Back in the country after an amazing encounter in bangkok with 'Sai' aka Intira Charoenpura aka 'Nang Nak'... I am happy gila tenuk to inform you guys that she has Agreed to be in SUMO-lah!!! She said she loves the story and the uniqeness of the characters. WICKED!!... and a Reputable Thai production company straight away expressed their interest to Distribute the movie in Thailand!! DOUBLE WICKED.
So guys, we are on our way to having a first major internationally distributed Malaysian film in our hands - SUMOlah!!! It has always been my dream my friends to bring our Malaysian cinema to the world and now it is almost a reality. Alhamdulillah.
Also Alhamdulillah for all the people who have gone to see Baik Punya Cilok and have been going all out to spread the word to their suku sakat and friends. You guys really rock!!
much love and respect to you all.
Hait!! (bow down)
couldn't wait for SUMO-lah!!!
Happy New Year to you :-)
mcm best je project 'sumo-lah' ni... ada 'sai' lagi tuh... saya minat dia nih...
i've watched 'BPC'... kelakar giler.. dah bgtau kat suku sakat yg lain.. weekend ni nak gi tgk lagi..
congrates abg afdlin!
Congratulations Chief! Both on getting Nang Nak & phua Chu kang in SUMOlah, and BPC success!
Happy New Year Chief. Jangan pi pesta buih aaaa...
congrats cip... u rock... eh u kodok la boleh dapatkan big stars dlm ur new film ni. keep on expressing ur crazy ideas and u can be sure to get the support from me and family.
waaaaahhhhh cip!! cayalah... thumbs up.. again congratulations.. am so proud of you cip.. tabik springggg.. happy giler for you too.. *doing the ma humps dance*
err, cip.. watak tukang urut lemak2 abang sumo tu nanti, still available tak? me ada 9 tahun experience urut2 lemak ni.. hahahahahaha.. so wht say you?? say you say me lah eh.. weeweehoohoo...
see ya later cipligator..
tahniah... syukur mendapat sambutan... semoga terus berjaya cip kodok~!!
nang-nak become sumo-nak?
Tu dah kira bagus beb!!
asik kita jer pikir nak berlakon kat luar, sekali sekala tu nak jugak nengok orang luar berlakon ngan kita....
baru lah orang cakap kiter selamba !
apa dia? selambakodok? selambakodok pun selambakodok laaa... janji selamba...
opsss... salah.
janji filem boleh jalan..!!
baru boleh cari makan...!
apa ada hal? betul tak?
Waaa.. dapat pelakon Nang Nak lagi... Don't play-play!.. Anyways, Congrats to U.. Cant wait for your next movie..
wah congreeeet on ur success unker afdleeeeeen
i yoovee yah unkerrrr
err luper..bukan pinang belah dua.. pinang blah 18 trus.. cayalah unker
uik..nang nak pun ada..pck pun ada nnt..best weh..
jom kodoks kodoks sekalian..tgk baik punya cilok lagi..bawakla adik beradik, sedara mara, member2 mahupun bakal mertua..
kasi pichiah itu panggung~
cun siut Nang Nak ni kalau mekap biasa je!! jeles la aku nengok nko ambik gambar dgn dia.
Selamat Tahun Baru pada nko dan seluruh kaum selamba kodok. Moga murah rezeki dan dpt capai resolusi yg tak tercapai lagi (kalau masih ada lagi) dan yg nak capai pulak di tahun 2006.
p.s.: Afdlin, nko selalulah goncang sinema malaysia di tahun 2006 dgn citer2 best.
DOuble Prosperity, Double Congratulations... U have come a long way, a will be staying on longer... Happy for you dude!
Aloha cip...
wowwwww... Glückwünsche... cayalaaaa... tabik ribu2 kat cip...
;-> im so proud of you... all the best... sure its sehebat sebest sesuperb mcm BPC... ;->
Hai Afdlin,
I tengok BPC semalam. Feel free to read my comment at http://su-said.blogspot.com
hai bro kodok...
lirik lagu baik punya cilok leh kasi post tak?
minat gilerk ngan lagu tu.. tp susah lah nak carik lirik dierk..
kalo boleh bro kodok kasik post la itu lirik.. baru leh menyanyi samerk bab rapping tu
Am going to watch BPC this weekend.. ramai kata bagus.. ada yg gelak sampai tungging tungging.
