Thank you so much for all those who have gone to see BULI BALIK. It's success so far would not be possible without your support. Thanks la kodok-kodok semua, I have to say that i now officially feel the pressure to not slack off and will do all in my power and ability to keep giving u guys the best i can, bear in mind every new film to me is a new learning experience. . I will still be myself and explore the weird side of life and give you my commentary on our society, but i guess things doesn't get any easier from now on and I WELCOME IT.
It is amazing and self-explanatory really how Buli Balik made me laugh every minute and cry at the very last minute.
Congratulations on the box office and for making us believe in local comedy and movies altogether, once again.
nih aku petik dari dialog pendek yang aku tulis dalam diari aku....
insan 1: kejayaan adalah sebuah keindahan...
insan 2: tapi keindahan juga bermula dari ketandusan.
insan 1: tapi bukankah perjalanan untuk mendapatkan kejayaan itu dah cukup untuk merasakan kepayahan...?
insan 2: YA! tapi kejyaan itu akan lebih indah sekiranya perjalanan itu pernah menemui kegagalan.......
I am so intrigue, tak sabar nak pegi tengok ni..
akum...actually...gua baru jer dapat tau yg afdlin ada blog sendri....pergh...gua mmg dah lama salute sama bro afdlin nih....kenapa n camner...panjang arr kalo nak citer...so..1st of all..sblum gua sronok tak tentu pasal...gua nak tanyer sket la..selambakodok nih bebetul afdlin ker???mmg bro afdlin ker yg tulis blog nih???mmg fan leh trus in touch ngan dier ker???really hope bro afdlin can reply balik...hopefully along with the truth la...
fulamak bro...
makin menjadi laaa...
ni lah yang dikatakan ang pau Chinese New Year....!!!
afdlin, bila lagi nak buat filem World Cup...?
biar aku yang jadi referee dalam filam bola lu...!
Blog untuk World Cup pun aku dah sediakan..
Ni dia blognya:
first of all, congratulations to you afdlin. syabas inspektor, syabas. Ni saya nk tanya skit. Ending movie ni nordin tu mati ke?
congratulation :) im so happy abt this news :) good job to you,my aunty is so happy (nasha aziz),i think she's in pangkor now shooting.. its a brilliant job, she always told me that u are so creative and talented, and love working with you,its a shame that im not in malaysia and i cant watch buli balik :( anyway afdlin, you know all ur hard work is getting paid now :) congratulation again, and wishing u much success to come in everything u do!!
Hip hip horraayy...good for the industry. Some more creative products from you in the future too.
I am so sad being abroad had limited me from enjoying the crazy wave of Malay movie once again.
Rasa macam nak terbang balik sekarang jugak. Hehe.
Is there any way possible of me watching your Buli Balik without having to resort to bad-quality in-cinema recordings pirated CD?
congratulations on the success so far. hope it doesn't stop here. *pat on the back*
yezzzaaaa.. kasi pecah la 4 juta.. good news!
whoa bro... alhamdulillah... syabash inspektor sahab! ramai lagi yg belum gi tengok tu (termasuk aku dan mereka2 yg akan ku angkut bersama). am so excited to see how high BB is gonna rake in finally.
Cayalah bang....ada aura laa bang...selama ni cuma filem P. Ramlee je buat saya ketawa....tapi kali ni filem Buli Balik memang gerek....semua orang ketawa bang....dulu asyik kena tipu je dengan filem Prof. Razak tuu...ntah apa-apa....tapi kali ni abg punya filem banyak syoook maaa....salute kat abg afdlin....cayoo cayooo
Wah......dasat ler Cip! Congratulations. W/pun belum berkesempatan tgk BB lagi.....tp GSC Mahkota Parade tu akan ku serang juga weekend ni.
Ok cip.....omedetto gozaimasu!
Gambatte ne!
Congrats bro, Malaysian movie or specifically Malay movie cam ader harapan sikit. Puas hati betul tgk wayang citer nie. Keep it up. Overall it was very good.
Pros: Kelakar giler babeng, jln citer yg best & different and good social commentary on Malaysian culture.
Cons: Some parts are slow and dragging, hero mati (Or izzit?)
ganah mung bro! Kalu gining sokmo kaye la. hahahaah.
cip smlm kat summit usj pon teket selling fast...caya sama lu...;)
Congrats afdlin for Buli Balik. Kat TGV BBK midnite pun full house. Nasib baik tak kena duduk kat depan sekali. Huh, lama dah tak tgk cerita melayu aku nih... ha ha ha
hye bro!! mmg boleh angkat salute lar ngan bro....masa tengok baik punya cilok mmg dah pecah perut ketawa...sampai 3 kali gi tengok wayang...ni buli balik lak...tapi buli balik leh wat leleh gak arr...yg part nordin Mati tu...mati ke hidup erk..ni mesti nak wat buli balik kembali..wakakakakkaka...apa pun mmg salute lar kat abg afdlin...caya lu lar bro....cuma kan ada satu jer nak kasi tau...abg ni kan kidal..tapi masa flash back zaman sekolah..napa nordin tu tulis tangan kanan..hehehehehehehhehe tak per...maybe dulu nordin kanan..pastu dah besar dia kidal....ok lar..apa pun mmg leh kasi 5 stars lar kat abg afdlin..caya sama lu...
