It was one of those things that when you see it,
b) You are in Awe of the performances of these talented Malaysians and FREAKING wished you were up there with them.
d) You are STILL thinking of the show hours after the last performer took a bow on the stage.
When you are a performer, and you feel all those emotions that i listed up there, then you know that one thing has happened... YOU HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have been in the presence of one of the country's greatest theatrical production efforts of recent times.
I didn't go to the press preview that all the other blog viewers went too. I went on their premiere night yesterday with the PM in attendance and i must say i was impressed, my wife who is a theatre major was impressed and i guess most of the audience, if not all present were impressed too. i had heard that during their preview nite, things did not go particularly well with some techical glitches and what have u but such is the nature of theatre. it is not like the movies where if there was something wrong during the press preview, we wouldn't be able to fix anything, i was told that changes were still happening up till yesterday's performance. Every review has its pros and cons but i choose to focus on the strengths of this show because i believe it deserves a positive review and also because the cons were too few and negligable to me.
Gang, i am from the theatre. At the aged of 10 i fell in love with the experience and from then onwards have always had a high regard and the greatest respect for it and all who give their llife and love to the embetterment of it. After years of theatre, i know i can tell the good from the bad , the wannabes from the truly great, the formulaic from the truly inspired. In short, i am hard to please when it comes to theatrical performances.
BUT TONITE I WAS AWED, i left the Istana Budaya feeling like a little child that found a 5 ringgit note on the ground to buy chocolates with. I was excited, delighted, inspired, flabergasted and proud. Why? because i had just watched the PGL Musical Premiere.

Ohhh my god, PGLTM was OUTSTANDING!!!... It was 10 times better than the Movie (which i quite liked) but the stage production of PGL is absolutely frakking Marvellous!! I am not even kidding when i say that somebody if not everybody from this production deserves a datukship. The musical was easily one of the most beautiful, poignant, exciting and satisfying piece of Malaysian theatrical production i have ever seen in my life. I watched the production of the hit musical 'Chicago' when it first opened on the west end in London and i believe i didn't leave as satisfied as this.
MUCH KUDOS TO ALL THAT PUT THIS BABY TOGETHER. Your hardwork and Dedication really paid off guys. You gave the audience such a wonderful memory of Istana Budaya that i believe it should now be called Istana Puteri Gunung Ledang!!!
Believe me gang when i say tak rugi kalau kita tengok show ni 10 kali pun. Dan tak malu gua rasa kalau show ni pergi ke london atau new york sekalipun untuk bersaing dengan Musical-musical si Andrew Lloyd Webber tu.
GUA BETUL-BETUL teruja ni, macam gua rasa gua kena jampi lak.... i can't stop talking and praising this show.
Although everybody performed well for the show, One person really stands out in this production for me - my BRO and i believe now, ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING PERFORMER MALAYSIA HAS -AC MIZAL!!

Did i mention the rest of the cast is also truly outstanding. That Stephen Rahman guy - what a voice! Adlin Aman Ramli - EXCELLENT beyond words!
The music by Singaporean DICK LEE is so heartfelt and so SEEEDAP!!! Tanpa disedari muzik beliau yang di susun semula oleh pengarah muzik dan gua punya former boss ROSLAN AZIZ bermain dgn emosi kita dan ianya seakan dibuai mengikut segala perintah muzik itu.
ZAHIM ALBAKRI the director, is a FREAKING GENIUS!!!... cara dia mengarah persembahan itu adalah bertaraf antarabangsa. HE SHOULD BE WORKING ON BROADWAY OR AT THE WEST END la gang. Whatever it is, he made PGL the musical happen and has given it's audience an unforgettable evening.
Before u ask, NO! they are not paying me to write all this!.... this are my honest views, my perception, my good fortune to have been able to watch this show.
I personally believe this show needs a home of it's own, a theatre which will show PGL the MUSICAL all year long!!... so that everyone can see. Make it one of the country's premiere tourist attraction to Malaysia. I want this show to sell out because it has the potential of changing the people's perception about theatre in this country.
I want to go again and watch it with my staff and friends and i urge you all to do the same. GIVE YOURSELF this opportunity to watch something really great from MALAYSIA.