Congrets lah.. Esok esok kalu dah jadi macam Dato Yusuf Haslam, jgn lah berlagak... I think people like you becasue of your humble ness..'
Tres bien Monsieur Afdlin .. Tres Bien :)
Congrats monsieur Afdlin .
Wow, I'm impressed! Congratulations Afdlin! Definitely looking foward for SUMOlah..
By the way, I really enjoyed last night's Actorlympics. You guys rock! Keep up the good work ;)
Assalamualaikum..(tak jawab dosa , kalau jawab nak kat saya..)hehe..Just wanna let you know that I love Baik Punya Cilok to the max..Bak kata pepatah Melayu , Bagai emas Yg tak berganti(sesedap rasa oren jerr)..Watch them twice at TGV. Superb Man!!Feel free to drop by to my blog : www.mizzeliza.blogspot.com
congrats chief!!! wahhh nang nak join SUMOlah!! yesh-lah! hehe i lurve her...n all her movies pun best bukan nang nak je...cerita six pun best jugak...mmg die terer berlakon!!! waughhh...nang nak ade..yeah yeah!
I've done my part as an unofficial promoter in promoting and marketing BPC to my frenz n my suku kaum. So bro, bile nk celebrate ngn kodoks ni? Kalu free kontek aa gua pekena teh tarik.
BPC!!!!!!!!!!!!!damn good!!!keep up da good work....xsabar nk tgk BULI BALIK!!!!
didn't noe that it would hurt so much to be deprived of watching your movies... haiz... haha... gd luck for ur upcoming projects... =) me here, supporting all the way... =) happie new year idola ku...
よかった!! おめでとうございます! Tahniah Afdlin chan! Tahniah! Tahun 2006 ni bakal menjadi tahun "Anda".....
Selamat Tahun Baru.
good god...bpc ROCKS!!!
bila mau kluaq dvd/vcd bpc?
WAHHHH!!!! Sonotnyer si Sai tuh dah accept chief nyer lamaran..Yeahooo!!! Aku plak yang berdebar-debar mase chief story tengah propose die untuk acting dalam SUMO lah..Tak sabar nak nunggu nin!!!!!
this is film is an english speaking right?
alo afdlin, I've seen baik punya cilok, best gilerrr...love the dikir barat part!!
ciks aden nak tanyer...naper ekk...tader kuar kat sok khabar pasal baik punya cilok hits 1.1M??? kompius kejap...slalunyer diorang musti kasik tau kalo filem melayu melonjak lonjak cenggitu...isk isk isk...teringin nak tengok...tapi mcm tak kesampaian jer...tunggu vcd kuar jer la nanti nampaknya...
bang afdlin..haritu saya pi tgk baik punya cilok..tp saya rasa tak gelak sgt..maybe sbb saya penat..tp takpe..saya akan tgk lagi skali..sbb saya rasa cite tu mmmg klakar nak mamposs..tp lawak ckp english slang klantan/t'ganu tu, sungguh la menjadi ikutan..hahahha
go cipkodok!!!
amazing chif. congratulations. cant wait for sumo-lah. anyway jia you chif!
baru pagi tadi I give my comment here ...
now, it's almost 40 comments ...!
it's just show your effort(film) di sukai orang bro...!
i will waiting for the 2nd sequel of Baik Punya Cilok.... (i call it "Teruk Punya Cilok") at the cinema next year! i believe in you....
p/s: can you make my dream come true?
Hey Afdlin, good job @ Actorlympics just now! Your rendition of 'Damien' was really out of this world! Haha! Keep it up Cip, and Happy New Year! ;)
Cip nampaknya kena kenduri kesyukuran panggil anak² yatim dan saya sekali baca doa... moga Buli Balik dapat 25 juta...collection
hmmm.. BPC was good, so as ROCK. Watched ROCK at 11am show, then BPC at 130pm. I plan to revisit the cinema for BPC, for the 2nd time. Mcm ni la yang kita nak, fresh comedy. Lawak tak budget.. tapi rasa audio kureng skit la, mulut gerak tak sama dengan bunyi keluar. Tapi takpa, boleh improve lagi. Itu salah cinema atau editing?.. Takpa. Keep up the good work.
