Thank you, to those of you who applied for the 'pengurus' post. As it was quite an urgent matter, we managed to fill that position when i met up with an old acquaintance who use to do marketing for me during BULI BALIK. Her name is Aina and she will be handling my matters from now on. Once everything is cleared, i will be posting her new number for anyone who needs to get in touch with me.
The internship is however still on, so those of you interested to work with me on my next movie please write in. The experience will be priceless i promise u that. Either u will love movie making or u will hate it.
Saya amat excited sekali, menghadapi Pilihanraya 8hb Mac ini dan saya menyarankan semua rakyat malaysia to make a difference and VOTE, this should be the most important thing in your agenda as a Malaysian this year. Seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh kawan saya sewaktu ketika dahulu. if you don't vote, then you don't complain. because you let others decide who gets to be in power. jangan mempersiakan voting right anda. on the 8th of march, the power is truly in your hands.
aduss... gua baru nak apply. takpelah, lain tahun barangkali.
wahh mcm2 tahun nie ye...baguslah...and yea i havent seen Cuci yet next week akan balik KL...if still ade lagi for sure pegi tgk!
beb... wa wish you the best in the new phase with your new manager. wa kat singapore ni pun wish all malaysian the best and the most wanted results for the coming polls. wa sukak filem CUCI yang lu buat ngan geng jahat lu tu, wa ada buat review, pi lah baca - http://dandyaramri.multiply.com/reviews/item/7
bila lu nak buat stage show kat singapore ni? wa very looking forward ni...
bro bila nak post gambar julia ziegler..
haha.. apa apa yg bro cakap tu, kena mengundi..kena mengundi weyy, jangan tak mengundi!
bro,gua baru pas tgk 10 tahun sebelum merdeka.jadi xde mood plak nak g ngundi.cane ek..
hurm, kena apply cuti la gamaknye... huhu...
ttg undi tu betul abg afdlin...klu x nak kuar undi nanti jgn bising2 ek..slmt mengundi...:)
hello mr afdlin..
i saw arie u tue dekat tepi 7-e dekat wangsa maju.. i guess u know where... tapi dgn keadaan yang agak terkejut mase tue gua jd terkezut plak..
gua ader 1 soalan jer..
mane nak dapat album fuyoo yang dulue tue erk? gua dah cari kat banyak music store tp x jumper.. lagipun maser dlue gua x sempat nak beli... yelah maser tue gua blaja (maser release album tue gua ader kat secondary schul) g tak cukup vitaim D nak shopping cd tue... tp skarang dah besar arr ader la skit budget kan..
so straight to the point? maner boleh dapat erk?.. ader x music store yang jual lg?
last but not least.. keep it up ur gud works.. bro jgn risau selagi lu bwat film i guarantee rmai bebudak species saya yang akan pegi tgk.. hehehe...
yes.. make a difference and vote..
gua mau pergi mengundi, tapi sudah takda jali. along sudah mali, lagi sikit mau potong kaki. kasi susah itu EC mau letak itu dakwat nanti. heehee.
selamat mengundi abang alin......"Pilih yang betul pangkah yang betol jugak na". abang alin....nanti singgahlah kat sini. Ingat tak masa kat JONKERSTreet tu.....:-)
selamat mengundi to all voters.. wish you the best afdlin...
i'm studying journalism..but i'll apply oso to be ur apprentice hahahaha..so excited!! well..this is my 1st time to vote..cant wait 4 it!! selamat mengundi...=)
ya, kalo tak ngundi, len kali jgn komplen byk. hehe..
Marilah mari, pergi mengundi, tunaikan kewajipan pada negaraaaaa
wow bro
projek2 terbaru bro nampak gempak seh!
belom tengok lagi tu..
loque menunggu di pawagam nanti
seronok mengundi nanti..
macam2 janji dan gelagat perwakilan..hahahahaha..
Bila lah agaknya bat(sahabat) nak buat citer Cekodok ke, Cakoi ke, Takpun Karipap, citer kisah adventure budak jual karipap yg dikidnap bunian.
Apepun Bat memang best
Walaupun keputusan undi dah ada?