Meh baca aku punya komen & review pasal Buli Balik kat http://blog.i-symbian.com/albaker/?p=32 ;-)
betapa kesungguhan aku menonton opening buli balik 26th Jan haritu..aku pegi tgk kat GSC Bkt Mertajam yg kodok tuh!!! sbb aku tanak terpegi tpt yg tak tayang or full house.. nasib baik pengorbanan aku neh tak sia2 sbb BB mmg rooooccckkkk abes! i loooovee u bro afdlin! ure always in my heart :D
apa yang umie aide kata tu memang betul...!!!
"UMI AIDA sent me this text message today.
Ada orang berpesan, " Mereka yang menang tidak berhenti dan mereka yang berhenti tidak akan menang!" So continue to strive. "
Apa-apapun, orang JB kata memang BB = B er B aloi...!!!
Aku nie asik kasi kata-kata motivasi.... macam best jer... siotnyer aku.
Bro Afdlin...
you have to start to believe whatever that is happening NOW is the reward for striving very hard all these while...
Seriously, you have successfully erased the typical Malay Movie Stigma and managed to put it into a new height... Kudos to you and gang....
I sooooo love Buli Balik... cant wait for more of Afdlin in the nearest future...
abang afdlin, I salute you for the great comments you have received for Buli Balik. I am really happy for you. However, please read my mini review of Buli Balik. Call it constructive criticism ok? Thank you.
p/s:-if you do make your way to this site, scroll further down to read what I have to say about BPC as well.
dude... i'm still trying real hard to get e tickets to yr movie. planning to watch this coming saturday. :)
nak memBULI BALIK nie... tak sabar nih!!!
mmg best gilak la cip ini movie..
worth every penny...cecepat la kuarkan DVD...mau membeli dan tgk lagik..
mmmmmmmmmg syookk.. aku dah bagi pecah panggung area melaka ngan n9.. sbb aku dah tengok 4 kaliii.. aritu citer BPC pun aku tengok 3 kali.. aduss. takleh handle ngan filem2 chip kodok ni.. anyway.. i also masukkan preview pasal buli balik ni kat my blog.. CHECK IT OUTT!!! http://curseshadow.blogdrive.com
erkkkk still menghambakan diri di Office for the 8 days nie ... wakakakkakaka going to watch this movie this saturday .... syok ... yeahhhh 2 and 1/2 day more to work
chip kodok! congrats!!
i sendiri dah tgk buli balik last monday dkt midvalley..u know what? full house tau!! movie pukul 2pm tapi by 12.30 tiket dah sold out!! nasib i dah booked awal2...buli balik kira not bad la..to be honest i lebih suka BPC..tapi apepon i tetap sokong u..again..congrats!!! gambate kudasai!!!
Afdlin ni left-hander ek? if it's true! Dis prove dat left-handed guy rocks in entertainment industry..like Man Kidal, Nash and Mawi!
alhamdulillah chip..
buli balik.. dalam ketawa.. ada nangis.. dalam nangis.. ada terpikir.. dalam terpikir.. ada realitinya..
pi holiday kat pangkor pakai tshirt kodoks..kira2 promosi jugak ler.. hehehe..
tengok2 berjiran dengan dr. selina.. :-)
Great performance! great show!
Thanks for making us Malaysian believes in local movies...
hope to see your work once again...more!!!!!!!!
yeyh...hari nie baru tgk BB kat klcc.
ahahahah best gilee...pastu dapat sign dari chip kodok kat beg~~
kenape hans isaac takde eh? die dlm filem tu nampak cute lah bile kene buli..thehehe
keep up the good work ya!!!
bertambah rezeki aflin nampaknya.. tahniah..
Hey Mr Adflin..!!
I just came back from TGV KLCC, watching Buli Balik. Best to the maxxx!! Thank God for the talents that God has given you. For once, there's no Malay movies about some rich dude who study in London...bla bla bla. All those craps macam movies by M**********. Hehe.
I really love all your movies and although BB klakar tapi ada pengajaran gaks kan...the ending was so sad..i almost cried and im sure most of the audience felt the same way too..Nasha Aziz as usual was superb and beautiful. Natural beauty I guess. =) AFDLIN SHAUKI WAS DA' BOMB!! Keep on making movies like this...and please invite Nasha Aziz to act in it..
