Principal photography for Los dan Faun dah nak habis dan stress kepala hotak aku pun dah nak settle.... i am so thankful dan amat gumbira sekali yang VISIONWORKS akan ada dibawahnya insya'allah sebuah filem melayu yang entertaining, funny, pelik and hopefully informative.
Check out some of the teaser posters done by ISMA. Check it.

Much kudos to the cast for giving their best in all the scenes. Setiap scene ada kelebihannya. Setiap scene ada aje orang yang shine dan memberi lebih dari 100 percent. In film terms we call them 'scene stealers' and there are many in this movie.

Sorry i cannot blog more because i have to get ready for the final scene tomorrow involving someone falling out of a single engine helicopter. Doakan everything selamat.... i am so excited for all of you to see the movie.
bro, terjun heli tu pakai stunt ke terjun sendiri tp kat bawah tu letak tilam tebal2 @ spring yg bomba slalu pakai tuh? hehehe.... can't wait to watch this muvi, dont play play hah !
i will wait for this movie....
LOAS DAN FAUN dah nak abis shooting, comes SUMO-LAH pulak...
In between, ada ACTORLYMPICS.
How cool is that?
Wow.. So far everything looks awesome! Will rush to the cinemas and crush my old mentality against malay movies, InsyaAllah ^_^ Owh, and I need to find the *legal* (hehe) vcd/dvds of your previous movies ^_^ Tak sempat tengok kat cinemas when they were released :S
Go Afdlin Go and Power To The People!
go brO..go brO..go brO..
aku dah sexited nak nengOk Los dan Faun =)
Bestnye dpt terjun!
Moga2 selamat semua.
hehehe insyaAllah semua a-okay =D
power to the kodoks ... weBek!
keep up the good work chip !
go go chayok~!!!
cayakla ada erra fazira yg cun melecun ni~! weewit.. :D
yo bro, good luck, kalo best aku tgk, kalo tak best pun aku tgk juga pastu siap, aku kutuk hahahahhaha
tahniah atas selesainya L&F, dengan itu bila nak tayang. Harap-harap masa raya pose la. L&F betul-betul melambangkan rakyat Malaysia - pelik dan tak betul.
bro! happy belated birthday
hehee bro,we shared the same birthday month laaaa.im on 24th :)
anyway,i can't wait for this movie.
tgk poster pun dah rase kegilaannye hehahaa.hmm till then, may allah bless u :D
Lelaki Hensem vs Lelaki Tak Hensem
Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam
perempuan akan cakap:: wow, cool giler...
Kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam
perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan macam bagus...
Kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat
perempuan akan kata: nobody's perfect
Kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat
perempuan akan cakap: memang.... muka pun macam pecah rumah!
Kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem!
Kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia...
Kalau lelaki handsome dapat perempuan cantik
perempuan akan kata: sepadan sangat...
Kalau lelaki tak handsome dapat perempuan cantik
perempuan akan kata: mesti kena bomoh perempuan tuh!
Kalau lelaki handsome ditinggal kekasih
perempuan akan kata: jangan sedih, kan saya ada..
Kalau lelaki tak handsome ditinggal kekasih
perempuan akan kata:...(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya
meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, "Patutlah, tengok saja luarannya.")
Kkalau lelaki handsome penyayang binatang
perempuan akan cakap: perasaannya halus...penuh kasih sayang
Kkalau lelaki tak handsome penyayang binatang
perempuan akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus menyayangi...
Kalau lelaki handsome bawa BMW
perempuan akan cakap: matching... hebat luar dalam
Kalau lelaki tak handsome bawa BMW
perempuan akan cakap: bang, bosnya mana?...
Kalau lelaki handsome tak mau bergambar
perempuan akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 gambarnya tersebar
Kalau lelaki tak handsome tak mau bergambar
perempuan akan kata: tak sanggup melihat hasilnya ya...?
Kalau lelaki handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
perempuan akan cakap:ini barulah lelaki gentleman
Kalau lelaki tak handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
perempuan akan cakap: naluri pembantu, memang begitu....
