Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical KODOK flash mob is on!

It must be done. the question now is when? there is a strong suggestion for the 26th. I'm okay to book for you guys the tickets but i won't be able to go because of the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian finals in Genting will be on the same day as the show. I have promised Erma Fatima to perform the theme song of DIVA POPULAR. The other alternative is the 25th and the final alternative since everybody wants to go on a weekend is saturday 18th or sunday the 19th so pilihlah gang and let me know, for those who have already emailed me, my people will be calling you for confimation. thanks.


P.S. Kepada anda semua yang sedang menanti re-print Album Fuuyo, Afdlin Shauki ini ada-lah gambaran awal remake cover album fuuyo itu... ada macam gigollo malang sikit... jadi gua suruh re-do bagi nampak selamba sikit. heehee Macam Ruffedge pun ado... tapi gua ni dah tua jadi macam Ruffage le sikit.Afdlin Shauki Fuuyo 2006. The Kodok Edition.


masterjanz said...

aku rasa 19th ok gak tu.. 25th pun ok
nanti aku pikir lagi... kalo takde cip tak besh le flash mob..

dazzling 948 said...

i'm comfortable with 19th also..sbb 25th ade futsal training la cip...cip,u xnak buat prize giving ceremony pemenang kuiz BPC majalah Intrend ker??

Anonymous said...

elo Chip!

ade ruang lagi tak untuk flash mob?

Sha said...

re: The actorlympics thingy...
Homygawd! Homygawd! Homygawd! Actorlympics (last december one)is the shizziiit!!! The improvs are really good... i think i went there to actually get to see you and the other dude but both of you guys were sick or something... boo... So now that it's back, i shall mosey on to go see-see more! ngarhahah!

Anonymous said...

Patut Datin Sri kena bagi cip komisen ni...

Anonymous said...

aiyo, 18-19th takleh mom will be in town, unless dia paham & buleh appreciate PGLtM...

25th laa...okeh?!

terang bersuluh said...

better 18hb..leh la kami dari luar kl p.kalo 19hb payah la sbb 20hb dah ada kelas..sesetengah 2 maybe 20hb dah 18hb paling sesuai sbb sab2..kalo cip tadak tak best la.

Anonymous said...

ye betul tu..cip kene ade..baru laa meletop!!!aku sokong jek mane mane..hehe..oh ye aku akan pegi actorlympics lagi this time..nyiahhahaha..oopss simpan tenaga utk gelak sakan di actorlympics! hehehe..cheers!~

Anonymous said...

im going on the 19th nie so i suggest 19!!!! teringin gak nak tgk cip live and personal

CKin said...

Yes... yes... praying very, very hard 25th is chosen!!!

Anonymous said...

tak kisah mana-mana date, as long as cip pun ada!!! apakah flash mob kalau tanpa cip nya?

Anonymous said...

setuju wt sue_ssh...mane² date pun tak kisah as long as cip kodok ada!!!... idup kodok!

Anonymous said...

Kalau buat Sunday and nak lepak sampai 3 pagi? Then Monday dah kerja.. tak semua orang tak kerja full time and tak semua orang kerja full time.. so kena la pikir untuk semua.. Since Cip dah bagi 3 dates tu, I would vote for 18th or 25th... tap berat pada 25th la... ;)

sh3er@ said...

cip..say when myself dan 2 kawasan sewaktu will be there ! as long u pun ader skali la.....

Anonymous said...

elo cip

25th la... sebab time tu ramai dah gaji.. hehehe
tadik nampak cip kat Great Eastern Mall.. sambil2 chip dailing mobile tu sempat gak tegur : "hi afdlin.." dengan muka terkejut/blur cip jawab balik.. "hai.." hehehehe
tabik spring kat cip... walaupun tgh bz + blur, tetap mesraaaaaa :)

vote for PGL on 25th

Zashreena said...

rasanya topi tu macam janet jackson punya pun ada.

pye:rudz said...

gua takde hal. janji flash mob. jangan bawak flash drive sambil mop lantai, sudah.
anyway, personally, i'd prefer the astronaut suit more than this "gigolo malang" look. heheheh..

Anonymous said...

cip.. dvd/vcd baik nyer cilok nanti ader bikin x? nak beli laa buat collection.. ni ader mangkuk2 ayun kat umah ni x tgk lagi citer tu lagi.. seboook suh tanya ader kuar kan dvd/cd x?

outkhai said...

mak oii.. cover album kontrol ayu gila babs beb..