aku bangga dengan anak2 buah aku yang bertungkus lumus carik duit sendiri semata-mata nak layan Baik Punya Cilok. malah dengan duit yang diorg dapat tu lah kitorg sekeluarga (20 org) dapat layan BPC sesama. ko tak bangga ke afdlin?ko nak tau camana diorang kumpul duit? sempena cuti aritu, diorg tolong kemas umah atuk diorg,kumpul besi2 buruk,kertas2 tak pakai dan segala benda lain..pi jual!aku tatau la nak explain camana punya bangganya aku ngan anak2 buah aku tu..
ok, masa tgk aritu aku rasa cam nak ketawa tanak ketawa je ngan lawak2 dlm citer tu.mungkin aku nak cover kot..tapi masa kali kedua aku tgk, aku dah bleh bantai gelak tak hingat dunia beb!
apapun aku turut berbangga dengan ko!
biler SUMO nk start sooting bro. leh la gua nempel ala2 watak tempelan lalu blakang pck ker..or blakang blah kiri si Sai ni..hee3..
According to today's Berita Harian,BPC have managed to collect 1.2 mil!
erm..how come those who went to the press preview don't get to get their pix on papers?boohoohoo...(:p)
Hello!!! I watched the movie ASAP bila i sampai KL. Its reflects an ordinary funny situations eg bila Leman ketuk kepala Awie...frankly, i adore Awie's character in the movie. Surprisingly funny w the typical macho exterior but in fact...Mat Rock are just kentally jiwang. Your character, is also another typical everyday character of an intelligent and creative student but cant excel when put under pressure or forced to. There are more of cos but in short...ITS A SIMPLY UNIQUE MOVIE in the malaysian industry...cos told by a fish (macam desperate housewives gitu)
Chief, I want the BPC dvd. If you plan to do the same thing like the fuyo album, put my name on top of your list..heheheh....
at last! dapat gak tgk BPC at City Square JB! nasib baik lah tak jam at causeway... time collect tiket wayang, seats lum full lagi, masih bnyk yang available.. tup tup bila masuk panggung, fullamak! full house! congrats cip on the movie, it was fun and it's definitely worth the drive to JB! Now awaiting for Buli Balik!
Happy New Year! May 2006 brings more luck and inspiration for you to produce more gerekmeletuptakbolehangkat.com movies!!!!
Your Singapore Fan
Ya Allah, I am so happy for you. Gempak gila la wa ckp lu!
watched CILOK yesterday..it was FUN!!!lps kuar wayang pon tersengeh-sengeh lagi hehhe..congrats afdlin!!!
good luck for SUMO and everything else dat u do..will support u all the way..Happy New Year!!
tata =)
well, abg afdlin, there's nothing more to said other than well done n congratulation; BPC mmg best la... watak awie dlm citer ni mmg lain dari yg lain la... and hopefully this movie will achieve 5mil, and tak sabar nak tgk buli balik. Happy New Year and best of luck...
Ya Allah! A very good beginning for 2006 Afdlin. I see an upcoming successor of P RAMLEE. God Bless!
gila babeng laa luuuu..congratz dawg.. btw, Baik Punya Cilok best gak... keep it up big guy.
p.s: ngko kena letak 'mamat kelantan' tu kat every movie ngko aa. baru malaysian.
chief kodok da bomb!
wishing you and family a happy new year 2006!!!
apesal aku tak ngantuk lagi nih...??
anyway...untuk team-team kodok semua... Happy New Year..!!!
"Team Lampusuluh".
happy new year all! thanks to your support, baik punya cilok has crossed the rm1.6mil mark and is looking at going up and up. fingers crossed....
wow.. Intira Charoenpura! She looks prettier in real-life. Congratulations on getting her to act in your movie. As usual, us kodoks can't wait to see what u have in store for us next..
Happy new year.. u had a wonderful 2005. Hope that 2006 will be much more better.. peace!
Hehe...the acid test* worked...You did manage to meke him laugh..he even preferred BPC over Buli.
I'll use him as an acid test* for Buli Balik...coming soon!
