Well, the ABP-BH came and went, all results were as expected but what was really interesting was what nearly happened to me up top in Genting Highlands.
When i was travelling up to Genting Highlands, i realised something really weird happening to my body... i felt my breathing was starting to be restricted. My chest felt a bit tight but there was no wheezing, which was an indication for me that i wasn't getting an asthma attack but i couldn't understand why i was feeling that way, I just make bodo and plodded along like nothing was happening until the makeup session when i really started to feel weird. In my mind, visions of the Raihan singer who died due to asthma in Genting a couple of years back started playing in my head.
Not wanting to be branded paranoid or anything, i just quietly mentioned to my manager about my troubles, just to make sure that there are oxygen facilities or even an ambulance handy during the ABP-BH show that night.
Come showtime, everybody was excited and raring to go. The whole 'celebrity' community was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. My manager Shima, frantically tried to organize my request, she had been informed earlier that there will usually be two ambulances on standby at the venue, but after checking the ambulance wasn't there that night. Ahh sudah!! I had hoped that my chest thingy would have gone away by then, but it didn't. People were asking me "can you do the show, can you do the show?"... i had no answer. i didn't want to let Erma and Umie down. When we were preparing for the performance my chest started to let up a bit but so i decided to do the show but as time was nearing the start of the show, my chest started to feel tight again. I felt like someone was playing yo-yo with my chest and it wasn't of the hip-hop kind. That is when i told myself the biggest victory that i would win that nite was not any trophy, but my life. I thought wether that was the last time i would see my kids and Chris (very the drama , i know but it literally is that way.) I was thinking if i collapse who could carry me... i know i am a damn heavy fella....takkan diorang nak bawak masuk crane nak angkat i !!!.... macammana crane tu nak naik genting????... i was thinking " If i died, tanah perkuburan mana my family nak tanam i ah?
Before i went on to do the show, my manager said to me that THE AMBULANCE is here and is on standby. LEGA hati gue. So i dengan tanpa segan silu atau malu-malu kodok dengan semangat tidak mahu let the show down, pergilah buat performance DIVA POPULAR tu.
AND confirm... true enough after the show, muka i jadi pucat macam baru tengok result SPM bahasa Malaysia i dulu (takut kantoi BM, SPM tak dapat grade 1) nafas i amat tak teratur... tapi masih boleh berjalan. Selepas berdegil sebentar pasal memikirkan yang tak macho-la CIP KODOK naik ambulan... Gua pun naikla ambulan dan mengoxygenkan diri dan tiba-tiba rasa macam ada orang bubuh gas dalam belon yakni dada i dan mulalah bernafas dengan normal.
Saya amat bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana sentiasa mengingatkan saya betapa kecilnya saya ni walaupun orang kata saya bigfoot punya anak kerana saiz badan saya. Saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Pengurus saya, yang betul-betul made sure that my keselamatan came first. Thanks to The Genting Highlands management kerana mengambil berat yang teramat terhadap saya and thanks to Mawi because i sememangnya dah takde space kat rumah nak parking Kia Optima tu. Heehee.
Aku yang kodok.
A new journey into the unknown. A hijrah. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. SubhanAllah.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
PGL the Musical tickets HABIS lagi!! ACTORLYMPICS tickets going fast!!

To all those kodoks who have secured tics to see PGL the musical extra shows, I SEE YOU THERE ok!!!!!! Mebbe after the shows we lepak sikit at Mamak LOTUS and borak.
For those who tak dapat, let's hope they do it again next time.
To the kodok bowling team yang akan pergi berjuang for The Fellowship of the Kodoks dalam pertandingan BOWLING PERSAHABATAN ANTARA FANS CLUB marilah selamat berjuang kerana sememangnya anda semua 'tendang buntut' (kick Ass)!!!