Anonymous said...

bak kata dato m daud kilau "alaaaaahai!". cover tu ala-ala control ayu lah! macam gaya "selamat jalan romeo!" <-bak kata kakak Ramlan Ram... heheheheh...

i rasa ur Astronaut get-up is much preferrable. Bila org nampak orang akan terpikir "Fuyoo! Bila Afdlin sampai ke bulan?"

asz said...

hi afdlin!
me bloghopped my way here.
me a singaporean but had watched your movie, 'soal hati' before. me a Malay teacher, find your blog quite informative for Malay Films.

weirdoux said...

apa-apa pun, only kat KL je kan...?
nak citer pun tak beshhh, sebab kitaorang kat JB la chief!!!

apalaaaa nasib orang JB nie, selalu jer tak dapat join .... sedeyy la ini macam...

p/s: aku cuba jugak untuk menarik simpati geng-geng kodok yang lain....

Anonymous said...

Cip! 17, 18 & 19 kita kat PDla.. 25th looks terrific.. poket pun dah masyuk... bolelabolelabolehlaaaa....

Anonymous said...

uii geramnye,..
rase cam nak join same, tapi takleh kasik kate putuih, uii geramnye,.,
tapek tapek, korang settlekan dulu, kang kalu bleh menjelma aku akan menjelma, koekoekoekoekoke...

aku jatoh chenta ngan mamat kat cover album tuh aa...

Anonymous said...

2 be honest..muka cip yg hensem tu mcm kena sakit kulit ala2 kusta lak bila dibuat imej cam gitu. kalau gigolo malang tu ok lagi. Opppss...jgn marah yek cip.

Vidocq said...


dah inform meen fr yr side that i'm goin wth 6 of my frens tomorow. memang rezeki tul..a'dulillah!! lunch time tadi siap queue nak beli tiket tapi seat tak cukup. ptg tadi tiba2 meen call, tanya nak tgk tak tomorow...bestnya!!! thank u cip! thank u meen! hmm...u ada ke esok cip?

Tigerkun said...

Cif, I've received confirmation for the tickets. Thanks a lot for your help brudder. We'll be there tomorrow nite.


Anonymous said...

yah....sejibik mcm R&B nyer cover....but nice seeing u in that type...mcm ala2 metroseksual pon ade...kekek ;P

Anonymous said...

afdlin dvd baik punya cilok bila keluar?


zan said...

allo chip..
meen has just call me to inform for the ticket. but if i want to add some more, can or cannot? try to ask someone..kalo dia nak pergi nak kena tambah tiket tu chip..hehehe

Anonymous said...

uit Cip

Cover macam mafia tahun 60an ni...

mcm humphrey bogart je apa...

tak lawan astranaut tu la cip

awat tak nak buat astronaut tu lagik?

kan kellllaaassss je nampak...

Lily said...

walahhh...jgnlah buek on 19th psl den ako kelas...den takmo ponteng sbb ado test statistics tu...

cip...kalo buek jumaat mlm sabtu camno? 24th, 25th x buleh ka cip??

gajet meh la skali...den pon dr jb ni...meh kita naik bas ko, kapai tobang ko...meh meh meh...

tulunlah wehh nk tgk sgt ni...korg yg dah 18ratus kali tgk tu kasi chance arr kek den ni...


Unknown said...

kodok pon kodoklah...macam je ruffedge. tak nak try buat cover ala2 jepon ke?

Mohd Asnol Lob said...

gua lagi suka cover asal. lagi ada attitude. yg ni dah tak Fuuyo!, tp ada bau2 Pooyo!

sorry beb. ikhlas ni.

Anonymous said...

Kenapa dah hantar email, tak dapat confirmation lagi? Uhuk...

Anonymous said...

according to IB's ticket office, today (16/2/06) tickets for ALL remaining PGL shows until end of run sudah habis! kuciwa gue.

Anonymous said...

Abang Afdlin thanx a lot for the tickets and supper kat Lotus.. terima kasih daun keladi.. lain kali bleh blanjer lagi.. eheheheh...

KECU said...

fuyoooo!!!! cunz gile laa bro cover tu... mcm cerita 'The Games' (lebih kurang lee tajuk tu aku tak ingat.. michael douglas berlakon tu)..

bro afdlin jgn lupa print skali postcard nya.... bleh letak kat pc aku...

dumdum said...

waaaa...ensem gila bro..keskeskes..ala2 jejaka metroseksual pon ader hihihi..

p/s majuk ahhh...xleh tgk PGLTM..Uwaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!:( diskriminasi tul..mentang2 aku kat penang...

Anonymous said...

u look thinner in this pic...honestly!and handsome too!

ahmed said...