The week that was for me.
Sorrylah gang chip kodok has been away for quite a while, sibuk gila nak cuba conquer the world ni.
first up there was the visit to rumah solehah with some other artistes to do public service announcements for Anti discrimination towards hiv sufferers, which was extremely grounding for me.... I guess whenever you think your problems are the most terror in the world, god shows you ada orang masaalahnya lagi dahsyat and that kinda gives you another perspective on your life...
Playing with the kids cheered me up more than i cheered them up i guess. Seeing those kids smile and laugh made me believe that i have this GIFT for a reason.

Thirdly, the 50th Asia Pacific Film Festival, which despite all the mengelabahness, went on quite ok i guess. Much kudos to Sheera for despite being a last minute host (And she got a lot of unfare flack for it i thought) she gave it her best and most of the audience enjoyed her in the show.

My mother selamat bernikah!!!.... i am so proud of her... she has been my strength, my support, why i am so driven to be a better person and to give my family a better life.

KODOKS GATHERING 2!!!... wow what an amazing night, going to watch a movie with some strangers who by the end of the night, became friends of mine. Sampai 3 pagi tu beb. Thank you to all the kodoks for arranging the 'CINDERELLA MAN' nite. What an awesome tendang bontot movie...Kalau you pernah susah dalam hidup you, i recommend you go see this movie because you can identify i tell you. Sacrifice, honour and the will to fight back after you dah tersungkor badak in life... that's a story you wanna see to lift you up and to make you belief... god gives to those who are patient through his tests and who rise up to it's challenges... SEDAP SIUTTT>>> PI TENGOK!!! TAK RUGI...

Semoga ramadhan ni membawa kita keinsafan terhadap segala kemungkaran yang kita lakukan. Chewah macam real.
Oklah gang another ramadhan is upon us so let's do our level best to buat ibadah puasa but at the same time, life must go on as usual. Banyak jugak kodok yang menggunakan excuse puasa ni sebagai alasan untuk meringankan tanggungjawab mereka but in actuality nothing should change from the norm, barulah RASO.
1. Arabic serials. you know the ones about our prophets when suddenly the friends of the prophet would in mid conversation look into camera and a voice over would suddenly say, "yakulu ibrahimm!...." or Ibrahim said...
2. Buka puasa dengan korek hidung pasal masa sekolah dulu... bas LEN SENG selalu sampai rumah lambat. Under this topic ada juga terkorek hidung dan layan korek telinga dengan tak sengaja sewaktu puasa. heehee
3. Mandi wajib di saat-saat akhir nak masuk waktu imsak.... hee hee.
4. Beli food banyak gila untuk buka dan air buah bergelen-gelen tapi at last makan kuih aje!!
5. Every year i get confused bila kentut batal posa ke tak!!?? walaupun pada posa tahun lepas dah konfim org kata tak batal...
6. buat baju raya masa posa tapi raya kedua dah tak boleh pakai...dah sendat dll lagi.
to all my kodoks let this be a fruitful ramadhan. Although the religion is between you and god, janganlah terang-terang sangat kalau tak nak posa oii..
Peringatan utk sahabat: Niat berpuasa secara harian: “Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari pada bulan Ramadan, tahun ini, fardu atasku kerana Allah Taala.” Niat berpuasa untuk sebulan: “Sahaja aku berpuasa sebulan Ramadan tahun ini, fardu atasku kerana Allah Taala.” [SELAMAT BERPUASA]
1st nak bg komen nie... hehe
tahniah for ur mum. hope dia akan bahagia.
well... ader satu yg tak btul cip kodok... apsal lak nak mandi wajib sebelum imsak... takde kene mengene la... Syarat pose bukan kene bersih dr hadas besar pon... so kalau terlepas pon takde hal... janji mandi for semayang subuh... heh...ustaz cakao, bukan saye... juz my 2 cents
see i learn something new today!!
assalammualaikum ...
stumbled into your blog and i must say it's one of the coolest and altough i am not your number one fan, i am a fan ... want to say congratulations for your mum's wedding and may ALLAH bless their love together ... amin! keep up the good work eh ...
selamat berpuasa!
ko nyer tulisan mmg class, kodok own style.. menarik! phrase 'tersungkor badak' tu mmg menarik.. hehhe
Hi bro,
firstly tahniah for ur mom's wedding.
