Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Thank God for giving me the gift of Oxygen!!

Well, the ABP-BH came and went, all results were as expected but what was really interesting was what nearly happened to me up top in Genting Highlands.

When i was travelling up to Genting Highlands, i realised something really weird happening to my body... i felt my breathing was starting to be restricted. My chest felt a bit tight but there was no wheezing, which was an indication for me that i wasn't getting an asthma attack but i couldn't understand why i was feeling that way, I just make bodo and plodded along like nothing was happening until the makeup session when i really started to feel weird. In my mind, visions of the Raihan singer who died due to asthma in Genting a couple of years back started playing in my head.
Not wanting to be branded paranoid or anything, i just quietly mentioned to my manager about my troubles, just to make sure that there are oxygen facilities or even an ambulance handy during the ABP-BH show that night.
Come showtime, everybody was excited and raring to go. The whole 'celebrity' community was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. My manager Shima, frantically tried to organize my request, she had been informed earlier that there will usually be two ambulances on standby at the venue, but after checking the ambulance wasn't there that night. Ahh sudah!! I had hoped that my chest thingy would have gone away by then, but it didn't. People were asking me "can you do the show, can you do the show?"... i had no answer. i didn't want to let Erma and Umie down. When we were preparing for the performance my chest started to let up a bit but so i decided to do the show but as time was nearing the start of the show, my chest started to feel tight again. I felt like someone was playing yo-yo with my chest and it wasn't of the hip-hop kind. That is when i told myself the biggest victory that i would win that nite was not any trophy, but my life. I thought wether that was the last time i would see my kids and Chris (very the drama , i know but it literally is that way.) I was thinking if i collapse who could carry me... i know i am a damn heavy fella....takkan diorang nak bawak masuk crane nak angkat i !!!.... macammana crane tu nak naik genting????... i was thinking " If i died, tanah perkuburan mana my family nak tanam i ah?
Before i went on to do the show, my manager said to me that THE AMBULANCE is here and is on standby. LEGA hati gue. So i dengan tanpa segan silu atau malu-malu kodok dengan semangat tidak mahu let the show down, pergilah buat performance DIVA POPULAR tu.
AND confirm... true enough after the show, muka i jadi pucat macam baru tengok result SPM bahasa Malaysia i dulu (takut kantoi BM, SPM tak dapat grade 1) nafas i amat tak teratur... tapi masih boleh berjalan. Selepas berdegil sebentar pasal memikirkan yang tak macho-la CIP KODOK naik ambulan... Gua pun naikla ambulan dan mengoxygenkan diri dan tiba-tiba rasa macam ada orang bubuh gas dalam belon yakni dada i dan mulalah bernafas dengan normal.

Saya amat bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana sentiasa mengingatkan saya betapa kecilnya saya ni walaupun orang kata saya bigfoot punya anak kerana saiz badan saya. Saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Pengurus saya, yang betul-betul made sure that my keselamatan came first. Thanks to The Genting Highlands management kerana mengambil berat yang teramat terhadap saya and thanks to Mawi because i sememangnya dah takde space kat rumah nak parking Kia Optima tu. Heehee.

Aku yang kodok.



Anonymous said...

afdlin, get to a doctor ASAP and get an ECG done ok?
really glad that you're ok after all that

mistaman said...

Dude.. ever done a stress test? I'm about your size. Going for a full health checkup will at least give you alittle confidence. Please do it :)

Adam Kulim said...

uish citer blakang tabir nih...rasanya "org2" mcm kita yg heavyweight ni..mmg bila ke tempat tinggi..maka altitud ketinggian itu akn menyebabkan tekanan yg kuat pada kita...oleh itu jantung terpaksa bekerja keras utk mengepam darah ke seluruh badan, oleh krn jantung terlalu sejuk dek krn naik ke genting...ia menyebabkan darah tak selari selalu...yakni ia membawa fenomena "ketat dada"....ini menyukarkan pernafasan serta pergerakan krn darah cam pasif dan selamba..

