On a completely unrelated note, I think some individuals in the Malaysian Film industry are like the lumut at the bottom of the boat pancing. First bang! orang ni, bang! orang tu kata filem diorang tak membayangkan budaya kita, then kena sound dengan menteri semua tersipu-sipu macam sotong takde tulang belakang nak ban orang ni orang tu dan akhir sekali selfish, kerana pilih filem diorang untuk pergi ke Asia Pacific film festival. BULI BALIK was not chosen as one of the entry because they deemed that it was not good enough to reflect our malaysian society so they chose Persona Non Grata, Castello, Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 2, Bilut, and Gubra. Where i don't contest the validity of GUBRA and BILUT, i do also believe that BULI BALIK is good enough to represent the country.
Yes i am a bit emotional about my baby not being picked because i feel the movie would make a difference at the festival. SO now, once again FINAS gets to bring an entourage of people to the festival, half of which are not event relevant to the current film industry, give them a paid holiday to go shopping. I am disappointed with the selection, but my life will go on as i tell myself that i am in this industry to make a difference for the people and the old fogeys in the power positions will one day die and will not be able to fight the wake of revolution, when people demand them to be better than what they are now.
I know my heart may not be so sore in a couple of days time but as for now, the film industry has disappointed me so and I have lost respect and faith for many a people in power in the industry because at the end of the day whatever they do is all for themselves. All they think about is - How can i gain? How can i use my position to make me prosper? and not, how to make the Malaysian film industry better?.
And to think that i was afraid of SHARKS.....
wau..bestnya dapat tengok ciptaan Allah di laut dalam. I still tak boleh get over my phobia of the sea. Even swim kat swimming pool pun gi baby's pool, camna nak gi diving ke snorkelling?!?! rasanya, badan yang besar ni akan tenggelam bila-bila masa saja. It doesnt help when people say that once I enter the sea/pool, it gets dried up! :op
Wtever it is, selamat berpuasa, bro.
abg afdlin and the deep blue sea.. lately very synonym eh?
selamat berbuka!
WOAHHHHH!!!A Dugong wearing goggles!Hehehehehehee!Joking ar bro.Beautiful underwater shots.I wanna take up my diving lessons too when i have the time and made some cash from the deal we talked about ;)...then maybe we can go hand feed those Harith lookin fishes in the last pic.Hehehehe!
saya tak tahu ade ikan paus kat mesia nie..hurmm ..
wah syiokk seh .. will take the lesson too .. tasabar dah neh :)
those kind of 'lumut' are not sharks, but the kind of fish that clings to the shark for transport (fell asleep when the National Geographic fella metion its name). Sometimes it pays to kiss ass, and it's a bonus if you pass them herpes along the way.
but for the sake of the industry, which recently had shown some progress, please don't you be the ass-kisser, but instead be the ass-kicker and kick ass!if they say yours not the best, it doesn't mean it is, since they may be the kind of ppl yang suka gelak kat orang bila orang tersungkur, tapi tido masa tgk stand up show yang byk cakap.
your movie, along with the likes of Yasmin and Bernard has opened eyes of the masses on how a film should look like, unlike those that have been served to them and mocking our inteligence.even though 'those' ppl do not recognize your movie, us malaysians do. tak caya? perasan tak how the Buli advert kat tv looks similar to your product of the same name?
typical malaysian film industry..
What makes them say that film buli balik tidak melambangkan budaya kita... hahhaha what about pontianak sundal malam tu lagi lah bukan budaya kita....
GUBRA ???? I tengok gak Pontianak i ketawa terbahak bahak kuar panggung. Bukan citer seram jadi citer kelakar.
Jangan putus asa keep doing what you are doing right now.....