2ndly, gua jeles giler tak dapat pi tgk movie dengan korang. Macam mana dengan plan hari Ahad ni, jadik ke?
3rdly, gua baru nak cakap pasal mandi wajib tu tapi dah ada orang jawab. Pasal koreng (korek idung) dengan korek telinga, baru2 ni dalam radio ada ustaz cakap, perbuatan masukkan sesuatu dalam rongga tidak membatalkan asal tidak masuk terus ke dalam perut.
So kiranya korek idung dengan korek telinga sebenarnya tidak membatalkan puasa, sebab sifatnya tidak mengenyangkan dan sebagainya..
4thly, Selamat Berpuasa dan selamat koreng atau koreng tinger masa berpuasa...
Yo.. Bro Afdlin Dude.. my friend in Kajang intro me your Blog.. and i fell in love with ur writing the moment i read it..
Congratz on ur mum's wedding... God Bless to all of us.. especially the Bride and Groo.. (sure meriah gila..!)
about the batal tak batal posa.. i'd say.. our buddy up there got the point.. and i agree with that.. cuma.. avoid the koreng2 things.. although tak batal.. but avoid it.. (was was).. lagipun.. its a bad habit.. (yucker!)...
and Power To All Kodoks.. whutever u do.. we support u. direct or indirectly....
Dian Nais. PTD 1/2005
Salam Afdlin...
Yeah, I noticed SelambaKodok jarang online lately... rupanya melepak di rumah Solehah... well.. HIV ni still new to the people here.. so macam macam perception ada... so it's our responsibility to share our knowledge about HIV .. (cakap pasal ni.. teringat Gubra.. heheh, bila movie ni dah keluar, we all should watch it..)
Congratulations to your mom... Semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat..
And yeah, I told you that Cinderella Man reminds me of myself.. I can relate myself to the story.. Cinderella Man is one cool movie! (Hmm.. ada outing yer... bila masa plan ni... tak dengar apa pun.. ish ish.. tak aci ni!)
hi bro!
bila nak buat gathering pat JB pulak? boleh lah me singgah sana jap.. klu nak sampai KL tu kenalah plan siang2... weekends je tak cukup lah...
anyway.. congrats to your mum! semoga dia bahagia disamping yang tersayang...
and selamat berpuasa!
Your Spore Fan
"Who can say in their lifetime that I GAVE AWAY MY MOTHER ON HER WEDDING DAY..."
En Afdlin, THAT is one of the MOST touching thing aku pernah dgr…Semoga Mak Afdlin bahagia dengan kehidupan barunya, dikelilingi anak cucu dan kodok2 sekelian.
And yes, selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Semoga puasa kita tahun ni waaayyy better drp tahun lepas punya...Amin...
Selamat Berpuasa .. Tak Selamat Kalau Tak Puasa
Secondly - Tahniah untuk Auntie. Selamat Pengantin Baru.
Third - Selamat berpuasa gak to all ...
lepas nih kena chant 'kentut tak batal pose' sejuta kali.. or buleh tukar lirik lagu Cilok to 'kentut tak batal pose'. Gerenti tak lupa sampai bebila. Heheh..
Congrats to ur mak! Semoga happy!
ha abg kodok...do u know that u can still eat after imsak? waktu sahur tu habis betul2 sebelum azan subuh.imsak is a time where u have to jaga2 takut terlajak makan.
i ckp ni sbb i just come to know about this. so thot of sharing with u and the others. :)
Firstly, first...
Secondly, second...
Thirdly, third,
Forthly, forth...
Finally, errrmmmmm selamat berpuaser. hehehe
cayalah bro :)
last minit host ...okay apa! gua enjoy habis tengok kat ASTRO ..tapi delegates overseas termasuk Indo... faham ke joke shahira ???
selamat posa !!