Syukur kpd Allah..semuanya selamat...

p/s : err..semua kodokians lain paham kan aper yg wa kerepek tu?

e f f a said...

hi cip.. sempat lagi cip kasik promote blogspot masa dgn farah fauzana (cip kodok memang selamba). anyway, its good to hear that u r ok.. tp dont take for granted. kenala buat follow up ngan doctor plak. okies.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that you are in great condition now. But as other said, dont take things for granted. u need to have a thorough check-up. Please... have it for your own sake & your family as well.

Anonymous said...

patutla masa show muka chief "ketat" semacam jer. take care of ur health!

shay said...

alhamdullilah..cip sudah occay..patut muka cam kecut jek masa show tuh..
thanks to shima gak..sbb jadik superwoman merescue cip kodok..
kena usung ambulance p memana la ini macam cip..tak pon beli tong oxygen yg portable punya...

Unknown said...

bo wonder u'r looking kind of tercungap2 during the intro..thought u tak cukup nafas pasal nyanyi...hope nothing serious...we still need u and ur talent...

and i'm hoping mawi would consider sewakan kereta2nya kat kami yang menjadi mangsa banjir aritu...termasuk kak engku sendiri...taknak kasi sewa, pinjam pun takpe. taknak pinjam, kasi terus pun takpe...hehe

Anonymous said...

first--> cip mmg slamba kodok amik tmp farah fauzana dlm melodi siap promote blogspot nieh.. 2ndly no wonder asyik tercungap masa show n muka tight giler tat nite.. 3rd--> thank god u alrite.. our music/film industry still need u.. need ur talent... kalau tak industry nieh tak happening lagi.. take care cip kodok...

Anonymous said...

Hi Afdlin .. Im a great fan of yours tapi di belakang tabir .. would make it an account to watch your movies ... liked Buli , Buli Balik and Baik Punya Cilok. Saw the Anugerah a lil bit on the tellie and caught a glimpse of you when the camera panned to winners. You should have been walking to the stage and get some awards. Apparently , sms voters are a little fickle. But I did notice you were a little quiet in the audience and the reason of it you have mentioned it in your blog.
Take it as a life lesson and look on from there. Alhamdullilah you are alright cos i really wanna see feature in many more diverse movies that your intellectual mind can offer. Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said... just glad that u still got the chance to perform that nite..and it was really the bomb when u were on all the audiences were getting histeria or sumthing like that..and sir cipp, please please please get ur follow up with doctors..the industry wont be the same as now without u..cheers!~

patrickteoh said...

Brudder, you need an ECG right now. There is definitely something wrong with your cardio vascular system that needs looking at. Genting's air is much thinner so that's probably why you felt that way. It's good you made it safe, brudder but go for that check-up real soon. I am due for mine too so if you don't have regular doctor I can take you to mine at Pantai Medical Centre. The dude is good. Take care, brudder. There's too much love for you for anything to happen to you. Love you, bro.

Anonymous said...

semoga Allah menyelamat kan kamu cip!! amin..

dumdum said...

aiiyaaa...broo...pleaseee pleaseee diraja malaysia, gie laaa wat follow up ngan dr bout ur chest problem..huhuhuhu...:(( macam lokman cakap, industri seni tanah air takkan sama tanpa afdlin shauki..absolutely will not be the same..take extra care of yourself yaa u so much!!

p/s gua dah rembat vcd baik punya cilokkk....:P besh2x..

Ms Doppleganger said...

Hi afdlin,

I was there at genting!! Screaming and shouting ur name masa kat red carpet. Patut le, u look 1 kind je..rupa-rupa nye tgh control macho tahap kodok!! Apa-2 pun, plse make sure u do a proper check up on that. Jgn lengah-2 lagi. And update us on ur condition, ok. Lucky u have Shima as ur manager. Thanks shima kerana menyelamatkan Cip kodok kitaorg!! Cip, lu mmg selamba that night walaupun tgh kureng sihat. Semoga Allah swt murahkan rezeki dan kesihatan yg baik utk Cip sekeluarga.


ontahsapo said...

get some rest la.....take a beak....

