On a completely unrelated note, I think some individuals in the Malaysian Film industry are like the lumut at the bottom of the boat pancing. First bang! orang ni, bang! orang tu kata filem diorang tak membayangkan budaya kita, then kena sound dengan menteri semua tersipu-sipu macam sotong takde tulang belakang nak ban orang ni orang tu dan akhir sekali selfish, kerana pilih filem diorang untuk pergi ke Asia Pacific film festival. BULI BALIK was not chosen as one of the entry because they deemed that it was not good enough to reflect our malaysian society so they chose Persona Non Grata, Castello, Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 2, Bilut, and Gubra. Where i don't contest the validity of GUBRA and BILUT, i do also believe that BULI BALIK is good enough to represent the country.
Yes i am a bit emotional about my baby not being picked because i feel the movie would make a difference at the festival. SO now, once again FINAS gets to bring an entourage of people to the festival, half of which are not event relevant to the current film industry, give them a paid holiday to go shopping. I am disappointed with the selection, but my life will go on as i tell myself that i am in this industry to make a difference for the people and the old fogeys in the power positions will one day die and will not be able to fight the wake of revolution, when people demand them to be better than what they are now.
I know my heart may not be so sore in a couple of days time but as for now, the film industry has disappointed me so and I have lost respect and faith for many a people in power in the industry because at the end of the day whatever they do is all for themselves. All they think about is - How can i gain? How can i use my position to make me prosper? and not, how to make the Malaysian film industry better?.
And to think that i was afraid of SHARKS.....