti cip.. ayhanda aku pun payah berenti.. bila dia berenti je dia batuk.. kalo dia isap tak batuk plak..
lagi satu pasal ROSYAMNOR nie.. aku rasa dia pikir dia dah hebat agaknya.. atau dia mungkin takut akan kejatuhan popularitinya pada tahun2 berikutnye.. manatau cip lak popular..
I see 2 glasses of teh tarik on the table,if one of them is yours i think you should quit that too (well, not quit actually just dont take too much of it). If it is not yours..err sorry
Salams Bro,
Good for you for quiting to smoke the rokok. I thot u dah berenti but for this time quit for good la bro .... not good for u & ur family.
Bro pun tak yah kurus la sbb dulu pun tak kurus mana pun tak cam Azhar Sulaiman pun..hehehe
I respect ur opinion on Rosyam Nor coz mebbe dia perasan dia popular ... so bro I hope next year u will win..
Good luck for your LOS & FAUN...
Yepyep! i'm also big fan of cip kodok! lawak bernas siott!! terpeleot small intestine aku!!
Just as a reminder...
"have fun with people who wanna have fun. So don't stress brudder. Selambakodok is here."
-quoted from cip kodok!
Keep up with the good work bro!
You had Projek Afdlin Shauki Hilang Akal b4..how bout u try dis, for your consideration
i saw adlin there.. bro,pls send him me ragards!! huhu. hm, gud luck for your los and faun aite? i cant wait!
p/s:bro,encourage lah adlin to blog tooo!
Damn.. I was thinking about quitting smoking too just yesterday. Cun... Let's start being healthy again.! We'll see how will it go..
..And I so, so agree with ur opinion about Rosyam. Well said.
tak nak....!!!
los dan faun ni cam menarik jer, sebab adlin tu ader... citer le lebih skit chip....
A way to start thinking seriously about quitting smoking is (as my chain-smoker friend had told me) was to watch Constantine, especially the last scenes, when constantine (keanu) meet lucifer.
when we were watching my friend, who dengan bangganya relate his chain smoking with the constantine character, tetiba cakap, "banyak tu ke tar dalam peparu aku?"...and started to quit. now, from boxes a day, he's now smoking 2,3 batang a day. a good start.
and harga minyak did assist a lot...i think.
"lagi baik kereta berasap dari mulut berasap, boleh gak pi keja dan pastikan dapur berasap."
yea cip kodok~!
usahamu itu amatlah di sapportkan oleh segenap lapisan kodok2 senatero dunia~
Semoga kita, kodok2 semua, bebas dari cengkaman asap... uhuhuh.. :p
alhamdulillahh...berenti jela merokok tue bro..chaiyo2!! n u made a good decision 2 announce it..hehehe so u'll feel more responsible 2 keep to..
pasal ROSYAM NOR tue..memang memalukan diri dia sendiri jer bila dia cakap camtue..dah ko menang.terima jelaa..watpe nak wat ayat "macam bagus"???huhuhu...terus menurun60% minat n respect aku kat die..
ehe..gudlakkk for LAUS DAN FAUN!!!Haa bro..dun forget to watch Persona Non Grata..besshhhhh...!! org dah tgk..lantak ler ada org ckp cedok citer thai pun (xtaula tul ke x sbb lum tgk cite february tu)..tapi citernye mmg interesting and "lain"..:)
brava chief ! keep up your best spirit to quit smoking.. syabbass beteh.. syabbas !
alah bila tak suka ngan statement seseorang terus melatah kata hilang respek la apa la. rosyam probably did that coz he hate reporters hounding him asking all the time why he keep winning each year or probably some other reason. the man is humble and u trying to potray him differently is regrettable. oprah winfrey do the same thing, takes her show out of the best talk show category to give chance to others. i guess u have no respect for oprah too, huh. maybe u would like to tell her to go drink kacip fatimah or sumthing. maybe u think if u won next year people might say eeelehh it's only coz rosyam didn't contest. i'm glad rosyam take himself out coz i'm tired seeing him won but please stop being insecure under the guise of being pissed.
hye there..good to hear pasal stop mrokok!! gd luck cip..slow2 k..
then..about RosyamNor..i guess u got a point there laa..n i respect ur point..but he could have his own point or reason pasal his statement on dat nite jugak rite..not all ppl think exactly as we do think..so..biarkan je lar die..bosan gak tgk dia asik menang je..mmgla rejeki..hmm then pasal hilang2 respek ni..x syok ar dgr..maybe dia salah cakap kot..ketaq sangat dapat award wpun dah biase ehe..u both ada special talent tersendiri..gua respek sama lu dua org!!..teruskan kasi industri pilem tempatan gegar!!
neway..the most important is..ehe saye cayaaang n rinduuu sama cip lar!! plan nk jumpe cip kat upm ari tu x menjadi coz da xm!! uwaaaa..
