let me tell you a little bit about myself and what i believe cinema can and should be.
I hate mediocrity. If i know i can do something well, i will move on to do other things. I challenge myself constantly.
I Love movies. I love to fantasize about the what ifs. But the type of movie which i really, truly adore are movies which are provokable, that disturbs ur emotional well being, that jogs u from ur calm and expect u to think and feel.
SEPET, GUBRA, La Haine (HATE), CINEMA PARADISO are very good examples of this. It is about important stories that needs to be told to shift people's paradigm.
WHAT is paradigm? Your knowledge + the things u have experienced in YOUR world during ur life, up till today. I don't pretend to know all, and i want every new experience i have to shift my paradigm because it means i am learning something new constantly. What i forsee as reality, you might see as something that cannot happen, because we have had different upbringings by people with differing sets of moral values..I come from a poor family but because i converse well in english people think GUA ANAK LORD (a lord's son), because in their world people who speak english well are all anak orang kaya. Another example would be, a slightly more matured married man with children might appreciate Cinderrela Man more than a single happy-go-lucky-never-had-to work-a-single-day-in-his-life-kind-of-fellow.
When directing a movie. I try to cater to two crowds - the simple minded folk and the slightly more sophisticated folks. This might not be the right thing to do and i'm sure a lot of independent directors (who shudder at the very mention of mainstream malay movies) despise the very idea of compromising their art for commercialism. I once tried to use that line on my car reposessor, needless to say.. I am now carless.
I believe in making movies that invite the urban and rural market to converge under one roof. That is why BULI and BAIK PUNYA CILOK have been doing fairly well in the cinemas i guess. Kalau nak gelak aje, dapat gelak. Tapi kalau pergi dengan minda terbuka dapat pengajaran.
At the press preview of BULI BALIK, i don't think i have ever experienced being this happy after a press preview EVER in my life. "WHY?"."Was it because everybody was happy about the movie and excited about it?" you may ask. The answer is yes and no.
Yes! because, besides seeing many teary-eyed people leaving the cinema, i managed to DEDICATE THIS FILM TO MY DEAR MOM (prior to it's showing), who is currently recovering from her bout with stroke and i believe, she is the greatest fighter in the world. She is my hero.
Yes! Secondly because, i had wanted BULI BALIK to be different, i wanted to go back to doing dramatic comedies in the vein of WOODY ALLEN, BARRY LEVINSON although i know my standard dengan diorang punya standard jauh lagi-la beb. SO straight away, my intention is for this film to be different from BPC, but not just for the sake of being different, but of the weight of the subject matter - BULLYING. I wanted people to have fun, but feel kacau after seeing the end of the film, to end it unconventionally. NOT LIKE A TYPICAL COMEDY ENDING.
My wife, in her blog has a very interesting perspective on this matter, which coincides with what i wanted to do, which is people should ask themseves why they feel the way they feel. Could it not have happened or were you not ready for it to happen. I saw many people who got it, but also a few others who were confused like little lambs coming out their mother's womb. Hee hee. surprised and confused with the movie's ending. I like that.
TO BLUQUBE : Everything i do in a film is based on realities of life that i have seen. Is there a logical explanation for a big gorilla to climb up the empire state building, being pumped full with bullets and then dropping to the ground AND NOBODY DIED EXCEPT FOR THE GORILLA (nobody else got squashed into a lempeng on one of the busiest streets in NEW YORK), then i think it is not too far fetched to believe that after the show has finished, the security guards who were formerly guarding the money and later carried the professor out of the hall - which meant that they had left the hall - and to assume that after sending the professor to the clinic, had probably gone off for a teh tarik or two or even deciding to catch the LIVERPOOL vs Tottenham game.
And Alhamdulillah... BAIK PUNYA CILOK telah setakat ini mengutip 2.46 miiion... congrats Tayangan UNGGUL!!!