Yesterday was the first night of ACTORLYMPICS and let me tell you I had some crazy fun fun yesterday. Granted, it wasn't PGL but being on stage was like magic. Seronok giler.... hilang stress meress mak nenek gua. You guys have to come watch it! it is a great destresser and CONFIRM balik terputus urat kentut, tulang belikat dan semua yang boleh terbelah kerana ketawa yang tak hingat.
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Dawn of PROJEK : HILANG AKAL 2!!! Kodok-kodok semua jangan miss benda ni!!! AND great news for PGL the Musical lovers!!
Okaylah first of all, perkara berbangkit. Ramai kodok yang agak terkilan kerana tak dapat tengok PGL the Musical but due to the overwhelming success of the show, they have decided to extend it by another two days iaitu the 27th and the 28th of february.
The great news is, the PGL people kerana ingin berterimakasih dengan sokongan kodok-kodok semua telah memberikan saya allocation of 40 seats for the 27th and 40 seats for the 28th!!!... all RM30 tickets la beb, tapi daripada takde ... OK tuuu kan.
So dgn itu gua announce the KODOK NAK TENGOK PGL FLASH MOB part 2 and 3 di kira bukak. Malangnya!!!!.... alamak ini yang tak sedap dengar ni kan, kebanyakan ticket telah kami buka dahulu kepada kodok-kodok yang dah hantar emel dulu dan kami ada sikit je lagi ticket untuk diagih-agihkan so if you all are interested, esok office hours call visionworks at 03 41435097 dan booking cepat-cepat dengan MIEN. Sapa konfirm dulu dia dapat.
Okaylah sekarang kita ke PROJEK HILANG AKAL 2!!! oleh kerana overwhelming response to the FUUYO cd sales, sekarang ni gua dah decide to open a full fledge online store yang akan buat offer yang agak tak siuman sikit Contohya beli t-shirt dapat sepeket sabun pencuci dan sepeket asam boi. etc. What it is about is value adding the product with personalised touches either by myself and or the other stars of my movies. There will be a section for kodoks as well to buy FELLOWSHIP OF THE KODOKS merchandise dan macam-macam lagi. Ini adalah diantara langkah gua untuk memastikan my friends and supporters get the best quality stuff at all times and they get stuff i personally personalised. Ini pirates sat dunia belum boleh buat unless depa CLONE gua.
Yang bestnya boleh bayar pakai maybank2u, credit card ataupun paypal. So satu dunia boleh borong ini barang so if you are interested please get yur asses to http://www.projekhilangakal.com/pha2 and check it out!!!!!!
And for those of you who are ready for it JANGAN lupa ACTORLYMPICS minggu ni!!!! detail lanjutan di blog entry sebelum-sebelum ni.
Some of you might be asking yang afdlin tak pernah mention sekalipun dekat blog dia tentang pencalonan Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian beliau dalam kategori most popular actor and most popular comedian, kenapa eh?
If you know me then yu will know that i am not about being the most popular guy around but more so about trying to be the best and sincere karyawan yang i mungkin boleh jadi. I believe fame will come to you as a bonus but substance is something no amount of newspaper votes can buy. FOR those of you who have voted for me, I thank you dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki for your belief, no matter who wins on the 26th of february at genting, just remember.... BECAUSE WE ARE UNITED, the community of KODOKs are already winners and i too am a winner!! because i have you guys as my friends. thanks so much. love you lots.
Afdlin Shauki
The great news is, the PGL people kerana ingin berterimakasih dengan sokongan kodok-kodok semua telah memberikan saya allocation of 40 seats for the 27th and 40 seats for the 28th!!!... all RM30 tickets la beb, tapi daripada takde ... OK tuuu kan.
So dgn itu gua announce the KODOK NAK TENGOK PGL FLASH MOB part 2 and 3 di kira bukak. Malangnya!!!!.... alamak ini yang tak sedap dengar ni kan, kebanyakan ticket telah kami buka dahulu kepada kodok-kodok yang dah hantar emel dulu dan kami ada sikit je lagi ticket untuk diagih-agihkan so if you all are interested, esok office hours call visionworks at 03 41435097 dan booking cepat-cepat dengan MIEN. Sapa konfirm dulu dia dapat.
