Ok gang, SPECIALLY for the internet community ang bloggers khususnya, here it is THE FINAL KEYART for 'SUMOLAH'. Gua excited gila to unveil it for u guys first. Tell me what you think and Kepada semua yang sanggup help promote the movie online please do so by taking the keyart and putting it on your blogs or website... This is my first SOLO baby and this is one movie that i dare say will make the country proud because seeing it conceived has made me proud. So if you guys sudi help out please spread the word around and let's make this the biggest movie event Malaysia has ever seen. Enjoy.

This is a bonus caricature of TERRY GALLYOT, Malaysia's own Mr. Asia who plays a baddie in the movie.

The movie editing is almost finished and dubbing should start by the middle of the month. Estimated release date will be february 2007.
Arigato Gozaimasta
hello afdlin
good luck with Sumolah! Can't wait to catch it at the cinema.I will gladly promote on my blog, hehe tapi takde orang baca :P
good luck. be happy. ciao.
Congrats! Can't wait to see the movie. Cepatlah sikit!
daripada si Yasmin dgn cite die yg tah apa2 tu menang baikle engkau yang menang.i cannot stand that ******.
WARRRGHHHH!!!!...penantian satu penyeksaann...!!!
dear afdlin-san,
your creative work has always been a 'gem' to our film industry! keep up d'good work brader. all the best lah with SUMOlah.. ;-)
suhorolah? hehehehe.
nak tgk TRAILER !!!
bruderr, tolong promote dpt tiket free kaaa? btw, to anonymous > udah2 ler tu pertikai FFM result!.. afdlin pon dah move on wt sumolah.. per2 hal to afdlin: SELAMAT BERSUMOLAH!
Good luck with the film. I am here in the UK but I think I can get someone to send a DVD over.
I agree with anon above. Maybe you can post up the trailer on your blog or YouTube.
the poster looks great but at a glance ingatkan harith iskandar !!! rupenya you! hehehe...anyway, havent wish you, so SELAMAT HARI RAYA :) oh yea, gonna post the poster on my blog when i update!
Layari Direktori perkahwinan terhangat di Malaysia. Jumpa kami di http://jomkahwin.tripod.com
Nggak sabar mau tunggu movie loe!!Catch me if you're free. Now, I am in Malaysia promoting my new movie Heart. kalau nggak bisa.. drop by at my link.
aaaa great poster! LOVE IT!
congrats, abg afdlin!!!
ha ha ha
afdlin... sila jawab soalan ini?
"Kenapa Sumolah tidak ada watak Shinigami?"
Barangkali suatu hari kau perlu buat kisah mengenai shinigami pula.
will promote it, dont worry. go sumo-lah! make us proud. aja. aja.. aja.. fight fight fight
Wah..asal tetibe tengok muka u ada iras-iras Mawie..eh silap..Awie? Tetiba lak kening lebat..ensem la pulak..baru nampaak..hihihi..
kitorang kekodoks sekalian akan berusaha sesama memecahkan panggung bila SUMO-lah ini keluar.
Bila nak panggil sneak preview?
handsomelah afdlin dalam poster Sumolah tu.
tak sabar nak menonton.
p/s: saw u in Ikhlas Tapi Jauh vclip yesterday. comel betul.
wa tunggu lu di pawagam berhampiran dengan rumah gua. akan gua angkut satu kelana jaya bersama gua..
Will be promoting Sumo-Lah on my blog.
Thanks for enriching the Malaysian arts and movie scene. I admire a person who is comfortable in his own skin, confident and is able to laugh at himself.
Keep it up! Can't wait to watch SUMO-LAH!
cip kodok!!
Hebat!Kodokians pasti sapot luorang!!hoho
macam biasa....i selalu tak sabar tunggu karya terbaru dari you...you're the best!!!
A singapore actor in yr movie!!
Woah, tats realli a cool step !!
Good luck and all the best!!
KIPIDAP!! KIPIDAP!! Hv posted this page in my fotoblog. Hopefully all of us will come over and watch yr film. 1 thing for sure, My wife and my siblings will hold a gathering just for the movie. They said they will support you as long as you are fat like me. KIPIDAP!! KIPIDAP!!
Btw, drop by at my fotoblog artisglamer.fotopages.com kalau lu tal caya lor
Omedetou Shauki-san! おめでとう シャウキーさん!
walaupun jarang sungguh gua berkunjung ke panggung wayang, gua ngan bini gua ambik cuti masa minggu opening Buli Balik, tinggalkan baby kat sitter - terus pi queue beli tiket wayang. masa raya baru ni, layan lagi.. gelak ala LMAO ngan family abang gua. memang best!! Baik Punya Cilok pun gua layan kat wayang jugak!
can't wait for the SUMO trailer! kudos to kodok chip! ganbate kudasai! がんばって ください!
hullo afdlin,
gud luck for Sumolah... make it the best movie..
ekceli cant wait 4 los and faun..
the poster looks great :D
hey afdlin.
all the best for sumolah.
i have a feeling it's gonna be another home-run. :)
i'll link up this post in my blog as a way of thanking you for unselfishly sharing yourself to us, the malaysian community.
trailer2... cinema kat cni sure xtunjuk...aaaaaaaaa
Dr. Fazley dah Kahwin!! Korang tau tak yang Dr. Fazley kesayangan korang ni dah kahwin!! Tak caye... come and drop by at FP by clicking the Dr. Fazley..
Cepat Datang jangan tak datang!! Datang jangan tak datang!! Datang jangan tak datang!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
aiiiiyyyyaakkkk...sudah mau kiluar ka?
woooowww...best2..x sbr2 ct rase nk g tgk movie..maklumlah kaki wayang..hehheh
aku rasa perlu pasang bouncer sumo depan setiap panggung
ah tiba-tiba aku rasa perlu lagi menyoal:
Afdlin, apa perasaan menjadi seorang ahli sumo?
Waaaahahahahahaaa...i just saw the cartoon caricature of me today...damn it looks funny yet cute.Can't wait to see Sumo-lah hit the cinemas!!!
waaa.... TRAILER DIE MANA??? sebagai ahli kodok setia, saya ingin menengok TRAILER SUMOLAH dengan segera... kalau tak mesti makan tat lapar tidur tak terganggu (tapi sebaliknya)
From committee AMYLEA AF3 FAN CLUB
Poster SUMO telah dipamirkan dilaman web Amylea Azizan atas permintaan Amylea sendiri ...
wokey ... www.amyleaforever.com
webmaster AFC
An intereting subject. More sumo posters here:
tak tahan menuggu nie....
These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.
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