please sir!
whats ur wife's url?
aiseh...second place
best best best !!!
sokonglah filem ini, kerana jika anda sokong, bermakna anda sokong usaha afdlin, hans dan nasha...
Saudara Afdlin,
Pernah tengok cerita Evelyn (lakonan Pierce Brosnan) dan In America? I recommend them. It's all about a father's sacrifice for his children...not unlike what you are doing right now...albeit in different form.
As being quoted by you:
"Another example would be, a slightly more matured married man with children might appreciate Cinderrela Man more than a single happy-go-lucky-never-had-to work-a-single-day-in-his-life-kind-of-fellow."
I respectfully agree with you on your statement, which from my understandings, what you wanna say is different people have their own different layers of thinking. I might not be in the same layer with you, and that is why you get such an answer from me when you asked my opinion about the movie. :-p
BTW, about the ending of BB, there is nothing wrong of making a different ending like that. Yes, it is unexpected & kinda shocking BUT they came in a good way. For me, it is something good/positive if the audience can discuss about "Why is it different approaches this time?" or "Why is the ending like that?".. which may denote the ideas that you want to deliver are actually sampai to the audience's mind. I don't know others but at least that is what i perceived.
Anyways, big round of applause for BB and kudos to all the crews!
keep up the good work cip...
tak sabar nak tengok citer afdlin yang seterusnya . .
26 jan ni.. serbu panggung . .
n x sabar nk tunggu citer2 yang lain dari afdlin ... bestnyer =)
Yea, Points taken Mr. Afdlin. Buli Balik was kewl....While we were shaking hands, i could feel how u kena Buli and you Buli Balik the one. hhahahaha... Congrats Sir, you`ve done a great n fantastic job....
bpc broke the Rm2.5mil threshold today. thanks for all the kodok and non-kodok and semi-kodok support!!
all the best to buli balik!
fuyoo! that last statement on your entry... dalam maknanya tu! heehee!
hari2 berkira bila nak sampai tarikh 26januari ni..btw, thanks..ku selalu bangga dengan hasil2 kerja mu yang lain dr yang lain. keep it up!
nak gie tengok lah...good for you aflin
I watched Baik Punya Cilok and had the time of my life laughing~definitely learnt something. It was good and it definitely wasnt an amateur movie trying to make it big like it's some box office production because it simply is!
I am a chinese myself and enjoys watching Malay movies and I think our entertainment industry is growing very well. People often diss our local made movies as they might have an impression tat its an amateur piece.I simply despise those ppl who does not appreciate our locally produced movies. And if they think Hollywood movies is a big deal, just watch. Buli balik is gonna be a BOMB! I cant wait.
Anyhow, what's cilok by the way? I laughed my heart,soal and liver out thruout the movie but i still dont get the word. Cilok..puzzling. Dude, you're a great director! Produce more movies and keep the whole world smiling=)
aku akan menjadi yg pertama menonton filem ni.. huhu
Wahlah ... gua dari minggu2 lepas dok kata. Afdlin memang power. Since 2005, dan coming to 2006 ... mencanak2 melakar nama dalam industri ni.
Dari Fuyoo!, $how Me the Money, Ah-Ha, Buli, Buli Balik, Baik Punya Cilok, appearance in numerouse drama (Phua Chu Kang, Puteri) dan also teater involvement ... not to mention MCing for numerous huge events, sedikit demi sedikit (tapi rasanya agak banyak gak), nampak peningkatan. Bukan peningkatan sahaja, but always experimenting with new things ...
I have to say ... Cayalah Bro!
La ni ... satu filem tengah showing (Baik Punya Cilok), satu filem tunggu showing (Buli Balik) dan lagi in the making (Sumo-lah).
Afdlin and I had a chat the other day. And believe me, more are to come in 2006 ...
Gua ucapkan tahniah untuk Afdlin. And also all the best for 2006 with all the upcoming projects.
And maybe this is what they say the butterfly effect. It's like everything is starting to fall to places.