Anonymous said...

weh bro..makan makan gak...kesehatan kene jage anak bini bro...take care..

aishah said...

laaa patutla during the show...your face like takde semangat...syukurlah all was fine ;)
wont want anything to happen to ya, big bro!

Anonymous said...

I think afdlin kena start exercising and start to lose weight la. Checkup and ECG still penting, but i think the first thing you need to do, is to go for a jog, slowly but consistently.

I read in health journal that no matter how much your height is ... if your belly is bigger than 38 ... you are bound to have all sort of problem, diabetic and such. Not to say that slim ppl are okay, tapi i think our "size" should start thinking of exercising :).

Plus, I know tons of comedians who are slim but still funny, so dont worry, losing your weight doesnt mean losing your funny bone :).


blogfairy said...

Salam sejahtera Encik Afdlin,
Amat bersedih dengan keadaan Encik sewaktu buat persembahan di Genting. Nasib baik tak pengsan di atas pentas. Alhamdulillah. Bermakna orang-orang semput macam kita tidak boleh buat rumah di Genting dan Cameron Highland.

misz_dini said...

heheh..sian cik afdlin kiter ekk..anyway,moga2 sihat n bertambah sihatlah hendaknya...moga2 boleh buat filem baru nanti...

syuhidayah said...

Cip Kodok,
I have been one of those silent readers for ur blog dr first entry agik. Suka. Akhirnya arinih got the courage to comment here.
Seriously, thank to Allah for everything is just fine. Like what others have said earlier, go and get urself a full check up. Malaysia still needs the ur talent. [eh actorlympics bila agik aa the next one?]

Jalal said...

Bro Afdlin,

I and you have the same size and I have experience that difficulty of breathing before ... so what doctor advise me to do is lose weight and it will be ok. Anyway just have a medical checkup bro. Think of your love ones & us the kodoks! Webeks Webeks

Long live Cip Kodok

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...


Forget everest.take the elevator.
pray you get well.

Anonymous said...


Am grateful you are okay...but bet you'd value the lesson and your loved ones/people around you...

p/s - I knew u r not okay since actorlympics that Sat. nite..anyway, take good care of urself, okeh !

Anonymous said...

gi lah have full check-up Cip..we still need u..
i went thru the same situation..tapi it was due to a panic attack..n i understand yr feeling..dah memikirkan mcm2 masa tu..anak2..what will happen 2 them kalau i mati skrg? n mcm2 lagilah..
so Cip..relax sebentar & jgn lupa..gilah jumpa doc.

mafiaries said...

Alhamdulillah.(Kepada Allah yang memberikan cabaran dan memberikan semula kenikmatan)
Terima kasih (Kepada shima)
Please take care (Untuk Cip)
Ayuh doakan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan (kepada semua kodoks..dan peminat afdlin shauki)

the rest..
kitorang semua sayang lu, Cip!

Anonymous said...

Thank god u r ok. Maybe Cip Kodok tak sesuai duduk negeri sejuk kot. Hehehe...Take care!..

Anonymous said...

yo Bro...alhamdulillah Bro dah OK!!...pergila check Doc cepat2...risau pulak kitorg peminat and KODOK2 u nih... mlm tu mmg DIVA abis...congrate!!

Anonymous said...

aiya cip...scary nyer... alhamdulillah, you are ok.
take care..

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah nasib baik takde ape2...tu la..jangan la gemok sangat bang oi..bila gemok bnyk penyakit datang. cuba diet sket..ehehe

masterjanz said...

perasan gak muka cip nampak cam tak bermaya masa kamera focus muka cip.. masa cip tepuk badan rosyam pun nampak cam tak sihat.. tak macam masa cip kuar melodi.. neway harap ko sihat le cip..

Anonymous said...

Alhamdullilah that things didnt go bad. But I just hope that you are able to go for a further check up.
Please dooooo... coz we really, really need you!

Anonymous said...

Dearest 'Da Bomb' Abg Afdlin!

