To all those kodoks who have secured tics to see PGL the musical extra shows, I SEE YOU THERE ok!!!!!! Mebbe after the shows we lepak sikit at Mamak LOTUS and borak.
For those who tak dapat, let's hope they do it again next time.
To the kodok bowling team yang akan pergi berjuang for The Fellowship of the Kodoks dalam pertandingan BOWLING PERSAHABATAN ANTARA FANS CLUB marilah selamat berjuang kerana sememangnya anda semua 'tendang buntut' (kick Ass)!!!
Yesterday was the first night of ACTORLYMPICS and let me tell you I had some crazy fun fun yesterday. Granted, it wasn't PGL but being on stage was like magic. Seronok giler.... hilang stress meress mak nenek gua. You guys have to come watch it! it is a great destresser and CONFIRM balik terputus urat kentut, tulang belikat dan semua yang boleh terbelah kerana ketawa yang tak hingat.
Hey afdlin....
it was great show by all of u last nite, me included *winks*.hehehe
i truly truly enjoyed the show. tak kering gusi dibuatnya.
i am proud to say that i am glad to be in malaysia when all these are happening all in one city.
pglm last week, actorlympics this week, i wonder whats in store for next week. hehee....
anyways, hope u had fun for the rest of the nites of actorlympics. all the best.
sincerely me,
Abg Afdlin, buat lah show dekat singapore.
terkilan lah nak tengok.
Dear Cip,
me and crabster will be going on ...Friday, which is tomorrow..
See you there..
pastu ada lepak2?
halooo chief...
when is our time will come? we all at JB but all the show at KL....
Lately, wherever there is Afdlin involved, mesti box-office ooo. Congrats to you bro. Rite on.
Sama2 bangga anak melayu nih.
chip, gua turun on the 25th tgk lu org mengarut malam tu, so bersedia la....
lepas tu kalau nak kasik cenderahati ker aper ker, kasik tau awal2 la....
Actorlympics tu kat mana venue? also more info pi mana? sorry...ignorant skit...pls help! thanks!
it was the funniest and most happening show ever. I had fun. Thank you for directing me for the karaoke game. You guys are the best. Keep up the good work!
cip..bile nak buat futsal inter-kodok nih..
hoyehhh..this would be my 2nd attemp to actorlympics..huhuhu..cant wait until tumoro for actorlympics..bought the tix a week ago..and rite now i can feel the vibe..even rite now, i cant sleep coz i kept thinking of how lawak it would be? and im trying to set my mind berserabut so that tumoro wil be the day to release all the serabut stuff in my head! ahahaha good luck bradar cipp kodok!!!
Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin,
klu nak join group kodoks nak main bowling.. bleh tak?... atau join tgk jeee bleh tak? Membowling kat mana?
I'll be seeing you tomorrow (25th)...really look forward for this..hope it's funnier than December's Actorlympics!
p/s - Why Jit Murad is not in this round of Actorlympics?
"Saya tak puas hati ni! Saya dah 12 taun tapi tak penah stim2 lagi!!"
kuikuikui you were hilarious la yesterday afdlin. i laughed till tears literally came trickling down my cheeks! Reza was crazy too!!
My second time attending actorlympics. Gonna mark my calendar for the next one :) Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Great minds think a like which make it a totally great show.
Congrats... keep the love going bro.
I got tickests 4 whole family for sunday show. Was told that you are not performing that nite, frust betul, my kids sure not happy one.
saya memang nak pergi.
*kira duit dalam purse*
ok afdlin..
because you always make me laugh2 like that..
and because you are secretly handsome..
i will call and book tickets for actorlympics now.
see ya!
Biler nak ader kan show pat spore?
Jom la mai sini plakkkkk!
when you gonna me chance to watch your show at JB...?
waaa... actorlympic was fun! i enjoy it sooo much. dlm sume2, u afdlin the best laa. but dont u think the gay jokes were tooo much?! agak melampaui batas kesusilaan gak laa.. seakan lawak murahan.. anyway, all in all, 5 stars sama itu actorlympics!
Shasha nak dtg tgk actorlympic this monday 27/02/06 boleh ??? Ade kekosongan tak???
Your sis,
when will pgl come to spore?? i'm dying to watch!! but dad said, hang tuah never fall in love with pgl, instead he fell in love with tun teja... but i still wanna watch the new hunkie, hang tuah! haahhahahhah.. and will ACTORLYMPICS come to spore too?? if only i'm rich, i'll sponsor ur production to come to singapore.. if only.... take care!
