Dah lama rasanya tak blogging. Ini semua gara-gara Facebook dan twitter. Sekarang ni tulis pendek-pendek aje dan gua realise keje gua nak layan fans aje. Bukan salah nak layan fans, fans tu sangat penting but gua realise yg gua dah tak bercerita tentang what's in my head lagi. Dan itu sebenarnya gua punya release. to just say whatever the hell i feel like saying or share and not caring about what people want to hear. This is a space where i can work out what is important to me. What matters to me.
I have been working a lot lately and traveling a lot too and i would like to share, the experiences i had on the journeys with you.

Aku dah tua dah, hahaha dan harapannya lebih matang dan WISE. Insya'allah

Aku berkawan dgn Doc Azizan yg membantu aku menjadi seorang Motivator.

Aku belajar underwater photography tahun ni. Yaaay!

Aku diving di Nusa Penida, Bali

Shooting filem Papadom 2 yg agak gila tapi menyayat hati.

berjumpa balik kawan lama dalam mentor tahun ni

Pertama kali pergi ke Mumbai untuk kerja pos produksi filem 'Untuk Tiga Hari'. Satu humbling experience dan pengalaman yg tak dapat di lupakan

Buat Mentor Raya sangat happening dan kelakor

Di Osaka dgn pembikin filem serata dunia.

Buat stand-up dgn Johan di London. Mamat ni sangat kelakar dan boleh pergi jauh.
I am facing a lot of work stress right now but i think i am handling it ok. hehehe to be truthful, i don't really know. My family life is suffering a bit as well. i am not spending enough time with my loved ones. Good news is i am losing weight. I am losing weight for the purpose of my health and not because anyone says i should.
Having said that, i see a really happening and bright future for me, my family and my vision works family. I thank Allah for making next year the most profitable, most fulfilling and most exciting year for all of us.
I will be sharing my thoughts on the undilah and namewee issue. my latest exploits. my new ideas and way of thinking. My philosophies.
For now i bid you all Adieu and as usual