Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Okaylah gang oleh kerana ramai yang bertanya, i plan to go see the GAMARJOBAT show again on saturday anyone else interested, they are most welcome. BOOK SENDIRI ok gang. Kalau tak you all will never learn the actor's studio's number.
If you want to read a review on GAMARJOBAT (pasal you tak percaya sama gua), try and read up

today hari keenam 1 stopped smoking. tough titties. but surviving. Am feeling the short term benefits, no short of breath and find it less of a nuisance to constantly needing to have cigarette breaks. Tapi awal-awal ni boleh la gua cakap lawa.... mari kita tengok seminggu lagi sapa kene???... heeehee.

Thank you to all the anti-smoking kodoks yang memberikan kata-kata semangat kepada gue... korang semua bagi gua power untuk... dapat ANAK LAGI SATU!!!!! Siap-la my wife, dia suruh gua berhenti kalau nak buat baby lagi sekarang gua dah berhenti... MuhaMuha...Muhahahahahahahahahaaa sapa mau tolong???!! heehee.


Afdlin Shauki


Anonymous said...

hahahhaha...bagus bagus...mmg tak yah laa merokok-rokok ni..baik kasik aku jek rokok tu..hahaha...

ehh tak de student price ke? mahal bonar ni :( tolong ar cip =p

Anum Food Trading said...

hey rokok skang dh mahal..baik u banjer i dari beli rokok..neway gambatte lah yer..harap berjaya sehingga ke akhir garisan..oh pasal baby..ok rasa nya sperm akan lebih aktif sekiranya kurang pengkonsuman tar dan gud luck!

p/s: no mercy lah for ur wife..hohohoho

Anonymous said...

Cayalah Bro ... you should join me as a non-smoker. Then, we go out lepak cari non-smoker area. BTW, unlike you I didn't quit because I never started.

haji aidid said...

tak de mood lah nak comment tapi nak tulih jugak huhhuuhu

Anonymous said...

muahahahahaaa kwang3... ahaks!!! webeks.. webeks..

SimplyMas said...

Baguslah tuh Cip! Untuk kesihatan you jugak kalau berhenti smoking! Ramai ramaikanlah kodoks junior! To carry on the Kodoks legacy! Hee hee!

Akan ku check out the website! Thanks again cip!

terganaz said...

hi !! koi tabek la kat aok coz berusaha keras nok berenti ho ho ho bgiuh la terus kat useho murni, hidup the duke of kodok chef !!! hidup the duke of kodok chef !!! Afdlin benci rokok , koi pun tok merokok meh la sesame benci rokok !!!!hidup the duke of kodok chef !!! hidup the duke of kodok chef !!!

Unknown said...

Berenti isap rokok cip jgn tak...Doakan aku akan kuat iman nak berenti macam cip...Allah selamatkan aku...

Anonymous said...

Teruskan cubaan cif! Jangan stop, nanti kena karan! Hahahahah!

Anonymous said...

Semekom Cip :D tahniah2 dalam usaha berenti merokok, dlu ade gak try isap rokok tp pastu nafsu isap rokok baik takyah isap rokok,lg satu bazir je isap rokok...klu isap rokok kesihatan makin ok tkpe gak ni makin ko kang..tahniah again Cip,hopefully Cip tak isap rokok dah eh :D insyaAllah

SaifulAzri said...

org kate kalu nak berenti rokok lagi bagus kalu diiringi ngan ahad nie ade Power Run kat dataran..moh kite masuk ramai2..arini boleh register lagi kat!!!

Anonymous said...

You can do it brade.... Berenti isap rokok jer.... Kalau gua chain smoker for as long as 13 years.... bole stop.... sekarang dah 2 years nikotine free.... takkan brade tak bole.... sure bole punya.... it's all in the mind beb.... it's all in the mind.... Mind power rocks!!!!

Anonymous said...

tgk lu punya motto yg tak tahan tuhh


muahahahahahaha..... jgn sampai mia or anais tanya plak satgi, "Papa, papa, sperma tu aper?"

all the best, keazaman menjana kejayaan !

Zashreena said...

congrats and good luck on your effort to quite smoking and make more cute babies!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, dude. This has given me some sort of inspiration to quit smoking myself.
Not that I intend to be making babies anytime soon, but.. well, you know the health benefits and blablabla and stuff.