AS a matter of fact, let's do a KODOKS FLASH MOB event at PGL the musical!!!!!!!!!! I WANT!!! I WANT!!!! kita tengok ticket 30 ringgit je pun takpe.... janji kita support diorang ni hidup-hidup!! okay those interested to be part of this flash mob, sila taip KODOK NAK TENGOK PGL, bagi nama, nombor handphone and email kat gua di selambakodok@gmail.com so we can pick a date and arrange our event. Lepas show tu gua akan introduce you all semua kepada cast PGL tu and seperti biasa kita teh tarik sampai pagi!!!. ADA BERANI??
izzit really that good?saw pgl movie but thought it was ok..too draggy laa..nyway agree wif cip kodok..tiara belongs to the stage..ni yang nak tengok nih..hehe teringat ac mizal bersama 4u2c..haha
aiseh....second lagi
Bro ... Can't say much about the rest. But AC Mizal, I am there with you. He's a great actor. Too bad that most people can only relate him with 4U2C and Gerak Khas. Seeing in appearing in your movies, I am sure he has a lot more to offer.
memang berani! let's do it!
buat hari last lah. 26hb. the final curtain call. gua mmg ada plan nak pi lagik hari last.
last day ni selalunya dalam theater feel dia mmg meremang sekali.
Dear Mr. Afdlin and SM,
Although in my review i gave crappy comment on crappy things, but the nature of my comment is always crappy.
but i am sure hell going on the last show, where everyone is eager to give the best show of their life and all the technical glitches have been move to zimbabwe.
lets we all.
gua berani...
Gua da antar nama gua. dan gua dah ajak kengkawan yang gua tahu..
kita "pecah"kan Istana Budaya!!!
right on! ini sgt mengujakan!!!
buat mgu depan ok gak cip..mgu lepas 2 nak tgk actorlympics plak..
gua nampak lu semalm kat IB. lu rock laa!! :D
i dare to say that somehow AC Mizal managed to outshine Tiara & Steve!
Way to go Gusti Adipati!
sebenanye afdlin..teater kat mesia ni memang best tiptop hiphop..cume org yg kate teater tu tak best ialah org yg xpenah tgk teater..klu tak pun die bute kot?haha..but neway..thanx for the insights..dying to watch mende ni tapi tgh takde duit..hopefully the show will stay on much longer sampai dpt gaji next week..haha miskin
uwaaa teringin nyer nak nengok PGL The Musical ni n join chip kodok n the geng lepak2 teh tarik sampai pagi, tapi apakan daya aku jauh d Brunei. *sob*sob* Ohh PGL napa laa ko tak buat show bulan April. kalo tak bole gak aku nengok hehehe - CLEO
Cip kodok!i'm a new kodok... terpanggil to write something after i read your review on PGLtM..coz i have THE SAME feeling when i watched the show..which was on 7th..(1st day).seriuosly,b4 nak pegi n dpt tau nak pegi i'm very teruja.. but my keterujaan tak sama dgn after i watch it and melangkah keluar dari ib...when i heard that AC also gonna be in the show, i never ragu2 wether he can sing or not..cuz i know he can.. but can he act? u know, in theatre different with drama or movie..but after i watch it.. My god!! btol laa u kata..AC meeemang best.. when all the casts coming out for d closing, bila AC keluar je.. i can't stop myself from giving him a standing ovation.. u know him personally, u put trust on him to be in ur movie.. from wat u wrote, u r proud with him...AC sangat best.. Now i see his talent..not just a typical actor..
Cip, me and my buddies are going too for 2nd time.. but i heard the tix for 26th are already finish laa cip..kena book cpat lah!
hmmm...I belief you
haih..teruja siut membaca review afdlin..ni yg berkobar2 neh
hey abg afdlin, cool intresting blog u got.. like the way u paragraph ur entry...
i`m the beginner for PGLM..sejak bengkel teater ini dijalankan lagi saya dapati skrip yang dibuat adlin aman ramlie ini sangat menarik. inilah yang dikatakan lain dari yang lain. ada teater lain yang menggunakan sarikata? thanks to the beginner...
Cip... namo den dah taruk, dah email pun tapi den dok jauh kek selatan ni hah. den x ponah laie tgk teater ni...kiro pes taim la kalo cip sudi ajak den. Den memang excited nk tgk pgltm ni...tulun ehh cipp buek la on last dei...taim tu den dah gaji :D tp janji ehh cip...tiket 30 hengget jek...bajek ciput arr cip...
