Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

35 YEARS OLD AND STILL KICKING! What a wonderful birthday. Syukur Alhamdulillah!

Cip Kodok tengah explain scene rogol dengan FAUN.
With the most beautiful co-star we had on set. The beautiful kak Yusni.

The truth is, for the last 5 years i have worked thru my birthday and this year was no different. Due to The hectic scedule of the LOS dan FAUN production, we were still shooting on the 19th of MAY. BUT hey that is life iam so bersyukur because for the first time in a long while i am not so knee deep in financial shit. I am sort of floating around in it right now, which is not too bad.

Things are looking up... something i had to make myself belief when times were hard. At times this single factor alone could drive one to achieve his or her vision. I have always gone against the flow. At times i have paid for it, but in many other times have benefitted by getting some outstanding and groundbreaking results.

Tengah tengok anak bulan......atau anak orang?!!

So yeah, i had a great birthday today.

1. I was working for the earlier part of the day on a really exciting film project, and managed to complete everything on my schedule.
2. My two beautiful babies came to the set with wifey and we had cake on set.
3. We went for lunch together.
4. Spend time with kids at home allowing wifey to take an afternoon nap.
5. had a mini nap in my kiddies room.
6. Went to have chinese dinner with wife. The ikan kod steam dengan soy sauce was like gold melting in your mouth.
7. Saw the poseidon at tgv klcc and had a blast. Not the best movie in the world but one that keeps you on edge for the longest time.
8. Had a nice conversation with the wifey at the concorde coffee house. haven't been able to sit down with her and just talk about nothig and everything in a while.
9.Had a good 8 hours sleep.
Alhamdulillah for making my birthday such a meaningful one.


afdlin shauki


LyNi said...

Happy Birthday Afdlin! Althou' it came a day late...

Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki jadi boleh buat filem gerek2... n hope to see an afdlin junior soon! =)

Your spore fan

dJ phuturecybersonique said...

many happy returns, bro. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, senang nafas tanpa u-turn! *grin*

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Afdlin..semoga d panjang umur,d murahkan rezeki oleh Allah dan berbahagia with keluarga tercayunk. kalo rezeki murah..pulus bnyak masyuk bole buat filem yg curlasttt n tip top lagi gitiew. hehe..

All the way from Brunei..

Anonymous said...

The very the happy the birthday 2U!! a year older a year wiser..keep on celebrating your birthday day like that with your family..It is soo kewl and and so very the sweet...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday afdlin.
will look forward to see u in temasek. soon.

Anonymous said...

Afdlin? Turning 35?

Huhu its my first time posting a comment in your blogs. Well, nothing much to say, just a happy, warm wish of birthday to you. Hope u will tighten up ur spirit and continue making films and changes in our people's mind through it. Just ignore all negative feedback u received, its okay. Even Prophet Muhammad the perfect also had enemies. Just be patient, and good luck!



UglyButAdorable said...

happy belated birthday cip..may Allah bless you with the best of the best...

terang bersuluh said...

epi besday cip

soleilina said...

Happy Burstday! ;)

Unknown said...

happy birthday bro! :)

mamabio said...

happy birthday cip!

Just Joe said...

happy birthday bro.. may god bless u !!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday cip n good luck with your new movie eh.dont worry, we'll be praying.insyaAllah you'll do great hehe anyway, i was reading this book.(it's more like a comic i guess.ehm but not really la) buku zaman dolu2. it was quite famous in the 90' not sure whether u have read it or not.if im not mistaken,buku tu budak2 kartunis ujang yg buat.nama cite die, 'ABE'.seriously cool nak mampossssss. n surprisingly sedih and touching gilee(knowing that budak2 ujang yg kelakar yg buat).one of the characters remind me of you la cip.gile best.go and find the book la if you havent read it.sumpah bestttt! kalau buat movie pon best nak kidding

Unknown said...


happy birthday!

a year wiser i guess for u!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday cip!!!
Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki =)

Anonymous said...


happy belated birthday cip... moga panjang umur, sihat selalu, murah rezeki, bahagia selamanya...

lama tak post, lama tak join kodoks xtvt tak bermakna kita lupa kat cip yg hebat lagi comel ni heee ;->


Kak Teapot said...

I was browsing the internet and happen to come across yr blog. Cool dude! Yr's the 2nd blog after Yasminthestoryteller (hehehehe) that is SO cool and refreshing! btw, happy belated birthday!

encikmasen said...

happy belated birthday cip..wish u have a happy and prosperous life afterwards..

Jalal said...

hepi besday cip,

semoga Allah selamatkan cip. Amin.



Darius said...

oooo umo dah 35 rupanya.

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday. glad you had a great one, u surely deserved it. hope there's many more to come. till then, all the best and good luck, and many happy returns.

a proud fan.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the happiest of all the happiest - belated- birthdays! huhuhuhu. More power to you.

Anonymous said...