AHAhAhAHAhAH... incik... ako banyak suka sama incik... tak pernah ada entertainer macam enko incik... perghh... teruskan berkarya.. hidop industri hiburan tanah Melayu~!!! waLLa~
-Yang Celaru
shasha... actorlympics smpi today je (26/2).. mana smpi monday.. huhuhu..
Last night's show was hilarious! Good job man. Wished you guys remembered to switch off the subtitles in that 'Constantine' clip though - it kinda threw off the audience a bit. Anyway, good to see Malaysian actors giving a good account in impromptu theatre - if Drew Carey was watching, I think he would have to admit you guys are much better!
Bang ese memang bolum ponah nengok ekau nyer teater, macam best jo. Tapi den memang follow ekau nyer cito-cito sumer. Heee ekau promote blog ko kek Melodi yek. Elok jugak at least den tau ado artis yang Savy macam Proton Savvy. Ekau makin lamo den nengok mombosar, baguih la tu bilo untung juta-juta.
Keep up the good work.
ho-ho..afdlin-kun sempat promo blog kat melodi sempoi gitu. aku suke afdlin-kun buat rap malam semalam kat abpbh. btw, actorlimpics ni ade keluar kat tv ke? dulu i used to watch 'who's line is it anyway'. but now drew carey's show 'cast off'.
Chip, Ida, Fish, Douglas and Jit, memang korang gila habis, gua gelak sampai kuar air mata malam ahad hari tu, yg plaing best part alih suara yg fish dgn Ida dgn Jit tu, gila babi tonyok betul...
Tak sabar nak tunggu next season....
haha cip mmg selambakodok je promote blog dia.
Tapi ok lah.Sebab cip rajin update blog ni. Byk informasi and very entertaining.
Boleh menang award blog fofular ni!
"it's a beauty dave"
itulah ayat jimat cip kodok.hehe.
jumaat lepas aku telah berjaya mengheret 6rakan ke actorlympic dan sume balik dengan urat gelak yg putus.
diorang janji nk dtg lagi kalo aku ajak. hehe.
kudos to cip and gang! yeay!
I enjoyed ur show to the max on Saturday nite!
Jit : Never looked cuter than EVER !!..he looks sexy even in kain Batik! ;P
Douglas Lim : Loved that funny dude! He's totally nailed it!
Fish : he was totally out of his usual Dato'-father-pelakon tambahan in cerekarama or Prof. Razak Maideen's movies...FISH ROCKS !!
Ida : Loved her imitation of Malek Noor! Hail the Queen!
Afdlin : You looked ill that nite..it was not the usual you..but your aura still shines, dude!
Overall, I see it's funnier than last year's one...however, the "lines from bucket" seemed boring sikit..still, the show was totally out of this world!!
Looking forward for the next ones!
Mai laa buat kat Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Cian tau kitorang nie....selalu ketinggalan bah !
Adoi..I tak sempat nak beli ticket for Actorlympics. Have been anticipating to watch it since like forever. I wouldnt miss it for nuts but alangkah malangnya termiss jgk. Any re-runs? Pls make date extentionsssss...I went to BSC 3 frickin times and they told me tickets are OUT~halamak...bwat la lagi...
Assalamualaikum.. bro Afdlin..
Nak wat cadangan lee apa kata Actorlympics tu wat dlm VCD.. so mana2 kodoks yg tak dpt pegi boleh lee layan tgk VCD tu..
Chip, buat la lagi cepat2 sebelum hilang apa yg didalam kepala gua ni, semua masih bermain main lagi ni... u guys are fantastic!!
selamba kodok jer buat lawak.....
dear afdlin dan rakan-rakan,
please log in to this website
you can download and view local short films, done by malaysian young filmmakers, comments are most welcome.
ayuh bikin filem
Singaporeans are waiting for you invasion. Comedy is contagious and should spread across the causeway.
Don't let us wait in dismay = "kering kodok".
Tuan Kodok,
Bila lagi nak buat Actorlympics? Terlalu teruja dgn PGL sampai tak perasaan ade lg yg best gak. Uhuk, kesiankan la kawan2 pekopen kita yg tak dpt tgk. Diorg pun nak gelak2 sampai putus urat kentut gak. Bole la sambung ek, ek, ek?
SHIT!!! missed it again...why is it that the actors studio always inform us of the upcoming shows via email but when we call right after, they tell us "sold out"..... might as well not inform us in the first plc!
hye chip..kerja2 gaks...kesihatan kener jager...ingat family chip!!
wakakakaka... pasal klakar tu, tok sah cakap laaa kan. mmg klakar tahap gaban.
tapi aku paling bersetuju ngan statement terputus urat kentut. Sebab aku tak kentut2 lepas show tu.
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