Nanti bole pinjam my book lah buku pasal nama nama ikan. Bila dah kenal nama ikan baru best nyelam.. Ikan ikan tu tak di pakai kan name tag.. nanti kita kasi cadangan supaya ikan ikan menmaki name tag untuk memudahkan buat fish identifications ahakssss
Sharks hahahha de dum de dum <<< kena bunyi macam movie track citer JAWS.
salamz bro Afdlin..
this is my first post eventho it's been a year i read ur blog..i enjoy every single work that u hv done including ur films, songs and so on..BULI BALIK sepatutnya dipilih utk Asia Pasific Film Festival.all ur films are totally different compared to the other films made by other productions and the differences make ur films so SUPERB!!!but bro,i believe that one day,all those close minded ppl will finally open their eyes widely and accept ur films.who knows,the next film festival,ALL ur films will be chosen to represent our beloved Malaysia..
p/s:sorry for my bad english..tapi,xsalah kan kalo mencuba =)
Bro, it's not dissapointment, it's disappointment.
Relax bro, your time will come.
It's like that almost everywhere, even in the States. Well, it's their loss, isn't it?
But I bet people all around Malaysia feel for you and they must be wondering the same thing too.
nice and truly said bro. the people who claim to be "the authority" of the film industry is just f**king shit people and they are disgraced. I have been in the publishing industry and it is just the same. when corrupted people handles these things so the industry also will be corrupt.
anyway bro you're still the best.
I like that clown fish.. pretty.
Is that the fish in the first picture that you were talking about (the one who's taking of the eggs?)
Well, abang afdlin,
Bersabarlah berbanyak2 di bulan puasa yang mulia ini, kerana ganjarannya lebih berganda.
Anggaplah ianya dugaan semata2.
Try again bro. You can produce a lot more films.
You always have my prayers.
Hey, don't feel bad about not being selected.
One day, 'those' people will see.
I guess this is what you get when the industry is filled with 'those' people.
it's not just the entertainment industry, but the local politics scene too.
i also feel bad for ppl like this care more abt their ass than wat is more important; our FILM INDUSTRY. yoshhh!!!
anyways afdlin, i will always wish u all the best and may that someday something really kewl happens to ur movies..waaayy cooler than wat they got. :D
i like u..ure so optimistic. ure my hero! one more thing..i'm sooo the very jealous with u, get to take picture in deep sea. and go dive at perhentian!! JELES JELES JELES!
Hi Bro,
Uuii syieok! giler plak tengok korang berendam eh menyelam...salam pengenalan, saya budak baru belajar. Filem Malaysia masih bernyawa tapi sekadar terlantar di katil tanahair, orang-orang macam u bro, dan member2 yang seangkatan dengannya saja ada ubat untuk penyakit tu. Tanhiah go for it bro!
"Saya juga ingin menceburi dan joint the Justice league jugak macam u bro. Pandang sesuatu daripada mata burung" ;)
abg afdlin,
the only possible way is to set up the ministry of films. and no, DO NOT PUT, AT ALL EXPENSE pak rais to helm it. let him rot in the antiqueness of his kebudayaan dan warisan. or spend more time at the supermarket to buy his wife's hairsprays.
kerapu tu sedap di masak tiga rasa
Jangan kecewa...Mungkin u terlalu mengharap untuk dipilih sebab tuh kecewa bila tak dipilih..bersabar..
bak kata pepatah Hang Lekir :
"there will be another time lah!"
saya pasai industri filem malaysia, saya tak arif.. tapi dari pengalaman saya dari darjah 6 (umur saya mula berjaya habis tengok satu filem dari awal sampai habis) sehinggalah sekarang, filem melayu yang memberi kesan kepada hidup saya adalah seperti berikut:
1) filem hantu (tak ingat nama plak!!!) ala lakonan noorkumalasari tu.. yang dia pindah rumah berhantu tu... ngeri tuh!!!
2) ali setan
3) from jemapoh to manchester
4) Mr. Os (walaupun ditiru dari citer omputih) lawak betul..