Hi Chief,
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan to you too. Lupa nk wish that day.. excited overweighed everything. Hee hee..
yeah betul cakap amy!
baru jek nak cakap...
chipkodok, takmo buat gath bukak pose kodok2 ke?
tak tahu pun pasal movie tu, bila lagi nak tengok movie? this sunday ke?
thank u for da email abang chief kodok. i really appreciate it. it's really true.
hari ni kalau tak de apa - apa, nak buka puasa ngan kita tak? kalu tak boleh, esok lusa pun ok gak.
selamat berpuasa to chif! aiyaa.. nape x ckp ade buat tgk wayang? sy mau join jugak. Congrats to ur mom's wedding! moga chief dpt adik lg satu. hehehe. korek pusat batal puase x? lagi satu.. dugaan di bulan ramadhan.. keta gua kene smack down, pecah!, uwaAAAA!!!!! (check my blog to see the car)
yo brader Kodok
i would to say congrats to ur mom. i think its a cool thing to have two moms and two dads. i luv my parents they really take good care of me. my mom is always there to support me whenever whatever situation. and i so feel the love of u as a son given to ur mom
weh, tgk wayang tak ajak? cif kodok should announce of such events (even though at the moment this particular kodok tak leh dtg but i will soon in novmber but) yeah at least for the rest of the kodoks yg lain, blh la jumpa dgn cif sendiri. mcm mane join club kodok tapi tak jumpa cif.
lastly selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan and selamat berpuasa dan berbuka. heheh berbuka jgn sampai melantak.
assalamualaikum abg afdlin,
selamat berpuasa
dan selamat berbuka puasa
lol pegi letak niat posa ..ustazah aku kata...tgh posa takbleh baca niat posa.....BATAL!!! nyaris tak terbaca habis cis!-jiji
A'kum Chief Kodok...
Congrates to yr mum on her wedding..and to u, Selamat Berpuasa PENUH yee...
Semoga kodoks semua diperkuatkan iman...
"Every year i get confused bila kentut batal posa ke tak!!??"
Haha..the moment i read it, mcm nak pecah perut ketawa..I can't imagine Bro Kodok tahan kentut..sure merah2 muka punye lah..
Other thing between imsak n subuh tu kan ada 10 menet lagi..Leh balun sepinggan nasik lagi tu..hehe
hi afdlin!
found your blog from a reference by , and immediately blogrolled ya :-)
I certainly enjoyed watching you at a few Instant Cafe Theater performances (I think in the late 90's or so... geeez I have *so* lost track of time... was it that long ago?? omg... )
anyways, congrats on your mom, and have a great puasa!
yikes! sorry, i ter-hit "publish" before I realised I hadn't put down the "referer": adam in ok-lah.blogspot.com mentioned you had a blog, and i checked it out. just in case you were wondering lah :-D take care!!
cip kodok, i've read on a book before, kalau kita berhadas besar, untuk puasa wajib, mesti mensucikan diri sebelum masuk subuh but kalau nak puasa sunat, mesti bersuci sebelum gelincir matahari (tghhri le tuu). kesimpulannya...mandi je la sensiap sebelum subuh sebab apa gunenyer posa tapi tak semayang subuh kan? hehehe
heheheh... i've had the same thing. kentot batal posa tak... korek idong batal wuduk tak.. wakakakaka....
tapi korek telinga tu menyetimkan?...betulke tak batal?
even i learnt something new today, i.e. the word: "menyetimkan" heehee!
afdlin ... saje nak kasik comment sikit. Baru perasan kat poster2 why are you still fat tu ... ada lambang sponsor dari carlberg.
Now, i know you mungkin tak de any association dengan carlsberg, mungkin penganjur punye association. Tapi kalau poster utk why you still fat tu datang dari afdlin, i rasa tak payah letak logo carlsberg tu lagi elok.
saje je nak comment, since last time i balik malaysia, i went to a karting event, and one of the sponsor, was an alcoholic punye company. And they were selling alcohol out in the open, daytime plak tu. And the funny thing is ... the event ... is 80% under 15 year old kids. Stupid.
Pakcik Kodok!!!!
selamat pose...
harap jd kurus la dis ramadhan kan??? heheheh...
1stly, Congrats to ur mom wedding!