Good luck, keep it up and err.. rock on? Heh.


Jalal said...

Allo Cip,

Kul bape bro nak gi tengok GAMARJOBAT tu... leh kita togethergether jumpa kat sana.

Good for u bro... still surviving after 6 days...i hope it stops forever... hehehe jangan lepas dapat baby baru nanti isap rokok balik daaaa...

eh nak tanya la sperma tu apa? heheheheh webeks webeks...

mynameislina said...

ala nak menyebok gak...tgk nak balik kg lak weekends nih..hmm

and Chaiyo! Chaiyo! for more baby kodoks...kuang..kuang..kuang gud luck neway...

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Congrat bro' atas keazaman nak berenti merokok..... dan keazaman nak menambah anak lagi.....hehehe....

kookabooras said...

Bro ni ade tips nak dpt baby boy. "kalu mase nak siram pokok tu, rapatkan hujung penyiram ke tanah". Sperma yg ade kromosom (X ke Y gua dah lupe) lelaki ni mudah mati onda way nak g ke ovum. So kalu 'siram' jauh2 misti x dpt jd anak laki la. Ni serius ni bukan tipu.

Anonymous said...

yess... memula 6 hari pastu 6 minggu pastu lagi 6 bulan pastu 6 thn plak pastu tak nak rokok dah ...harap kekal lah yek ..
anyway aku dah stop rokok sejak rege minyak naik .. baik aku isi minyak kete aku ..boleh gak aku gi meround.. beli rokok tak leh nak meround, pegi kerje pon jalan kaki ...arggghhh tidak ...

kirana nakia said...

yeop..selamat berenti rokok dan selamat buat anak..hahahaaaaaaaaaaa

supersomething said...

dude, jangan mintak tolong orang untuk buat baby. itu kena usaha sendiri... hahahahaha

misz_dini said...

hahahhahha.....lawaklah ko chip....

ontahsapo said...

ok chip, gua try dapatkan tiker budak2 jepun ni utk sabtu, so kalau jumpa nanti gua tegur, kalau tak kenal pun buat2 kenal la, nanti malu lak gua...


Anonymous said...

abg afdlin,

congrats dah masuk 6 hari tak merokok.. moga2 kekal tak merokok sampai bila2..

Anonymous said...

lu mmg gile cip, i lef u..
niwei, congrats sbb bakal dpt baby lagik,..

Anonymous said...

lawak tul..anyway..gud luck for the baby in the making! Buat anak yg boleh buat filem 3 kali lawak..hehehe

Anonymous said...

sume bende yang gua nak sampaikan kodoks-kodoks lain sudah pun menyampaikannya..

*Usaha tu tangga kejayaan, kalo tangga tu patah naik lif lagi cepat. Jangan harapkan pagar sebab nanti pagar roboh.

N a d i a said...

Hahahahaha!! Selamat Berenti Rokok dan Selamat Buat Anak mlm ni.. heheh.. malam jumaat la bro..hahaha


Obefiend Weiland said...

as i am writing im enjoying a ciggie break.. hmm..... i can feel the nicotine coursing through my veins.. poisoning me.. sedapnya.. glup glup

and i wonder ye abang afdlin

you smoke oso big like dat one ah?? cant imagine if u dont smoke.. hahah..SUMO baby sumo!!

cronoz said...

Urghhh!!!! Have an urge.. to get.. my last cig. for today..

Gud luck to quit smoking my friend. :)


Bubbles Boutique said...

Yo Cip Kodok .. lu renti isap rokok leh + anak beb .. guwe berenti isap rokok nak + ape beb? muahahahhaa ...
Nyway all de best ler Cip Kodok!

pye:rudz said...

nak kasik sperm lu berenang lagi laju? haa... minum madu, tongkat ali, buat senaman harimau, jangan lupa biskut castello! (no offense guys)
muahahahahahaha... hey chriiiss... here comes afdlin shaukiii... kehkehkeh...

Anonymous said...

Bawa Actorlympics to Singapore lah!
When can we get to see you on Singapore TV with Najip and Sarah? You guys make a GREAT team! All three are not the hottest-looking people, but the most talented in the region!!! You guys are testimony that personality and talent are more valuable than looks!

