Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Alhamdulillah... Cuci pecah panggung. CUCI JANGAN TAK CUCI

Me and my brothers want to thank you for your support. we love all of you, who have taken time out to watch the movie.
Me and my brothers at the press preview.

Bro gua Hans sedang menggeletaq kerana nak tahu result cerita cuci dia. Rata rata orang bagi feedback bagus. Jadi kena terus support kerja seni kami ni geng dengan membawa rakan-rakan, keluarga, saudara mara, ke panggung untuk enjoy filem ni. tujuan kami nak bagi you all have a good time as well as feel the sense of patriotism without sounding like a pesanan dari kerajaan type message. So mari kita sokong filem -filem tempatan dan support orang yang betul-betul cuba memberi sesuatu kelainan kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Aku ada impian untuk menjadikan filem malaysia disegani dan dibangai oleh rakyat tempatan dan rakyat dunia.

Aku sekarang merindui laut dan pasti akan pergi diving lagi bersama fellow DECO DIVERS ku selepas ini

Percaya pada dirimu dan kamu akan terbang!!!!



Anonymous said...

i love you.abg afdlin!!!!!!hmmmm..cute chubby!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Betol kata bro klu kita x support filem2 tempatan saper lagi....
So fellow kodokianzz...
Mari kita all support our very own filem2 tempatan.....

Stay strong bro...and thanks for updating the blogs..

Anonymous said...

cuci mmg gempak!!! aku gelak sampai lelah...adeehh...nk pocah jantung den gelak....kudos to all of u...kudos to hans utk debut pertamanya

Anonymous said...

abg afdlin, ape tajuk lagu dalam filem sumolah tu?
tenang je.. saye suke

haszR said...

kenaper filem cuci x mai miri...
keciwa kami kat miri ni..

mangosteenskin said...

helo afdlin. i berminat juga mau tgk filem cuci ni. sebab syarikat kami memang menjalankan kerja-kerja window and building external cleaning. any work at height. if u have time, do visit this blog.

i will find time to watch this movie, would like to see how this film represent minor job like what we do.

chow cincau.

pye:rudz said...

some of the kodoks will be watching CUCI. nak join bro?

Anonymous said...

afdlin ... ada tak website mana mana yang buat pay-per view over the internet utk movie2 melayu. Ala-ala itunes gitu.

Kalau tau ... sila bagitau. I dont know why la orang tak buat bisnes movie malaysia online ... orang2 kat oversea pun nak jugak tengok cerita melayu setelah boring tengok citer ong puteh.

Anonymous said...

afdlin...congrats pada semua yg terlibat dlm filem CUCI....dah g tgk hr sabtu lps dgn my friends...mmg best....tabik la...

Dee Darlienz said...

aduhai.....lom ada kesempatan nak g tgk cuci ni...asyik cuci baju kat umah jerr ujung mgu ni..sakit jiwa ni...kene g tgk jugak!

PahNur said...

I worked around the clock since friday 25th all the way to sunday morning 1pm. What did I do immediately after work? I pergi straight ke One Utama, pi panggung wayang. Pi TGV, depa kata wayang hangpa tak main..cek ingat cek silap tengok tarikh (unsur unsur suspense...), rupanya main kat GSC. 2.30 punya show habis kecuali row depan and i dont think I nak dongak ke atas tengok screen, manalah tau ternampak apa apa ker kan..., so 4.30pm, finally came and i was glad to see the panggung full.

Review: another great local movie and congrats on all the actors, including that joker from Comedy court who played Mr Leong. It is not easy to make a comedy and "Cuci" just about pulled it off with an "A". It is so malaysian and depict simple life yet unpredictable plot. It reminds us that sometimes, in life, it is not so much about the winning, rather , about the victory. So both thumbs up, middle fingers down.

One thing though, as a constructive critic. You guys have got to be careful with the timing of the subtitles, because, sometimes, it emerges slightly earlier then the verbal, and that may jeopardise the joke...because the whole idea of a joke is to catch the viewer off guard...well done and bravo boys!!!

Looking forward to add in "Cuci" onto my DVD rack.....

Twinkle said...

Dear Adlin,

Sad to say, some of us don't have the luxury of 'cinema', where you can go and watch it 'legally'. The truth is, we might have to buy 'cetak rompak' DVD/VCD.