Kalau lelaki handsome bersedih hati
perempuan akan cakap: let me be your shoulder to cry on
Kalau lelaki tak handsome bersedih hati
perempuan akan kata: Kuat nangis! Tak malu betul!! Lelaki ke bukan ni?!!!
p/s - Sekadar lawak bodo... Bro. Afdlin hensem, so takleh kata apa la kan! Can't wait for Los dan Faun to come out. Ader road tour tak?
Glad to know that it's almost ready. Bila kita dapat tengok the movie Abg Kodok?
My son (Baby Berudu--he just turned 3 last week)pun excited ni!
nice poster!!....gud luck!!
Saya sbg sorang tukang sebok dlm movie ni pon sgt lah excited nak tgk movie ini sendiri... There are LOADS and LOADS of gila gila scenes in it and most of it tak masuk akal tetapi sgtlah mengumbirahkan... even watak2 extra pon melampau gila lawaknya.. seriously y'all... this is definitely one tendang-buntut-mengerudi-sampai-lantai punya movie... cant wait for it to be shown..
for more behind the scene actions, go to http://losdanfaun.blogspot.com and soon akan ada los dan faun's myspace.. tungguuuuu!!!!!
hey afdlin,i doubt u read ur commments (evtime i leave a comment at yasmin ahmad's site i never get a response) but if u do-what a narcissist!haha,anyways,do drop by www.xanga.com/insaneal and though i'm forced to do law/comm here in melbourne,i know in my heart is the filmaker yang akan bankit one day-cheers!
afdlin,it looks amazing!n i cant wait for the movie to come out..even how tak betul it may be..hehe.what a wicked cast and the pics is so meletups!im sure the movie is gonna kick ass!im studyin abroad.aaaa..i cant believe im not gonna be home in msia to watch it =( how long will it take for the dvd to come out?=(
nice.. nanti nak pi tengok LOS&FAUN kena bawak tisu bebanyak la yek.. sure gelak sampai keluar ayaq mata :)best.. best..
Gimik bro' ni membuat aku tak lena tidur...!
Ida looks so HOT.....ternanti nanti kita semua ,,,,
well i definately can't wait the brickfield scene...chewaahhh..ntah..ntah nampak baju jerr...
Gd luck with your movie & Happy Belated Birthday....Sorry lambat setapak. Dah lama tak baca your blog hehe...
I SUPER cant wait to watch LOS DAN FAUN!!
I SUPER cant wait to go back to KL for hols next week and borong all of your vcd to bring back here (err...i had a few but after org pinjam sana-sini..I LOST THEM! and your movies makes GREAT STRESS RELEASE AID!!)
I SUPER cant wait to watch GUBRA next week..(err..release la kat OZ? haha)
I SUPER cant wait to watch u on TV back home!!
Honestly..considerlah make roadshow here..there this malaysian student association club here interested to call up ur geng to come over to put up a show for us..but much much more need to be plan..so..we'll see..
besides..its only perth! (5hrs flight only maaaa) hee:D
And..I just spent 2hrs tadi..reading through your blog..I must say..its very..touching! hee..no no..not in a mushy, girlie kinda way...its inspiring..of what u wrote!! really..most of the bits u wrote here and there is actually making me think twice about taking the job with CLEO in sydney (SUPER proud of it!)thats offered to me after i graduate end of the yr (insyallah) why having 2nd thoughts? well..wasnt just what u said from ur blog.. (err..cant remember which article) but I think...i wld wanna contribute to my own country first..then again..first job abroad is cool..dunno dunno dunno..unless ofcourse i get to work with u!! SUPER coolness! (yes, SUPER seems to be my fav word for this 'morning'..must be..bcoz its already 5am and im still wide awake supposedly to be studying..another story all together!)
whhoops..my 'comment' mcm dah terover panjang eh? haha..inspired by u i guess!! :)
I have a friend who worked for u b4..for Buli, Buli Balik and Baik Punya Cilok, I think.. I was SUPER jealous of him..ahh well..one can dream..rite??