A reminder to you my Bro, and to myself, seperti kata TooPhat, "Sebesar rumah bermula dengan sekecil bata, boleh hilang dalam sekelip mata. Ucaplah alhamdulillah bukannya sukar, kerna semua nak kaya atau besar. Tetap Allahuakbar!!!"
Dan di kelapangan, jangan lupa baca doa ... "Moga cahaya lailatul tak membutakan mataku, semoga segala puji tak ku meninggi diri. Moga segala janji dapat juga ku penuhi"
* I read wrongly abt the Great Ape, so i rewrite this cooment
BUli balik, is indeed a good movie, far better than most malay movie i've ever seen. It's refreshing to see that you can make people laugh, hate, love, and now, CRY I was really touched by the last scene.seriously. and i can feel the hatred in nordin when he confronted roy.your own experience did help, maybe?
by the time the credits appear, i was in disbelieve. i was like,"dah abis?".and i only know about the running time was 2hrs from DJ's blog.tak rasa masa berlalu.i was engrossed in the story.
which is why i was a bit negative about certain things, which hampers my concentration.tgh syok2 tiba2 ada something amiss.sayang sekali...
about the big gorilla, yeah, you're right. even with the police cordoning the area (seen when Driscoll entering the building) there should be someone hurt. but usually extras being hurt (like the man who got squashed by the car thrown br Kong) don't get much airtime afterwards, so they can be resurrected in other scene (mostly seen on the ship's crew.this scene they're here, another they're there). that's what i think about that scene. so maybe it would be less confusing for simple minded people like me, if you'd just add a little detail explaining that they're going elsewhere. assumptions can be made, but it should be based on something, shouldn't it? the same goes for police arriving at the end of an old hindi movie, after a loving couple defeated a whole battalion of baddies and saved the world. maybe there was traffic jam, but nothing was told, so assumptions have no base here, and we scuff at that part. you even made a sarcastic mockery of it in BPC, did you?or so i thought...
You managed explain everything so well in BPC, and that had almost never been done in any malay movie. but here, some are well backed up, while some are, to me, like it's been put there impromptu. for instance, other than the guard's scene, aziz m osman's character should've been developed a little more, so when he says who he is, we can relate to that incident earlier and say, ooh..padanla...
would love to discuss this with u and all kodoks, but i'll wait until after 26th...so many can join us.
but this is just my humble opinion from my thick glasses' point of view(:p).hope you're not (too) mad at me for my review.i love your works and i want it to be better.
make us proud!
i'm so looking forward to buli balik.. but i hope they'll be showing here in s'pore cinemas.. am kinda dissapointed dat baik punya cilok wasn't showing in s'pore cinemas..
Hi Bro...Actually i would like to wish u good luck on your latest movie [Buli Balik]. So GOOD LUCK!
p/s:: Hit me on cinemas! [Baik punya cilok - 5 Star]
..the comments that I heard/read about Buli Balik was so overwhelming that I just couldn't wait to see it. Once again u manage to make us anticipate with curiosity..
..I put my hopes high this time.
Tahniah Afdlin!
sEmoga sentiasa melahirkan penonton yang berilmiah dan menjadi penceita yang berilmu...teringin sangat nak tengok filem U dicalonkan utk Anugerah Film Cannes!
takder tiket free ker bro....?
Bg lah utk kondok2 yg mengunjungi web nie...hidup afdlin!!!
BPC hits RM2.5M (which is good), then how come you are car-less? wat hapen?
So sad that BPC was not shown in Singapore, I manage to catch it while i was in kl. 2 thumbs up , that movie rock..