I try not to do it. MAybe I just have to wait it officially on the shelf so that I can buy it.. kalau tak pun, tunggu 2 tahun lagi, they can show it for free during Hari Raya. Well, kinda extreme measure just not to involve myself into buying pirated DVD/VCD.

jerald pince said...

i'll make a move to the nearest cinema for ur movie.cheers.

NeemoNeemo™ said...

CUCI best giler!

Serius mesej berjaya disampaikan.

Tahniah kepada HANS dan anda semua.

"Kau sanggup tgk orang luar cuci bangunan kebanggaan kita?"

Choice is power, and power to the people.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation. Sayangnya cerita ni belum turun Singapore and most probably will not. Nampak gayanya terpaksalah tunggu vcd atau dvd-nya.

Aflin, I just want to tell you that when I see your face and your character in a movie, you reminds me of Adam Sandler and when I look at Adam, he reminds me of you hahaha.....apasal eh?

Anonymous said...

saya dah tgk cuci! sgt best dan lain sekali. tak perlu cintan cintun utk menjadikan sesebuah movie tu best. korang berempat mmg best! lawak siott... teruskan impian korang.

Isis said...

"Haa..kau kelip dulu. Kau kalah"

*tak ingat exact dialog tapi lebih kurang mcm tu la.

And aku gelak gila.

Anonymous said...

Many malay movies directed and produced but I must salute your current movie and your other movies where you combined with your 3 other friends. Great ideas and great acts! Keep up the excellent work and improve your future movies. You got my support, bro! Respect to you bro and your friends!

Yatt said...

Incik Afdlin, saya dah tgk Cuci ari tu.

Komen saya cite ni biasa saja. Pada sy jalan cerita tak kuat sangat. Dan, jugak ada sikit ciri-ciri pelem incik Afdlin.

Tapi bagi first timer mcm Hans, ok la. Sekurang-kurangnya cite ni lari dari cliche pelem melayu mcm dlm pelem Usop Aslam dan Razak Mohaideen.

Mungkin utk hasil kedua nanti Hans dpt hasilkan yg lebih gempak.

Anyway, congrats utk korang berempat. Korang memang serasi...

Anonymous said...

afdlin....gonna watch CUCI tmrw at last...

setelah bertungkus lumus...ajak my friends to watch Malay last ada juga termakan pujuk..but hv to belanja them la...

hmmm..itd quit sad juga la...sbb ppl nowdays..tak tau nak appreciate MY nyer muvi( i mean yg berkualiti la)..kalau cerita korea yang asyik theme samer sajer, ble plaks diorang tergila2 ...
but anyways...afdlin...tak kesah la if the muvi tak box office pun...yang penting u buat muvi yang berkualiti..bukan like most of the muvi maker yg just nak untung besar but tak fikir ttg kualiti.

Anonymous said...

oh ya...afdlin...aper kater after this u buat filem berkaitan ur fav hobby...scuba ???

Anonymous said...

g tngok cuci 1st day it was launched, mmg lawak bangat and worth it drive penat2 balik keje g panggung ;]]

cume nye timing gelak tu kengkadang some people terlebih cepat or terlambat 1,2 terhilang feel kejap lar kan hehee..cannot avoid that when watching @ panggung..

teruskan berkarya secara sempoi tapi sarat dengan mesej buat mereka yang tahu menghargai..adios n kudos toa all the brothers;]]


Anonymous said...


Cuci mmg bess....lepas ni wa nak bwk rombongan serang panggung...kasi pecah itu panggung..

Cip...stay strong yaa...keep on producing..ape2 ke..anak ke..wakakaka!

Red said...