2nd, i do looked at ur charity pix....uhu...i luv charity!! and KIDS!!! yay...hope one day bole buat charity for kids sama-sama. *geee...i adore Ako in dat pix!*
3rdly, bkn kalo dah "ttutt" afta dat kene mandi wajib ker? kalo tak sempat sblm imsak, then kalo tak kene ganti pose 2 bln ker??? aiiihh....dlu masa kat skolah ckp korek telinga ngan korek idon bole batal pose????
ada ustat tak kat sini????
SELAMAT POSE to all kodoks!!!!
-Betty MKH-
2 orang budak sekolah. umur 10 tahun. tepi jalan tunggu bas sekolah.
fadhil : eh, kenapa ko makan? ko tak puasa ke?
ali : puasa aku dah batal.
fadhil : macam mana boleh batal?
ali : aku terkentut(sambil slamba makan roti depan orang ramai).
so master kodok, i think you are not alone because it happen to me once(or twice or more).
dude. korek telinga and korek idung batal ler. memasukkan sesuatu ke dlm rongga yg terbuka dgn sengaja. batal laa tu. kentut xpe. kuarkan sesuatu dpd rongga yg terbuka, xpe.
hey chip kodok,
congrats bout your mom's wedding ok~
the issue of 'mandi wajib' sure open my eyes. never even cross my mind to mandi after or before imsak. haha
have a great ramadan ok~!
aku rase kentut bukan keluar dari rongga terbuka. kalau terbuka musti xde bunyi or keluar ngan 'khazanah' lain sekali. hahaha. kalu korek telinga yg menyeteamkan tu xpe rase nyer. jgn aa masukkan cotton bud. batal la tu.
aku kekadang bulan puase ni mimpi basah. pastu skip sahur n subuh skali (hehehe). da kul 12 br bgn n igt nk mandi wajib. so puasa aku sah x ?
slamat bpuasa!
congrats to your mom! she's pretty and still nampak muda. ingatkan adik beradik :)
been a while since i last visited the kepala-segala-kodok's blog. so here's another kodok yang sesat sending the warmest salam-posa wish all the way from down unda.
selamat posa!
citer cinderella man mmg sungguh menyayat hati ku.. sorry la cip, i kenot control my tears tht nite.. tak ku tahan kesedihannya..uhuk uhuk...
thanks for the great nite/pagi buta.. u & ur wife rawk big time..
SELAMAT BERPUASA and kentut dalam air yer batal puasa tau cip.. ingat tu, dalam air..
Allops bro afdlin @ chief kodoks..
Me nak tanyer nihs..biler kiter semua (kodok2) boleh bukak poser sama2 ni..tak kisahlah yg poser ker dak..hehe
Haa..nanti semua bleh jumper ramai2..then bleh bincang2 marketing mahupun night market..
adam la tu org yg x pose....:P
xm amacam???
selamat cuti, selamat pose n selamat hari raya...
huhuhu... nak gak join gathering kodok2 ni... huhuhuhu
Congratulations to your mum bro.. good for her.. and selamat berpuasa jugak yer..
another thing is... u've been 'TAG'ged.. hehe.. it is when a people thats being tagged answer some questions that their tagger answered when he was tagged before... its just for fun.. do it when you got the time.. go here http://iniblognaiza.blogspot.com/2005/10/tag-yang-kedua.html
A'kum and hi!
I remembered back during studies me and my housemates were choking down whatever food we have in the car (when it's time to break our fast!)...we ended up either chew chewing gums, mint ...and even...korek idung!! (tak senonoh but hey! it works)...kalau telan air liur banyak kali boleh ke untuk batalkan posa? hhmm..
Congrats to your mummy and kudos for the community service!
His Kodokness
I was actually thinking about the Arab series on Day 1 of puasa semasa membeli kuih-muih dah juadah berbuka puasa.
The one which is forever stuck in my head is kisah Nabi Musa and that Haman character (bald, and lots and lots of celak). I remember coming home from school naik bas and then watch the series while waiting for makan time with my late Dad.
Man, those were the days.