Assalamualaikum bro afdlin
betul berenti merokok lagik baik tau! smoking not good for your wife and children maaa....
psl brader lagi sorang tu.. hehehe.. bior le dia...
first of all those are names of rosyam's sponsors and kacip fatimah is not even considering getting Oprah winfrey as their ambassador so if i were to say that at the end, it would be false advertising. Plus it's not just me who is not happy, it's the whole acting fraternity feels he has demeaned the acting trade. The whole point of the matter is not that he won (like i said it's his rezeki but wether he was gracious enough in his victory. We don't wanna be in the category if he's not around because he can always say " Pasal gua takde bolehla!!!" It is better we lose trying than to win without having him in the category. Everybody wants to win on level ground to know their true worth. BY saying you take yourself out of competition, what you are saying is that there will never be anyone better than you ever. CAN YOU COMPREHEND THIS SELAMBATENUK!! CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE MAGNATUDE OF HIS STATEMENT TO ALL OF US ACTORS!!... If you are not in this field you will not get this i feel. If you are happy living you're life being Rosyam's second best man then go for it.
Cool bro... IMHO, Rosyam shouldn't announce that he wants to pull out of next year's ABP-BH publicly camtuh, tarik diri diam2 will be better, skurang2nya jaga hati kengkawan. If i were u pun bro, terasa beb... But maybe la, maybe, Rosyam pun tersilap kata camtu, kena faham, org yg sdg bermasalah mcm dia (pasal isu saman wartawan tuh) kkdg jiwa kacau, ckp pun kkdg x sempat nk fikir dh, lps ckp baru tersedar, patut ke aku ckp camnih... Maybe laa. Smua org tau, Manusia biasa takkan lepas dr melakukan kesilapan, anggapla kenyataan Rosyam tu sbg kesilapan manusia biasa. He shouldn't say like that. Tp kita sbg PEMINAT SENI nih pun takyah la nk membatu apikan sgt benda nih.
whatever, u must remember cip, manusia pun kkdg bole diibarat mcm lalang gak, in ur blog, they'll say, " ahh, bodoh la die tuh, macam bagus, suare sumbang bla bla bla......" tp x mustahil dibelakang, memcm umpat cerca nista yg diorg lemparkan....
sorry for being too harsh, cuma bila membaca 2-3 komen 'kebudak-budakan' kat atas nih, rasa mcm sengaja di'biased'kan jerkk...
and one more thing cipster, kalau x leh nk quit smoking pun, u better reduce. Kalau sblm ni sehari abis Dunhill Light or Sampoerna saiz besar 2 kotak, cuma utk abiskan jumlah yg sama dlm masa 2 minggu ke, biar rokok tu dh rasa payau sampai isap pun loya, then u'll free from cigarette... heheh ;P
all the best....
I was reading something on the newspaper the other day. Ada ayah sorang ni ... dia cuba nak berenti hisap rokok for so long now. Dia cuba everything, dari counseling ke therapy semua. Everything he tried, semua tak jadik. The longest he's been w/out cigarettes is 6 months.
One day he came home from work. As always, got to relax on his Lazy chair with drink and food in front of the tv. So, he got his cigarettes and just when he was about to light it up, his 9 year old daughter came into the living room.
She said,"daddy, please dont smoke, dont you wanna see me get married?."
p/s: afdlin ... give the guy the benefit of the doubts la. Ppl can say nasty things sometime, but that doesnt mean you should too.
aku memang sokong gile sesape yang nak berhenti merokok ni. to me, smoking is nothin more than a waste of everything. to me also, smokers are nut! they can say "merokok ni menenangkan fikiran" or what so ever but actually at last your "fikiran" tak jadi tenang, untuk kesan pada jangka masa yang panjang. kalau dapat penyakit tu, tenang fikiran sangat ke? bro afdlin, i know it's hard to stop smoking but you have to blame yourself for starting smoking dulu. once you try, once you start smoking, senang betul nak melekat. 99.9% la senang kate! credit for your lovely wife for giving such condition! bravo bravo!
good luck bro afdlin in your pursuit of quitting.
if some others could, you could too.
Mr.Afdlin, I maybe not agree with what you say about Rosyam Nor but I respect the right for you to say it.
Sebagai orang seni, saya fikir kita perlu lebih diplomasi untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan yang sedemikian. Dunia kita kecil aje.. pusing sana pusing sini kat situ jugak. Everyone knows you, and everyone knows somebody who knows somebody else in the industry.
