Where i have been since early last week was at Pulau Perhentian Besar, trying to conquer my biggest fear. I'm glad to say that ALHAMDULILLAH, i did it! I actually freaking did it.
The most important thing i learned during my brief moment of insanity is that - Fear is a concept. It is not real. It is cooked up in our mind during it's idle time and is fuelled by the media hype and sensationalisation of shark attacks, stingray poking people's chest etc to sort of protect ourselves from ever wanting to come out of our comfort zone and to be safe players of life always. Granted fear is not all bad, as it also keeps us from being stupid 24/7 but in general fear is the reason why people don't learn and don't grow intellectually.
So here it is gang - my journey to become a PADI certified Open Water Diver. Hope you guys get something from this. From my greatest fear , to a growing rush of adrenalin and a blanket of calm at the same time.

Muka CONTROL BERANI gua dengan seorang advanced diver yang baru saja diadvancekan.

Tengah cuba equalizing.

sedang mencari tandas dengan pantas. Seksanya kalau nak kena buang air besar ketika scuba diving.

Alamak, nak buang air ada ikan pulak dalam gua ni..

Holy Cow ! My new haircut cost how much?

Gua yang tengah buang air tetiba ada manusia pulak kat dalam air n tengok gua, ek eleh lepas tu ambik gambar lak kat situ.

baik gua belah dari sini... nanti penyu tu mintak otograf gua pulak susah nanti.

Hi kodok-kodok semua, bila nak buka sama-sama?

MY diving BUDDY (HANS ISAAC) who took damn good care of me. Am forever iindebted to his kindness dan generosity

walaupun jendulnya tidak banyak berbeza, ini adalah HUMPHEAD FISH dan bukan Harith Iskander.
Afdlin Shauki
afdliiiin!! nampak so the very kurusla underwater =)fear is a concept? well said.
selamat berpuasa afdlin
nak iftar sama2 lagi?bila u free?nanti...mesti ada punye...lepas tu bleh main U-turn u-turn lagi...
gua betul2 ingat humphead tu harith iskander. tapi macam lain sikit sebab mungkin akibat pressure barangkali...
AHA! You were at perhentian weren't you? :P
congratulations ! u've got ur open diver nyer cert. make sure u strive for the advanced nyer .. kalo tak .. buat penat jer take the open diver .. then simpan .. hehe .. like me la.. pas tu buat kenangan jer ..
wah..syok nyer...tapi, kita still takut nak cuba scuba..takut tengelam tak timbul-timbul...
scuba diving sudah, bungy jumping tak mau try? i've always wanted to try that..btw, nampak serasi betul afdlin ngan nemo population kat perhentian tu. ;)
Congratulations Afdlin! bertambahlah member PADI! being a diver myself, im glad to know my idol is a diver too! if u happen to be in Brunei someday, do dive with us. theres a Bluewater wreck here, very nice, no joke!
bro, cantik gambar! lu guna camera apa utk ambik gambar dalam air?
terror gak brother syed tuh diving... wa ingat mata je ala2 ikan termenung uji rashid rupe2nya ada skill gak..ahak2..
wow, looks like you saw some interesting stuff in your first few dives! i've never had the chance to see a humphead just yet, but maybe one day.
Congrats bro... finally you've done it. You're a PADIman! hehehe Apa la aku merepek. So bro bila leh buka sama2 ...
Wow.The coolest thing ever!
Bouyancy cantik nampak hehehe tu advance diver sungguh familiar muka nya tapi di mana ya ku jumpa dan pernah ku lihat... hahhahaha......
Sooo booootiifuuul! Love your underwater pics! You've inspired me to finish getting my diving license now. lv jo
Kat Pulau Perhentian or kat Aquaria? Cam sama je ikan-ikannya....hehehehehe
good work...seronok tgk bro afdlin dive..kat jordan ni takleh dive..laut mati takleh nak dive..nanti kene tangkap..allahu yusahhillak
Wei.. bulan puasa mana boleh menyelam.. batal puasa nanti..
Anyway.. website ni.. ranking dia bagusla.. kenapa tak add google adsense.. kan boleh dapat duit sampingan..
From Tan Sri
great pics!!! congrats Adlin!!!!
u made it!!!!
im still tinkin whether 2 do or not...lagik satu takdak geng ahh...
slmt berpuasa!!!
Proud of you!!
And love this entry.
You actually have encouraged me to conquer my fear for snow sports.
I'm so going to ski this winter!!
'conquering fear'... in business it is termed 'risk management', urrghh... yukks! sound so rigid huh.
i think next u r going to do space walk, aight?... nak kena call NASA for them to provide u with 'zero gravity space toilet'.
cheers mister, keep it goin
Awas hati-hati terkena sengatan stingray... Nanti seperti Steve Irwin loh.. hehe... Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ramadhan 1427 H, semoga amalan baik kita diterima di sisi-Nya... salam kenal dari Indonesia...
That haircut shot... underwater, you look like one of those Good Luck Trolls that were all the rage in the 80s! :)
bro, sesuai ok u and water and fishes and water and fishes.. eh dah cakap ek?
selamat berramadhan!
Perhaps some movie scenes under water lpas ni? Or sequel to baik punya cilok, as in what happened to those yg jatuh dalam tasik besides Wak (AC). Ade nampak mermaid ke merman ke mernenek ke kan (ok , just drop this idea, too 80s, unless you wanna recreate/reenact something like those Splash (1984) scenes. But prolly save it for some spoof spin-offs).
Good to know all those props are back to where they belonged.
Ajak2 berbuka nih ajak-ajak ayam ker?
OKla bro afdlin, ramadhan kareem, may u achieve the great many rewards and barakah throughout this holy month.
Hi, 1st. timer to yr blog. I will visit again, later, besok or bila-bila.
Bro,kodoks semua tunggu tarikh pengisytiharan berbuka puasa/iftar tahun ini...
Bila eh?
note:boleh pilih ikan dalam gambar blog ni ke utk dibuat ikan bakar?
wah .. gwa da lame tunggu nk amek ini license .. insyaALLAH next august will take the course .. susah ke bro ?
er.. bilanya nak buke poser ni?
Congratulations on your becoming an Open Water Diver, and yet another Nizar student. I was there when you did your dive, especially so at Terumbu Tiga. Yeah, that particular dive when my friend (well, sedara mara Nizar gak dia tu) got so excited because you were diving, tried to help you because he thought you had problems descending, when what you really had was problem equalising. We ticked him off on the boat on the way back to the dive center for meddling with one of Nizar's students, no matter how pitiful it may have seen to him. Mamat tu punya malu and terasa semangkuk mangkuk mangkuk that he did not dive anymore after that and just stayed in the room. Sorry la sebab had I, or any of the rest in my group, seen him do that to you, we would have stopped him. Just his usual eager self la...overkill.
The next morning, during dawn dive, there was this big (around 8ft) shark that was feeding and we caught that on camera (http://www.narcaholic.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=39).
To tell you the truth, I am more afraid of the Titan Triggerfish than I am of sharks.
Hope to dive with you one day.
congratulations on your open water certification!
The humphead fish is like saying "what the .... amik gambar aku"...wakakaka...
what camera are you using?
envy envy ;)
zaman muda2 ke bro :)
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