Will surely go and watch BB.
i don't make any of the 2.5 million because the producers make that money ayang. They invested in the movie, so they make the Moolah ler.
yo afdlin dude... finally i found yr blog. hehehe... well just wanna congrat u on the baik punya cilok. :)
more movies frm ya pls. :) :)
-superfluous babe-
saya nih..salah sorang dari reramai yg tak minat sebenarnya tgk cerite melayu... to me.. raya kuar kat tv... tunggu jek la. cerita yg saya tgk kat cinema.. which required audio effects.. or any other reason i choosed.
but i make exception for BPC.. i went to watch it last month together with whole family ranging from youngest of 4 years old and oldest is 64 years. everyone enjoy it.. my mom laugh so loud that i have to calm her down.. the kids tak habis2 "yo yo bro" here n there.. i enjoyed it so much also..but i dun like the last part.. its so boring and predictable. start2 bpc..org dah gelak.. but after discussing wit my husband.. okay i accept the fact..it need balance for some serius part. to point out to you some of the not so good part u can berhati2 next time is..
continuity.. err.. saya rasa term tuh lah agaknya.. cos masa someone drown tuh.. bila camera angle sini..die pandang sana.. bila angle sana..die pandang sini..padahal die tak gerak supposely...
alaa tuh bende kecik jek pun.. cuma it annoyed me..cos saya tau awak nih jenis berhati2 agaknya tak?
oh back to the reason i watch bpc is.. YOUR BLOG..i come here often to read ur blog.. i think its the only drive for me to go watch your movie.. saya boley baca kerje keras awak..yg awak sendirik tulis..bukan reporter..so me n my husband.. we support you..walaupun sedikit.. mana yg termampu..
serius saya nak bagitau..saya lom jumpa artis kite yg sincere cam awak..dlm sibuk2 pun awak sempat nak cerita citer kodok kodok awak..
i love reading something that came out from your very own kepala hotak n heart.. not from anybody else. kudos afdlin. u open few more eyes to support malay movies of yours. kalau laa dpt sama sama in real life tgk usaha keras awak.
oh..btw.. dulu saya pernah nampak awak kat bangsar wit ur rambut mat salleh..and i dun like u heheh..
now everything change.. u one of a kind..ur special.. and u r my malaysian adam sandler. :D
woo..woo..hold a sec..due to Linda Ahmad's comment..U car-less..wow..hei dude...dun worryla..maybe not ur time to have it yet.
wa mesti tgk punyer BB pasal..yeah..u,one of the shares..n of course my luvly lolita,nasha aziz..can u ask her to give a comment in ur blogs dude..
did nasha have her own blogs?? kay dude..layta..
May d luck always be with us..
er...LIVERPOOL rawk..
pintas MU dude..
Be the champs again.
-a registered of LIverpool'fc-
a'kum and wassabe chief?
Congratulation, you have shifted the paradigm-billaghunnah of many viewers about malay movie through BPC. Or at least if it didnt budged, their jaws are already.
I watched BPC at cinema just for curiosity and NBTDness. Unexpectedly,it was actually a trap! I was caught by it.
Still feel the shock and can't wait for another malay movie orgasm.
buli balik, balik la cepattttt!!!!
*NBTD = no better thing to do
No matter wether i am paid 500 ringgit or 50,000 ringgit if i have commited myself to a project, i give a hundred percent regardless. I have lived my life this way and it has proven to be a good code. So, even if i am not making any money for BAIK PUNYA CILOK, i want my masters to benefit as much as they can from it.
When i make my own films later, i really wish to make as much benefit from it too. Intellectual Property , everywhere else in the world is big business and when MALAYSIA wakes up and recognizes it, that is when i plan to cash in.
The power is in your hands. You control your own destiny.
Oh by the way, latest report!.... Baik Punya Cilok has collected 2.6 million. The producers don't think we can go beyond 2.75 million, which is Pontianak Harum Sundal 2's box-office collection.
afdlin shauki
yes, we can. :)
keep on doing movie afdlin.
I really like Kelibat actually and hope you make that kind of movie more.
I like BPC coz ada awie.:D
Can't wait for Buli Balik.