5) sepet
6) gubra
satu sebab mengapa saya tak tengok sangat filem melayu sekarang ni ialah saya tak faham mengapa masa diorang shooting tu tak capture suara sekali. Mengapa perlu buat voice over kat studio.. bagi saya ini menyebabkan kualiti filem kita tak berapa best.. feel masa lakonan shooting tu lain dari feel masa buat voie over tu.. kekadang kita tengok lain mulut bergerak lain perkataan yang keluar...takde syncronization (erk betul ke ejaan?)
to be frank, saya tengok citer afdlin masa hari raya jer.. tunggu kuar kat astro ria atau mana-mana tv.. namun begitu sememangnya filem afdlin berlainan dari filem lain.. lakonan pelakon seperti awie sungguh bagus dalam filem afdlin kalu nak bandingkan lakonan dia dalam filem inspektor yusuf haslam.
harap paklum..sekian terima kasih...
i love u adflin. don't so sad ok. this too will pass.
selamat berpuasa bro. terlebih dulu syukur sebab mpv dah jumpa. apa citer BOB tu ek? hehehe
anyway, bila cerita pasal filem Malaysia (tak leh cakap cerita melayu le sebab ada gak produser Malaysia buat citer pasal bangsa lain kan.) selalu bila kawan2 ajak tengok filem Malaysia, saya decline. Sebabnya mcm dah boleh agak apa jalan cerita dan kesudahan.
balik2 cerita pasal orang kaya, anak datuk, tan sri puan sri pakai BMW mercedes bagai. sedangkan berapa keratlah org kat Malaysia ni yang kaya semacam itu?
dah tu bercakap bahasa Inggeris bertabur sampai kalau tengok babak sedih jadi nak gelak.
Nasib baik lah bukan semuanya macam tu. Bila Yasmin mula bikin filem yang berjenis (hehehe itu chop mohor yang saya bagi pada filem yang bukan main stream) barulah saya mula pergi tengok filem Malaysia.
Masih saya ingat masa zaman sekolah, saya tonton jogho di uni, saya gembira (pelikkan walhal cerita jogho itu sedih kesudahnnya) sebab u-wei berjaya menunjukkan keadaan kehidupan manusia bernama Melayu di Kelantan. terutama mereka yang tinggal di sempadan.
teringin juga nak tengok malaikat di jendela, tetapi tak tahu nak tengok di mana.
tak tau juga apa jadi pada short story my beautiful rambutan tree (tak silap tajuknya itu).
Nak kata filem kita muda belia, tak lah jugak. kadang terpikir juga, pembikin filem Malaysia ni tak segan ke dengan generasi terdahulu yang serba kekurangan tetapi masih mampu menghasilkan filem yang bisa membuat saya menangis. contohnya filem Ibu Mertuaku yang saya tonton Ahad lalu.
tapi bro, saya suka benar tonton Buli Balik (bukan mengangkat ye) sebab dalam lawaknya tu ada juga benda yang nak disampaikan.
tapi betul la bro, napa tak record terus dialog masa pengambaran. suara ditambah dalam studio ni dengarnya pelik benor
After reading the first part of ur entry (fish fish one), then come the second part yg still got nilai2 ikan, sotong tak de tulang belakang lah, selfish lah (got it?)... u still in the mood of scuba diving lah bro. huhuhhuh...now i can relate the two...
p/s: Can't wait to watch new movie from u... 'Sumolah' I supposed... love buli balik so much!
I have just come across your blog page. Cool... And I really like your kodok concept. I liked it so much that I write something about it in my blog. http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-RGoWtz49fqMQ5mhMmdT_KbxJ?bid=35&yy=2006&mm=9
The disappointment that you felt now mught be a blessing in disguise. Who knows, you might be in for more BIG things. Hang in there.
Ok.. here is what I thought.
Please note that I am not talking about the quality of this particular movie la...
Ok, if Buli balik is not reflecting whatever Malaysia wants to potray as a country... so.. what Pontianak Harum can reflect? Put aside the mak yong and stuff la... that is not a valid reason la weh!