Well Done to you!! You are truly an inspiration to me!! :)
Hi afdlin. Just watched your movie, Baik punya cilok, yesterday.
it's very refreshing and hilarious. I laughed throughout the whole show..
kuddos for the great work. waitin for your latest movie..
great work..
good luck with the film..
isma is genius. i like ur work
i got a new blog up. come and visit ya.
thanks nikman :)
Filem yang paling [elik dan tak betul.. tak kesah.. kamek akan jugak mengunjungi cinema for your film only cip.. janji u nye citer buleh buat otak aku geli-geli pon jadilaaa...
can't wait to see your new movie. If based on your previous movie, i am sure the experience will be great.
by the way.. happy belated birthday.
kaler grafik poster tu cam filem drakula je...
waiting for this movie, it must be sooo gooooooooooddddddddddddd!!!! cant wait....
nak help my friend promote la, nak ajak la cip n the others for a makan session; MARI MAKAN BERSAMA RADJA EKSLUSIF DI NATRABU KG BARU...
Fri, 2nd June : 8pm
Sat - Mon, 3rd - 5th : 12 noon
RM 50.00 per person...
Address :
Natrabu Minang Restaurant
No 3, Lorong Raja Uda 1
Off Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz
Kg Baru, 50300 K.L
Any enquiries :
Tel : 03 - 2691 2701,
03 - 2691 2703
Do support....
Thanx so much.....
encik afdlin shauki, sila beritahu ida nerina, dia sampai bila-bila memang hot! yeah!!
Greetings from New Zealand...I'm studying here and am wondering.. bile kluar Los dan Faun??? agak2 sempat tak tengok if i balik nanti in December??... kalo tak.. anyone kind enough to send me the vcd when it comes out?? I lurvvveee Afdlin Shauki.. u're the bahan letupan!! ahaks.. by the way.. Raya last year, your dad and your half sisters came to my place.. i tell you, they're really nice people.. if you were there as well, i would've pengsan!! Me Wurve You! Come here to New Zealand, and i will be upmost happy to be your tour guide, though me myself haven't gone around half of New Zealand myself... but at least i could bring you bungy jumping..best tau! Best of luck for your new movie! I'll bet it'll be a great hit, just like your previous movies!!! There already a big hit among us Malaysian students here in New Zealand!! I'm so proud that finally there's a guy with a true sense of humour around to do these movies... you! So before i start to merepek pepanjang... good luck again, with lotsa love!!!
saya sukak poster itu...sangat cantek...buat lekat kat pintu jamban pon ok jugak..ini bukan menghina ye sebaliknya saya mencari sesuatu unsur yang dapat menghilangkan ketensionan saya tatkala saya berada di bilik sunyi itu....saya seriuss ni...
Steve Rahman-Hughes' Dick Johnson...dick....johnson....double that in one name..lets just call it Mr.DJ. Ape la u nih Afdlin...but hey, so does pussy galore, octopussy (james bond movies), ivana humpalot, felicity shagwell, alotta fagina (Austin powers 1,2), sir isambard jerkalot (agent cody banks 2)just to name a few of the vulgar names which appears decent. Those posters pre-movie ad reminded me of Bombay Dreams posters ad at almost every (zone 1) london tube stations. Oh yea sure, u got steve rahman-hughes as Mr.DJ...I salute you for being one of those bold enuf to practise "rebranding" of our malaysian movies.
CIP! CAN't wait for this movie. anyway all the posters looks nice.especially AC, POYO! hehe..
semuga slamat for the last shooting!
can't wait to see that small part of me..hehh..hehh..
way to go cip and crew..
Another movie to look fwd to.
Well done dude !
kalau tak pelik dan tak betul tu bukan afdlin shauki la namanye! :)
keep up da great job bro! ure my idol!!!!
saje singgah.
hey...i was blog-hopping and i found your blog....gosh, im a huge fan!!!!!!
all the very best...hope this movie tops the charts :)
Yo bro...
citer² yg hang buat mmg pelik pun... but since i tgk ur stail acting wow! great..great and great.. JEMPOL
anyway best of luck...