Selamat berpuasa utk semua rakan2 kodok..
and... betullaaa.. lain kali kalau nak wat gathering tgk wayang.. buat la open invitition...huhuhu...(dengki sebab takleh join sama ni!! hehhehe)
afdlin, selamat berpuasa to you and your family. pastu tahniah for your mother and new dad.
how come aa u kidnapped my two frens to 'gathering 2' tu??..
and to my frens, anne aka ain & nuin tu (if you gurls are reading this), weiiii...apsal tak ajak gua oii?!!...:-(
Hi afdlin,
U forgot to mention Rumah Kedai drama series. :)
I remember vaguely there's a clown character in that Arab series called "Yuyu". Can't recall if he's from the same series. :)
Yup, those were the days...
assalamualaikum afdlin, i saw u on tv masa u jadi host for the festival filem...u know what was d funniest part dat nite? (not that it was funny to watch u as a host) but more like funny phrases...the best part was when u asked syarifah shaheera tu ask what was ur name since u were so into hosting...u know what i mean...hehe.
congrats to ur mother...and slamat berpuasa to u too, afdlin...semoga dpt memanfaatkan bulan ramadhan yg mulia ni. adios...
nur akmar raha
kapitan Kodok + all
salam ramadan , selamat bersahur + berpuasa dan berbuka
..and selamat pengantin baru to your mom , kekal berbahagia hendaknya hingga ke DALAM syurga ..AMIN !!!!
setiap kali nak menulis komen untuk bro afdlin nih, aku akan tersangkut baca komen2 kodok2s yg lain, pesal ahhh???
anyway, selamat berpuasa semua. kurang2 kan bukak pose ngan korek hidung (wah...aku pun penah nihhh!!), pergila masjid, ada banyak makanan (kalau tak abis, pak imam tu bawak balik lagi bagus daripada buang jer)..
Ok..Happy Ramadhan.
p/s:caner nak antar kad raya (dan dapat balasan) kat chief kodok?
Hi korang,
dulu masa kite kecik² selalu ingat kalo telan air liur batal pose...keh³
anyway, congrats on your mum's wedding & selamat pose!
aaa.. sapa yg nak suh kapitan kodok datang jb tuh? sokong sokong.. leh laa kami kat selatan jumpa kapitan kodok pulak :)
Selamat Berpuasa!
Telan air liur mmg tak batal pose, tapi tak boleh kumpulkan air liur tu byk2 telan sekali(isk..geli pulak bila fikir).
LEBIH BAIK mandi wajib sebelum terbit fajar siddiq (subuh) supaya memasuki puasa dlm keadaan suci, tetapi boleh memasuki subuh dlm keaadan junub yg juga disebut sehingga Subuh. So yg mandi tengahari tu kena tanya Ustaz juga lah ye.
Memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam lubang rongga seperti hidung, telinga dan mulut walaupun tidak mengenyangkan hukumnya BATAL puasa tapi kalau memasukkan air ke dlm lubang hidung secara berlebih-lebihan pulak MAKRUH namanya.
Kalo ada kemusykilan lagi, seeloknya tanya lah pada yg berilmu, jgn kita diamkan dan buat andaian sendiri.
alahai..ngape la lepas lagi event dgn cip..isk..
congrats to ur mum..btw apsal ako masuk tgh mlm 5 hb still xde update ek..smlm pun xde..hari ni lak baru ade..tp tulis posted on 5 haribulan..eiks..??
ape ape pun slmt berpuasa, selamat berbuka puasa dan selamatkan tali perut kita..
Enjoyed reading your postings, really give me an insight into yourself. Also like the way you write. Biasalahh, puji, puji dulu baru cakap, nak minta apakan?. Nak minta tolong, boleh tak I pinjam, your three posters for why you still fat for my englis assignment. It will be used as a teaching prop supposedly for a form 2 english class. It's interesting, it's enticing, it's mind provoking, it's fun, sure will catch the interest of 14 years old students. So, macamana, boleh saya pinjam
regarding the comment about the appropriateness of the Carslberg logo on the poster - Carlsberg is the major sponsor of the Actors Studio, and because we are doing a joint production with them, by default the logo will appear on the poster.
Carslberg is not a direct sponsor of the the show Why You Still Fat?
However, as Afdlin pointed out in an earlier blog, the dates have been postponed till 17-20 november after raya. If you feel this still has implications, please feel free to offer your feedback on the site.
