Isma my poster dude has outdone himself yet again i think. This actorlympics poster and postcard design for the upcoming Japanese themed Theatre sports ataupun sketsa selamba bulan February ni gila babeeess cun. Check it out.
This looks like the craziest Actorlympics that we are going to have yet. JAPANESE STYLE HAYAKU!! Sure kelakar gila tenuk aksiden dengan bangkai tenggililng eksotik dari Papua New Guniea punnya!!
Power to the People and Kodoks too
arrrrrgggHHHHH..... apasal la aku dilahirkan di bumi kenyalang nie.... melepas la aku tak leh pegi actorlimpycs..... actorlimpycs yang lepas pon blom abis lagi kekesalan dia.... Afdlin buat vcd/dvd dia la.... sedih......
yup true.. sangat cun terhebat! isma mmg super power seh! muahahhaha.. tak sabar nak layan nih, the last actorlympics tak sempat nak layan.. duhh!
yalor, buat ke vcd ke dvd ke. tak pun upload lam internet :P.. tak le melepas peluang kami kat sini(miri).
yeay!! bestnya!
Dear Afdlin,
I respect n support u 4 wat u r doing. All the best bro! Watched Buli Balik & Baik Punya Cilok.. If it wasn't 4 those movies, I wouldn't b watching Msian movies (some of them had themes that were too common so it lacked creativity, I suppose).
Keep up the Good work bro! Will b awaiting ur other projects (^_^)
- fareiny frm Kuching
Muka dalam poster tu macam Yakuza pening sebab business tak jalan.. hahahaha
i won the BPC Quiz yg dalam Majalah INTREND..
got RM100 and BPC goodies as well...
Happynye.... :)
Kepada semua,
tribute to our unsung hero, Allayarham S.Jibeng yang meninggal dunia semalam pada usia 64 tahun.
ha haaa....ako tak sangka yg dedolo ako penah betepok tampo ngan mamat nih..nice n cool kinda guy wa cakap lu...keep up da good work bradah...
woi rap!(we used to call him dat name mase zaman medieval dolo²)..brani turun padang la wooii...agegege..
hey, the poster looking really good dude. say u in KLCC with the blue yellow striped ADIDAS overalls tho. ingat nak smack ur bumbum, but my gf dah piat my telinga and tarik me awayy. hahah
nice graphic..good work..
apekah ActorLympics kali ni dipengaruhi ngan filem bro. Afdlin kan datang? SUMOlah!!!
kalo wat VCD smart gak
jual kat ActorLympics yang akan datang ke... camne?
tgklah 6 packs si Douglas Lim tuh...ngan ekpresi muka blur2.hahhahaha..budus..funny lah korang nih...
salam afdlin,
Even though your intention is noble and I personally agree that it is extremely difficult to do what those guys in "whose line is it anyway" are doing. It is so amazing and genius stuff!!! But it's not original la bro. buat apa adakan similar thing like WLIIA? Japanese ka, Malay ka? Please bro, do something original.
hey aflin, assalamualaikum,
great job...i love ALL of ur works...reading ur blog inspired me to support malaysia film industry..keep up the good work!
Assalamualikum inchek Afdlin~!
Congratulation for the achievement of both film BPC & BB. truely enough, BPC & BB rocks, ianya menggegarkan seanteo malaya dan kepulauan di sekitarnya.
but i just have to mention this, in BPC, the technic of flashback is turely unique. using sephia/b&W still pictures acompenied by dikir music, truely a milestone to malaysian film industry.
and as for BB, the flow of the plos was absolutely effective. somehow, the part where Nordin thank his friends/collegue for giving chance to share his life story was truely sincere. it seems that Nordin is actually thanking the audience. this kind of plot aggangement is very recognizeable in bollywood fils where after the victory againts the villant, the hero seems to be in a state weather he survive or not, giving the uncertainty and subliminaly, it triggers the human emotion.
I remember seeing u wiping your tears back in TGV OU just after the movie was ended (or probebly ada habuk kot).
well bro, i'm with you. gosh i'm honoured to have excess to ideas and thought of a grate talent like you, on screen and online.
certainly, can't wait to be a part of the audience of actorlympics.
Majulah filem untuk negara... and seantero nusantara :p
(Besepah tull 2 sen aku kat sini... ish.. sori la.. :P)
Congratulations for Buli Balik achievement!!!
Watched Buli on VCD and I knew the next Afdlin Shauki's film is a must watch. We r not a movie goers and have never actually go for local Malay movie (but u've made a humungous change,such a great talent!)
My hubby cant wait to fly home from abroad after our family & friends commented that Buli Balik as "sangat best giler". (He laughed hysterically for BPC & hope he'll be ready for this one)
Being an IT Mgr, a wife to a successful accountant and a mother to a good looking toddler hasnt make us lack of humor.
You rock!
Hi Abg Afdlin,
Congrats on the success of Buli Balik!
I'm saying this based from what I read here but may I know why Buli Balik is not being shown in Singapore? Only Baik Punya Cilok.
With all the theft reports involving Singaporeans in JB, I'm just too scared to cross over the Causeway.
Hope you can enlighten me.
wahlau...ade blog ka? tak tau pun... line from hans isaac: eh kau buyut kan? - aku gelak gilaaaaaaa boleh ingat sampai mati.....lawak la mmg lawak la gang afdlin hans isaac semua...keep it coming dude.all the good movies..tak sabar nak tgk 'buli balik' this summer...hehehehe
hmmm...nk tgk sgt nih actorlimpycs...beli tiket katne?kene dtg beli kt the actors studio ke?
haa...baru nak tanya, mana nak beli tiket. nak kena gi bangsar ke?
mr afdlin,
sometimes we've got to going weird just to catch the crazy thing... and from that, we'll see the happiness!
don't afraid to do the crazy thing eventhough it's a weird thing coz the happiness will come to you!
let the happiness bath you because of your weird so that you know that you're not crazy man...!!!!
Knock...! knock...!!
dear all kodoks,
apa kata kita wat gathering kat actorlympics?
tetiba rasa rindu nak jumpa kawan2 (read:kodok2) semua..
aku pun nak join kodoks2 semua.. aku katak pisang.. hehee
very nice poster.. Good Job, Isma!!
aishiteru nagaii jii, afdlin-san! heehee!
aduhhh... pegi mane2 jer kutu mmu ader. iskk potong stim tul la.. muahahaha... x per la isma.. nice work.. mukeh muahahahaha... catch u late "PURU"... di mana ada kodok di situ la ader "PURU".
bdak mmu kaki ampu... muahahaha
nk poskad tu! nk poskad tu!
actorlympics tu pun nk tgk gak.. tp nk poskad tu! nk poskad tu! mana nk carik ekkk??? nk poskadddd...
hallamak.. mmg smart d poster.. did i mention smart!.. yeah smart.. syabas isma!
gua dah ada tiket on the 25th, jumap disana......
wah, suggoi desu ne this poster..
Is the whole thing going to be in English? I'm thinking of bring my friend to the Actorlympics, but he is a foreigner, and doesn't understand BMelayu. Do you think it's suitable for him?
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