Maybe his intention was good, but he made the wrong move. I'm sure a lot of us has made mistakes right? Maybe he's facing a lot of problems.. who knows right? The right thing to do is to say it to his face and let your feeling and opinion beknown. Not bashing him in your blog.
Now I have lost respect for you Mr.Afdlin. I bid you good luck in your effort of quitting smoke and in any future undertaking.
Mr.Afdlin, I may not agree with what you say about Rosyam Nor but I respect the right for you to say it.
Sebagai orang seni, saya fikir kita perlu lebih diplomasi untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan yang sedemikian. Dunia kita kecil aje.. pusing sana pusing sini kat situ jugak. Everyone knows you, and everyone knows somebody who knows somebody else in the industry.
Maybe his intention was good, but he made the wrong move. I'm sure a lot of us has made mistakes right? Maybe he's facing a lot of problems.. who knows right? The right thing to do is to say it to his face and let your feeling and opinion beknown. Not bashing him in your blog.
Now I have lost respect for you Mr.Afdlin. I bid you good luck in your effort of quitting smoke and in any future undertaking.
chill out bro..
betul tu chip, apsal lak nak kata taknak bertanding lagi kan, kut kalau dah kurang popular sebab mawi masuk, terima jer lah..tak yah nak buat alasan lak kan... apa yg lain ni tak best lansung ker..?
tgk mcm mawi, menang bilamana siti pun ada sama, so ternyata lah mawi tgh power time ni, sebab siti pun tewass..!!
so bila ramai yg ada, lagi best lah ..dapat kita tgk siapa yg betul2 bagus, atau siapa yg tak berapa bagus tapi selalu keluar tv..
...dari umur 9 tahun cuba isap rokok (curi rokok roughrider nenek) ...tapi sampai dah dekat 40 ni tak lekat2 rokok... ish... mungkin termasuk dalam golongan 0.1% kut....
...emm... lagi satu tak emsem la ngan RN pun nak merajuk... ish... chip kan cool orangnya...
...dah stop dah jangan layan dah isu ni ok??!!
Dear Razali,
I am sorry you feel that way, but i will be confronting Rosyam as it is important to me to know why he said what he said. And have you ever seen me bash anyone on my blog before. I am voicing an issue which is important to me, which is what a blog should be used for. Respect for our fellow peers. MY issue is questioning the motif why he would do such a thing when everybody knows that ABP-BH is a people's choice award, how would you pull yourself out of a competition where the people decide wholly who is nominated, who is popular and who is what have you. If they vote you in, you're in and vice-versa because it's their choice, you have no say. The best you can do is probably decline the award if you get it. But that is not pulling yourself out of competition.
Just my 2 cents. At least i am getting this issue out of my system.
Dear Mr.Afdlin,
Yes, indeed respect to your fellow peers. But please do remember that you are a public figure with large influence on people. People might get hurt by your statements especially those who are fans to Rosyam Nor.
I have never seen you bash other people in your blog before but that doesn't justify anything. Maybe Rosyam 's intentions are good and maybe he never thought of the impact of his action. Maybe he just made a mistake and maybe he has very personal reason to say this (family).
Yes maybe it is a way for you to get it out of the system. But if it personally concerns you, doesn't it mean that you should resolve it first hand with the said party before opening your issues to the public?
Man.. I can't wait for your next movie 'Los & Faun' when it is expected to release? Just wanna ask you..where do you get inspiration or ideas for your movies?
Semasa Tidor ka? Semasa di Tandas ka? Semasa semasa..semasa....
assalamualaikum bro...
1. aku nk bitau cd beik punya cilok aku dh beli yg ori kat jusco maluri 19.90 sen, btolkan harge tuh?
2. aku ske care ko berterus terang psl kate2 RN mase ABP... its u dan klu aku sendiri pd tmpt lu... wa pon wat statement yg same...
3. cume die hard fan RN jek akan mempertahankan kepisangan kate2 RN pd mjls ABP spt razali said hahaha... ko nk marahke razali said?
4. selamat benti isap okok, aku dh benti seminggu lebey sbb demam dan batuk yg kecempreng buat tekak ku cedera parah bile malam...
5. ei bro klu aku jemput ko dtg kundi kawin aku lan tujuh ni ko dtg tak? hahahhahaha...
pepun bro selamat kite bersame jage kesihatan ye... salamun alaik bro...
Glad to know that :
~ U want to quit smoking...good for your health.
~ U want to increase your aerobic exercises...good for your health.