Greetings to U! Im ur biggest fan.. memang minat ur act and ur sense of humor dari day 1 lagi! I Try my very best not to miss any of your movie/drama/ect (walaupun ada sesekali dua aku terbabas juga disebabkan oleh kesempitan ekonomi dan kekurangan masa yang melanda).. Maaf... tapi sekurang-kurangnye ko ada seorang fan yang tak berapa physco macam aku! Hee..hee..hee! Aku pernah juga terserempak ngan Bro masa minum teh tarik kat kedai Mamak kat my place.. Eeeiii Afdlin lerr!! masa tu tetiba jer muka aku jadi merah padam.. tak tau kenapa! Tak pernah aku rasa cam ni bila jumpa memana celebrity pun .. jumpa Brad Pitt pun buat selamba bodoh jer!! yeah right!! Serious!!! Bila diri kat sebelah Afdlin (konon kenal ler tu)rasa macam aura dia tu very strong! power tu the people!!! Hmm.. that's not right! Takper lar!

Dah lama aku mengikuti blog ni cuma tak berkesempatan nak pen down anything here. Bukan takde masa (since aku ada free flow access to the internet kat opis ni, bukan salahguna, kerje, kerje jugak beb, leisure is important) cuma takder idea apa nak tulis jer tapi lepas baca statement Bro Afdlin pasal breathing problem that u had kat Genting masa ABP-BH recently make me realise that life is so unpredictable (of course there are some other scene/experience that I've gone thru that make me feels that life is definitely too short) bukan nak mengata that life will be short for you but genereally speaking we can never predict what will happen to us in future and for that reason aku taknak miss letting you know (walaupun bukan verbally) that somewhere out there you have one hell (or u should i say heaven) of a fan that really adores u so much! THAT'S ME!! and of course you have so many other fans too!!! BEST tu!

Aku bangga jadi anak Malaysia! Bangga juga pasal Afdlin pun anak Malaysia.. You're making Malaysia proud of having you being one of its Malaysian people!!!


"Takkan ada Afdlin lain selain dari Afdlin Shauki!!! Gemuk boleh kurus beb!!!"

Unknown said...

my god.. glad to hear that u're ok now. apa2 pun u're da best entertainer.. walaupun dlm keadaan mcm tu CIP Kodok still gave out the BEST!

kookabooras said...

Bro, dlm semput2 sempat lagi skodeng mlm tu ye. hahaha. anyway, take care of ur health.

Anonymous said...


Biasalah cip TERBAIK tak selalunyer popular. Bikin Doa SELAMAT CIP.

KECU said...

Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin...

Jumpa lee doktor.. maybe berat badan kot jadi penyebab.. u better exercise bro.. faktor sejuk pun boleh jadi jugak..

aku pun kadang2 bila sejukss slalu gak rasa mcm tu.. then bila kureng exercise.. so better way u exercise kasik peluh kluar.. spend time sikit kat Gim...

And don't forget to take vitamin.. especially B complex and zinc..

Ok bro.. so take care ok...
tak pa... parking space tak dak pun tak pa.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Chip or Mr Afdlin, first time I tulis kat sini, sebelum ni baca aja.
Hope u tak patah semangat tak menang ABP..., kalau ada rezeki thn depan boleh undi U pula (thn ni i banyak tanda rosyam), so rosyam nor pun nak bersara kejap dlm ABP.., hope u boleh menang nanti, insya allah kalau u tercalon gua akan undi. Apa apa pun sejak 2 menjak ni lawak u semakin selamba.. teutama drama putri tu, dok kat tingkap aja..tak payah masuk rumah boleh buat lawak lagi... Ok.. berusaha lagi dan semoga mendapat rezeki di masa akan datang

mamabio said...

take a break.. take care.. kita sume support cip..

Anonymous said...

ALHAMDULILLAH... semuanya selamat...

kitorang semua SAYANG kat our CIp.. harap2 afdlin ok jer k...

take care cip =)

Nizar said...