Christina Orow
Co-Producer, Why You Still Fat?
(Jangan korek telinga selalu. gegendang telinga leh rosak walaupun ianya menyetimkan. heh heh, mandi wajib selalu, takper. OK. :-) )
BTW Chief,
Cun la Eja tu chief. Lu tak ayat kat dia ker chief? ahak ahak!
Dapat abah baru kodok ya...
Yeah, PEDOK!
huh? taktau pun pasal movie tuh?? alaa, nak join lain kali boleh? hehe
anyway, selamat berpuasa to chief kodok and kodok2 lain yang menyambut. Have a blessed one y'all.
Selamat pengantin baru to your mum also chief. Semoga berbahagia:)
Kepada cik Liza Manap,
berkenaan dengan hukum perbuatan memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga, itu bukanlah andaian saya tapi ianya adalah seperti yang diberitahu oleh seorang ustadz di dalam ceramahnya.
Jika dia tipu, wallahualam..
hey i'm a fan of u. selamat berpuasa to u.
afdlin yg saiko....goshhh
Chief Kodok,
Congratulations of your mom's recent wedding!!
And selamat berpuasa and berbuka to you and your family!!!
.Humble prebet kodok
mr dJ phuturecybersonic,
did you, or did you not went to catch the movie straight from the office? sayang sangat baju kerja dia he even sleep in it! :p
hahaha.. thanks for da photo bro..
tak sangka plak, bro jawab bila panggil cip kodok malam FFAP mlm tu..
slamat posa!
Bro Adflin, korek telinga tak batal tapi memang menyetimkan. kalau orang lain korekkan itu tak sure batal ke tak batal,hehe
swan ... dalam agama Islam ... mengiklankan arak sama hukum dengan minum. So what's the big deal? well ... for muslim ... minum arak is a big deal.
And kalau kita wear baju liverpool siap ada logo arak kat baju tu walaupun dengan takde niat nak minum, it's still consider sama hukum. And the same goes with those kids yang gi merewang pakai baju Jack Daniels.
I mean c'mon la ... if you believe in something well enough, takkan you nak potray something which is the opposite of what you believe in. I kalau i minat felix, takkan i nak pakai baju mawi kot.
And FYI, kalau beli arak utk kwn you yang bukan Islam pun dilarang, ini kan lagi kalau kita minum sendiri. I didnt say all this, but Prophet of Islam SAW said this, reported by Anas R.A.:
"God’s curse falls on a group of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distils it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to whom it has been brought, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else"
that's a big deal to me ...
p/s: afdlin, nothing against you ... but kalau someone said what's the big deal with a logo, im bound to say a few words to him/her ... be it a muslim or not.
kentut tak batal puasa asalkan si pengentut pi kentut di bilik air dan cebuk selepas kentut...
afdlin, you rawk.
ooo... pasal iklan pon leh jadi isu... bg aku kalau cite pasal nie, org akan cakap tak open la ape la... bg aku, setakat iklan tuh, ape masalahnyer? ape yg jadi isunyer? lagi satu, kalau nak bg komen, jadi la laki skit, bgtau name... nie jenis bacul.. cam baling batu sorok tangan. ko nie anon, sembang jer lebih aku rase... tapi tak macammana pon... belagak bagus jer... sampaikan Cip Afdlin kene tulis something dlm blog nie pasal hal ko yg bodoh nie... so lepas nie, kalau nak komen, bgtau nama la, jgn jadi bacul
takkuar lak name aku... komen kat atas nie aku yg tulis... saje, kang jadi isu plak... :P
jeless arghh brO...gua tak tahu pOn ada gathering...Iskkkk!!!!!
cikokui ni tak puasa ke... cakap tak berlapik langsung...kan ini bulan puasa... kawallah sikit temper tu....
please don't tarnish this blog with "unpleasant" words ok....
p/s saya ni pompuan.. jadi tak perlu lah bagi nama... sebab cikokui kata... kalau nak bagi komen, jadilah laki sikit... bagi nama...