Okaylah sekarang kita ke PROJEK HILANG AKAL 2!!! oleh kerana overwhelming response to the FUUYO cd sales, sekarang ni gua dah decide to open a full fledge online store yang akan buat offer yang agak tak siuman sikit Contohya beli t-shirt dapat sepeket sabun pencuci dan sepeket asam boi. etc. What it is about is value adding the product with personalised touches either by myself and or the other stars of my movies. There will be a section for kodoks as well to buy FELLOWSHIP OF THE KODOKS merchandise dan macam-macam lagi. Ini adalah diantara langkah gua untuk memastikan my friends and supporters get the best quality stuff at all times and they get stuff i personally personalised. Ini pirates sat dunia belum boleh buat unless depa CLONE gua.
Yang bestnya boleh bayar pakai maybank2u, credit card ataupun paypal. So satu dunia boleh borong ini barang so if you are interested please get yur asses to http://www.projekhilangakal.com/pha2 and check it out!!!!!!
And for those of you who are ready for it JANGAN lupa ACTORLYMPICS minggu ni!!!! detail lanjutan di blog entry sebelum-sebelum ni.
Some of you might be asking yang afdlin tak pernah mention sekalipun dekat blog dia tentang pencalonan Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian beliau dalam kategori most popular actor and most popular comedian, kenapa eh?
If you know me then yu will know that i am not about being the most popular guy around but more so about trying to be the best and sincere karyawan yang i mungkin boleh jadi. I believe fame will come to you as a bonus but substance is something no amount of newspaper votes can buy. FOR those of you who have voted for me, I thank you dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki for your belief, no matter who wins on the 26th of february at genting, just remember.... BECAUSE WE ARE UNITED, the community of KODOKs are already winners and i too am a winner!! because i have you guys as my friends. thanks so much. love you lots.
Afdlin Shauki
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sorry-la gang, kerana support gila babas korang semua, ticket PGL dah habis semuanya dan ticket yang dijanjikan kepada gua pun telah mereka TERJUAL kerana sedikit kesilapan teknikal di box-office mereka, so kepada yang tak dapat lagi panggilan dari saya ataupun MIEN (my girfren kat ofis merangkap office assistant di visionworks ni) maknanya anda terpaksa tunggu next time diorang buat lagi NEXT TIME.
Apakan daya dan apa yang boleh kita buat... harap-harap diorang release dvd atau vcd show ni nanti. Kenapalah pendek sangat run ni pasal gua rasa memang banyak lagi rakyat Malaysia yang perlu menyaksikan persembahan ini.
Congratulations to Datuk Effendi and Tiara for giving us this gift of a truly remarkable malaysian theatrical experience. Harapannya adalah akan ada lebih banyak lagi persembahan-persembahan yang setaraf dengannya ataupun lebih baik di usahakan oleh penggiat-penggiat seni kita agar akan lebih teruja rakyat Malaysia dalam memupuk budaya menyaksikan persembahan teater.
I went again yesterday and i have to say that the second half of the play is truly breathtaking and at the end of the show, all i have to say is WOW!... not just at the execution of the musical but more so to the response of the audience yang bersorak-sorak seakan Malaysia baru menang Thomas cup. Truly Amazing, our audiences yang usuallynya so docile and so introverted telah berjaya mempamerkan yang there is true passion and a keen sense of appreciation dalam cara mereka memberikan STANDING OVATION dan bertepuk seronok dipenghujung persembahan PGL the musical.
To the warga kerja PGL the Musical - You all should be PROUD and stand tall for helping to create an amazing experience that you all will be able to keep with you for the rest of your lives. The hard work, pain and tears have paid off in a big way in my eyes, no matter what the naysayers want to say. My hats off to you all, my respect and my love.