Jangan dibiarkan Bro, kesihatan kena diutamakan. Periksa kesihatan dengan Dr, jangan jumpa bomoh pulak. Badan saya lagi kecik dari Bro, tapi tiap hari 2 biji ubat kena telan.

Badan semangat macam kita ni kena senaman selalu, selain sihat dapat juga mengurangkan saiz pinggang tu.

Anonymous said...

Since everybody are so damn concern about this kodok here. and we never know whether he will go to check up or not as adviced, apa kate kita call sorang personal doctor (not doktor ika please u guys!) p umah dia and then we will all buat satu dana which i call "BERSAMA KODOK" (as in "Bersamamu" versi kodok) n pay the doctor off. well, smtg like that. u get me?

i mean, not as if we ( or me for this matter ) are offencing this kodok here in any way... ( bil payment, degil pi hospital.. etc)... but just to show our support. Ni baru betul, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! coz kalu dah kumpul sikit2 sorang, takde hal kot takat nak pay the doctor. Jgn lu panggil doktor mahathir dah la pi umah... jenuh kodok2 smua nak korek poket bang! Hehe...

Take care brother afdlin.

Anonymous said...

cip ... dun worry ... umur panjang lagi !!!!

Edd Vedder said...

stress test.. u need one.

take care.

King Zool said...

Syukur Alhamdulillah semuanya ok...

Anonymous said...

I went to see pgl...and I saw you...took your picture and I had ur autograph...thanks to Allah...I can see u last night...kalo kat genting tuh jadik apa2...mcm mana???...-ur kodok is here-

:: fAzRa :: said...

just read through it mr afdlin..nice to know that u are okay now..sometimes the bad thing come without notice...unexpected huh???
y u use to call yourself as 'kodok'....nevermind..u still cute....hehehe..dah takde space eh kat umah utk kete kia...hahahah.

Maslina Mahbu @ Armiza Nila said...

Afdlin Shauki, I antara peminat you. I sukakan kreativiti U. Lirik2 lagu yang U ciptakan pun I suka. Ada mesej. Lakonan U pun I suka. Kalau ada masa silalah ke blog saya di :

I nak belajar jugak dari U sebab I minatkan seni. Jaga kesihatan U elok2 k...

Anonymous said...


I think you need a good break or vacation. You've been working too hard. It can jeopardize your health more. We're at that age where we need to be more careful about our health. Do the stress test/ECG and all. Your family and fans love you!! Take an extra care!!

Anonymous said...


Alhamdulillah tak teruk sgt kat genting hari tu. Ha'a patut la muka cip nampak monyok je time nanyi lagu Diva tu (kita tgk kat 'youtube' jek).

Pasal suggestion peminat sorang tu, doktor gi buat home visit utk cek cip, kita bley volunteer, sebab kita doktor gak, tgh nganggur plak ni......tapi nak buat camner, kita jauh terpisah benua.....

Anyway, setuju that u'd better go for a check up, ECG, blood test (jgn la takut dgn jarum yer), lepas tu, kalu perlu exercise test. then of course, gi jumpa dietician, sure dia bley bg advise baik punya utk kurangkan berat badan, semua ni utk kesihatan sendiri gak. Badan nak pakai lama beb, so kena la bg TLC byk2.

Cut down the nasi lemak, teh tarik etc......esp kalu merokok tu, renti kan aje...buang duit jek.

Okeh la..manyak plak berceloteh.

Apa2 pun utk cip kodok n kodok2 semua....'prevention is better than cure'.....jaga diri bebaik2.. Allah bless.

Sen's Station said...

Laa..terkezut arr baca cite Abg Afdlin! Apa pon..nasib bek abg ok ! Buat laa medical check up...yer..! Demi kesihatan abg gak !

Pasal ABP tu..frust giler arr AS tak menang ! Eeee...itu arr..ada gak org Mesia tak tahu hargai bakat seperti AS..nak jugak terhegeh-hegeh ngan pengarah tak berkaliber mcm YH,RM..perghhh...bole blah laa depa..! Neverthe less Abg Afdlin...we know you tak give up..& we trust you will always give us quality ! Itu baru Star ! World !