Anonymous said...

*gasp* No! Someone just implied that you aren't good looking! How dare she.. *lol*

You're the best, Afdlin!

Good luck with the smoking. And the baby.


Anonymous said...


Congrats 6 days smoke free. Teruskan.

Here is something I found in MalaysianMedical Resource website, if you and any of the fellow kodoks interested.

"Quit&Win 2006
by dobbs @ 7:36 am. Filed under - General, - Dobbs
Quit&Win is an international smoking cessation contest for adults. Smokers from all over the world will try to quit smoking or using tobacco products for at least a four-week period in May 2006. After the contest period the winners are drawn among the participants. Potential winners undergo tests to verify their abstinence. Quit&Win is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has several other partners. The international super prize, USD 10,000 and six regional prizes of USD 2,500 will be drawn among the main prize winners of each country.

The local chapter of the competition is organized by Associate Professor Lekhraj Rampal of Universiti Putra Malaysia, the Health Ministry, Malaysian Medical Association and the medical services division of the armed forces. Rampal, who is chairman of the MMA’s committee on Action on Smoking and Health, said the organisers were targeting 3,000 local participants this year. Win or lose, the competition is a great way to increase awareness on the hazards of smoking especially among youth. Studies on previous participants have shown that an average of 20 per cent of smokers who participate in the competition eventually kick the habit for good"

So,any of you yg nak quit tu, takpayah la tunggu until May, start now and teruskan untilMay.

All the best.
Allah bless.

rapheydhillo said...

hi! 1st time jengah ur blog. i'm big fan of yours. cool beb if you can make it to stop smokin'...FOREVER. Like my hubby, he's stop after got flue (not H5N1!!) last December. But now he can't stop eating. He will eat and eat.. unless he'sleeping.

Anonymous said...


To me you are extremely funny when you become a Chinese salesman like you did in your talk show on Astro. Any chance of seeing you in that character anytime, anywhere?

Webadstech said...

Allo Chip

Aku respect la ko bleh tahan sampai 6 hari....keep it up bro. Tang buat anak tu aku tak mau komen pasal aku naif lagi. Tp jangan sampai sangkut perut dah laaa wakakakakaka......

Anonymous said...

agree with kookabooras and hotmama..seriously it does work that way..n i know u know this better..dont u mr cip?hehehe..ok good luck for the new baby to come ehh..hope it is boy..pastu namakan laa dia sebagai lokman..sure dia akan bijak seperti saya..

Anonymous said...

bebenda camni mana boleh tolong baru betul hilang akal nih!!!

Liz said...

Hi Afdlin,

It's been awhile since I last commented anything. Great that you have been so successful with your career and this blog thing.

As for the smoking habit, beleive me that if you really want to do it, you sure can do it. It's all in the mind, your mind control your body. My father have been smoking for over 44 years and he stopped when he had to go for a bypass operation last year. He did not smoke a stick ever since with strong will and he succeeded.

If an old man of 60 can do it, a young man like you is surely nothing.

Anonymous said... chippppp.....

i really salute your keinginan beso untuk merealisasikan cita2 untuk dapat baby boy...

since i pun tgh plan nak dapat baby boy, jom kite plan sesame so your wife and me boley dpaat baby boy at the same date?!!


Anonymous said...

cam kelakar jek komen babysyaza tu..tapi ape ape pon..good luck for ur baby boy ekk..jgn lupa kasik nama dia lokman..pasti dia akan bijak dan macho seperti saya..

kunci hilang said...

petua nak menahan rasa nak hisap rokok ketika dlm percubaan awal utk quit:
1. amalkan minum teh tanpa gula.
2. sarapan telur separuh masak.

(nanti dah sampai hari ke-14, elakkan tekanan. Keadaan yg begitu mendorong utk isap rokok. Mmg best hisap rokok lepas dah lama (yg tak sebegitu lama) tak hisap.