Hai Afdlin.. been wanting to do this...
Wishing u HAppy Belated 35th B'day... semoga Cif sentiasa berjaya...and semoga Allah sentiasa memberi CIf idea2 yg bernas untuk menghasilkan filem2 yg bermutu.... akhir sekali semoga hidupmu berserta keluargamu di rahmati dan diberkati olehNya selamanya... AMin

P/s: cant wait for Los & Faun to be on cinema...mesti GEREK...kan...

Unknown said...

happy..happy birthday!

Adam Kulim said...

Happy birthday to my chip...dush2...- melaka kodok scene

sempoii said...

Selamat belated ulangtahun kelahiran yg ke swit 35 :),
many happy returns cip. All the best in whatever you do.

Zashreena said...

happy birthday dude!!

Suzie said...

Abg Kodok. Sorry didn't wish you last Saturday.

"Happy B'day and may all your wishes come true!"

Suzie, Aidil, Mummy and Baby Zaim.

Anonymous said...

Hey Afdlin,

just wanna drop by and wish a happy belated happy birthday ... wishing u a successful journey of life n prosperity throughout your lifetime.. May God bless you in whatever you did, are, or will be doing..

Assalamualaikum *winks*

Oimira said...

oit. hepi birthday lah..

LindaMunshi said...

Happy belated birthday. May this be an excellent, prosperous year for you. Never did realize how..err young u are. :D

Anonymous said...


Allah selamatkan kamu (2x),
Allah selamatkan tuan Afdlin Shauki,
Allah selamatkan kamu..


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Cip.

My apologies. I have been away and have just learned I missed a very important day.

Happy Belated Birthday!
A day of sun and stars
Of rainbows and moon
A day that lights your way
Brings warmth and joy
Friends and family
All that you wish for
To last all year
Until we get to celebrate again
That you are here!

From: ChaCha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy B'day Cip, semoga terus berjaya

123 said...

Happy Belated Birthday Cip!

Good to know that you had a blast on your special day. ;)


Happy belated birthday,

aku mmg suka tgk kau lah..hehehhe sempoi aje...filem pun memnarik gak...smeu boleh buat duit nya..

good luck for los & foun...aku mmg suka tgk lost kat axn tu..



oh lupa lak..u ni 35 tahun ni yer...aku baru aje 33 hehehhe

Azyze said...

Happy Belated Birthday!
I see we share the same birthdate...

Viva la Tauro!

Anonymous said...

Yo CIP! first of all, i'm glad tht u have a great time with ur family on ur birthday, semoga d murahkan rezeki & di panjangkan umur.

Happy belated Birthday cip fm all kodoks...hahahaa

ontahsapo said...

chip see you on da 3rd june at actorsstudio....

FooDcrazEE said...

happy belated b'day dude. Cepat habih kan shooting so we can all watch

Anonymous said...

Happy best day to you...saudara ku afdlin yang super kreatif...

Anonymous said...

Awak seusia dgn saya rupanya, wlau tua bebrapa bulan. awak prasan tak? pada usia sebegini kita lambat sikit buat keputusan, tak terburu2. Kalau marah pun sehari dua je, lepas tu reda.

semoga panjang umur murah rezeki.

*cosmic freak* said...

hey afdlin, happy belated birthday ... hurm, that 8 hours beauty sleep takkan buat muda nye la, hahahaha ... but its nice to hear someone had a joyful brithday, the best one is the chat with a loved one over a cup of coffee ... that one is a happily ever after ending, period!

pye:rudz said...

older = wiser
as for us men, our life only begins at 40... enjoy the remaining 5 years ahead (kalau umur panjang insyaallah).

Lord Vorphalack said...

Chief Kodok...

Happy Belated Birthday...!!! Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki.

I hadiahkan u toilet bowl ok tak...?

BuNGaLiLi said...

Happy Belated besday :)

Anonymous said...

hepi besday to u cip,...
may god bless u for ever and for always,...
yeah yeah...

Anonymous said...

dear afdlin,
happy birthday. saya doakan anda dipanjangkan umur, diluaskan rezeki walau apapun bidang yang anda lakukan dan semoga berbahagia dengan isteri dan anak yang tercinta.
I've got a morning habbit recently that is reading your blog every morning. i've seen all your movies. i like your work and i always wait for your kemunculan di tv. malangnya kemunculan you di kaca tv singapore agak terhad. i can get tv3 and ntv7 but i don't have the schedule and when will you be there. if you or your kakitangan can email me and tell me when will you be on tv. i will be the most happy person alive. my email is your work always make me laugh. your brain is creative. keep doing the good work and bring it on!...

Darius said...

oh ya, lupa nak pesan.. kurang kan makan kek bday kau tu.
malaysia boleh!

Anonymous said...

hepi birthday !
May Allah bless u always..

Anonymous said...