I totally agree with you! I've watched the PGL musical 2 times. Damn great!!!A little advice, go buy at least the RM70 tickets la :D
i always like AC Mizal, from the very first time i watched him on tv screen....he's a natural..its ashamed that he hasn't been given much opportunity to showcase his talent..hope to see more of him after Bulis & PGL musical
i'm on it!
yahooooo!!!! rombongan kodoks ke Istana Budaya
eeeeeeehhhhhh!!!!! hi~~~~~
awak klakarrrrr seeyyy! i loike! anyway ako mustapha, my faveret larrrrrrr. handsome eh!
suruhlah orang teater ni turun Jb sekali-sekala...
apakata kalau buat teater kat Jb la plak....tak kiralah teater apapun, ramai orang Jb nak tengok, tapi jauuuhhhh sangat la weyyy....
asik orang KL jer yang dapat nengok!
well...what the heck...despite every bone in my body crying out for want of other indulgences with three full hours or so...count me in i s'ppose...
can always have a good laugh at stephen attempting to act with using bahasa malaysia again.
still think he sounds like daffy duck...(when not singing)
agree on AC with you afdlin...
waaa....bestnya review. ni yg buat excited nak pegi...sure best nak gi dgn rombongan kodoks but then, i've planned to watch it this week. tak nak tengok first week or opening nite sebab sure ramai giler...then, tak nak tengok final week sebab sure ramai yang last minute nak pegi...:)
first time lak tak tengok teater istana budaya on opening nite. good to know that PGL had a good turn out....masa i pegi opening nite of Rubiah, hardly half of the hall was occupied. what a pity, sebab citer tu pun best gak.
I tersangat la agree ngan muzaffar.. Let's do a flash mob on the final night of the play. That would be awesome..! And just like muzaffar and yourself, I was also planning to watch it one last time.
..u know what, I still couldn't get the show out of my mind.. spellbinding!
weh gejet... jom lah poei kek ell. bukan jauh bonar...ompek jam smpi la wehh. den stenbai dah nk poie ni.. leh kito buek rombongan cik kiah p kek ell tgk PGL
kehadapan sang ketua kodok yang kacak dan sedikit berisi,
Comment ini menyatakan persetujuan saya untuk menyertai ahli tentera kodok menonton PGL TM dengan syarat tiada yuran keahlian tahunan, yuran keahlian seumur hidup, yuran pendaftaran mahupon yuran PIBG.
Saya selaku ahli baru dalam kem kodok anda telah menghantar email kepada anda untuk diprosesKodokkan. Diharap, permohonan saya utk menjadi ahli kodok diperkenankan.
Saya berjanji akan mematuhi segala peraturan tentera kodok dengan syarat anda membenarkan saya menjentik perut anda secara manja suatu hari nanti.
-Kodok yang runsing.
aku bukan tak nak pegi.. mmg nak tapi kalo tak tau tarikh susah gak.. kalo 26 tu rasa ok gak.. nanti aku pikir kan la cip
memang puas hati gila kan afdlin tengok PGLTM ni? i will definitely go again tapi tak sure bila. busy lah pulak sekarang ni.. suara si stephen tu buat bulu roma meremang. tiara punya dance routine memang class. memang macam jawa betul.
mmg standing ovation!gila best!lagu majapahit tu asik la terngiang2 kat telinga aku woihhh...best!and best!and AC Mizal mmg sesuai gila ngan watak Adipati tuh.Adlin,takyah ckp pape la,he is cool and menari cucuk langit yg kiut.hahahahah...
I've posted my application(?) to your GMail, tolong bagitau bile nak pei..
anyway, I'm a huge fan of PGL the movie (I was so grateful KFC juai VCD dia at just RM9.90)...can't wait to see the musical pulak
Pada sesiapa yang nak tgk PGLTM hari Ahad 19.2.06 show 3 ptg, saya ada 2 tiket RM50 nak jual pada sesapa yang nak... kol 012 294 3713
Wow.. menarik ni!!...Ni yang tak sabar2 nak tgk ni.. saya memang peminat theater..esp musical.. saya dah reserve tickets on 23 feb... 24 feb dah limited seats...25 and 26 i think dah fully book!!
kenapa hero citer ni tak yang asli melayu?
alamak ni yang buek den ghisau. cip cepat arr bertindak jgn arr sonyap jo. kang tiket abihkan...camno? den x kiro den nk poie gak...
betulla cip kodok..siyes best tahap cipan bangang PGL kalinih...walawes...rugi sape tak pi..