~ U wanna relax more this year...also good for your health. U need enough rest and energy for your next projects....hehehe...
~ As for your comments on Rosyam Noor .... hmmm... I've no comment...
Dear Razali,
i am fully aware that my statements might offend those who are fans of the man but that is something i am willing to live with. As Rosyam will have to live with his statements. For ur info, it is not only me who is not happy about it, every single actor i've met since that day have brought this matter up. Everyone will bring the matter up when they meet him.
You are quick to defend someone who possibly have merendah-rendahkan sekumpulan besar pelakon malaysia in front of this year's largest tv audience, because u say everybody makes mistakes , tapi when i bring this issue up to comprehend why he would do such a thing?... you lose respect for me???...
What about my feelings and my family, they're not as important?
You have a great day Razali.
Drama betul gua ni kengkadang. Biaq pi la. Niat gua bukan nak memburukkan sesiapa. Kalau gua salah , gua mintak maaf, but this blog is called Afdlin shauki : Inside my head, which means u are here in my space to see what is in my mind. And i am me, feelings and all... if it's not what u like, just press 'next blog' button at the space on top.
take care all.
Afdlin Shauki
saya yang serba kekurangan
Seronok dapat baca bro' afdlin jawap secara live macam ni.... hehehe....don't worry bro',u're entitled to your own opinion... i respect you for that...
erm..dah lama gak jadik pemerhati kat blog awak ni...erm...nice blog..good effort..
lgpon sbnrnya kita ni 2nd cousin sblh mak awak..tp yelah sapelah kita ni..org tu glemer..kodok la katakan..hehe..jgn marah..
aritu kita nmpk awak kat hosp slyg..br balik visit uncle taib kan..kita pon ade kat sana..visit nenek..whatever, hope uncle taib will recover soon...n u..do quit smoking!!!..damn good 4 ur health..
k..till then..salamz
yer tak yer...tapi kan cara dia menyatakan benda tu dah mcm disebabkan dia. org lain takleh menang.. so kalau betul memang mcm tu, apa salahnya? kalau betul memang dia yg berhak, biar lah dia menang, atau dia tersentak dgn kehadiran org lain yg semakin mencabar popular dia..? tapi takkan buat statement sebab nak lari dari situasi kut...tak mancho mcm castello la bro.....
Hehe.... ye x ye. Cip takde plak pegi jumpa Rosyam & ajak bertumbuk pun, dia cuma mengkritik cara Rosyam, di dlm blog miliknya, bukan dlm blog milik saleha, razali, tompah aini, cik siti, dato W, X, Y atau Z... Tak perlu laa sampai nk lost respect kat Afdlin plak. Lain la kalau Huzz sudah tulis dlm Pancaindera, tajuk besar dia, " Castello parah diserang Nordin !" then waktu tuh, nk lost respect ke, lost suspect ke, win lose or draw ke, sukahati daa.
Cip... Peace from me. Kkdg bila terjadi perkara cengginih bleh mematangkan cara kita berfikir jugak.
z i c k e y s
erm, it seems that our cip is very-very angry regarding this matter. I'm sure he should, as the statement albeit indirect (no names were said) was targeted to the group of professionals that afdlin is included.
that said, although i may not agree in stating RN's name so explicitly, i do respect that this is Afdlin's blog and it's his right to write anything.
it's just i think it's better to write sans the name next time. by mentioning a public figure's name like that, you're not only risking hurting his feelings, but also his fan's. yeah, it's sucks when we can let something out of our system as we please, but a blog that's visited by your fans are not the best idea, at least that's what i think.
and this writing of mine is just what it is...a comment on your post.
just wanna say love what u been doing bro keep it up.take care & choose to be happy always.clean the mirror more let it shines brighter & farther
halamaaak, I'd pay to be at that table just to stare Adlin closer.
apa nih.. apa nih.. sabar tuan2..
i dont give a damn wt popular2 thing.. kalau ANUGERAH TERBAIK bleh la cite..
"cip, next time bleh la failkan saman for you to be popular too.."
webek webek webekzz..
ala...tak mau lah Los n Faun mcm Brokeback Mountain...tak original lah..u need to come out wif something original n lain drpd yg lain..make us Malaysians proud..dat is wat so great about afdlin shauki n other 'outstanding' malaysians movie maker...u need to come out wif smthg diffrent..
good luck on the 'trying-to-quit-smoking' thinggie..GOOD LUCK!!!smoking is not good for u n ur MONEY!!!
Rilex rilex..jgn marah2 nanti cepat tua.
Bagus, nak quit smoking.
From my limited experience, pernah jumpa sorang makcik ni muda lagi, baru awal 50an, 3 bulan lepas diagnosed lung cancer (sebab merokok bertahun2), kejap je dah RIP.