*refer to conversation at BSC's food court on 31st Dec after actorlympics
Congratulations. Intira Charoenpura looks great.
Happy New Year.
Cun wait 2 watch Baik Punya Cilok.. Msti kecoh punya kan? Niwe, Slmt Thn Baru..
First time reading your blog...
I admire your persevereance and dedication in pursuing your dreams.
Your new ideas provide a great variation thts much needed in the industry.
Wishing you a blessed new year.
can't wait to see ur new film..nway..baik punye cilok...superb! from anggerik_rimmba
helo there my freng..ekcheli i dono what to say...rilli shok when see the movie dek day....semuo cam biasa tengok in our daily life...ekspecially the klantanese..skeping english...dah dekat 3 tahun among kelik kawe...duk cerita lawak pasal english klantanese nih...tapi ambo buke orghe kelate pung...member je boss dia yang speak det way...hmm panjang plak..bile nak buat animasi...i would like to volunteer my sound for the story meng...
baik punya cilok sounds really great. bila laa org2 dok jauh dr mesia nih bleh dpt tgk vcd? *sigh*
nanti citer dah basi.. uhuhuhu
anyway. happy new year, and all the best!!majulah kodok2 semua :D
aku masih lom dpt tgk lagi cite nie.. sebab wayang tempat aku tak amik cite nie.. hampeh tol la... yg ader kat mid valley jer..
apsal show sume limited jer? tak sume pawagam ader... cam celaker jer....
I like her face. I bet she have great personality too. if u got her in your next movie nothing can go wrong.
Hello Bro Afdlin...
Alhamdulillah...u've got a continuous film projects coming up...Best2...Idakle nak mengkayakan filmaker international jerrr....hehehe...
Aisey...finally got to watch BPC @ Times Sq. Nasib baik ada seats eventhough I got the 2nd row from in front. Gua sakit leher beb. Kalo movie lain sure malas nk ambik that seat tapi Afdlin punya pasal...poyo2 jer laaa...Mmg best ronggeng ini film!!!
Well done bro..(gaya hans isaac)..=p
p/s:Eh. kalo citer melayu kan, mmg tauke wayang tak kuarkan iklan2 'botol' ek...Iyer la....yg brad pitt curi2 kuar dr hotal nak beli air 'botol'? wakakaka....hmmm....
hey abg afdlin~!
i went for baik punya cilok with my best fren and we laugh the whole 2 hours!!!
KUDOS~! abg afdlin!!!
yeahhh manage to tengok BPC on 31 Dec Last year ... best gila layan ...emmm reach mines @ 0940 pagi lor .... takut gila tiket tak dak ...dapat gak tengok ... ingatkan kosong pasal show pukul 1130 pagi sekali penuh daaaa.... sampai front sit pun ada org duduk ...hihihihihih
by the way cita nie enjoy tengok ... tak le membosankan ... berjaya membawa satu konsep baru dalam industri film melayu dari segi konsep ... dari segi jalan cita ... yes memang menarik ... cuma satu kerugian cerita nie tak leh buat panjang macam cita KingKong ker LOTR ker HArry Poter ker .. kalau 3 jam sure lagi strong jalan cita dier ... hihihihi
p/s nak jadi pelakon sumo boleh ??? har har har har har har har
BPC? Alhamdulillah.. Miss Pinang Belah Dua? DOUBLE Alhamdulillah..
COngrats to Mr Afdlin..
Kepada semua umat Malaysia.. Dont let the pisang berbuah dua kali.. Citer P Ramlee.. dia dah takda baru orang sibuk nak tengok, nak cari VCD, nak tengok kat TV(with iklan)..
Rugi saper tak tengok BPC. A very 'sincere' movie.. kan?kan?kan?
Btw.. ken aniwan help me.. i want to be a kodok. How eh?
just go to afdlinshauki@yahoogroups.com and then click join this group button..
simple..hehehe webeks...
buli balik bila? 26 hb bulan ni kan?
apa lagi...kasi pecah la....
why, why, why are you all called kodoks(urgh)?
oh, ok, NOW i know why you all are called kodoks. hmmm, interesting. but it still makes my skin crawl...
gosh, I thot she's like so modelly tall ... or maybe you're not that shorteven ... hahaha ... dunno la ...
but bravo on SUMOlah ... guess big promo would do the movie good ... cepat la, apa lagi, pukul canang satu Malaysia ... cepat, cepat kodok cepat!!!!!