Hi Afdlin,

Happy Belated Birthday. Teruskan berkarya and all the best.

salam dari los angeles.

Anonymous said...

35?maybe it's time i refer to u as uncle.happy belated birthday.semoga panjang are an inspiration to thanks for i always say to my sister,afdlin shauki is my favourite malaysian man.god bless.

AuntieYan said...

Selamat Panjang Umur dan semoga Sentiasa mendapat keberkatan.

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Happy belated birthday bro'
Semoga hidup terus diberkati Allah swt...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my ultimately-ever-so-favourite-superbly-wonderful actor/director/singer artist back home!!
waitta minute..its Happy Belated Birthday!! hee.. (I believe im 4days late!!)
(Blame the education system!! final submissions, exams exams exams) stressful times for students (well, atleast where i am now..way way down under!!)haha!)
nway,from what i've had a BLAST! of course you're afdlin! anything that involves you would definetly be a BLAST!
Looking forward for any new 'piece' of yours that may be coming out soon..
Maybe you would like to come over here to Australia to entertain us?? heee..

Best wishes from me..for your current and future undertakings..cheers!!

Harm said...

To Mr Afdlin, happy belated birthday. Pls continue making good movies and continue making my morning lively with your blog. I'll say a little prayer for you and your family. God bless. YOU ROCK MAN!

Anonymous said...


Sorry lewat bagi bday wish sebab just discharged from hospital semalam due tu dengue (2nd time lorr..)siap dengan package 3D2N in ICU chip, and thank Allah for the second chance .. Alhamdulillah.. semoga kita semua panjang umur, murah rezeki dan diberkati selalu.. Amin..

p/s: for all kodoks yang tinggal di kawasan yang ada construction.. beware dude!!!.. the 'nyamuks'are attacking us!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Afdlin!! It was nice to see you and wifey again in BSC over the weekend!! Love your work!! You rawk lah!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lunch we had on yr bday.It's nice to hve my children& cucu together ,wch is hard to come by but somehow we manage this time.Emak sentiasa doakan supaya Lin berjaya in whatever you do especially in yr filmmaking n I always hve the confident tt you'll make it.Semoga Allah berkati apa yg Lin buat dan lepas Sumolah go on diet.Send my love to Mia& Anias

Anonymous said...

hepi belated bb dae 2 ya...

Anonymous said...

happy blatd bday mr afdlin ahauki!u memang best...wuteva others said!long live afdlin shauki!u memang superb!

Anonymous said...

happy belated burfday afdlin!! may u have a great success ahead.. and i simply love ur movies... thanks for adding the colours in the film industry and hoping for more in the coming years..dewi

Anonymous said...

happy birthday bro!! moga panjang umur..

just want to comment a thing or two..just watched buli balik on ABO (got kid now so susah nak pi tgk wayang)..

my observation is that not just this film but overall malaysian movies, the dubbing and film quality very teruk (gelap semacam)..Just wondering, is that the quality if you watch in cinema too? 'Sepet' was good when shown on TV so there must be something missing in your production (equipment, film type or whatever)..I am hoping for your next movies, please do something about this..

I love your music more than your film now...

KECU said...

Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin,


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AFDLIN! Semoga rezeki mencurah2.

Anonymous said...

Hey chip!

Happy belated birthday. sTILL wanna wish it altho its a bit late.

Anonymous said...

happy belated

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday. May Allah bless you and your family always.

- AL9 -

Anonymous said...

Hi there Bro Afdlin, hope that you're doing well with the upcoming directing. I just came across your excellent blog area and I do agree with you, well...most of them. But I have to congratulate you for being able to 'rise to the challenge', thus proving it's not the body and looks, but the MAN INSIDE that counts! I am currently living in the UK and at some occasions when I am back, I was just wondering if you do 'stand-up' comedies and if so, how do I keep track the whereabouts? Many thanks! Keep it Real!!

Anonymous said...

brO afDLin..

happy besday..
semOga panjang umor
dan murah rezeki sentiasa..

God Bless !!

Anonymous said...


mazura said...

epi besday....

abd al-Hadi said...

Happy birthday bro!

Darius said...

dude, I just refurbished my blog. come and visit ok.

SweetDay...:) said...

hepi besday!!

Caranthir said...

Hello Afdlin bro,

i can't wait for Sumo!. Perhaps one day you will make a movie about middle-age guys playing paintball for kicks! Its starting to catchup you see.


p/s: I kept running into you at the movies, but segan nak tegur. Maybe next time, i will.

Qiez AR said...

lawa sungguh hairdo tu! slamat epi besday! :)

Anonymous said...


Salam Bro, adeh!! first time ke udara. Anyway great blog! Keep it up Bro...filem pasai nak jadik racer F1 yg giler2 takder ker Bro?

Anonymous said...

Tengok anak bulan ke anak orang?

Dari gaya dan ekspresi muka.. nampak macam tertengok 'orang tengah buat anak' saja.