To all the kodok who went, i thank you for lending your support for the Malaysian Arts. THING WILL ONLY GET BETTER. Insyaallah.
Afdlin Shauki
PS. Pada gadis berscarf hitam yang mengambil gambar dengan gua semalam dan suruh mention dia dalam blog gua, "walaupun kau datang bertudung hitam dan mencuri tenangku, senyummu tetap membakar didalam kepala hotak aku sampai sekarang. Semoga hidupmu di penuhi dengan kegembiraan dan senantiasa dilindungiNya".
Apakan daya dan apa yang boleh kita buat... harap-harap diorang release dvd atau vcd show ni nanti. Kenapalah pendek sangat run ni pasal gua rasa memang banyak lagi rakyat Malaysia yang perlu menyaksikan persembahan ini.
Congratulations to Datuk Effendi and Tiara for giving us this gift of a truly remarkable malaysian theatrical experience. Harapannya adalah akan ada lebih banyak lagi persembahan-persembahan yang setaraf dengannya ataupun lebih baik di usahakan oleh penggiat-penggiat seni kita agar akan lebih teruja rakyat Malaysia dalam memupuk budaya menyaksikan persembahan teater.
I went again yesterday and i have to say that the second half of the play is truly breathtaking and at the end of the show, all i have to say is WOW!... not just at the execution of the musical but more so to the response of the audience yang bersorak-sorak seakan Malaysia baru menang Thomas cup. Truly Amazing, our audiences yang usuallynya so docile and so introverted telah berjaya mempamerkan yang there is true passion and a keen sense of appreciation dalam cara mereka memberikan STANDING OVATION dan bertepuk seronok dipenghujung persembahan PGL the musical.
To the warga kerja PGL the Musical - You all should be PROUD and stand tall for helping to create an amazing experience that you all will be able to keep with you for the rest of your lives. The hard work, pain and tears have paid off in a big way in my eyes, no matter what the naysayers want to say. My hats off to you all, my respect and my love.
To all the kodok who went, i thank you for lending your support for the Malaysian Arts. THING WILL ONLY GET BETTER. Insyaallah.
Afdlin Shauki
PS. Pada gadis berscarf hitam yang mengambil gambar dengan gua semalam dan suruh mention dia dalam blog gua, "walaupun kau datang bertudung hitam dan mencuri tenangku, senyummu tetap membakar didalam kepala hotak aku sampai sekarang. Semoga hidupmu di penuhi dengan kegembiraan dan senantiasa dilindungiNya".
Monday, February 13, 2006
Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical KODOK flash mob is on!
It must be done. the question now is when? there is a strong suggestion for the 26th. I'm okay to book for you guys the tickets but i won't be able to go because of the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian finals in Genting will be on the same day as the show. I have promised Erma Fatima to perform the theme song of DIVA POPULAR. The other alternative is the 25th and the final alternative since everybody wants to go on a weekend is saturday 18th or sunday the 19th so pilihlah gang and let me know, for those who have already emailed me, my people will be calling you for confimation. thanks.
P.S. Kepada anda semua yang sedang menanti re-print Album Fuuyo, Afdlin Shauki ini ada-lah gambaran awal remake cover album fuuyo itu... ada macam gigollo malang sikit... jadi gua suruh re-do bagi nampak selamba sikit. heehee Macam Ruffedge pun ado... tapi gua ni dah tua jadi macam Ruffage le sikit.
Afdlin Shauki Fuuyo 2006. The Kodok Edition.
P.S. Kepada anda semua yang sedang menanti re-print Album Fuuyo, Afdlin Shauki ini ada-lah gambaran awal remake cover album fuuyo itu... ada macam gigollo malang sikit... jadi gua suruh re-do bagi nampak selamba sikit. heehee Macam Ruffedge pun ado... tapi gua ni dah tua jadi macam Ruffage le sikit.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

It was one of those things that when you see it,
b) You are in Awe of the performances of these talented Malaysians and FREAKING wished you were up there with them.
d) You are STILL thinking of the show hours after the last performer took a bow on the stage.