Pastu, another sad story, makcik sorang ni tak pernah merokok sepanjang hayat, tapi husband plak merokok, pun kena lung cancer, jap aje hayat nyer lepas diagnosed.
So...bukan nak takut2 kan, tapi that's the fact.
Lagipun, tak silap, kalu merokok ni bley jadik mandul, so camner nak ada baby no3 kan? kalu pasang sorang lagi pun, blom tentu dpt baby...kekekekke....
okeh la...good luck.
looking forward nak tgk BPC, BB bila mak bawak dari KLIA May ni...kita beli ori la, pirate2 tak main.
take care , aku dah lama boring tengok RN. My advise to you jangan selalu nak jadi hero . sometime we must pijak di bumi yg nyata.
lu memang champion la chief! punya lah lama tak blog sebab tak sihat, tak alih2 je kontroversi. wa caya lu.
i wont comment anything on the rosyam's case since my "common" mind would stand next to afdlin's view. i mean, ini kan blog afdlin shauki, afdlin shauki punya sukalah dia nak cakap apa pun, yang nak susah hati sampai mengigau malam kenape? kehkehkeh...
whatever it is, lets look at things in wider perspective and open mind rather than emotionally. as for encik razali, i hope you'll be a kodok and join us some day.
it's interesting when you get to explore or understand what's boggling in afdlin shauki's head.
webek! webek! webek!
though not so sure of how does a desperate housewives meets ghostbuster meets sherlock holmes kind of film could have any similarity with brokeback mountain,
los and faun sounds beckoning enough for me to spend 10 bucks on the movie ticket and another 20 on the vcd...
damn, your jokes are addictive!
"Drama betul gua ni kengkadang. Biaq pi la. Niat gua bukan nak memburukkan sesiapa. Kalau gua salah , gua mintak maaf, but this blog is called Afdlin shauki : Inside my head, which means u are here in my space to see what is in my mind. And i am me, feelings and all... if it's not what u like, just press 'next blog' button at the space on top.
take care all.
Afdlin Shauki
saya yang serba kekurangan"
sadiss betol baca comment cip..hehe..keep on bro..this is ur blog!! bebas utk bsuara!! n saye gak bebas utk kasik comments..huhu
I'm okay with ur comment abt RN becoz you started with the line "I don't usually do this because like me, i guess everyone has their shortcomings but when someone starts saying....." , so for me that's it lah..as much as we hate people telling us to do what we should/shouldn't do...(so much for "Freedom of Speech" (in own blog pulak tu))..analoginya macam tahan kentut lah, takleh main lepas je sebab kononnya it's "rude", kalau simpan nanti jadi busung pulak dlm perut...so, sebagai ahli masyarakat, kena ikut "protokol" walaupun mudaratnya pada diri sendiri (termasukla terpaksa tahan muka kalo orang tau kita kentut)..*oh well*...
anyway, just to highlight news I read today on DT's comments on kegagalan this one local film to reach kotak pejabat (walaupun director tu ada title Pro*. Mad**)...the producer (non-malay) named your BPC as an example of filem yang meletup di pawagam...If I were U, I senyum sampai ke modula oblongata!
lastly, wishing u all the best for your resolution to quit smoking and your next project Hilang dan Jumpa(Faun)...kalo ada masa terselit in between, please organize another round of Actorlympics, enjoyed the last time so much that I crave for another.. :-)
Take care, Dude!
"You are quick to defend someone who possibly have merendah-rendahkan sekumpulan besar pelakon malaysia in front of this year's largest tv audience, because u say everybody makes mistakes , tapi when i bring this issue up to comprehend why he would do such a thing?... you lose respect for me???..."
The one thing that made me lost respect for you is the way you voice out your issues. People who explicitly writing other people's name and impressing disrespect towards that person. To add salt on wound, you wrote him off by just living as an endorser of products. It shows how much you are condescending other people.
but after all, it's your blog. you can say what you want to say when you want to say it even how contradicting you might be. Like i mention before, I don't agree with you but i believe you have the right to voice out your rants, opinions and what so ever.
you have a nice day too afdlin.
You said it bro. You're the man. Untuk menang tidak perlu bersaing. Untuk bersaing tidak perlu menang.
Waiting for your next movie.
