Seperti di janji, gambar gua training SUMO!!... sampai macam ni nak cari kelainan. Watch out for more updates. Heehee... kalau geli sorry ek.

Today i made my production crew do SUMO training... heehee it was a funny sight. All these wet, sweaty male bodies pushing up against each other... Oh and my cast AWIE, RADHI KHALID and GAVIN YAP was also a sight to be seen in their MAWASHI (cawat SUMO) heehee. Kitorang gelak pecah perut tapi training was harrrrrrd and tiring. Anyway, more SUMO training Pictures to come... TUNGGGUUUU...
More Power to all of you!
Thank you for supporting Malaysian movies.
Afdlin Shauki
Jangan Lupa BULI BALIK 26 JANUARY 2006
yeahh idup sumo..bro bagila list casting sumolah..nk tau gak
Gavin Yap dah boleh pakai 'mawashi' ke? I thought with his size, he still wears diapers! Heehee!
Salam Aidil Adha, bro!
chip letak la lagi banyak skit gambar..kelakar pon ade gak tgk..apepon good luck for sumo
Salam Aidiladha
hai afdlin...
is this really afdlin's blog? hehehe..macam tak caya...
eh..me dah tgk ceta Baik punye Cilok..ya rabbi..rabak giler...me ketawa smpai pukul2 dinding tau...hehehehe
wow coolness.. Can see that u're really putting efforts there
hurhur...keep grooving cif..
All the best.
Hope ur effots paid off.
mesti gerek nyer sumO.
Best wishes in producing the movie..
You are going to change the Malaysian film industry my friend. I'm so proud of you :) Malaysia Boleh!
Hey afdlin,
Read your blog entry on being a P.A for you. What's your gmail address so I may write in?
u RAWK man! malaysian film with atitude!
*slaps head*
when can i ever stop laughing with you around... hahahahaha! =)
u mmg SUMOlah...!!!
suite with ur body n face..geeeeee
ur the best man!!!!!!
afdlin, nampak cam real la you jadi orang sumo.. hehehe!!! Bile cite ni nak kuar? ade dalam hujung 2006 or 2007?
yaa..i agree with khai..cip mmg seswai jd sumo wrestler...sure another hit la this film..ganbate cip~!
halo chief kodok! nice sumo move dude, can't wait to see u, awie and that jambu-looking-non-gay-guy gavin yap in those cawat thingy! hehe...good luck and power to the kodoks!!
salam aidil adha!
cant wait for the pictures!
mcm happening!
wuaaa. tak tahu ar leh tgk buli balik ke tak. sbb kena grounded spm. sigh. nak tgk nasha. heehee. x sanggup plak nak lepaskan movie afdlin kali ni. heehee. ok, all the besh! ;D
Giler lah Sumo Wrestling. kita kena tubuh kan SWF (Sumo Wrestling Federetion) can i join? btw Slamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!!
cerita lawak lagi ke Sumolah! ni. camna jalan cerita dia bagitau sikit. Ada dialog jepun tak?
Hah hah...nampak real serious especially the last pics. Looks real good in tights or to me macam pampers-lah...Just kidding! Have been an avid reader of your blog for quite sometime. Just a short note to say what an awesome work in BAIK PUNYA CILOK. It is good to have someone with fresh perspective in comedy film in Malaysia especially the way it is filmed. Keep up the great work...I have to say I can't wait to see BULI BALIK. Oh ya! Love your work in Ah-HA...tickle my bones always
Good luck utk SUMOLAH!hope it gonna be a big hit too. Can't wait to see Buli Balik..ada Ako Mustapha berlakon tak?
I have a strong feeling SUMO is going to be a super-hit bro! I mean, look at you with the oversized diaper thing on you. Sape kat Malaysia berani pakai?
Train hard bro, for we wouldnt want the Japanese to put the joke on us (since this movie will make its debut kat Japan kan?).
Afdlin Boleh!
Malaysia Boleh!
PHEWITTTTT!!!! Jambu sey peha!!! muahahahaaa. Tapi takpe! Walaubagaiman pun lu tetap ROCK ah brader!!
Kak Aishah
best la bro afdlin.. lanyak mamat tu macam cekodok basi.. eh. awie pun berlakon citer tuh ke?? mesti best lagi.. bro afdlin, ade masa masuk la blog zul k http://www.curseshadow.cjb.net
tahniah bro... moga bertambah kreatif.. buli balik mmg best... kalau kira bintang nak bagi.. sue bagi sume bintang2 kat langit tu.. hehehehee.. hahahaahaa... hohoho.... kih..kih..kih..kah..kah..kah..
amboi chief...so sexyyy ma...
Wahhh!!! Kencang sih! Kellas cip! Kami akan terus berada di belakang & menyokong segala usaha mu cip!
Cool laaa brother!!
Dude, all the top boys should have a blog !
