Joe KLUBBKIDD , SULTAN MUZAFFAR and their merry men/women/avatars, came up with a great idea last week to acknowledge the legion of internet dwellers who have created this massive and powerful tool for networking and just hanging out, ie. to do a special sneak preview of BULIBALIK. Never before has something like his been done before for the local internet community and kudos to them for coming up with such a great event. For your information they are also responsible for another great idea of utilising the internet family for networking thru PROJECT : Maharani.
There are VERY LIMITED SEATS for the SNEAK PREVIEW (220 to be exact) and you must send an email to sultanmuzaffar@gmail.com to confirm your seats. The ticket price is 10 ringgit and there will be a bunch of BULIBALIK and KODOK goodies to snap up there as well.

The screening will be at 10:00 am (that's the only time that has been made available to us by the cinemas, so DO WHAT U HAVE TO DO) at TGV One Utama (OLD WING)
COME 26th JANUARY it's our time to show the country's film industry that we want to watch better films in this country, let it be known to all. BULIBALIK is my best work to date and i want to share this experience with you. It isn't perfect just lik BULI and BAIK PUNYA CILOK but then again, it is the work of an imperfect man and i believe the journey to perfection is what makes life really interesting, since true perfection is only Allah swt.
I am looking forward to people's reaction to my latest escapade so that besides honing my skills as a director, i will also be in-tuned with what the people wants. Many people have asked me to delve into the realm of drama... and so in the vein of BULI... This is another BLACK COMEDY or DRAMA-DY for your viewing pleasure. If You enjoyed BULI and BAIK PUNYA CILOK (although it is not in the same vein as cilok as it was a straight forward comedy)... i am sure you will enjoy BULIBALIK. RAWK the NATION! Ohh.. and AHMAD NISFU RAWKS as well!

arrrgghh!!!..2 go or not 2 go? work or buli balik? annual leave/mc/time off?....nak gi tengok preview...!!!
BTW...truly enjoyed BPC..nasib baik x tercabut krusi..
I want to watch it i can't wait...!!!
I'm sure Bulibalik will also be regcon.
Frankly speaking most of your new product
is no typical movies we've seen.
Hopefully the show akan ditayangkan
di pangung wayang Singapore!!!
Btw abang afdlin you do have lots of peminat di Spore tau..
jangan lupe lak. kite2.. nie..*smiley*
You're the man..sweet...
Keep up!!
boring ah tak dapat tengok baik punya cilok kat wayang. skarang kat johor huru hara. takut nak pegi sana. tunngu dvd/vcd dia aje lah.
tapi dgr2 buli balik akan datang sini di panggung wayang. tu macam baru best!
nanti buli balik di tayang kat s'pore tak???
bulibalik.com lambatnyer nak loading. berat sgt la. sape yg buat tuh cip. buat biase2 dah la. takyah canggih2 sgt. lembab gile nak loading. pakai 1mb line pon dekat 20 min tak kuar2 lagi.
kalau BW power takpe la... nie ciput jer... buat biase jer janji power...
slalu bc blogjer..xde confident nk send any comments 2 u bro..tp sbb 'kempen BULI BALIK' so i makeup my mind n try 2 give d comment..hehe..keep up a good job!xsabar nk tgk BULI BALIK..u make people outhere yg x tgk malay movies sanggup bgn pg tgk malay movie..GOODJOB!!!
Hi Afdlin,
Just want to ask, are they going to screen Baik Punya Cilok in the Singapore's cinemas? Been trying to look out for the ad to see if they are going to screen the movie but so far... nothing. Why?
i watched BPC 3 kali,tgk kali ketiga pun gelak cam org gile..buli balik harap2 jgn kasik urat gelak aku putus dah ler...haha...
go afdlin,go!
As at 12.00pm, Friday sudah ada 70 kodoks joining the Buli Balik Blog Preview.
So, why wait ? wake up early in the morning and mulakan dgn ketawa besar...:)
see ya there...
bulibalik masuk panggung sekali dgn fearless-jet li, wah ni kira hebat ni...teringin nak tgk ni, lepas BPC, i mengharapkan bulibalik ni lagi best ataupun setanding dgn BPC, so afdlin, wish you the best for this one and sumolah.....regards
nak komen pasal bulibalik.com. flash page tu cun tapi... korg kena workout on reducing the page size. i am familiar with flash, i know it can be done. jgn la besar sgt fail pastu tiap link tu duk loading lama sgt eventough i am using 1mb streamyx still considered very slow to download patut l ramai yang takleh access the site. yesterday pun i cannot access the website. ok, cipkodok work it out ok, please.
chip kodok..
bukan nak eksyenlah but I dont watch malay movies EXCEPT for the ones that you either acted in or directed (and Yasmin's)...I LOVEEEEEEE YOUUUUUU lah ooopssss..I mean your work (kalau lap u osso can eh??)..such a talented kodok...keep gurggling brill ideas ok!!
muahhhhhhsss...ribbit ribbit...
asyik bz...bz..bz... sampai lom ada chance nak nonton... bila la agaknya dpt tgk....
Haiya...frustnye (nak golek2 frustnye) Unfair!!!! why Jan 26? Keje la chief...Hua hua hua :(, i've been waiting to attend YOUR PREMIER MOVIE show but at last, tak dapat gak attend..unfair, reschedule for kodokians, can aar?
What's wrong with Johor Bahru? HOw come u said huru hara? I'm living over here and there's no such thing as huru hara.
Come over lah. We're always in peace here. Everyday i can sit by the Stulang sea fishing for nothing in peace.
izham che ros.
takdelah. every week at least ada report singaporean kena rompak kat sana. bab tu cam seram nak masok johor. dulu slalu masuk sana tengok wayang kat city square. anyway, i wait for Buli Balik kat spore. tu ari baca interview afdlin dia kata nak try distribute. insyaAllah dapat ler ye...
Cannot go lor, got classes ma....
bez lah. kebetulan aku ade free 9am - 12pm hari tu. tp kalo start kol 10am, sure tak sempat gi kelas 12pm. sob..sob..
halo encik afdlin... kita suka lah blog awak, u seem ramah gitu. hehe.. kita nak link awak bole. dah lama nak link tapi mesti minta permission jugak kan... hehehe
mine is, http://meliciouslyme.blogspot.com
nak komen psl website buli balik gak.. bukan psl flash dan lambat load.. tp psl website buli balik tu nampak sangat lah bersepah dan x professional.. rasanya bole buat lagi elok dari tu.. walaupun x gemar sgt flash flash ni, tp kalau flash tp cara ok bole jadi menarik.. contohnya tgk website the Red Kebaya.. http://www.theredkebaya.com/ ..guna flash tp ok je.. x tau la kalau budget website diorang lagi besar ke pe... harapnya bole perbaiki lg.. pendapat ikhlas nih.. :)
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