Needless to say it was an outstanding kodok sporting event where all the kodoks menunjukkan belang ataupun tompok-tompok mengerutu mereka. Since , i'm sure many of you will be asking... my team tha 'HARD CORE-DORKS' got third placing overall out of 15 teams. A kodok called NART is the most dangerous kodok with a bowling ball. i myself, (gear macam main piala dunia) was placed 24th out of 55 kodoks. Macam tak caya lak ramai kodoks pandai boling, the top four bowlers have been honoured by being selected for the inter fan club bowling competition on the 5th of march. All their expenses will be borned by the FELLOWSHIP OF THE KODOKS. SO watch out you all for KODOK POWER coming to you this March.
AND BE-fore-WARNED all you non kodoks, that our kodoks HARD CORE-DORKS mean business and are quite lethal when it comes to ball sports. Because most of us look like ball osso.
DON't FORGET IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO GO TO THE SNEAK PREVIEW OF BULI BALIK tomorrow at 10.00 am. Just check http://sultanmuzaffar.blogspot.com
cip, sapa nama kodok yg 4 org tu? me tak sempat arr nengok final result..
Bro, just saw again the movie clip on "Along Bukit Beruntung" ... aku masih nak tergelak nak pecah perut ...
Why not buat a real movie. Sure hevoc gilaks ... (make sure yang kene pukul tu Awie...baru ROCK!!! sorry Wie)
J, the "Along Jln Ampang"
Yo bro! Gua x pandai sgt main bowling ni sbb tu cume dpt no 17 je. hehehe. also thanks so much coz invite me tgk game Man U vs Liverpool ari tu. Man U menang. hahahahah so kalah kene belanje teh tarik - theroxic a.k.a wan
Rock on kodokan.
mana bajunya, tangkap gambar sikit..
berapa harga?
yaa! walaupun gua bowling dengan tangan gua yang tak bersarung atau dilengkapi dengan apa2 peralatan, gua masih dapat mengalahkan cip dalam dua game, berkat teknik "swinging bowl" (mangkuk hayun) gua! heehee!
allo...cmn nk beli tshirt buli balik ni?uwaaa....nk gak ...
u yg lukis gambar tu kan??
u rock afdlin! mmg sokong tol u punye pendapat psl industri filem msia! lawak u ada kelas!!! bukan lawak ntah pape ntah!!! huhuhuhu!!
Tetiba je u bleh enterfrem gamba tu...nasib baik kiut..kalau tak, jadi mcm dlm cerita Shutter...huhu...seram...
how to order the t-shirt?
elo cip, kasik lah tunjuk semua list tu. nak gak tau jatuh no berapa. haha
hey chip.
macam ner nak order tshirt tu.. kita @ singapura lah..
afdlin ... awek yang pakai tudung tu sape name? blog? email? :)
tak sabar nak tgk buli balik esok nie... tiket dah beli... hehehe.... copek la esokkk...
pepagi dah sesat nak gi 1 utama..masa tu dah pkl 9am..giler+tensen..
at last..kul 9.45am selamat sampai kat parking lot 1utama tuh..
citer BB ni aku rasa buli 1 lagi beh dr buli 2..
buli 2 ada unsur2 drama tp boleh cuba lagi lain kali.. :)
anyway...congrats to afdlin.. senyuman anda sungguh comel...
mr. Afdlin, hope i don't sound too hostile on this, i am a fan of you afterall. And if you're just joking about it,then fine. BUT, don't you think by regarding your followers as 'kodoks' in the first place because they are 'ugly on the outside' a bit strong? people will only get uglier if they think they are. if they think they look good, they will look good. wouldn't you say so,sir? i notice that many people don't realise this.
Tunjuk lah the fool list, woops I mean, full list.. I nak jugak tau I dapat first place ke tak (from below) hee hee hee...
all the best with Buli Balik...might be watching it in cinema soon, if tak pokai! heheh...
btw, i love Baik Punya Cilok...sweet!
nak order t-shirt buli balik...nak order t-shirt buli balik....nak gak t-shirt tu....camne ni. yg kat yahoogroups tu tak berapa paham la sbb guna digest....
nak order tshirt mcm mana?..
order t-shirt jek? nak order afdlin satu bley?? :D
nak gak order t-shirt tue...hehehehe...lg satu bowling tournament nie organize by??? afdlin fans ker???
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