Dear Afdlin, I eventually got to watch BPC. Penuh panggung beb...budak2 pun ramai, bapak budak, mak budak. I brought my daughter (5+ years old) tapi dia tido half-way (bukan boring tp dah pass bedtime dia...ayah dia ler pegi beli 9pm punya show).
Well congrats Afdlin...I'm entertained. It's not easy to drag my other half to watch Malay movies. Not to say that we don't watch Malay movies but most of the time we have the mentality of "tunggu keluar kat TV" hehe. Guess the positive reviews in the newspaper that have been given to BPC made him change his mind.
No doubt u're a very talented guy. My hubby even agreed and admitted to the fact that you're "A P. Ramlee in the making" (u know guys don't usually say these things, puji mamat lain kat bini dia esp. that mamat is the same age as him). We appreciate your talents and all the best.
u never fail to amaze me.. Much respect for your hard work.
..read my review on Baik Punya Cilok if u have the time . Aku nak tahu samada pandangan aku terhadap filem tu bertepatan dengan apa yg cuba yang ko hendak sampaikan..
phheeewwiit! sexy tuh! ..erkk..tapi ada juga rasa geli2..kelainan punya pasal, takpelah..
Salam Aidiladha to you....
Tahniah with BPC...biler vcd or dvd nak keluar lak?..nak tambah the collection :D and tak puas tengok kat panggung!!!
P/s: anyway you tak bukak email you ker En. Afdlin??...*waiting for your quotation for Sarawak nyer project, please email me back...esok dah nak mesting!...urgent!!.
Mr afdlin,
perut & pipi saya mengalami kecederaan serius semasa menonton BAIK PUNYAAA CILOKKK!!!!
can i have MORE of your SUMO's trainning pics ? ..
sungguh teruja !!
patutlah hujan jer kat johor nie...
rupanya chief kodok sibuk memanggil kawan-kawannya untuk bersama-sama ke cinema...
kodok pun kodoklah... janji rock!
yo bro..semalam wa tgk 999..pasal pirate dvd..a guess waht..ur baik punya cilok pon ada..huhu..wei..nak sumo..kalau lu buncitkan perut lu lagi..wa rasa mesti nampak comey..ape2 hal..lets rawk the cinema diz 26th..27 bithday awek gua..n gua rasa tiket Buli balik satu hadiah yang berpatutan..wei lagi satu kem salam kat nasha yek..cakap ngan dia.bila ble wa masuk minang!!!
i love you afdlin!! i really do!!! since soal hati lagi! sile la berlakon lagi lapanblas filem...!! sumenye pon aku akan tengok! arghhhhh hardcorenye guaa pada lu! :P
-err, peminat tersesat 'afdlin chokki, tak sessuwaii sunggo'!!
dah jumpe u punye ikan lumba2?
akhirnya dapek gak aku nengok BAIK PUNYA CILOK
tak sabo ntok BULI BALIK
pasni SUMO-lah! wargh ha ha...
p/s:contral gelak time tengok BPC sebab dok sebelah org tak kenal
BULI BALIK sgt best....
bro...aku gloss over (takde review detail sangat, my other blog is my column - eheheheh) pasai buli balik. hope this convinces you that buli balik really rocks! possibly best film i've seen since sepet! leh? good luck with sumo!!! kalau nak extra ke body double...you know who to call...muahahahahahahahaahah
baru terjumpa blog saudara ni...
tahniha le baik punya ciluk mendapat sambutan..
salam kenal..
have not gotten the chance to watch both BPC and BB coz im in the uk..very sad =( reviews looks good, cant wait to watch it back home. keep up your hopes and dreams ;)
hi bro,
just wondering ... seems your films are being screened satu lepas satu macam no break in between. baguih la bro prolifik tp takut muak nor. like someone pesan kalu barang baguih, berhenti makan sebelum puaih.
tak tau i make sense ke tak. but i think u know what i mean.
btw, gavin (yang actorlympic tu ka?) ada gaya sumo ka?
teruskan berkarya!
i hope this scene can make my perut pecah ..hauhuahuahuahua... ;)
TAK TAU kenape..lepas nin aku raser cam akan addict plak ngan filem melayu ciptaan cip kodok nin..
eeee... chip kodok dedah auratlah!!!
abang afdlin! body abang afdlin gagah cam arnold swarchneger lerr ! cayalah!
arap arap lepas movie ni...ada contest menang hadiah berupa kursus SUMO pun best jugak ya
humang aih.. sumo ko ,baby sumo..beso cam ank gajoh..
alo cif..xda niat ka nak kuruskan badan,xpun bagi muschel skit badan tu..kih3..
anuway..slmt berkecimpung dlm sumo ek'
hukh..hukh..bkn nk kate aper kn...filem aflin mmg gempak xkering la gusi diwatnye...cme kering duit jer nk pe tgk n beli...heehhehehe
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