I dont know la.. if Pontianak is so Malaysian, obviously Buli is as well.. you can see a lot of bullies nowdays lah! Obvious bullies and non obvious jek. Ceh!
Camni la Afdlin... next time u do a movie, letak la 5 mins of makyong or anything 'Malaysian' like that.
It is so hard not to be a streotype isnt it?
Don't fret Adlin. When u have talent, u have talent ;)
i think maybe abang afdlin has to do something like 'tomoi' instead of 'sumo'.
or maybe 'silat'..
or anything about the festival.. raya or something..
all this while we've seen the movies/drama made by other people. abang afdlin sure can too.
i've never seen afdlin in the drama in TV3 or RTM. So, it does tell why malaysians prefer names like rosyam noor, zamarul as those are the people they see every day, week or every raya.
I can't wait to see raya drama with afdlin's style.
Dearest afdlin,
dis is my 1st time commenting on ur post tho i've been following ur progress for a yr.
bro, jgn disappointed k. u dunno how happy i was aft noe-ing there's a director kat msia yg punya wawasan and semangat dan yg lbh penting, punya creativity, talented n buat filem yg membuat penonton nk tgk lagik... i love u lah bro!
jgn dikisahkan sgt org2 yg buta tu... do wat u do best n apa kata satu hari nnt u butakan mata mereka dgn going really BIG!!!
kdg2 nk slhkan industry n authority tu pun susah sbb nya....masih byk lg org2 kat msia yg suka dgn filem datuk n prof tu...walaupun kualiti dia boley diperdebatkan! dis is xactly y filem sepet maju di spore instead...
niweis bro, u take care n remember byk kodok2 behind u k!
Persona Non Grata, Castello, Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 2, Bilut, and Gubra..no offence to others but Buli Balik stands equally with other malaysian films, and if i may say..better than others! they could have justified the reasons for 'overlooking' your baby with much more rational excuses..takkan sebab tak reflect malaysian society je kot.i believe if BB got chosen, it woulda make a difference.
jangan sedey la afdlin. this episode indicates that you are meant to do more afdlin-stlye-movies in the future. your time will come..just hang in there.
Save Afdlin-movies and Malaysian fish!
those who endure shall run into success... n u know that right
nanti afdlin bole buli depa tu balik!
a'kum adlin,
aku suka filem yang kau buat,
biarlah tak dapat anugerah,
yang penting kau dapat buat filem yang lagi best2 dan tak mengarut mcm filem2 skrg ni,
cuba kau tgk citer p ramlee, filem dia dapat sampaikan msg sindiran yang berguna tanpa perlu merosakkan nilai2 ketimuran. cth madu 3, ahmad albab,
harap kau teruskan filem2 yang best2 dan mencabar minda aku.
good luck
PHSM digelar ada nilai keMalaysiaan sebab ramai orang yang berangan nak jadi pontianak kot kat Malaysia ni. Tak pun nak bercinta dengan pontianak ke? entahlah, mana nilai keMalaysiaannya pun tak tau.
Nak kata sebab kewujudan hantu dalam folklore kita pun susah jugak nak cakap sebab ingat tak filem Fantasia in the 80s ke 90s yang kena ban sebab ada unsul tahyul yang boleh membawa kepada khurafat.
basically the rules and regulations change each time orang yang di atas tu bertukar.
hooo lu cool bro! scuba diving.
i don't know much the film industry as u do. one thing for sure...there're many red tapes n guideline to obey.
whtever it is buli balik is cool film to watch.
Wow.. sekalang sudah aler adsense arghh...amacam dapat income tak?