Well done bro. I hope your impian tercapai. Any plans untuk buat movie yang genre lain dari yang you biasa buat?

maliksutanmuda said...

tahniah...saya belum tgk lagi sbb bz ngan keje. minggu nak tonton.

saya ni pemniat filem arahan abg afdlin. saya mula suka filem melayu dan masuk paggung dan filem pertama saya tonton ialah "Soal HAti"..pergh,,mmg nangis,ketawa, semua ada. "Soal Siapa"..pun say tgk di panggung. semuanya setiap 3 kali. tak cukup itu, saya beli VCD.
Filem Buli, Sumolah, mmg best. bg saya mesej yg abg sampaikan itu, jelas dan orang yg bg komen negatif adalah orang yg tidak berfikir luar dari kotak pemikirannya...

saya akan cuma membantu menaikkan filem melayu terutama filem arahan abg dan rakan abg yg lain sebab totally, unique and intersting, full with excitement and suitable for all ages..

tahniah dan majulah anak bangsa!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. Wud very much lurrve to c malay movies making it big everywhr! If everyone can get nuts over korean soaps (namely ME!)..we can very much do it :o)

Anonymous said...

i've been working like a dog lately. still haven't watch this movie. arghh... nak tengok! nk tengok! congrates bro. kirim salam sama kak erra, wish i got the chance to act with her

Anonymous said...

Tak sempat lagi nak CUCI panggung... Orang ramai sangat... Msg daripada "tukang cuci" Wayang Emas/Golden Cinema. Hehehe... Semua tukang CUCI Malaysia berbangga dengan u all....

Anonymous said...

Afdlin mok mok..yeay..
U rocks dude. :)

Little Miss Dainty said...

something very funny+stupid happened to moi' and other half.. we were so excited when we saw melodi and wahid was conveying that cuci is already @ d cinema (it was 2 weeks ago if im not mistaken) d next day we went 2 cineleisure..anxiously queuing for our tix. while queing we were checking the screen and both of us were kinda furious..hmm.."eh nape cuci xde ek?".. agaknye show die lambat or we've missed it kot..arini kan weekdays..maybe show x byk kot.."( so bangang of us la kan)... hence we marched down the escalator... suddenly we saw cuci's banner proudly hanged..and it was clearly written "mulai 27 Januari".. we were laughing our bulu ketiaks out ok... maybe we were still lalok while watching melodi and didn't really compute what wahid was saying.. or did he gave d wrong msg.. i wonder....hmm.. tapi now dah puas ati dah tgk..ngee..

Miss Bulan said...

Bro afdlin and other kodokz really rowkz! love u guys ;)

nazib said...


crookert said...

cite CUCI 100 kali bagus dr lawak prof razak tu.aku yg tgh demam pun smpi gelak terbahak2.gila!!nk tgu papadom plak..:D

Unknown said...

14 thumbs up for 'cuci'!!... ummm... sy tak cacat kerana mempunyai 14 ibu jari... sy punye due... add with 6 other frens!!... sooo.. 6x2=12+2(mine)=14... gud equation!!.. lalalala...

reramarama said...

yay! cuci damn best! congrat to hans! congrats to afdlin, awie and AC jugak! :)
me nuntun tayangan perdana... dapat amek gambo with afdlin n hans! *wiew!*
kacak hans tu! kompius akku! hakhakhak! :P

Dee Darlienz said...

yeyeahhh...i dah tgk cuci dah semalam..huh..nampak jerr muka hans.bersemangat i duduk kat panggung tu..kene dengan aircond yg sejuk2 bahasa...heheheh..

anyway...congrates for team cuci....tak regret tgk movie tu...

all the best for abg afdlin and kawan2 jugak!


waaaa..congratz bro!!! dis movie besttttt sgt2!!!....i went to da gsc midvalley wif my coursemates...13 of us!!! 2 support dis movie!!! v like it soo much!!!...n v r an architecture student from UM!!!...da ideas is really2 good!! it makes sense in our life nowadays!!!
gewd luck for ur PAPADOM!!! sure i'll watch it!!!cant wait for it bro!!

hanya aku said...

saudare..encik..pakcik afdlin shauki..

telahku tontoni pilem cuci itu...
best betul...
tapi mungkin tak sebest buli...
mungkin bnyak lagi ruang kekosongan perlu diisi...

Anonymous said...

Tahniah! Di Singapura pun review yang di tulis di akhbar ada kata cerita Cuci ni bagus sangat. Saya akan bawa geng saya pegi tengok hujung minggu nanti. Tahniah sekali lagi buat semua especially Hans Isaac for his 1st successful movie!

Anonymous said...

hans isaac looks sooooo good *smacks lips*

will definitely watch this :D

Anonymous said...