You're da man..but despite all those successes that you've experienced and currently experiencing.. dont forget to give some kind of repayment to the society and to those who helped you all the way to the success..
Afdlin mengamukkk.. yeahhh.. kasi pecah pangggungg.. aku rasa, jalan cerita BB lebih baik dari filem2 afdlin yang sebelum nih.. betul2 dah mainkan perasaaaku nih.. tak pernah aku rasa nak meleleh tengok citer melayu.. pastu gelak macam rasa anak tekak sumer nak keluar pergi swimming kat sungai kelaanngg.. hehe.. tahniah cip kodok .. cip, jemput2lah masuk blog zul k, ade masukkan entry pasal BB.. (salah sorang fanz cip kodok)
Abang afdlin!!!
Kenapelah tak kasi notice ker pape nak turun Jb.
City Square lak tu..
Singapore & Jb dekat jer..Seberang tambak
kalau tidak,bole nampak Abang Afdlin secara live kan best tu.
Anyways kudos ya for the achievement!!
You did it!
yerp...cip! dulu..dulu lah.. diwaktu filem lakonan cip tak berapa oang 'makan'.. kami dah makan dulu dah..(refers to me n hubby"WE-REALLY-REALLY-REALLY-LOVE-YA!").. nak kata apa..soal hati ke soal apa kerr.. Buli ker.. kelibat ker.. progg Ah-Ha ker.. tapi u punya kerja starting from BPC dan seterusnya Bulik Balik nin.. Oh my god!! i think this is the nu P.Ramlee era coming which ppl takkan boring to watch your movie sampai bila-bila.. i dunno whats inside your mind cip.. i dont know what inside your head!! Are u crazy?? Creating movies like this..!!! its really OOO-SSSooooMMM!! and really SUPERB!! Please cip..please...pas nin blasah citer hantu plak..kire kelibat 2 lah nin..!! But still.. cant wait anymore for your SUMO lah!! Nak nengok nin... Keep Goin my Bro..!!
Alhamdulillah... u did it man...congratulations!!!!
cip kodok, tgh tgk cip kat MHI nih.. macho nye dengan baju melayu.. :D
adui la cip... xdapek lagi den nk p tgk.. entah bila la nk boleh ni.. mgkn selasa mggu dpn la...
haah, cayalah, berbaju melayu lengkap, bersampin, bersongkok~ bagus.. bagus..
bro kod! lum sempat nak tengok lu punyer cite tapi gua dah janji sama anak gua mau tengok jugak sebab anak gua dah baper kali rengek nak tengok abg gumuk!!(well the name might not the good side but the name gives you the impact of your life,,,pak cik kayo...
keep the good work. congratulations.......!! Shyda
Afdlin.........from one kodok to another..
I totally got your message....buli balik...
ive been bullied before...well not to the extent like nordin....but in other ways (esp mentally)..it sucks...
you potrayed nordin magnificently....nordin was struggling with his conscience because he wanted revenge....and he wanted to show the world that he couldnt be bullied anymore....he wanted roy to suffer like he did....but actually he couldnt really do it....n when he tried to be someone that he wasnt...was really sad...n he saw that he was turning into another roy....n what he saw filled him with such grief because at heart he was a good person...
n i like the fact that nordin the hero was flawed like all of us real people...
you made me laugh... n dammit you made me cry!!!! well u always did.......i have always like your songs, movies, performances...whatever..been a fan before you were really famous...been a fan of yours when you were so montel before soal hati b4 larut malam...alah masa you kat itm manjung dulu pun orang dah dpt rasa kan you will bcome famous...
n i like the fact that your movies does not preach....
u have a lot of "teladan" that you want to dish out...but u managed not to make the movies preachy (is there such a word), but thru the humour and all, u managed to impart a lot of important messages to all of us....even cerita baik punye cilok, eventhough different dari buli balik, masih ade hikmah nye...yer im serious....to those people who didnt get it, tgk lagi sekali, if tak dpt jugak...then what to do coz ure obtuse n blur.
keep it real....
p/s m still waiting for my afdlin cd...dah hantar email ari tu pun tak dpt lagi....cant wait...
waa...u got share this film, now u r rich man. after this can make more movies. congrats to u. am proud to see local movies, with local director, actors, crew n producer hit the million sales. so what's next after sumo? hope u r not thinking of selling bpc n bb to any tv station, bcoz if u r, then no point making movies. u must lead the m'sian film industry to survive, bring back the spirit. u got the aura, bro..
forgot to say...
Thank you afdlin for making movies from the heart...
u inspire me
hahaha...klakor giler ngko punya movie
keep up good wurk man!!
You need something like these I thinK???
Ikhlas tapi jauh!
congratulations afdlin!