I want to watch all your movies but I can't!!!! Byk movie Afdlin tertinggal ni.. I watched Buli jek.. :(
p/s: Meh la export ur movies kat Jepun :)
Assalamualaikum..dude...i is from brunei..hehe..i really enjoyed your 'baik punya cilok' movie..it was so damn hilarious..funny ke tahap sampai nak pecah usus aku.. hahaha job well done..great movie!!*clap*anyway...as i looked at those picts of 'Los and Faun' posters esp. WoW...lawa banget sich! the colour,the effect the everything lah..and oh i cant wait for this new movie of your.hehe..
and lastly..All the best in your work yea!
iksh.. lambat lagik ker nak kuar nie.. x sabar laa....
Go-Go Afdlin!! Cant wait to watch Los dan Faun...
Ida nerina looks damn hot!
Nak tergelak baca ecah punye posting...anyway mmg cool lah dia punya poster. yr movie reminds me of rob schneider-ben stiller-adam sandler kind of movie...real dude movies!
suka sgt tgk ida nerina dlm poster tu..sooooo seducer!!! argh...bisa cair,hehe..kim slm kat ida yer bro.ni amanah ni...
Hey afdlin!!! greetings frm NZ... i think ur an awesome entertainer... nvr missed pck cos of u... well also cos of gurmit... btw am originally singaporean... in case u din get tht... my believe is tht if they're dissing u it only shows the extent of their admiration for u... and we all noe jealousy leads to idiotic and asinine comments... be ur usual happy go lucky self... i think... ok? i think i juz crapped enuff... ok lah send regards to hans!!! so good lookin sia!!! and ur so cute!!! =D u guys make a great team!!! =D ok enuff crapping!!! pEaCe OuT!!!
bila mau keluar?... afdlin antara pengarah yang kreatif kat malaysia... baru la meriah ckit... seronok org nak gi wayang...i asyik cinta cinta cinta....
What a creative director.!!!!inilah orang kata evolusi filem melayu...tak perlu berada dalam kepompong tang ber"pattern"kan cinta.kalo bertemakan cinta pun dia buat dengan caranya yang mungkin tidak akan anda dapat dikedai jual majalah atau dikedai vcd...Cip kodok nie mungkin lahir masa bulan terang kan...itulah otaknya macam bulan terang yang sentiasa menerangi setiap yang menatapnya...saya sebagai pengikut kodok yang setia,walaupun pertama kali ikut comment nie,akan menyokong cip kodok untuk terus berevolusi dengan cara yang tersendri...
Hidup cip kodok untuk filem melayu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harap-harap tiada "pesta potong-memotong" untuk filem ini di Finas! :-)
dah kluar nanti boleh layan ngan adik beradik aku!
sementara tu, layan dulu komik online yg best ni : http://smithmag.us/shootingwar/index.php
Assalamualaikum bro Afdlin..
ari tu jumpa bro ngan sorang girl (wife kot)..kat KLCC...
btw bro kenapa lama tak update blog... update le update leeeeee...!!!!
check out your favorite music here http://musiclyrics.wordpress.com/
Hi Afdlin,
First let me congratulate you on all of your films. I am not much of a movie buff but I do try to follow your movies. I guess perhaps it's all due to the contents of local movies that I am not a fan (of local movies). Your movies attract me purely for the subject matter(s) which you present in your films. I notice that you focus on human behaviour in its natural spirit which most of us can relate to. There are so many other issues in the matter which can be drawn attention to, other than the old, melodramatic and melancholic love stories. I give you a standing ovation when it comes to creative contents and how you do not disregard realism in your films. Well done, Afdlin! Continue your crusade with your mighty pen (or whatever you use to write your ideas on paper). I am looking forward to "Los dan Faun". See how weird you can get! About time we don't take ourselves too seriously!
Hi Afdlin,
I always enjoy watching your movie.. betul2 lain daripada yang lain. Your humour dan jalan cerita always unique.
Good job, my friend and Good Luck!!!
its official
June is blog-free month for afdlin
Ida Nerina. Very hot.
hm... akhirnya terbit juga karya paranormal... saya sedang menunggu karya sci-fiction yang ada alien-alien tu pula.
super hero pulak?
kita tunggu...
huhu...aku sgt la suka karya ngko...tp satu jerk nak mintak tolong...kirim salam kt Ida Nerina...minat bangat sama dia!!!
good site
good site
good site
good site
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