Ni kenapa nak gaduh-gaduh ni? relax ler..! This is a Democracy Country! FREE OF SPEECH FOR EVERYONE! Semua orang boleh voice out apa-apa yang diorang fikir kat batu jemala diorang!! Yang penting statement tu takde ler sampai menyentuh hal-hal sensitiviti agama dan adat-adat sesama insan! Selambakodok boleh cakap dan luahkan ketidakpuasan hati dia! RN pun boleh! Encik Razali pun boleh! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! As for me.. I don't side anyone! I've NO COMMENTS! Hmm.. pasal statement Linda Lum tu, eh Lindah Ahmad about kentut tu, Like my hubby selalu cakap, kalau lepas busuk kalau simpan sakit badan! Apa yang penting sekarang ni.. we as an adult yang waras boleh fikir mana baik dan mana buruk! Jangan nanti masing-masing punye fans gi KLCC buat PIKET!! Menghabiskan boreh jer! Lebih baik kita semua meningkatkan jati diri! Jangan nak menghentam sesama manusia. Masing-masing punye rezeki.. masing-masing cari.. masing-masing enjoy!!
P/S: LAUS & FAUN Macam interesting movie!
dear razali,
is there any better way to voice out Cip opinion?
He say it loud and clear through his own blog, which he advertise and paste his so called comel face. No anonymousity( betul ke aku eja?) So why did you say that you dont like the way he voice out his opinion? So pening.. Ko arr ni cip isap rokok banyak. Pening aku..
Ayam berkokok atas batang,
Mintak rokok sebatang..
aku igt razali nih RN la mihahahahahahahha
as'kum to all,
abg afdlin...sya mmg minat gilerrr tahap dewa dgn abg. tahniah atas sume pencapaian abg.
paling sya respect, abg sentiasa bersikap positif dlm semua aspek. n for that, u really are my insipiration.
so what kalau sya gemok!...at least i have a good job...good pay...i enjoy with my life, friends and family. with my bf. and lots of xtvt yg i leh buat..gi hiking...futsal is my feveret.
ape barang jadi budak kurus..sekeping je bdn tue..btg penyapu kat blakang umah lagi gemoq' dari diorg..ahahahahahahatiku hepi gilerr.
i'm totally agree n support ur decision no1...benti merokok!..watpe merokok..bazir jer..baik u masuk tabung duit tue...leh bayor tol...ahaks!
all the best abg afdlin shauki...u rock!!
afdlin, it's ur blog i know but i dont agree with the comments u made on rn. no doubt u have many supporters supporting u here but that doesnt mean u can brush away other ppls' opinion.
and it is definitely not a nice way to say unsatisfactory remarks about rn.
relek bro afdlin,, relek razali.. jom lepak bawah pokok rambutan sambil makan sukun goreng.. emmm sedap nyaaaaa....
Has anyone who is upset with Afdlin for voicing his "condescending" opinion gone to RN and gotten upset with him for voicing his condescending opinion of his peers?
A jumps the queue and B stands up for everyone else in the queue, then C tells B to stop causing a fuss and embarrasing everybody. So A gets away with being a boor (not boar) because C doesn't like the noise B made?
Please don't be scared of someone making some noise.
So far as i know i have not brushed anyone's opinion aside. My way of thinking is to have all points fleshed out and discussed. I have not deleted any negative comments, they are here for all to read and to be evaluated wether it is fair or not. If i only saw things my way, i will not be here. I am open to negative comments and i am not under any nickname or pseudonym, if you have something negative to say to me and you are interested in discussion, show yourself (email and name) so we can discuss like civilised people because you are talking to someone who cares about DISCUSSION.
With regards to RN saying what he said at the ABP-BH, I still think it was wrong for him to put his fellow actors down in public. That is my stand. It doesn't make what you think about the situation wrong, it just makes it your stand / opinion.
point taken,mamasan..good one!!!~
ok ok..jgn nak komen lagi kat sini...aku cadangkan kes ditutup dan aku sokong 100% kes ni ditutup..
mari bykkan kesyukuran di atas kurniaan Ilahi..aminnnn~~~
Amin... Kes Close!
hahahha..org yg cakap camtu sounds like a sourgrape to me! maybe he was trying to sound like CT and exit gracefully (supposedly) when she said that she'll not join Juara Lagu anymore, when ppl keep complaining about her winning. She shld not give shit bout what ppl say..dah rezeki kat tgn tuhan! amik jelah..lainlah kalau tuhan dah tutup rezeki dia kat situ, am i roite??? ;)
ntah per per la malaysian ni... suka mak bapak la dia nak cakap apa... blog dia, tak salah dia nak ckp apa. they are in the same group. so dia paham apa yang dia rasa. yang korang korang yg tak puas hati sangat ni psal? korang in the same group ke? because if you are, you won't be freaking used other name than your celebrities name, aight?