Afdlin Shauki - The new genre Malaysian seriously need !

Anonymous said...

salam chip

make bodo + takut + malu = kan dah pucat...

anyway.. alhamdulillah masih diberi peluang.. take care & jangan takut/segan nak gi check up..

p/s : ramai jugak orang sayang kat chipku ini..

she-shima said...

to mobilemum,
i think my boss need a long vacation, that's true!!!

cip already went to see doctor, alhamdulllilah, everything is okay. To all his fans, thank you for the notes. i'm just doing my job, and osso, i love him very, very much too.. i dunno what went wrong dat day, but thanks to Allah, everthing handled.

P/S or mungkin orang yang beriman tak leh pegi Genting la kot??

Anonymous said...

haii... chip ..thank god that u are ok ... but still you hv to go and check ...anyway Take care ..

Anonymous said...

afdlin, apakata you blog your body transformation dari sekarang ke "new" you ... at least ada bulih gak bagi semangat kat readers semua nak lose weight :).


Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah dah ok...take care!

sinaganaga said...

Cip kodok naik ambulan? muerekekekekekekee....

Aku dapat bayangkan, kalau...

“Ne no ne no ne no! Hah, kereta di hadapan, sila ke himpit ke sebelah kanan, cip kodok nak lalu!” Driver ambulan.

“Tapi, JPJ kata, himpit sebelah kiri apa?” Aku.

“Bodoh! Aku kata sebelah kanan, means sebelah kanan ler!!! Cip kodok nak lalu ni weh....” Driver ambulan.

Anonymous said...

Yo ChifKodok! I hope everything is okay now with you.

What you need now is a full medical check-up, just to make sure that everything is fine. Sometimes we thought that we are healthy but actually who knows that we aren't that healthy.

Take a short breakaway with your family, you really need it. I know you've been very very busy since day 1 of 2006, but we are not machines, are we? Let's call it a "recharge breakaway" .. ;)

And thanks for getting the tickets of PGLTM for me (and Shima and Imien too). Me and my half-kodok really appreciate it! :)

~ Webex ~

Anonymous said...

please take care of yourself...we love you...

Anonymous said...

Dear sir,

With regard to the breathing difficulty experienced by you at Genting, I strongly suspect that it was due to gas that resulted from too much acid in your stomach(The cause may be due to the food you ate earlier or maybe anxiety). The gas will cause bloating to the tummy and pushed your lung upward . As a result, you will feel that you are not breathing enough air. The situation worsen when there is a change of pressure in the air. Going to higher altitude for example taking a flight or go up to hill resorts will give you the pressure change. Solution - take an antacid when you get that feeling again. ACTAL can be found at any pharmacy. InsyaAllah it has proven effective to me and some of my friends who have the same problem.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...

health is best
wealth is mess
glamour is a temp and a test
may the force be with u

Nazrah Leopolis said...

whoa..that was a big scare huh?

so did u get urself checked up, see if the big machine is oiled well n stuff?

take a chill pill some time dude, it's ur body's way of tellin gyou to get some serious sleep eh?

Anonymous said...

Next time kalau kena camtu, cepat2 jumpa doktor. Jgn nak pikir macho tak machonya. We love u.

Take care..

Izham Miyake said...

thank god bro.

No wonder u look so pucat, whenever you were seen masa kat atas genting.

Nasib baik, kalau tak, sure tahun depan dapat anugerah Tan Sri.. hehehe..

jangan mare bang.. gue gurau aje..

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Syukur least u r still alive....Kalo tak sapa nak lead Baik Punya Cilok 2...hehehe...Gurau jer Bro'....

Anonymous said...

GILE...sib baik lu x jatuh mase wat show, klau x abis runtuh stage tu, bile stage dah runtuh, arena of stars (aos) plak runtuh, bile aos dh runtuh, genting plak runtuh, bile genting runtuh, mati la sume rakyat M'sia, t'masuk pasni jgn jatuh ats stage kat aos kat genting!! jatuh kat tmpt lain xpe! keskeskes jgn mare

Anonymous said...