Salam Brader Afdlin,
Walaupun pahit nak telan keputusan tu, just banyak2 bersabar je la. Insya Allah ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Mana tau, your next,or next film would be nominated as top of the list of nominations for Malaysia. :-)
Selamat berpuasa dan berbuka puasa.
i'm sure you love ur babies (projects). they're progressing towards there, believe me. there's a lot of short cuts for publisity out there. all those controversial stuff. i like ur style better. let it grow within the comunity gracefully.
we support you!
lek bro... kalau ada rezeki lu, x ke mana beb... chill...
Hey Bro.. Cool reefs... So was harith and hans at your recent dive? Hi anyway let me intro myself.My name is Lorna from SIngapore. Am a friend of harith , hans and even scott the ang moh guy.. It is great to know that there are still people who love the nature. Water , ocean, lakes and rivers are God given.. Was in KL recently for one of hariths Corp show, was good.. as he does not really perform for a 1:1 hahaha.. was reading your blog, well.. remember it is people like you that makes a differences. It is not how to but how can. disappointments are part of life. without them we can never grow. One thing if it's to be, it's up to me. you'll get the answer, no matter what. If the current way you are dealing with is not working, try another way. Give yourself more possiblilties. risk it. coz if you dun risk you never know. Trust me.
frankly, i don't form my opinions on film based on their preferences. far as i'm concerned, you are one of my favourite filmmakers in the country. and believe me, there aren't many.
buli blew my mind with its honesty, artistry, and humanity, and i've been a fan since.
i'm also so grateful to be a friend. you rock, they don't, enuff said.
lek brader afdlin, jangan quit ok. tunggu la kami generasi muda ni jadi org² penting lak.. things will be better insyaallah. actually malaysia has produced many outstanding films. but only those which are typical and very insensitive ones always have the advantage over those vice-versa. you know it, so as we.
don't give up, fight fight fight...
huwwwaaa afdlin lu pun pandai belenang kaa??? waaa ingat lu pandai buat lawak saja... baguih laar lu afdlin shauki@cip
I've watched all those films you mentioned except for Bilut. Sincerely IMO, only Gubra deserves to be chosen as one of the entries. It's the only film that truly reflects our country (multicultural, not very dynamic, bilingual/trilingual, Islam main religion but still there's the notorious illegal prostitution).
Not that Buli Balik is a bad film, it's just that it's not that good to represent our country. I like the fact that the dialogues are witty and very natural (like Gubra) but that's not enough to make it stand out.
Still, I know you're an excellent thinker and a very creative person. There's still a long way to go for you. Hope to see a funny but artistic films from you soon, and may that one be selected (and may it deserve to be selected).
afdlin, i saw harith in singapore catching russell peters. was expecting to see you there as well. anyhow, russell is brilliant. and u r brill too. :)
isk..best gile dapat tengok ikan...besa2 lak tuh...terus rasa teringin nak belajar berenang dan diving...best gile...
tapi memang tak sangka afdlin pandai berenang...hahahha...
buli balik lagi best dari gubra la.. patut buli balik yang dapat.. ggrrrrr...
nape diorg masukkan Persona Non Grata... citer tu bukan original storyline pun kan?
tapi buli balik pun i tak paham satu habuk..citer amenda ? Gubra the best! berusaha lagi afdlin.jangan dok kecik ati
beautiful pictures
if u look at it its sort of like the politicians telling us not to rock the boat without realising the waves are doing the job for us. a new wave is coming afdlin, hang tight.
Hello Afdlin..
Sorry..rather belated in posting my comments...but I felt the need to share my views pertaining Buli Balik.
I hardly ever watch Malaysian made dramas on tv, let alone movies for obvious reasons, they generally lack convincing acting skills..predictable story lines..poor editing...inapt background music clips...and not much detailed effort in general.
So, when I hd the chance to view Buli Balik on tv few nites ago..I thought I would be experiencing something different from the norm. I've always enjoyed ur natural humour..especially in the A-HA comedy series.
Nontheless, abang rasa quite dissapointed with Buli Balik for reasons similar to the ones I gave above.