so kesimpulannya korang korang ni sebenornya gatal tangan, tak paham apa apa, tak terkena sibok sibok nak menyampok! dia cakap 'we actors' not 'we malaysians'. just being a typical malaysian, buat tahu everything apa yg orang lain ckp! ikut suka dia la. to so called selambatenuk, ha memang tenuk pun... bukannya matured sgt statement tu.
lain kali, nak menyampok, bagi salam dulu... issue ni psal hang ka yg melatah sangat? cam na nak maju? pas tu sibok nak guna nama oprah. hello?? do you really think you can go that far? tell me, do you watch OWS? if not, don't bother to think that you are at that level of maturity. even she can handle criticism and NOT freak out over it like you do!
whatever man!
haaa ni ruangan komen suka hati jugak la apa aku nak komen asal aku tak mencarut dan memburukkan sesiapa, tak nak bagi komen jangan bukak ruangan Post a Comment. ada ke org komen kata gatal tangan pastu suka hati nenek kau je nak perli nick aku selambatenuk padahal kau sembunyi di sebalik anonymous. matured lah konon-kononnya tu. aku istiharkan siapa yang guna anonymous adalah terdiri dari spesis khinzir gurun. hehe jangan marah.
lantaklah man!
can some of u people grow up. stop being so nosy. let afdlin say what he wants to say. whatever happened to freedom of speech. if anyone of u were in his shoes and amongst his peers (the acting world), you would have said the same thing. i'm glad there's someone out there like afdlin who is willing to speak up. those that dont dare live their life in gossiping. pathetic indeed.
i'm in US and anyone here will say what they want. yes of course msians are more cultured people but that doesnt mean that you cant voice out anything. god gave you a voice and a brain to think and speak; not to waste it away in a corner wondering why, what and how. stop making it such a taboo. if i was in afdlin's shoes, i would have even said it to the media.
to mr afdlin, thank you for being different. there needs to be more msians like yourself. on another note, im glad that there are more and more msians that can speak proper english.
good luck in your future endeavors and please do challenge all the narrow minded ppl out there.
Go bro go... quit smoking is good!!!!! ;) Gambate!
one story i can give you (passed by my mom) that relates to smoking: My dad used to be a heavy smoker and my mom doesnt like it one bit. He usually smoked up to 2-3 box a day, and sometime if he ran out of cig in the middle of the night, sanggup kluar tgh mlm pegi kedai beli rokok. Dulu keje ngan govt, gaji bukannya besar pun. Duduk pun kat rumah govt je, takder duit nak buat rumah sendri. So one day my mom had enough of cig-smoking hubby, so she started collecting all of my dad's empty cig box. When she had enough of them, she arranged the box carefully along the house beams (rumah zaman dolu ader one layer dinding jer, tak sebelah menyebelah, so u could see the 'tulang' dinding). After she finished arranging the boxes on all the beams, she showed it to my dad and said nonchalantly (even though pedas giler), "kotak rokok tu harga sama mcm sekeping papan (zaman dulu le). Tgk awak punye kotak rokok tu, penuh satu rumah. kalu guna duit rokok utk beli papan, mesti skarang kiter dah ader rumah sendiri kan." And that does it... my dad went quiet and stopped smoking until now. Alhamdulilllah sgt... so abg afdlin maybe have no prob about buying cig and buying house,.. but well the money can be used for better purpose la, mcm children's trust etc etc etc hehehehhe. Jgn mare ya bang sbb mcm nak mangajar pulak hehehee... just bagi cerita teladan nih, maybe utk bloggers yg lain gak ler ;)
Pasal RN tu makin panas pulak ye... abg afdlin kiter sabar-sabar aje la yek. We understand how u feel about some things that happened during ABP. I like RN but i myself was shocked when he said what he said during ABP. I was cringing inside and said to myself "oh my god RN, what are u doing?... please dont continue with what u want to say" .. but what can i do, he said it. I was so embarrassed even though takde kaitan pun ngan RN. Mmg embarrass giler...
If i'm the candidate utk that anugerah pun i'll be like "hey man! who do u think u are to say things like that? u think becoz u are in this competition, thats the reason we can't win ka?" Haiyo RN really blew it laaa... malu i kalau nak ingat balik time speech dier tu.