Kalau baca citer cip tu hero dlm itu citer is SHIMA. kena bagi extra bonuslah kat dia...
selalunya secretary, PA org tengok mcm tak penting tapi itulah hakikatnya org selalu tak ingat kat sec /PA/Mgr dia....
if kalau tak dak shima...sapa nak gi tolong tengokkan ambulan, check ngan hotel mgmt..saper.???...lepas nie cip buat citer secretary plak yer so nanti bleh main masa secretaries week....

shyda -

popcornelvis said...

glad you are ok

peace out

Amirperfume (AP Network Enterprise - SA0215574-P) said...

the last word you say thanks to Mawi because rumah u dah takde space nak parking Kia Optima tu...memang 'deep' memang boleh menang that car..cuma you popular dari genre yang lebih luas dari 'artis paling popular' punya lebih layak menang sebuah kilang yang buat kereta 'kia'...!!teruskan berkarya dengan lebih cemerlang pasal you are the one in a million...takde take care!!

Anonymous said...

Syukran2...cip selamat,so jgn lupe salu bersyukur ngan pemberianNya...

Patut ler cip lain mcm jer masa show tu, x happening mcm salu....

Anyway, all d best n remember HIM alwazzzzzz...
taking care, keep on touching!!!!

Anonymous said...

huh? alermak..suspen gua... serius.. cuak... nih asma nih ader obat ker arrr? ako dengar telan anak tikus mujarab... try jerk larr... mUAhAhAHA kalau tak... tak dapat tengok citer lawak kodok ko lagik... teruskan usaha anda kodok.. semoga ko selamat... sila la masok blog ako...

Anonymous said...

Afdlin, do take care. Pls go for a check-up, ya.....

Anonymous said...

Men who are closing 35 have got to watch their body. You definetly got to do something..

Anonymous said...

Tetibe aku rase cam aku lak tak leh nak napas..

afiq said...

Dear Abg Afdlin,

Walaupun, permintaan in agak poyo lagi memoyokan, tapi bleh tak abg afdlin shauki tulis something kat tagboard afiq kat ... lagi pun kiter kan same-same arch student. ni kire macam crit ah... please...



Anonymous said...

Eventhough u didn't win anything that night, to me, you remind me of our late Tan Sri P.Ramlee.Love your work.Looking forward to see more in the future.All the best.

maklijah said...

Hi Afdlin! Saw u at Harith's show with Ning tadi. You guys are the coolest in the universe...!!!

SimplyMas said...

Glad you're alright Bro! Jaga diri tu elok-elok yah? Kalau you pergi, siapalah yang akan ganti you jadi Cip Kodok? Kita belum rela lagi!?
Alhamdulillah semuanya okay...

Anonymous said...

eh..ada sorang lagi artis baru akan pakai baju angkasawan macam abg afdlin gak la..sempena vc baru dia..
dia yg telah menyelamatkan space kat umah abg afdlin nak parking keta Kia Optima tu..
so apa perasaan abg afdlin skang?
sesak nafas?

Cipkodok said...

baju tu tanya dia siapa yang punya?...artis visi baru tuu..

Suzie said...

Abg Kodok,

You looked stressed during the show. It's never too late to start looking after your health. Take care ok.

Tok Rimau said...

Many great people die young. Prepare for the worst dude. :-)

You could be another Sudirman or P.Ramlee.

Maine said...

cepat cepatkan habiskan shooting Asyik Kena Buli tu dulu ye, aku tau hero movie tu tak mati :P

Kodok, Tuhan dah pesan dengan kita, untuk bersederhana. Itu maknanya bukan bersederhana mencari rezeki tapi bersederhana regarding our indulgences.

Dia bagi kita nyawa dan orang-orang sekeliling yang sayang pada kita and it is an amanah for us to jaga nyawa kita, bila kita tak amanah menjaga nyawa kita, kita boleh mati sebelum ajal. Don't take it for granted la ye.