Yaaa..Cip Kodoks bolehhh!
nothing impossible :)
Catering two type of audience eh (mcm pernah baca,kat mane ek?)
gila Post-Modernist lu
sbg bekas mangsa pembulian yg kepala otaknya dah jahanam dah
aku musti melihat ini movie
i love soal hati..i love ah-ha..i love baik punye cilok..i love buli balik..i love when you make me laugh.. i love when you make me cry..i love when you make me confused.. i hate to confess i love everything about you...
Go afdlin..i'd love to see more from you...Power to the people!!!
InsyaAllah..Kalo diizinkan Tuhan, tiada yang mustahil brO...
Seriously, Alf, permit me to be honest as you have. The art of being an actor is to be who you are not. But the characters you portray sebenarnya ada traces and hints of Afdlin. As a filmaker pun, takdelah banyak originality sangat sebab pada orang yang tahu sangat filem, you banyak pinjam teknik dan gaya dari omputih cuma subtle jerr. So bagi us Malaysians commoners, ok BPC ada nafas baru tapi lets face it man, it's all about you you you and also fellow actor colleagues/freinds. Sori la but you gotta take this like a man! We will buy you for now, tapi kalau takde perubahan, nanti kitaorang penat tengok you and the same tried and tested formula. Buli Balik pun ada banyak similarities dengan BPC. Betul tak? Same cast, check. Syok sendiri jokes, check. From gelak ketawa aleh aleh tukar jadi serious, check. Flashbacks, check. Wait hang on a sec...lets make it different a bit...well you all nanti tengok lah sendiri. Cuma Afdlin jer tahu apa yang I maksudkan. But rest assured, we will still mebrace your films. We know who you are from your webpage....but take a moment and ask yourself betul betul...who is Afdlin as an artist? Bukan niat tak baik ya, tapi saja jer nak bagi opinion.
sorry...rasa nak maki nak carut carut orang atas aku nih (cam umah flet plak)...ayat orang atas nih "who is Afdlin as an artist? "...DAL ALIP MIM NUN !!!hey come on lah? artist being measured by what ? by cert ? by berapa banyak university art yang dia blajar? art is subjective la...aku pun bukan suka sangat si afdlin nih (dia tak bagi aku tiket preview :p )..tapi dari segi art..ko tak leh nak condemn...seni subjektif...event M .nasir start from pemuzik jalanan...well malas nak cite panjang...pada aku..asal ade kelainan..tak salah bagi ruang...tapi susah skit nak bagi ruang kat afdlin nih...pasal dia BESAR!!!!
As expected - over to you Afdlin. Count yourself blessed, for what loyal fans you have. Alf, remind me not to say anything next time ek! Now off to the guillotine I go for irking your die-hard fans.
Hey there, Afdlin.
Can't wait for Buli Balik to come out. Am taking this opportunity to congratulate you for Baik Punya Cilok. Bluidy good piece there, mat. Love the dialogue. It's lawak, but not bodoh bosan or bodoh irritating, you know?
The whole cinema was laughing and I do mean everyone and it was already in its..what? 4th week, is it? Anyhow, saw it on Friday 13th, Jan..
So, keep up the good work..
"God did not provide the passion without the talent"..~ 'can't remember the writer who said this'..*sheepish*
Adlin Z. Omar
cool sehhh...
please put ur daughter picture.. nak tgk cute & chomel like their dad ke tak. hahaha
bila sg nak tayang ni.. i now last stage preggy.. jadi tak leh masuk j.. nak tengok Baik Punya Cilok!! uwaaa.. kempunan ni!!
facts are facts ...
don't be emotional ...
congrats afdlin!!!!
sorry la..tak sangka ramai gak yang tak puas hati ngan jiran atas aku ari tu si En/Pn. anonymosqito des quera tu...at least komen kami kat penduduk flat atas aku ari tu bernas...bukan komen tak berasas ...and hopefully si anony tu not a provoker...as for Mr. Afdlin... dont think that i like u much...we just support the best thing ...hope bleh continue..and tak bermaksud i will fcuk your work if bagus...just dont like to prays bebanyak...pasal prays are better for God...Adios
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