Today SUMO-lah was shooting a scene out in cyberjaya, which i think is a great location, the only problem is, it was like shooting at the gates of hell as the temperature out was on a heat-stroke inducing high. One of the set Assistant directors collapsed due to the heat but she's ok now. Sumo is going great and is now 25% complete.
Two days ago, i had the pleasure of working with one of Asia's top leading lady, Inthira Charoenpura. She is a bonifide anak wayang from Thailand. Her father was a famous film director so she literally grew up on a film set and walaupun amat besar namanya di negara Thailand sendiri, she is such a joy to work with due to her high standards of professionalism. What surprises me is how easy it is to work with her. Just imagine this, she is thai but she has to play a character who speaks melayu, english and japanese (which is quite a feat) and she is doing so well. I am learning a lot from working with the two international artiste and hopefully this knowledge will take us to higher level of professionalism and will help us make better international quality films.
I can't wait to share some of the crazy scenes we shot in this film with you, but wait you must, pasal tak habih shooting lagi.
and IF YOU ARE KEEN TO BE IN SUMOLAH, DO JOIN THE CELCOM SUMOLAH COMPETITION by typing "SUMOLAH" and send it to "27777" and you stand a chance to win handphones and to berlakon with me and my cast. Remember u must enter before 15 july
For further updates on SUMOlah check out http://nokotta.blogspot.com untuk cerita-cerita terbaru mengenai filem itu.
yeah...the heat i's killing here. oh..she look hot in kimono. can't wait for the movie to play!
anyway, is it me or you posted this post twice?
sai... hot kimono girl! droolage! :P~
ah aku pakai maxis!!
yeah yeah.. saw u at the simpang 4 ms on the way nk g lunch dat day. at 1st i didnt see u, even u betul2 kt tepi sompang tu..cuma the0 2nd time i lalu after i pikap my fren baru i saw sum1 with tocang2 rambut dok ats kusi director. pekak sementara my fren yg dok seblah coz i scream, "eh, AFDLINNNN!!!!!" tp my windows all closed so u wont here me lar.. haha poyo tul!!
Cun nyer pelakon ni
psst, double post!
anyway, yeah. it's damn hot in malaysia. but I dont think it will be cooler in Japan either.
it's gonna be like 30 degree celcius till september.
Good luck ;)
ooo jadi yg shooting kat traffic light kat cyber tuh, cip ngan sumolah la yer... patut la.. taknampak pon cip... sib baik tak nampak.. kalau nampak.. saye dah lepak sane dah sampai abis...
so.. bila abis shooting kat cyber.. nak gi tgk gak shooting kat sane... part mane lak kat cyber lepas nie?
terasa lama sungguh menunggu.
tapi ini SUMO-lah lambat lagi keluar kat cinema eh?
Teruskan kerja bagus lu Bro. Panas2 pun, insyaAllah pulangan pun panaslah..Ameen...
Note: yelah..entri ni ada 2x...
sebab nang naklah aku stop tengok horro movie sorang2! wakaka..
Taip "SUMOLAH" dan hantarkan ke "27777".
Tertinggal satu 7 tu. Peraduan berakhir 15 Julai 2006 dan setiap soalan SMS dikenakan RM1.00.
Alah..apa la nak dibandingakn bergandingan bersama Chip Kodok kita, kan...
Thanks guys, gua lalok hari tu buat blog entry ni... penat gila but hopefully all mistakes have been rectified. heehee.
viva la france
akum chief.. dah lama tak masuk blog chief... semenjak tak dapat pergi los dan faun aritu.. isk isk.. terasa lagi sedihnye smp sekarang.. chief.. zul nak sgt la jumpe chief ni, ade peluang tapi takde kesempatan je.. ape la malang sgt kodokmu yg seekor nih.. isk isk..
bro! kim salam kat SAI CHAROENPURA
hehehe...jangan la ban gula, i kerja kilang gula :-)
hmmm...gula dalam darah dah naik laa tuh. War against the sugar...or war against yourself from GETTING sugar?! hehe
even if you resemble a kodok, still cute...manis orang melayu kata. But I ain't gonna kiss ya! hahahaha
bro, skg tukar no Celcom lak ke? dah x pakai maxis? Well, gua sokong sumolah.
isk2 bile la nak dapat jadi orang first komen kat sini//..
way the go bro..jagan kan panas..walau lautan api pun sanggup ku redah demi SUMOLAH~!
I totally agree yg Cyberjaya tu gates of hell.. panas nak mampos ok T_T... korang shooting haritue made me lose my sense of directions kejap..sebab cam terkujat tetiba ada film crew pe sume kat tengah jalan.. hahahahah
The world cup finals is in a few minutes!!! A
Abg Afdlin, good luck with your new movie....
yeah! as ur kipassusahmati... good luck tu ur new movie!
Good luck with your sugar war...
viva la france
>>>alamak bro..camne leh kalah ni...
viva la france
>>>alamk bro camne leh kalah ni? haha...
gudluck for SUMOLAH~
Hi Abg Afdlin,
I am a new kodok on the block! Nice blog u have here. Good luck with the new movie and of course your sugar free project...if u can lah..heheheh
Nice blog!! Hope ur latest movie will lauch soon in Singapore!
Cheers Afdlin!!
hi Bro Afdlin :) lamer giler tak visit your blog, time2 pc crashed lah plak teringat you. anyway, i kinda teringat kat u coz of my uncle...you might know him. alhamdulillah, he is recovering slowly...pls pray for him. take care and be healthy ;)
elo bro,
pernah tengok tak iklan Pepsi, dua ekor ayam yg dijual kat kedai runcit... bila nampak Pepsi terus bangun berlawan sumo semata-mata nak dapatkan Pepsi tu... kalau belum nanti saya send.. let me know ok... :)
Hi Abg Afdlin...
BIG FAn of yours.. Almost name my recently born son after you but takut pulak org ckp me tumpang populariti...;p
AFDLIN, saw the pic of the kimono wearing girl, don't know if u terbalik the pic or not, have to tell u the girl wear the kimonno in the wrong way. the left side should be on the top, it's a big no-no for japanese, right side on top means there is family member passed away.
Masta A. Let's see that diaper slap down. Shoutin ya out from NYC. Can't wait to peep your latst flik whatevr language you decide to release in Japanese, Malay, or the Queen's own.
and a little ps
watched BULI with two irish people
the whole movie is in MALAY
they laughed so hard
we were glued to every cut and facial expression
if you can make the leprauchauns leap
you're doing something right
now that you've got Japan under belt
all other islands beware the SHAUKI KI KI KI
xzjni ke si NangNak??
muka dia mcm Ezlin la??
very nice movie.tak kerin gusi tgk lawak selamber.hehehe...good job afdlin..ezlyn thai tu cute laaa :)
dude! the movie was absolutely filled with ads! that makes the movie even worse!! i tell u la afdlin..
movie + no ads = excellent!
movie + minimal ads = okayla..
movie + heavy ads = bad idea! better watch at the tv!!
i'm sorry afdlin, but sumolah movie has fall into a victim of a corporate company.
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