Actually, everybody wants to win... but who wants to win in a competition that has no worthy competitor? who wants to win a trophy that is handed down to them? I'm not saying that RN is the only worthy opponent in malaysia, but his actions SAID it for him. Erggghhhh... big mistake la RN.
ok la... penat nak tulis lagi daaa.... adiossssss!
yay to all frog lovers!
roscoe, koddy and kronk rulesss hahahah
ps/ some people dont understand why we love frogs!
untuk yg sembang lebih macam blog nie bapak korang punya, rentikan jela... jgn la buat macam umah sendri. kalau tak suka, tak payah masuk sini... kalau lost respect... pergi mampos la... cip tak mati la kalau korang lost rrepsct... macam la dia hadap sgt respect ko tuh. dah dia nak kata apa pon suka ati dia lah... yg korang nak sakit ati macam lah ko tuh RN. melebih2 plak.. tak rase malu ker woi???
only one simple comment : this is the difference between artis educated and artis tak educated. yang ader architecture degree and stakat pass spm jer.. I've always preferred "Roy" in "Gila-gila Remaja" compared to the one who got himself sent to Henry Gurney (eh tak relevan pulak.. heheh).
most of commentars were quick to point out that those who try to see RN problem from a different point of view is RN fans ex Razali..
and most made a quick judgement that RN action is due to him 'besar kepala' and not respecting his fellow actors...
i beg to differ in this issue, i saw this situation from this point of view: RN is thinking that the his winning in ABP is becoming a not so healthy habit maybe due to his fanatic fans (the same problem with Siti Nurhaliza) which he thinks is not good for the entertainment industry...his announcement might be intended for the watching fans..not to his fellow actors...after all the stage is a good place to make those kind of announcement..everybody love raymond producer announce their last season at the awards ceremony right? when it comes to popularity awards, the fanatic fans will be key factor, in malaysia, mawi and siti going to win most popular singer in their category no matter they release album or productive or not at the current moment because of their fanatical fans..i beleive rosyam might think the same apply to him and is it wrong if he thinks that this is not good for the entertainment industry..
it's all about giving room to others and that is what RN tries to do but i guess a bit unsuccessfully..and if u are quick to judge people and always tend to look on the negative side...u will always find a lot of negative outcome..
ps: if u look from a different point of view...maybe things are not as bad as u firstly think...
congrats cif, teruskan usaha murni stop smoking!
PNG - erm, belum tgk.. but so far not so positive la feedback. anyways since my mum ada kata teringin nak tgk, insya allah i akan pegi jugak la bwk my mum.. nanti la dah tgk baru boleh komen.
and kodokians sekaliannya, talking about new films, GUBRA will open soon and with NO CUTS! takde ke nak buat event kodokians mengGUBRAkan diri beramai-ramai.. opening date according to Kak Yasmin will be on 6th April nanti
-peace kodoks-
hicks... best tul baca ruangan komen nih... macam2 orang... inilah dunia... cayalah afdlin... u berjaya buka satu ruangan untuk org bercakap dengan ikhlas dan tulus dari hati.
Anugerah2 kat M'sia ni.. so far aku rasa Anugerah ERA paling best dlm kategori anugerah hasil pilihan rakyat... (maybe i'm wrong since i x ada astro kat rumah)
kenapa ? setahu aku... vote anugerah era ni kat website dan di kontrol oleh no IC (Satu IC sekali vote aja). so secara statistiknya... undian tu tepat melainkan dalam malaysia satu orang ada 1000 no IC (macam satu orang beli 1000 paper/sms 1000 kali)
Info aku mungkin outdated atau tak betul... kalau salah sorry dan betulkanlah.
Just stupid imagination... macamana SPR nak tentukan keputusan pilihanraya ekk kalau satu rakyat leh undi 1000 kali or more ? Kalau SPR guna skim SMS ni sure minyak tak naik (collect duit sms melambak)
*Teruskanlah berfantasi atas nama realiti :)
mamat tu ada hak nak berlagak la bro..bio la dia,laina baru mng skali ke..xkan ko xpenah berlagak sebelum2 ni??
aku xpro / cons sesape..cuma my point of view jerk..
On RN... you're totally right! He talks like nobody else ever deserves that award! He used to be the cool guy but that was wayyyy back... guess that's the price some pay for fame & money. U get some, u lose some.
Those voters voted for the car prize.. it's the safest vote. So jangan la rasa diri besar sangat.. setakat buat filem penuh dgn biskut Julie's (rasa cm biskut tu lak yg 'main' character sbb dapat scenes plg byk). I did go to see the Julie's movie... I laughed almost all the way to the end... Auntie Julie appears on the screen & the wayang jadi so ceria walaupun masa tu RN dok bertungkus lumus lawan penuh emosi atau dok bersedih.
I think it'd be nice if u could do a spoof movie of biskut Julie's and some garang-and-konon-macho gangster... how they create some kind of weird affection towards one another. Perhaps u can include a few scenes for tongkat ali (just to jaga hati tongkat ali). It'd be a big hit!
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