Bebelan sem@t@-m@t@ said...

Ni aku nak cakap KALAU la yek... KALAU tau!! Kalau la ambulan tak dtg arituh, sure ada org PBSM kat situ kan? Cuba bayangkan yang Afdlin terima CPR dari jururawat lelaki? Ermm... kalau gitu jadinya, confirm kereta KIA tu Mawi kasi kat dia, symphaty thinggy... kwang kwnag kwang!!! Anyway, welcome back & heppy breathing.. we dont want our CIP Kodok ditukar ngan Cip Kocok!!

Anonymous said...

hopefully everything in good condition right now..

miyuu90 said...

work out sikit...exercise sikit.
ingat anak tu sikit...di samping solat jangan tinggal...

Anonymous said...

Cip...glad u'r ok.
At least wa ade can jumpa cip masa pgl ari tuhh...mcm tak percaya jek
takpe larh cip tak menang ABP-BH pun...
Cip tetap hero kiterg...hehe ;)
Take care ayte!

Anonymous said...

Heehee. Suka your last sentence.
I peminat setia u. Syukur Tuhan masih panjangkan umur u, kalau tak tanahair kehilangan seorang pembikin filem yg baru menyinar.

Anonymous said... ek??windu kat ur tk cr of urself..erm sbenornye nak suro visit my blog klu free k..daa

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

erm.....hullo! i'm soooo a big fan of u. u give me a lot of positive inspirations n i like the way u think n express ur ideas....i hope u'll keep up ur good work n cuz of u, i'm trying my best to be the next youngest millionaire! ( i'm 15 rite now n i want to be rich by 18)

Anonymous said...

ehem..I demand for sequels or spin-offs of franchise Buli...mebbe we wanna see Nordin & Roy became buddies and embark on misadventures (Buli road movie perhaps)...we can have title like Nordin&Roy:...*duh, i can't think of good movie title in Malay*

mebbe u could direct a badly-dubbed malay movie ala Ah-Ha's Salmonela..mcm citer Kung Pow:Enter The Fist

Mari Support Firem Merayu!

shimahz said...

lor kodok, hang nampak relex je masa perform aritu.. sesak nafas rupanya... jaga diri ye... jaga kesihatan

~chOTTo~ said...

hyeeeee King Kodok!!! so how r u now? hope u'll get better, n better... n better...n then u can be the healthiest selambakodok in this whole wide world!!! sbb kodok2 lain kat luar tu jarang berpeluang mendapat khidmat doktor atau pakar.. hee.. neways, stay healthy n u REWWKKSSS!!!!!

pye:rudz said...

kalau dah takde ape2 kesihatan tubuh badan tu, buatlah ape2 yang patut bro. eg: bersukan ke, diet ke and not to forget doa selamat sket. ok bro? no offense, just a brotherly advice.

Anonymous said...

ish ish ish, macam-macamlah Afdlin ni, dalam pada saspen baca cerita tak cukup oksigen, tetiba nama mawi plaks yang kuar. Pantang maut sebelum ajal.

Dilip Mutum said...

Maybe just a panic attack compunded by the thin air up there in Genting. Glad to hear that everythign went ok.

thoyol said...

dia suh gie haji laa tue.
Duduk negara padang pasir.

Bubbles Boutique said...

Guwe rasa lu kena lose ur weight beb .. guwe tgok le cam dah sarat abis! N lgi 1 renti2kanler 'minum' sbb guwe pnah nmpak lu mibum beb! So ape2 hal SELAMAT MAJU JAYA .. hehehe

Anonymous said...

ramai nya yang nak jadi doctor here, giving funny diagnosis, memang our society likes to associate any diseases with 'angin', ada ke makan actal boleh baik... i really suspect ur having angina pain that day.. in fact i'm willing to bet my monthly salary.. ECG won't rule out anything if ur just having mild symptoms.. get an exercise stress test.. and spare urself some money, go to IJN. trust me i'm a doctor.