Aku nk dengar lagi citer pasal 'IMPIAN' tu bleh?

Aku sukee....

Q said...

cuci is grand!!!gua respect hans..dan off course lu la skali.. tolonglah tolong sangat sangat banyakkan lagi filem yang ajak orang berfikir... x kisah la citer heavy ke comedy ke... yang penting message tu kena strong..gua akan support lu!!!

PahNur said...

dear's a petikan dialog from a film tanahair 5 tahun dari sekarang. It goes like this,
" "...

Nope. Yang kat ateh tu bukan typing error. Kalau kita condone cetak rompak, 5 tahun lagi, cetak rompak tidak lagi akan wujud sebab dah tiada filem untuk dicetak rompakkan.....tak kiralah apa alasannya sekalipun...sekian, harap maklum

kawaii_desu said...

wahai cip kodok sudah tgk cerita tu...

maybe jalan cerit dia serupa tapi mana penah org buat psai cerita2 cleaner...

it's like an inspiration to the cleaners... tugas depa pon tak kurang penting dan blh pi jauh...

kalau tak cuci klcc pon takpa, cuci jabatn perdana menteri kat putrajaya nuh.. hehe

congrats to hans...
at least filem ni ada msg yg agak sinis tuk difikirkan

Anonymous said...

Alo bro,

Ade tak DVD kat pasaran sekarang? nak tengok kat wayang tapi kena jaga anak kecik arr.. contact arr kalo ade jual.. thx


shandye. said...

baru je tengok cuci the other day. ok la... first attempt from bro hans jadik director so ok la...

nie kira his trial movie la bleh dikatakan. he needs to direct more to sharpen his skills.

tapi dalam banyak2 muvee... so far paling best would be sumo-lah.


sayang cerita tue kurang dpat sambutan. hurm...

Anonymous said...

baru semalam tgk cuci.. mula mula boring sikit tapi makin lama makin pecah perut... .. ++ caya lah..

REEFapfy said...

~cuci memang best~ kalau abg afdlin..awie.. ac.. ngan hans bergabung mesti slalu best..

~suke gile~ =))

p/s= semoge lebey bnyak cerita mcam nih akan kuar.. best..=))

Anonymous said...


Baru jek sempat g tgk...bro..
Thumbs up to u..Hans,awie & ac..
Lawak korg mmg first class bro..
Btw...Ganazz ar klu ko botak bro...
All d best bro......

Unknown said...

td gi tgk kat sunway pyramid..penuh ok...kecuali a few rows yg kat depan screen!!! best! citer simple tp ada vision and patriotik least the cintan cintun part is not the main plot kan..bosan dah citer cintan cintun!! salam to the four sekawan and x lupa to Khir Rahman..kerek btol dia dlm CUCI..

Anonymous said...

Saya sangat setuju dgn comment Neem dan Syima. Kite tak perlu sgt plot cinta cintun utk buat movie yg best.

Saye mmg berharap filem Malaysia dpt sambutan dari luar sebagaimana org suke 'gile' dekat filem dari Indonesia,Thailand dan negara Asia lain.
Harap filem Cuci dapat menjadi "stepping stone" utk mencapai sesuatu yg lebih hebat.

Teruskan usaha anda!

p.s : lawak korang mmg 'class' lah!

KeMatZ said...

cuci memang best...... kombinasi uols berempat memang menjadi.... teruskan..... bravo....

Anonymous said...

abang afdlin,

i have to pass this one sbb ada erra and umie aida; both actress that i cant stand (for a certain reason). i love the ensemble though - you, hans, awie and ac - you guys ada chemistry since baik punya cilok. maybe next time buleh bergabung tenaga lagi, but do find real actress mcm nur khiriyah ke (not plastics like those 2 actresses that i cant stand.hehe)but hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion kan?

MissSee said...

