Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Monday, August 21, 2006

End of an Awesome Journey and the beginning of a New.

SUMO-lah will rock you SOON!
Two nights ago at 3.31 am on a sunday morning, the principal photography of SUMO-lah was wrapped at the kampung Baru location. It was an emotional end to a journey which for some took 64 days and to others over 120 days (including LOS dan FAUN). For me the journey is only halfway trodden as we go into post-production soon but i will sorely miss all the friendships forged, the camaraderie of the team and the passion of wanting to be a part of something greater than ourselves. Imagine living in a pressure cooker for that amount of time, one cannot help but get attached with the people around you. The cast was awesome. I would like to give a special mention to AWIE who i have come to know and love on this shoot. I think he is a person of amazing character, great passion and not to mention captivating charisma. To be honest, i use to doubt his acting skills( when he used to do Yusof Haslam movies), although i have always acknowledged him as being extremely charismatic onscreen, but after experiencing this man on the SUMO shoot, now i see him in a completely different light. I am proud to say that my judgement of him was sorely mistaken before. I was wrong and i am proud to say it. But more than just his acting, His passion for filmmaking really shone through to me as we spent time on set in FUKUOKA and PUCHONG. His commitment to the film was second to none and he really gave his all eventhough going through a hard time in his life. He Rocks and i love him as a friend.
My crew was also outstanding as they kept pace with me and gave me their best and more all the time. It was sad to see one by one the actors being wrapped from the shoot and finally when the last shot was taken, my character was wrapped. I look forward to editing it as i know we have something outstanding in the cans. You know when you just have a great feeling about something and just know that you are on the brink of something life-changing, i feel SUMO-lah is it. I could be wrong but I can dream.

Yesterday i had some downtime with my wife after not really spending time with her for so long and i felt like i was on a first date again. I told her that after working so long, it actually feels like a gift from god to be able to spend time and connect with her. We took the kids out to see PGLM, dropped them home, went to dinner and then went to see ADAM SANDLER's 'CLICK'.. ..that was no coincidence.... it was like a wake-up call.

For those of you who have not seen click i urge you all to go see it as it seems to me that someone has just made a movie about my life. But that is for another entry.

Power to the People

Afdlin Shauki


Unknown said...

fuh.. sama siot! ku pun kejanya hari-hari keja, sampai tak sempat nak layan benda lain.

bila dapat seskali bawak wife n baby dalam perut wife pergi jusco equine park, rasa macam lain macam je.. ekekke!

mr. rizal

Anonymous said...

;) I am relieved for you man! ahaha!
it's just funny isn't it?
I got an entry about that movie, after I watched it.
it is a very touching movie.

Unknown said...

agreed...lathough i belum kawin, but i will and the scene where he *last* seen his father touched me deep...adam ni bole buat orang gelak sambil nangis laa...

and so, am waiting for december, to watch the end product of that 120days (both Sumo-lah and LDF)... so in meanwhile, keep us posted and drooling about the movie,yah?tak puas la tgk gamba kat fukuoka... ano sai-kun wa totemo kawaii ne...

ruv you rong time....hehehe

wake me up when december comes

Anonymous said...

hallloo... hallloooo..... very, very long time no c... congratulation to u n yr team.. next year, naik amik award lagi tau... - wildcat

Budiey said...

wah, tak sabar nak tengok kat panggung nih...

u rocks la brother...

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for sometime now and it is very interesting read.

Will be looking forward to seeing your new film.

Btw , congrats to you on your best actor award recently.



ManaL said...

Hmm...a feast of boobies, thighs and nappies (adult one).

That pic screams: be very afraid (borrowed from labour party's teaser poster of Tories)

Fantastic visual. It sure speaks volume (and heavyweights hehe)!

J said...

Hey... you 3 are cheating: You're not supposed to wear tights/ bicycle shorts under the sumo uniform thingy!

D said...

It is noble to have a dream.

Muhammad Fahmi Shah said...

tahniah yer FMM arituh...

my blog

aidid said...

Chip, thank you for believe in people. You have built AC's name and I think because of u AC's now became famous.
Now it's Awie's time. I hope he can go serius into film making with u for future movie.
And if u are looking for someone new to act in your future movie, try Lotter af4. :D
Gud luck and hope to watch Sumolah and LostnFound with all the kodoks. ;)

UglyButAdorable said...

first n most..congratulations for winning the best actor award for the FFM19..betta late than never..tu la kan bro..saper kata org gumuk tak leh menang...power to the fat people!!!

and yes lookin' forward to your sumolah..and awie?? always like him during his wings heydays..and still like him as a singer..but his yusuf haslam days..was like you said pathetic!! so i hope to see the new awie.

Anonymous said...

Soooo lookin 4ward to the movie! And yes, neither did I think much of Awie's acting..but then again I wasnt such a great fan of Sembilu and such movies. But found Awie hilarious in Baik Punya Cilok!

Anonymous said...

agreed! click is a great movie.. so many emotions involved.

btw CONGRATS for the win..! u deserve it man!! i love ur movies, xpernah miss lagi.. :)

pye:rudz said...

dah abis shooting? bagus! skang bila pulak kitorang boleh tengok SUMO-LAH?

p/s: congratulations on winning the Best Actor in FFM.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the movie.


Hero said...

tahniah bro. ada pratonton tak? sekadar cadangan, simpanlah cut, outtakes tertentu untuk jadi goodies dalam DVD (kalau kuar dvd la kan). orait, selamat.

own way said...

yeah man.. CLICK is GOOD!!!!! funny... but there is an underlying message...
which really has touch each one of us :)

Dilip Mutum said...

Looking forward to watching it on the big screen.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chip!

Hell! you deserve it coz you too have contributed to the way society appreciates malay movies now days..
I am sooOOooo looking fwd to Los & Faun and Sumo-Lah... when's the release date? Nak mark my calender ni...

-Farra Kamal-

Jalal said...

then was AC now it is Awie... thanks to you bro. U make people see that anyone if given a chance to make good will be good. Same goes to you bro. Look now you're an award winning actor (twice though!)

anyway bro enjoy your relaxing time with family. hope to gather again with you and all the kodoks.


dJ phuturecybersonique said...

i think what makes people shine most is working with one who brings out the best in them. and you, bro, are one such person. watching you in action, it's not hard to see why. nokotta! aishiteru nagaii jii!!

Monster Mom said...

dear aflin, you dont need to raise sensitve issues to make it to the top.... just do and maintain your brilliance in producing movies....
people will appreciate it more....
kudos with sumo-lah....

Anonymous said...

... aku kat australia nie, tiap2 hari dok dengar lagu AWIE, esp lagu2 lama dia.. somehow hilang sikit rindu kat tanah air bila dengar lagu2 AWIE... Hidup AWIE!!

p/s: ada org kata, bukan aku kata, ko kawin lagi satu, ek..

Anonymous said...

i wish good luck to u with your new film...

Izham Miyake said...

eh afdlin macam dah kuros..

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Looking forward for the Movie... When will it be in cinemas?

Sya林薛Rin said...

Buruk la afdlin pakai sumo punye outfit. Apsal tak pakai kimono ke.

Anonymous said...

click made me cry over and over again. am glad that u cud relate to it that way. hehee.

keep it up, cip.

Anonymous said...

yeehaaa...really cant wait for this one bro.i can always expect something good coming from job in discovering AC n awie has already been stereotype with yusof haslam movie before...this will surely change it :)

Anonymous said...

'family comes first'