-kodok spesis puru-
I never thought PGL was good, seriously. I was so excited before it came out. Like, FINALLY a malay epic worth watching. To my disappointment, however, there was just too much hype, when there was just too little to hype about. Plot was under-developed, dialog tend to me corny, some characters were redundant, and there's no RM15 million quality to it. It's not that i'm being too harsh on Malaysia's Film Industry, its just that sometimes I think that they should have just shut up and see the masses acceptance towards the movie, and THEN let out the delicious secret on how the movie becomes THAT successful. Tk your movies for example, I absolutely loved Buli (havent seen Buli Balik coz I'm o/seas sadly :( ), and then Yasmin's Sepet... there was not much hype about them, but when they came out, they came out with a big bang! You didn't go announcing your budget to impress, but the show was impressive...
Perhaps I should give Tiara a chance to redeem herself in PGLTM, although I am still very skeptical abt it. Her other musical theatres were excellent (i.e. Siti Zubaidah)... but I reckon she should humbly step down and let the role of PGL to be taken over by a young, fresh face with the similar charisma that she has, because seriously, I doubt PGL looked 40plus, when she should be in her late teens. THis comment is not original, i know, it has been published on NST, but shouldnt she take note? And now, she produced a musical repeating the same mistake in that area. Is there too much pride in her that she cannot accept comments such as these?
alaa..wanna see!!but wont be back in msia till march..this is not fair!!!
I went to see PGL the same nite ngan Cip la...
Mmg an outstanding performance by all, I like Adlin Aman Ramli, being the Sultan... part dia duk nyanyi... Melaka tu. That was fun!
Sumer best la nak cakap.
Hana, ur not alone. At least ur back in March. I wont be back til December!!!! I'm Down-Under... huhuhuh... Rase2nye akan ade tak PGLtM versi DVD huhuhuh...
p/s: Can I request for PGLtM to be performed at the Sydney Opera House ppl,pls??
lu dah bakar gua beb
ni yang rase nak sangat tengok PGLM nih
tapi apakan daya takde duit yang mencukupi... isk isk isk
p/s:tolong banje...sesape...
there...didnt i tell you AC Mizal was so darn amazing!!! almost everyone say so...me included...and now you! hahah...i wish to see it again on 26th if can get tix ;) later abang kodok!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bestnyer tgk pgl mlm tadih...dari start booking tiket dah excited...sampai tido pun termimpi2 pgl.... gilooo besttttttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaaa
nak tgk lagi!!!!!
nak gi lagik next week.. hahahha
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa best best best..i really wish i was one of them performing....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
are you acting in any new theatre? stage theater?i would like to see your acting on the stage...
if there is..let us know
I agree with U Cip Kodokss...dun think of the hiccups...rerupanya kita watch at the same time with PM laaahhh. wakakaka
PGL the musical memang buat Lady teruja gakss. Proud to be Malaysian. Kudos to all the crew.
Love the lighting, music arrangment, props, costumes n all. Nak join tngok sama cip kodoks lagiksss!!!
Memang nak sgt tgk..tapi ade tiket lagi ker?
I wish I have free time for all this stuff, so that I can go out and enjoy myself... but...with merger and taking over in banking industries, things kinda riot... all gone berserk...
huhu!!! Nak tengok jugak..tapi cemana? err..PGLTM akan perform kat Brisbane tak?
from oppps_scha@yahoo.com
ya,i have to admit this..i really love this performance..soooo touching... i saw afdlin last nite at istana budaya...hey afdlin,is that the second time u watched that musical??? so proud to be malaysian..i'm quite impressed by ac mizal character..i luv him too.. hehehhe.. keep up the good work...
just saw the PGL musical,man, i tell u, Tiara was like a newbie, in other words.. she basically sucks in theater but AC r0xx my world!! suprisingly huh?
haku cam tak cayer arh ac mizal leh blakon jadik garang cam tu thehehehe....
But I AM giving myself an opportunity to watch something really great from MALAYSIA.....I've got tickets for Actorlympics this Sunday!!!! ;)
Cipp!! After reading your reviews, baru rasa terpanggil to see it! Unfortunately tickets sold out! Luckily my aunty kat TV3 got us free VIP tickets!! woohoo!! mcm tak percaya! Ada jugak rezeki tgk PGL.
Teringin nak belajar menari?
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