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear bro Funky gekko!
Keep up the good work of not smoking! Apa yang YEOP dapat dgn merokok tu? Nuthinlaa... menambahkan asma je adelaa.. anyway jgn. nanti sakit mcm ayah.. I hope u will stop smoking for good and i hope u will promise ur self for the last time,JANGAN NANTI BILA STRT SHOTING FILEM..MEROKOK BALIK, think of your family especially MAMA coz dia kuat semangat untuk recover from stroke..Yeop x bangga ke ngan mak! Make that as example. AnywY I gtg. I hope to see u in Aiman's bday party today!

Your sis

Anonymous said...

bila VCD Buli Balik nak release?

Anonymous said...

Chip, terkezut tengok yr comment pasal RN. You got a point there.

Anyway ... hang on there. apa la yg ada kat asap ... buat baby lagi best ... hehehe

Anonymous said...

hello afdlin, wah2. i know u r happy now wid film, family. but i notice that ur weight is increasing drastically. watching buli n bpc, there is a big difference in u. yo bro, i dun mean to be ur mama n i dun want to. just being concern. peace!

Zairul said...

ohooo.. nanti baby lahir jangan kasi nama 'Zairul'.. nanti dalam kelas kena duduk belakang sekali.. ekekeke

Sam said...
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nikman said...

GAMARJOBAT tu mahal sgt.. :(

~chOTTo~ said...

king kodok.. dahlah minyak dah naik nih.. baik save $ utk minyak dr beli rokok.. bila minyak banyak boleh bwk family jln2.. sambil hanimun.. kalau merokok? king sorg lah yg merasa nikmatnya... oleh itu... majulah sperma utk family.. heeeee...

dumdum said...

hahahahhahaha...sukeenyaaa..nak dapat anak sedara baru..:P lebey2 lak aku nie..pape pon..teruskan yer bro..chaiyo2!!!

she-shima said...
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she-shima said...

apa lagi, nanti gi LA, dapat hilangkan serabut otak tu kan, kan, boleh la bikin baby... hehehheee.. Kasi picah tau!!! Shima janji takkan kirim apa - apa pada abang, cuma mintak abang selamat pergi dan balik je..

P/S : Aie kirim girlfriend sorang..yang matanya berwarna biru laut..

Orang Luar Gelanggang said...

Chief, gila kool stop smooking! Welcome To The Club, aku pun lebe kuang dah dekat 2 bulan jugak le dah setop isap rokok, tapie tapie terhisap gudang garam 2 minggu lepas, he he, sekali je tuh. So far Alhamdulillah, tak de teringin sangat nak isap, setaymate la shikit duit. BTW Chie, karauke Along Bukit Beruntung tu tahap Gaban Beranak Lapan pun belum tentu bole lawan Chief punye video musik. Kool.

Anonymous said...

:: wahahaa!!...sikalang sudah mau brenti rokok arr,bro yg paling penting,not to stop smoke in a one week straight...coz u bley demam maa...(ma frenz punyer pengalaman)...merah bijik mata dier menahan rokok....nway gud luck 4 ur target!!!...smoking no gooddoo..yeszzaa!!

Izham Miyake said...


Gua pun baru je berenti merokok setelah jantung gua berdenyut terlalu laju..

Skrg ni banyak masa gua dihabiskan dekat GYM. Nak buat cemana. Kena paksa buat kardio sampai heart rate turun macam biasa.

My normal heart rate is double the other people normal heart rate.

So, marilah berenti merokok..!

Kay said...

A simple way to put it, if u want to stop, then "Just Do It"...

If u feel like cheating urself n the others around u..then dont stop..harhar...make sense??

About smoking n making baby...there's no scientific explanation dat smoking can 'disrupt' bb making...only the momma cant smoke...may do harm to the preg...

Anyway, gd luck, u'll nd it...but i guess u'll only last for two wks...kahkahkah

Anonymous said...


kalau ko nak rokok murah, atuk aku ada buat tembakau kampung rendam air pinang. Best woo... hehehe...

Anyway, congrats la atas usaha murni mu nak stop smoking. Tabik spring la kat bro dan sperma2 bro tuh :)

Anonymous said...

alaaa chipdok...x kelas la x ngokok..camner nak bekokok cam nih...nanti diri lu yg kekok...yg lain jgn sebok...kalu x kena hempok...kayla, baik gue cilok...nak lyn cencalok dok...alaagapokkkk bapokkk ammaa!