Aku dah nengok dah buli balik.. mmg besh, jgn compare dgn baik punya cilok.. dia ada cerita yang tersendiri.. tapi yang pastinya banyak nilai2 murni yang boleh kita dpat dari buli balik.. tapi i hate ako dalm citer ni... sampai hati dia buli roy terok2.. isk sian roy..
tapi yang pastinya citer ni mmg banyk kaitan dengan CB dlm PLKN...
teruskan "menampilkan yang terbaik dalam diri sendiri dan orang lain"
sekurang2nya... cerita ni bnyk msg..
Teruskan pejuangan mu bro
wazzaa Kodok!
bila nak mai aloq Staq?!..
Buli Balik besta!
Congrats bro Afdlin!
Tgh tunggu Buli Balik kuar kat VCD ah.. Tak sabar nak tgk sambungan dari citer Buli... Mesti power!!!!
gilerlah cip....
kalau buat kenduri kesyukuran,panggilah kodok2 semua, yer..?
Tahniah untuk team VisionWorks,Tall Order dan GB.
congratz NORDIN!! hehe.. i luvvvvvvvvv buli balik... i laughed n i criedddd!!
buli balik besh gle xle bla ar!
mmg besh bangat!!!!!
korang sangat comel! :)
from the picture, knp ada dua orang je ek? huhu. but korang mmg havoc gle ar! congratulations! dah tgk kali ke-2 and will be watch it again tomorrow!! weehee!!
support buli balik..!!
Syabas betaaaaaaa.....muahahaha...layann sehhh cite ni...mmg ku ingin nengok 3x cite ni..anyway biler "baik punya cilok" nak kuar dvd..asik2 vcd jerkkk..bosan arrrr mahal skit xper janji kualiti..pastu blehh jadik collection dvd ku kat umah..hehehe
xpenah pon satu cite melayu kat mesia ni buat dvd..aper kate baik punya cilok n buli balik buat dvd...sure ramai giler org beli,dr beli citer2 omputih baik support citer anak melayu tul tak...
esok ku nak nengok buli balik kali ker 4....muhahahahaha...
man...biler la nak sampai UK movie nih?cepatla eksport huhuhuhuhuhhuhu nak tengok gak!!!
anyway your hardwork and your exxxxcellent masterpieces really inspire me. And also in a way i really2 respect you. kalau teringin nak tgk boleh jer carik dload2 punyer (kot) but watching those pirated ones is unfair for you and for me!I would rather "puasa" afdlin's filem. nanti bolehlah buat dvd/vcd ek?dvd lah :D i would definitely buy it if even it cost RM50 (cd lagu satu jer dah Rm30-40, nih ada video lagi)
Man! That is some show!
Saviour-V teleports in, and claps his hands upon full materialization...
Sure was quite an interesting show, Mr. Afdlin Shauki. I'm also impressed about your transparency, which shows in your blog.
You're unafraid to make others laugh. While most of us usually prefer to keep our masks on...^_^;;
BULI BALIK is the first official BULI movie I've seen, although I've seen bits and pieces of the original BULI movie.
Never would've believed that this would be the 2nd Malay movie I've ever watched in my life, next to Aziz M. Osman's XX Ray.
Lots of funny moments, especially during the game show part. And the fact that Roy, too, has his own fair share of hits (courtesy of his Dad, and later on, from the people he previously bullied) makes him somewhat human.
Saviour-V stops clapping, and bows...
I look forward to your next set of masterpieces, Mr. Afdlin Shauki.
Saviour-V grins, and teleports out...
I still have yet to wacth this show... sorry much *sheepish grin* stumbled here via a frens blog btw... and looking through your past posts, i realise that one of your co-actors look a tiny bit like marilyn manson... no offence.
And furthermore, KUDOS to malaysian movies now... death to the retardo cencorship boards!
thaniah borther ... keep it up good job!
kasi pecah itu razak mohideen punyer kepala la lagi baguih!
Wah!!! Bagus2.. Harap lepas ni ade lagi le sequel buli ni ek..
the genius of movie..but got a lot ...learning process ma....
would mind making m'sian movies a priority if u & yasmin ahmad make the movies..thats the priority now anyway.others are really not worth it..same stuff all over again..anyway buli balik was a super movie and so was baik punya cilok..the ending of buli balik was interesting..did nordin pass out or die?all the best for Sumo.will kept as a priority without doubt..
Nordin's dead?who's gonna do the sumo then?
well, what can i say.. you are extremely good in capturing the viewers' eyes. why no try something else more military like say" aku anak seorang jeneral" or "Aku adalah seorang Panglima" or "chef bon yang sedap".i have abundance of ideas.u need any, drop me a msg.I willing to help you out for malaysian movie industry. btw, read this book called Little sandhurst: A mlitary love affair. by Nordin Yusof.
bgus bro huhu.. teruskan usaha untuk menghasilkan filem komedi yang best2...
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