When you are a performer, and you feel all those emotions that i listed up there, then you know that one thing has happened... YOU HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have been in the presence of one of the country's greatest theatrical production efforts of recent times.
I didn't go to the press preview that all the other blog viewers went too. I went on their premiere night yesterday with the PM in attendance and i must say i was impressed, my wife who is a theatre major was impressed and i guess most of the audience, if not all present were impressed too. i had heard that during their preview nite, things did not go particularly well with some techical glitches and what have u but such is the nature of theatre. it is not like the movies where if there was something wrong during the press preview, we wouldn't be able to fix anything, i was told that changes were still happening up till yesterday's performance. Every review has its pros and cons but i choose to focus on the strengths of this show because i believe it deserves a positive review and also because the cons were too few and negligable to me.
Gang, i am from the theatre. At the aged of 10 i fell in love with the experience and from then onwards have always had a high regard and the greatest respect for it and all who give their llife and love to the embetterment of it. After years of theatre, i know i can tell the good from the bad , the wannabes from the truly great, the formulaic from the truly inspired. In short, i am hard to please when it comes to theatrical performances.
BUT TONITE I WAS AWED, i left the Istana Budaya feeling like a little child that found a 5 ringgit note on the ground to buy chocolates with. I was excited, delighted, inspired, flabergasted and proud. Why? because i had just watched the PGL Musical Premiere.

Ohhh my god, PGLTM was OUTSTANDING!!!... It was 10 times better than the Movie (which i quite liked) but the stage production of PGL is absolutely frakking Marvellous!! I am not even kidding when i say that somebody if not everybody from this production deserves a datukship. The musical was easily one of the most beautiful, poignant, exciting and satisfying piece of Malaysian theatrical production i have ever seen in my life. I watched the production of the hit musical 'Chicago' when it first opened on the west end in London and i believe i didn't leave as satisfied as this.
MUCH KUDOS TO ALL THAT PUT THIS BABY TOGETHER. Your hardwork and Dedication really paid off guys. You gave the audience such a wonderful memory of Istana Budaya that i believe it should now be called Istana Puteri Gunung Ledang!!!
Believe me gang when i say tak rugi kalau kita tengok show ni 10 kali pun. Dan tak malu gua rasa kalau show ni pergi ke london atau new york sekalipun untuk bersaing dengan Musical-musical si Andrew Lloyd Webber tu.
GUA BETUL-BETUL teruja ni, macam gua rasa gua kena jampi lak.... i can't stop talking and praising this show.
Although everybody performed well for the show, One person really stands out in this production for me - my BRO and i believe now, ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING PERFORMER MALAYSIA HAS -AC MIZAL!!

Did i mention the rest of the cast is also truly outstanding. That Stephen Rahman guy - what a voice! Adlin Aman Ramli - EXCELLENT beyond words!
The music by Singaporean DICK LEE is so heartfelt and so SEEEDAP!!! Tanpa disedari muzik beliau yang di susun semula oleh pengarah muzik dan gua punya former boss ROSLAN AZIZ bermain dgn emosi kita dan ianya seakan dibuai mengikut segala perintah muzik itu.
ZAHIM ALBAKRI the director, is a FREAKING GENIUS!!!... cara dia mengarah persembahan itu adalah bertaraf antarabangsa. HE SHOULD BE WORKING ON BROADWAY OR AT THE WEST END la gang. Whatever it is, he made PGL the musical happen and has given it's audience an unforgettable evening.
Before u ask, NO! they are not paying me to write all this!.... this are my honest views, my perception, my good fortune to have been able to watch this show.
I personally believe this show needs a home of it's own, a theatre which will show PGL the MUSICAL all year long!!... so that everyone can see. Make it one of the country's premiere tourist attraction to Malaysia. I want this show to sell out because it has the potential of changing the people's perception about theatre in this country.