Dah tgk dah baik punya cilok memang selamba kodok... kudos to you.
Huh! baru semalam aku sempat gi panggung...tak tahan rasanya mendengar cerita tentang BCP nie dari kawan2 aku...tak puas hati tu yang aku pegi gak (walaupun aku tgh kering)..START2! je satu wayang da gelak...huhuhu memang best!! sampai aku sakit2 pinggang sebab gelak sakan...malaysian memang suka cite komedi...sbb cite komedi pun kite start dulu2 kan..mcm cite p.ramlee..kan ade byk unsur komedi..ape pun all the best BPC..tgh tunggu Buli balik! tak sabo nak tgk..sbb aku da lame tunggu cite tu...
"yo bro! i gok gug neuh fo yu!" i'll be supporting you from the back, front, left and right...(thats mean no pirated vcd la...)
wawawawawa!!!! congrats afdlin.. baru tgk last week.. memang lawak giles...
lawak mcm nie lah yg saya tunggu2 dari dulu.. tak perlu buat aksi2 yg boleh memperbodohkan diri...
syabas afdlin.. hope u can out with more brilliants ideas...
tak sabar nak tunggu buli balik..
congrates la cip!!
cip kodok mmg hebat!!
can't wait for SUMO lah..
xnak pelakon extra ke?
kekekkeke..teringin gak join jd mak pacak pun ok gaks...
p/s: tgh tunggu vcd BPC kuar..
cant wait to see BPC tonite..hv b patient thru all the ppl saying how good is this movi n me dont hv time 2 wtch yet, but tonite..is the niteeeee..yeeehaaa..and if it is like wat my fren told me hw great it is..i nk seret my famili g tgk gak..
It was selamba and happening giler the first time i watch it. Second time, still ok.. tapi part gaduh2 kadang kolam tuh mcm dragging habis. Anyway suker giler kat character Na'a Murad.. pergh!! selamba habis... kesimpulannyer memang berbeza and lain dari yg lain.. in fact tak rugi dua kali bersesak nak dapat ticket!! Anyway gud luck and looking forward for ur next project...walaupun akui agak malas nak tgk citer melayu.. sbb rasa mcm tak worth jer.. but in ur case memang looking forward... besides shumi la... ehehe.. congrats!!!
i watched it twice. such a good movie. i could say the best malay movie for past 10 to 15 years.
we need thousand people like you to make sure malaysia's film industry back on track again.
keep up the good work afdlin..!
BEST GILER citer baik punye cilok! sape tak tengok rugi wooo...
Pakcik Kodok,
Kami kodoks mahu VCD Baik Punya Cilok yang Original kuar cepat asap (as soon as possible) sebab mesti habis lenyap cam asap dalam jangka masa terdekat. Kitaorang nak memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris ala Kelate nih... okeh!
Akan ku tungguuuuu.. detik tiba saat itu... VCD original keluar!
Power to the Original VCD
I guess the Nang-Nak girl was simply impressed by your sweet proposal. That's a 10/10 score bro!
Reminder: Dont betray her trust for she can always give you a recurring nightmare like what she did in Nang-Nak.
Give out your best (again) for SUMOlah. My hat's off bro. Respect.
hari tu.. masa gi tengok BPC kali ke2.. tiba scene spiking tu.. wa gelaks giler..titiba.. tipon berbunyi.. sorang mamat ni.. orang tgk wayang..dia pi cakap tipon..titiba.. dia spiking cam tu gak.. apa lagi.. double gelak gilers laa.. wakakakakakak.. i'm sorry dude..next time..switch off ur phone lorr!!
dah tengok BPC..nak kayakan dan sokong orang yg best2 cam ko..cayalah...pecahkan tembok kegampangan filem melayu yang cam mangkuk ayun..(i mean yang asik masyuk ngan cintan-cintun)..ko bbuat aku nak pg cinema balik tgk movie malyu..
dam good men..bravo
well, i havent yet see Baik Punya Cilok...but congrats!!! i will go see it this weekend, if dapat tickets! hehe...btw, love all your radio ads...mesti made me smile!...all the best with ya movies, abg kodok!
salaam afdlin... from singapore.. watched baik punyak cilok over the new year trip to kay ell... and you know wat.. it rox BIG TIME! storyline was a lil predictable but the script was so deliciously acted up by all four characters... well, I have to admit that I kinda 'menumpang kasih' in the malaysian film industry cos you guys definitely have more resources to do these projects...
well dude.. the only thing i know is if we put our hearts to achieve some stuffs in life.. we'd make it good.. with Allah's grace that is...