En Izham,
Betullah apa yg anda dah nyatakan sebelumnya, saya hanya quote dr buku Ust. Sulaiman Endut berkenaan perkara yang membatalkan puasa. Disebabkan ada perbahasan atas isu tidak mengenyangkan tu, jd perbuatan tersebut jadi tidak membatalkan puasa.
my parents are a fan of yours. even since you were very small! ;) there's something about your name. i grew up hearing them mentioning your name over and over again! i then put a picture to your name when i first saw you on telly, ages ago (i cant remember which programme, sorry). this is my first time reading your blog. came across it on adam's blog. enjoyed reading and enjoyed the photos very much! especially your two beautiful girls :) anais looks just like auntie kepol. our love to her and congratulations!! sorry we couldnt make it to muar. but we're all so thrilled and happy for her. we pray for her happiness, always. will keep on reading your blog, definitely!
sesungguhnya suci dari hadas besor tu bukanlah syarat sah posa mcm cikokui kata tu, biarlah dlm keadaan 'tak suci' pun bila dah lepas imsak. tapi takkan la tanak solat subuh kot? kalo saja je tinggal solat tu baik tak yah posa. mmg byk hujah pasal pahala2 posa ni sbb Allah sendiri pun kata pahala posa ni dia sendiri yg decide, tak mcm pahala solat. akan tetapi sebagai rukun ke3 selepas fardhunya solat tu ke atas umat Muhammad, sesungguhnya tak gunalah kalo sesorang tu penat2 posa berlapor dahaga tapi tak solat. mungkin dia dapat la apa yg dikategorikan tingkat posa yg paling minimum (tapi dosa tinggal solat dpt jgk!) sama la mcm org yg solat tapi tak tutup aurat dan yg sewaktu dgnnya. 2 benda yg sama wajib tapi mungkin pengertian dan pemahaman lain berdasarkan mazhab dsb.
kalo bab org yg segan nak posa ni, kat opis aku kitaorg kategorikan sbg golongan yg mmg tak wajib posa iaitu 1. gila/tak waras/hilang akal. 2. belum cukup umor 3. uzur syarie (haid, nifas dan wiladah. org pompuan je tau..) so, kalo ada abg2 yg umor dah 30-40 segan nak posa tu mungkin la blum cukup umor lagi. hehehehe.. lantok kat dema la
congratulation auntie...moga bahagia
Cip kodok,
Selamat poser..
Ala..apsal tak amik gambo close up UNCLE TAIB ittew...wahh your mother macam your sister laa..tarak nampak tuer pon..
Koreklah pusat utk kesejahteraan negara..
5. Every year i get confused bila kentut batal posa ke tak!!?? walaupun pada posa tahun lepas dah konfim org kata tak batal...
Hey, i ask myself that very same question EVERY year as well. Walaupun I KNOW that kentut tidak batalkan puasa (i think i finally got confirmation on that 2 semesters ago when i asked my usul fiqh ustaz, Ustaz Hamid Jusoh "salam, sir!!" about it.
I'm pretty sure he wanted to just smack me on the head with his songkok then, hehe.
But I can't help it. I STILL find myself thinking "alamak, terbatal kah sudah ni ah?" whenever i let a silent killer one go. And i think that thought will always come to mind every ramadhan.. eversince i fancied myself a smart lil girl when i came up with the analogy, or question yg bunyinya ialah:-
Kalau air sembahyang batal bila kentut, bah sama la juga kali tu when it comes to puasa ah?
(fyi, i came up with that notion zaman muda2 dulu ok.. 15thn yg lalu)
mataiiii noh.
Batalnya puasa akibat memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga badan tu antaranya adalah pendapat Imam Syafie (yg sgt strict/berhati-hati orangnya dlm fiqh), manakala pendapat ulama jumhur pula tidak membatalkan puasa. Secara logiknya, takkan la korek hidung batal tapi masukkan air ke dalam hidung cuma makruh kalau berlebih-lebihan? Masa kecik kita boleh ikut jer aper kitab kata, tapi biler dah besar kita kena kaji dan selidik sendiri, baru boleh jadi muslim yg cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang!
Antara reference:
And congrats Afdlin, to you and your mum and not forgetting Uncle Taib!
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