I felt some of the characters and scenes in Buli Balik was too exaggerated...for example..AC Mizal's role & scenes are rather too far fetched to be convincing. So was Patrick Teoh's..with the wig hairdo scenes and stereotyped ah pek accent.
In regards to the accident scenario involving the huge trailer and Roy's car..the graphical visualisation of the impact scene looked comical to be honest.
You brought the audience back to the main characters childhood & schooldays scenes...but the actor who portrayed Roy as a teenager did not resemble anything like him, physically. The adult Roy has more European facial features...but the teenaged Roy had more Asian features instead. There was no 'connection' at all. These are major flaws in my opinion.
'Characters' need to be convincing, not just in their acting but also in their physical features in a particular role, so as to connect with the flow of acceptance from the audience.
There were quite a few exaggerated scenes of which I felt were cliche' in its nature as well. Amongst others, the scene where the two ladies screamed or rather shrieked at each other in the car, realising that you were bullying the schoolkid. I really can't figure out why our movies always contain characters screaming in shock, just to prove a point. It's been milked to death and it's annoying. Don't you agree?
The exaggerated overtaking & running the car off the road scene and the immediate continous birthday singing scene even after someone had squashed her face in the cake scene was rather 'bangsawan-ish' in my opinion. It just didn't seem real to me.
At this point in the film I was already feeling detached from the movie. Convincing scenes does the opposite instead.
Abang honestly tertidur watching ur movie..lol (sorry). I never got to see the ending..but I kinda figured out ur message about bullying very early in the plot. The title of the movie gave it away as well.
Honestly Afdlin, I think Buli Balik lacks depth..unconvincing and exaggerated acting..and overlooked the finer details of accomplishing particular scenes. Mungkin RTM's editing for tv had sumthing to do with my perception of it.
Nontheless, I think you are a natural comedian and I like your subtlety in your comical sketches...but there's a long way to go in your movie making efforts.
All the best in your future endeavours.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin
Afdlin Honeybear,
Sucess is not measured by how well you fulfill the expectations of others, but by how honestly you live up to your own expectations dear.
You done a wonderful job dear. All the best dalam apa jua perkara. Allah swt Maha Kaya, Allah swt Maha Besar.
hehe.. yg 2 last pics tu, lebih kurang je rupa dia.. just kidding, peace bro!
I am confused, they chose Castello?? Now in what way does it reflect the Malaysian society?
I totally agree with Megat Terawis, bukan aper.. i just think our film industry STILL cant beat the Indon's in the dramas or in the film making dont u agree?
Honestly mr. Adfil, im sad to see our film industry is not making any big impact to the viwers at all! I know theres the guideline in this industry that u have to follow.. ini tak bole.. itu tak bole. But when i saw Spinning Gasing i was like WOW! whose the script writer.. whose the director? It blew my mind.. really, then i knew theres someone out there is sick and tired with the crappy Msian films (not all)
Im not against u, i a big fan of yours. I know u feel same way too about our industry, but hey.. look on the bright sight, you have the skills.. the creativity the influence in this field. You shown ppl out there what it takes to be a good director and to improve this industry. Bukak mata orang. nuff respect for you bro!
I think we're lackking of a good script writer or we just love to duduk bawah tempurung.. tak kena hujan, save from everything..but sampai bila?
like Princess Leia once said " Help us Obie One.. you're our only hope"
Help us Adflin!!..YOU're OUR only Hope!!
salam sdr afdlin,
"Where i don't contest the validity of GUBRA and BILUT, i do also believe that BULI BALIK is good enough to represent the country."
sebagai 'filem lingkungan jauh' Baik Punya Cilok dan Bilut wajar untuk mewakili negara bagi apa jua festival.
Bro...ada nampak kura² saya tak masa selam menyelam tu...
Wow!!! Hebatnya teknik mengapungkan diri mu wahai Afdlin.. Mushkil tul laaa..
best best..i always feel calm under the sea..sgt best..
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