Bro, I watched this movie as soon as it aired in the Kuching cinema and dude, it rocked. Congrats to Hans and OMG seeing Hans praying and using kain pelikat is so priceless. I loved your character. I ahvent seen u play such a serious character in so long(aside from that TV3 telemovie with Shila Rusly).. well, in Cuci, u really touched my heart.. U played the character of the big bro so well. its a bit disturbing to see Erra n Hans together now but looking past that, the love stories are very sweet too. Awie & Umie cute sgt. I really love it and cant wait for it to be released into vcd, so I can add it to my collection :)

Tremologuy said...

wahhh.. sume puji CUCI.. I watched it last Sunday and I thought it was a terrible movie. No offense bro, but there is a clear distinction between what is watchable and what is not. And CUCI is certainly not. Bad script, cliche' characters (Except for the secretary lady - thats funny), bad acting, the script felt like it was written 5 minutes before the shot and the way u rolled the credits pun tak kena. By the time all the out takes were shown, the credits also finished rolling so the crowd walked out in silence. My gf cursed and swore all the way in the car and SHE was the one who dragged me to the movie. No action for me that night :(

To me the only people who could honestly say they've enjoyed this movie were the ones who haven't had much experience in appreciating entertainment except for the occasional cecupak and senario tv skits. (Which are lame anyway)


RESEARCH before you (or hans) make the next movie and please get other actors who can actually act. what the hell was wrong with the villain? I almost sympathized him for his terrible acting.

Mieza's Penny said...

tahniah bang cuci pecah panggung...rmi kenkawan kata movie ni best sesangat...nak pi lah jap lagi...hidup bro!!!!

Cipkodok said...

tremologuy... have you been reading the other blog comments. Are these people all stupid. How do you know our stuff is not researched? If its not in your reality, does it mean its not real dude. I agree with some of the things you said the movie admittedly is flawed but your holier than thou attitude just burns me man. Congratulations for being different. And you look damn cool in those headphones dude.

=Waniduckie= said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
=Waniduckie= said...

Cuci didnt even get to reach Miri....was looking forward to watch the sad. I tot it wud come out serentak satu Malaysia? I have a bad feeling that it wudnt come out here at all. =( Aku punye lah geram dgr member aku nak donlod kat internet sebab tak tahan nak tunggu Cuci kuar kat cinema cni.

I have no idea why the cinema here show more of org luar punya filem than our local movies. Its so unfair. Kite orang Islam!! (As u sed in AC Sini...hahaha! Fun-ney!)

Haih....oh well...terpaksa tunggu cd keluar....

Anonymous said...

bro buat film bukanya senang... senang lagi mengomen... buat jer laa lagi dan lagi...

remember me filmmaker wana b

eddie kiamat said...

bila orang yang nampak serius macam bro hans buat lawak mesti letop punya lah!!! bila lawak yang gua tak expect tu datang, tu yang gua harapkan dalam semua filem komedi melayu.

lagi satu. sori la bang. saya bukan nak amik perhatian abang ke, nak curi tumpuan abang ke hapa ke.
saya tak berani nak puji2 abang, takut abang anggap saya ni orang yang biasa2 puji abang.
tapi saya betul2 nak tau pendapat abang pasal blog saya. abang tak bagi komen depan2 pun takpe.
menyamar guna nama lain ke.

buat macam ni pun , saya malu sebenarnya ni. dah nak e-mail tak dpt. tapi tak tau la kot-kot ada jer, saya jer yang jumpa

sori lagi sekali.
okla bang. chiao.

Khaliesah said...


Selambakodok, I wished I could give a piece of my mine to that Tremologuy, but oh well.

Like they say, empty vessels make the most noise.

Sabar je la.

Aree Tone WoW said...


Ni Saudara Afdlin Shauki,

Saya nak tanya , pasai apa

filem ni mesti nama dia CUCI,

tak dak ka nama lain cam KASI CLEAR KA, MOOP KA yang sedap dengag la.

Apa-apa pun tabik buat tuan afdlin kita, bravo bravo bravo,
Bila nak keluag cerita perang-perang pulak, tak sabag nak tengok afdlin pakai uniform tentera????


Aree Tone WoW said...


Ni Saudara Afdlin Shauki,

Saya nak tanya , pasai apa

filem ni mesti nama dia CUCI,

tak dak ka nama lain cam KASI CLEAR KA, MOOP KA yang sedap dengag la.

Apa-apa pun tabik buat tuan afdlin kita, bravo bravo bravo,
Bila nak keluag cerita perang-perang pulak, tak sabag nak tengok afdlin pakai uniform tentera????