And you've done just that... Keep us informed of your next steps in your ever colourful journey in your field...
*winks* siti aishah alias @ singapura
baik punye cilok mmg best...this movie kena tgk 2 kali baru puas,sbb 1st time tgk masih terkejut dgn lawak2 yg jarang nampak real dlm filem melayu, so bile tgk 2nd time baru la dgn penuh minatnye merasai nikmat lawak BPC...
way to go bro kodok... mmg lu paling power buat movie.
chip...u r sooo talented..will never miss any of your films..have seen BPC...lurveeeee it to bits..congrats..keep on churning brill ideas!
u almost look identical to some1 i know ;)
Hi Afdlin,
I'm one of your fans here in Spore. Belum tgk lagik BPC but dah HAFAL gila kat lirik BPC nyer lagu. And NOPE, I can't wait to watch your movie but from the previews that i've read i cam orang gila ketawa sendrik..haiz... really really can't wait for yr movie to cross over to Spore.
Kak Aishah
aku suka hang kaya:)
baguih la tengok filem hang. aku syok. dan ada message baguih. tudia. calitt!
happened to bloghopped..tak sangka artist pun sempat blogging..hmm.. Afdlin,ur acting not bad..klakau juger hehe..slamat taun baru..may u haf a peaceful 2006 ahead,,insya allah!
Syabas buat En. Afdlin!
Baik punya cilok adalah cerita melayu pertama yang gua tgk sampai tiga kali kat wayang! storyline yg best... pemilihan pelakon yg best... (stills inserts) idea yg kreatif! akhirnya ada jugak pengarah yang kat malaysia yang mampu buat filem kelakar! syabas Afdlin! u the MAN!
BPC...jalan cerita yg lain dr yg lain. pecah perut gelak.
mmg best! u go man!
afdlin,aku kat uk ni nak gak tgk cerita ko.nak tunggu cd ori kua, lame lagi.camne?seriosly, i'm really proud with your movies and i'm sure there is many malaysian around here who like to see your new work.send me a reply will ya...
haaahh..kami student2 kat UK nie..klu nak tgk camne?hehehe..desperate nak tgk cite afdlin,yg ada pon ...yg dulu2 ada ler....soal hati,soal yer sapa,buli(yg latest)hehe..apa2 mmg cite afdlin mmg best giler...mmg selamba kodok..hik hik...keep on dude!!
Macam mana la ghupenye kodok pakai cawat kuikuikui...
"Kodok ngorok rokotok rokotok...
di pinggir kali reketek reketek...
Dia jatuh rokotok rokotok
Bangun lagi reketek reketek"
can't wait for SUMO-lah....bro afdlin,your citer baik punyer cilok telah berjaya mencilok hati gua yg kering...huhuhu..tahniah bro!!
waaa... manyak seday oo.. tak dapat lagi tgk baik nye cilok... kat miri ni tak show pun movie nie..huhuhuh... ape lah cineplex kat miri ni tak amik filem ni.. waa.. tp pape pun nsb baik dapat balik kl minggu nie!! harap2 ada lagi kat cinema! nway..congrats brother! :)
bile baik punye cilok last tayang kat pawagam? dvd bile kuar?
heheh... yes yes..like pinang di belah kapak... :P anyways congrats!!!
hey congrats sbb dptkan that dem kiut actress..baik punya cilok best aah!! can i be ur friend? :D
cayalah bro....
tabik spring lerrr
yg sekual nie aku cadangkan bg nama
" Tak Hengat punya Cilok "
ehehehehe... ok tak cip... wakakaka
bleh tahan lah cite ni.... klaka la jgk... hem.... sapa tau ckp kelate ajr skit...
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