I want to go again and watch it with my staff and friends and i urge you all to do the same. GIVE YOURSELF this opportunity to watch something really great from MALAYSIA.
AS a matter of fact, let's do a KODOKS FLASH MOB event at PGL the musical!!!!!!!!!! I WANT!!! I WANT!!!! kita tengok ticket 30 ringgit je pun takpe.... janji kita support diorang ni hidup-hidup!! okay those interested to be part of this flash mob, sila taip KODOK NAK TENGOK PGL, bagi nama, nombor handphone and email kat gua di selambakodok@gmail.com so we can pick a date and arrange our event. Lepas show tu gua akan introduce you all semua kepada cast PGL tu and seperti biasa kita teh tarik sampai pagi!!!. ADA BERANI??
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Isma my poster dude has outdone himself yet again i think. This actorlympics poster and postcard design for the upcoming Japanese themed Theatre sports ataupun sketsa selamba bulan February ni gila babeeess cun. Check it out.
This looks like the craziest Actorlympics that we are going to have yet. JAPANESE STYLE HAYAKU!! Sure kelakar gila tenuk aksiden dengan bangkai tenggililng eksotik dari Papua New Guniea punnya!!
Power to the People and Kodoks too
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
BULI BALIK STILL GOING STRONG!! CURRENTLY RM 1.7 Million. Thank you for all your continuous support.
Hey gang. Word has it on the grapevine that there is gonna be a slew of great local movies this 2006, so i am thinking out of my gila hat, that we can make some history this year. How? you might ask. By creating more demand for good local movies. Let's make local movies our number one thing on our list when we go to the cinemas to watch a movie and ONLY IF there is nothing good on, we go see a Hollywood movie? Whaddaya think? u think we can achieve that aa? Is it such a tall order?
I thank you all for your continous support of my works but i am more interested in the bigger picture. The REVITALISATION OF THE MALAYSIAN FILM INDUSTRY. Bringing it back to the glory days when Malaysian cinema was respected and admired. For that to happen, we gotta support the new directors, the indi directors currently working on their respective projects. These are people working on new exciting Malaysian film projects. Together with your help, we can change the face of Malaysian cinema by demanding to see more challenging, different and brave stories from the filmmakers. Already i feel that a lot of you yearn for this kind of stuff already but you must remember currently, u r the minority. For quality to be the norm, we must educate the mass into believing in that movies is not just entertainment. There is something more. It is the identity of the nation - archived, for all to see. For the WORLD to see. So, lets take it to the next level.
"Do or do not, there is no try!" - Yoda
I thank you all for your continous support of my works but i am more interested in the bigger picture. The REVITALISATION OF THE MALAYSIAN FILM INDUSTRY. Bringing it back to the glory days when Malaysian cinema was respected and admired. For that to happen, we gotta support the new directors, the indi directors currently working on their respective projects. These are people working on new exciting Malaysian film projects. Together with your help, we can change the face of Malaysian cinema by demanding to see more challenging, different and brave stories from the filmmakers. Already i feel that a lot of you yearn for this kind of stuff already but you must remember currently, u r the minority. For quality to be the norm, we must educate the mass into believing in that movies is not just entertainment. There is something more. It is the identity of the nation - archived, for all to see. For the WORLD to see. So, lets take it to the next level.
"Do or do not, there is no try!" - Yoda
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Latest Buli Balik report for all friends. 6 days collection stands at RM1.2 million! That's fast gila! Alhamdulillah.

Thank you so much for all those who have gone to see BULI BALIK. It's success so far would not be possible without your support. Thanks la kodok-kodok semua, I have to say that i now officially feel the pressure to not slack off and will do all in my power and ability to keep giving u guys the best i can, bear in mind every new film to me is a new learning experience. . I will still be myself and explore the weird side of life and give you my commentary on our society, but i guess things doesn't get any easier from now on and I WELCOME IT.
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