Aree Tone WoW said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

memang semuanya cute2 dalam citer cuci nih..
besh sgt..
Support 'local product'

MissSee said...

Bg Afdlin, jom la kita sama2 tunggu movie dr Tremologuy ni. Mesti best tahap gila kodok. Kalah Transformers. COme on, man. We're waiting...

Pakcik Kantin said...

Ahaks, memang pecah bulu ketiak den

PahNur said...

Dear Tremologuy.

Just coz you don't have a malay kind of sense of humour, doesn't mean the movie sucks. The reason why i feel malaysians are unique is because we comprehend jokes in many forms and languages. I love british humour. Cant get enough of "Black Adder",or stand up comedy of rowan atkinson (yes, our Mr Bean does a great stand up comedy job). I also like chinese humour, in chinese story, although reading subtitles aint the same as understanding the language, albeit that is my loss.
I love stand up comedy by afdlin shauki, Jit murad (he does a brilliant stand up comedy, but you need to read up the newspapers before listening to him perform ), harith iskandar and the comedy courts. And I love love love, did i mention love?, the films produce by our local talents including "zombie kampung pisang."

You dont have to be that intelligent to appreciate comedy. Perhaps your so called desperate to be different I'm too smart for local talents attitude may render you title commonly known as "the poor intelligent and lonely guy with the lack of sense of humour". Perhaps that is why "dumb" people are happier and less lonelier than the intelligent people.(according to how you define "intelligent"). Wittiness by the way, is the sign that you are intelligent.
Try releasing the pressure you're putting on your medial meningeal arteries, by taking off your headphones when you write your comments the next time around. It'll help allow more oxygen into your grey matter.

nor harshela mohd arshad said...

sy dah tgk cuci.. hukhuk.. lawak tahap cipan.. n 4 ur information, mase sy gi tgk tu, pnuh 1 pggung tgk cuci, even ade film lain cam meet the spartans n rainbow.. it means, Malaysian still support Malay movies! keep up de excellent job! Congrates to u all.. ;)

MsAnisSyahirah said...

owh nor harshela,kwn ku...hehe..nk tgok cuci tp tak kesampaian..i love any malaysian movies yg have the idea of a normal human being life..mcm Buli, Buli Balik, Cuci, Sepet, Rabun, Mukhsin, and others..keep up da good work..kne curik time nk tgok cuci..ok afdlin, pls sampaikan salam tahniah to your fren Hans..i'll be waiting for his next movie, and to afdlin too..

NanaCun said...

Banyak sangat filem2 malaysia yg aku nak tengok tapi tak dapat. Ade mase...tak de duit. Ade duit...tak de mase. Nasib...Nasib...

Tremologuy said...

Dear selambakodok and friends,

Well, I did wish that it was only me who thought that the movie wasn't very good, but a host of my other friends did too. And we've always tried to watch all the good local movies whenever we can. Most people say that my comment was purely based on the fact that I am prejudiced towards Malaysian movies. That is not true. I watch a lot of movies local and overseas (especially Korean, Thai, Japanese, Indonesian) because of my job, and CUCI, a valiant effort as it was, wasn't a watchable movie. Speaking of hollier than thou attitudes, I thought that your character was a tad too preachy in the movie don't you think?

I believe that humor is universal and P. Ramlee movies proved that it is possible to do that. I showed Seniman Bujang Lapok to a Brit friend of mine last year and he still signed off his e-mails using the tag "Kutu Babiii". with three "i's". Therefore, I believe as a moviemaker, Afdlin, you should cater to a wider and universal audience and by this I don't mean the entire world. I mean MALAYSIANS and that includes the Chinese and the Indians. From what I saw the movie hall was packed with only one representative group. Creating an Indian Character who has a Chinese Malay accent wasn't a great help, and he wasn't funny at all. It was quite embarrassing to be honest.

Pah Nor mentioned that I am desperately trying to be different by slating the movie off. My answer to that is that at least I am honest about my opinion (and does not remain anonymous) and YES I am slating the movie off because I didn't get what I paid for. And you're saying that your favorite local movie is "Zombie Kampung Pisang"?? OMFG. I find more comedy in a made in China Halloween decoration. Don't strain YOUR grey matter trying to understand that one.