. . . wordless. afdlin? he just rocks, non-stop. a real rocker. kalah amy search.
Salam Bro afdlin,
im going to graduate with my bachelor degree in Psychology,
is it possible for me to join the internship programme?
Salam....Hi Lin...
apa2 pun tahniah...klu mcm ni tak leh nk call direct ke??? hehhe.....
mana shoutbox...
da tade da...
waalaikumussalam wbt.
halo bro....best ar u punya blog. baik punyer blog!!!
guwe dh link kan blog bro kat blog guwe. promote papadom lagi.
'berkongsi apa sahaja'
I am a big fan of your films. And your antics. Very subtle and funny and classy
Way to go babe
bro..wa tak nak puji lelebih cam org lain..tp wa suke care lu ..tu je....org malayu tak leh di puji sangat...ehehehe...
berdebar-debar menantikan film Los Dan Faun.. hanya Tuhan sahaja yg mengetahuinya.. ;)haha..
miss ya cip! cya later k.. tata
Kawe nak kelik ngundi ni.. Sapo-sapo leh bui tupe...???
Brader Bro... ader skrip 'kosong' tak... Leh nyemak jer ker... hehehe
Aper2 pun bro.. gua tunggu lu punya movie... Lu kasi gempaklahhhh
Bilo gak ceghito Los dan Faun ni nok tubik di pawage. Wah ganah, aku supo kena jah budok pue beloh kane dale gambar tu.
Kirim sale ko dio deh.
Afdlin, mu balik ngundi ko dok? Pakoh oghe ko, pakoh dacing ko, pakoh bule?
Selamat mengundi.
congratulations! i bet your aina will make a great producer. great names share great qualities :P
manager?...internship?..minat tp dah join government...:(
apapun sokongan tetap diberi buat abg afdlin...(minta giler nie..)...
abg afdlin, sy dh sent my application for the internship weeks ago. hope to hear the gud news very soon ya..
kata emak, diam tanda setuju =P~
selamat mengundi peeps!
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Ini adalah review untuk filem Brave tulisan Todd Brown dari twitchfilm.net
Any martial arts fan worth their salt these days is well aware of Tony Jaa of Ong Bak fame. Many of those are even familiar with Panna Rittikrai, Ong Bak‘s fight choreographer and Tony’s mentor. What most are not aware of, however, is that Ong Bak wasn’t Tony’s screen debut. Not by a long shot. And Panna? The man had a thriving screen career that spanned decades and scores of films, most produced by a tiny, low budget outfit working mostly in northern Thailand known as Pech Panna Productions. Pech Panna used a rotating stable of directors, one of whom was Thanapon Maliwan, then known as Chartchai Maliwan, son of the company’s founder. Among Maliwan’s titles is Mission Hunter 2, a fun little flick that featured both Rittikrai and Jaa in significant roles and which we have reviewed here on Twitch in the past. You’ll find it in the archives.
Okay, deep breath. A year or two back Maliwan announced a new project he was working on, a film titled Dead End which was to be the screen debut of fighter and stunt man Michael B, who was responsible for a lot of work in Ong Bak. He had a test reel done and investors lined up and had just started shooting when the financing fell apart and the film died an ignoble death.
So Maliwan did what any smart man who believed in his star would do: he found new investors and wrote a new script. The end result is Brave. Michael B stars but otherwise these are completely different films. And this one’s done. And the trailer smokes. Yup.
How was the pengurus baru so far bro?
congrats! and i cant wait to vote tomorrow..:D
u r my idola and oleh sebab tu u kene tag
the crowd has voted..we'll see Malaysia's future from this point..btw congrates on your recent movie CUCI..as usual I enjoyed it so so much..4 of you got excellent chemistry..i've always been a big fan of you since you are a VJ decades ago..keep it up bro..u got the MOJO!!!
yo bro
selamat mengundi juge
karya ini
yg sedang saye tunggu
mst bagus
jujur saye bilang
saye pasti nangis nanti
inikan karya ttg keluarga
ttg pengorbanan seorg ayah
(jika tidak salah)
(nnt pasti aku sedeh)
afdlin, you look exactly like my brother :)
penis extender
penis extender
penile extender
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