Miss Camy said that she wishes to watch a movie from me. Well, sorry to disappoint you but I don't make movies, I write songs though. You are certainly invited to slate my songs here and have a ball ---->

I think commenting on my work would be much more productive and constructive instead of talking about my headphones. Which I find very funny and witty! (Perhaps I should talk to Panasonic about being my sponsor - then I could wear it all the time!)

Rizal said...

last week aku gi Suria KLCC hajat nak tgk cuci ..memang cibai betul, tayangan Cuci hanya ade satu tayangan padahal cuti raya cina....memang bangsat punye TGV, apa salahnye cuti2 ni buat banyak tayangan utk cuci...melepas aku nk tgk cuci

PahNur said...

dear tremologuy,
try getting laid more often, it's a natural mood elevator. Then you'd probably have a better sense of humour. You don't like "zombie kampung pisang" then that is your opinion,my heart reach out for you, coz i feel sad that you don't find it funny. The whole idea to a comedy, is that, it doesn't have to be intelligent, to make anyone laugh. Researches cannot determine scientifically what makes people laugh. But they know that it has nothing to do with being intelligent or lack of it.

You poor guy, you are limiting your sense of humour. Do something about it, come back to me in 20years time and thank me later. Malay jokes are like our local tempoyak. You've got to kill your mental block,and the mat saleh's attitude of "omfg what's that smell? durian???", overcome the bad smell, to actually appreciate it. Oh, sorry, you find tempoyak too gross for you too eh? Thank you for your honest opinion anyway.

Laughter is the best medicine. If you find a lot of things not funny, then you are loosing out in a lot choice of hiphen hoo to you...

kambeng7 said...

yang ini
saye sgt suka
cerita yg punya inti
syabas bro
dan selamat membikin filem lagi
dan saye sgt sukakan
kata-kata itu
Percaya pada dirimu dan kamu akan terbang!!!!

josie said... diving di Sipadan 1-3May 2008

Tremologuy said...

Pah Nur said "The whole idea to a comedy, is that, it doesn't have to be intelligent, to make anyone laugh" - that translates to: Cuci is a dumb movie but it made the audience laugh (probably because they are dumb and haven't gotten laid for so long) - well, according to her.

I think Pah Nur is the one who needs to get laid and lighten up. And probably watch Nasib Do Re Mi once more and try to recapture what Malaysian humor is all about. (When Do mentioned that an anak dara lived in the house and Re's bell/drum thing stopped shaking LOL!) The fact that Malaysian comedy has degenerated over the years into the sort that we get nowadays is a testament to the lack of creativity and innovation in the local movie industry.

I think the main gripe I had with the movie was probably the recycling of previous materials from other Afdlin movies: characters, camera angles, dialogues, ACTORS, voice overs etc. Even cinemaonline dubbed is as just another afdlin movie because his trademarks were everywhere.

A movie has to be intelligent. And there's a big difference between a good comedy and a bad one. Scary movie was a good comedy, Epic movie wasn't. One is smart, the other dumb. Cinema criticism is subjective, of course and all are entitled to opinions of their own. But in 20 years time (the amount of years u told me I needed to appreciate this movie, Pah Nur), ask another person next to you whether s/he had heard of a malay movie called CUCI; and most likely the answer would be a resounding no.

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin..saya mmg minat ngan bro..sejak bro dlm rancangan ah-ha lagi..teringat lagu ah long bukit beruntung tu..bro sindri bikin ker?

PahNur said...

Dear Tremologuy. don't get it do you dude? It's not so much of your opinion. It's how you deliver them. There's a difference between verbalizing your opinion, and being simply condescending. I'm sorry bro. You're just being condescending. Ponder on that before you go to sleep tonite. Or can you sleep at night with all that anger in you? Lighten up dude.. Life's too short to be tight assed. Chronic constipation is not good for health

Felex Tan said...

I have not watch the show yet.should be very funny.

Tremologuy said...

I think I'll take condescending compared to a celeb ass kisser :) LOL too many in here! suffocatingg! with cheap smell of hypocrissyyyy! get a life Pah Nur - or a husband or sumthin like that - tremologuy