Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

IT's coming and it's looking good.

We are on a three day break from shooting and i am so looking forward to it as we haven't been on a break for about three weeks. It's great to have some downtime with the wife and kids as we hardly get to see each other during shoots. Both my daughters have grown up so much and i hate the fact that i am missing their development stages. But it's what i do and hopefully my work will make them proud of me.
What's interesting to me is that this movie looks like a foreign movie with malaysian actors. The set is outstanding thanks to Paul Hasham and team , The crew is excellent, always giving their all and the actors are a joy to work with no childish nagging or diva-ish attitude. This is a dream project, which did not come easy, but it will be the biggest movie i have ever tried to accomplish. WISH ME LUCK and I promise that this movie will not dissapoint. I am giving this thing all that i have got.


Afdlin Shauki


the wiu wiu said...

hi afdlin..

i'm back for good now after years of studying abroad..or shud i say after missing a lot of ur incredible work...

and so...good luck!!..can't wait to catch up with ur upcoming shows..


Sha said...

can someone please please please tell me when the next actorlympics is?
The thing is, i have to get a truckload of people to go watch it and realise that hey, our actors/actresses are REALLY that good at improv!

Thankyou for caring!

Ahmed Razman said...


poster SUMOlah dah buat ke? buatlah 2-3 versions.. what the heck.. 10 versions pun takpe..

Comot said...

hi adflin,

Ehm.. I`m dhania from Shah Alam.. I`m about 12 years old, and i really, really admire `ur work.. so, gud luck 4 sumolah.. I am really looking foward 4 that movie..

Anonymous said...

Yeah bro!

I also admire ur works, and I bet SUMOlah is gonna be a crazy one! I just hope the best for you okay ;)


zona marie said...

some sumolah posters are up at the production blog check it out ! ^_~

Anonymous said...

good work bro afdlin...tak sabor nye tunggu latest project bro...semoga anak2 bro mendapat didikan yg terbaik dari ayahnya...amin

mamasan said...

Actorlympics will be on in September. Call the Actors Studio at 2094 0400 / 1400 for inquiries.

Jalal said...

very good luck to you bro and have fun! i hope sumolah will be the biggest achievement for you and the nation.

aidid said...

afdlin, there's another great actor to be. Hope you can try to screentest lotter (af4) for ur future movie.He's quite natural n kelakar. please give it a try.
All the best for sumo lah.

Anonymous said...

Hi Afdli,

Sorry to bother you, know ya busy and all that but ever since I read about your SUMO Lah production, it just dawn on me that there is a Persatuan Sumo Malaysia (something which I thought never existed). Anyway, I've tried looking for their numbers/address as I'm keen on joining their classes - tried calling the Japan Embassay, Japan Club, Japan Foundation, Googled, Yahooed etc etc but still no lukc. Could you kindly pass me their contacts? Many thanks in advance.

Fat Boy Slim

Anonymous said...

Kalau ada Sumo for women (ada ke?), macam mana ye?

Anonymous said...

ade ker sumo for women..x pernah tgk pon

Anonymous said...

movie yg mmg x pernah di buat oleh org mesia..x terpikir pun ade org nak buat..congrats bro

madame natalya kraepelin said...

hi there afdlin,

came across ur blog just by chance. reading ur blog reminds me of those fun times i spent back home with my sibs... y'know watching ur funny movies. i especially love "mimpi moon". also recently, i tengok ur "buli" and "buli balik", my mom in-law brought these with her when she was over visiting. i have to say that we enjoy all ur movies and looking fwd to see another one. kudos to you and all your friends!

rockafella gurl said...

yo big bro! im gonna b ur 1st person to catch ur movie man!!

Anonymous said...

Sumo untuk pompuan? Oh.. oh! Cuba bayangkan kalau diorang jatuh dihempap ke lantai dengan posisi tertiarap... mesti ada yang terlonjak balik ke atas siling gelanggang kerana daya lantunan dua buah tembikai sihat di dada diorang. I think pompuan is biologically designed not for Sumo.

BTW, nak tanya Afdlin.. did you purposely binge up yourself untuk filem tu? Kalau ya.. wow, sungguh mengagumkan. Big sacrifice!

SimplyMas said...

Looking forward to your Movie Afldin! Good Luck! InsyaAllah all will go well!

shark fin said...

akum Mr afdlin..
i will always pray for this big project so that the outcome will be amusing..great effort bro..wish u luck..
harap2 ade la efek com lagi eh..look very stylish and berprestij..


Led said...

Hail to Afdlin big fat tummy project...

dreamkaya said...

Sheikh afdlin

Lu memang best laaa....
lain dari pada yg lain...laaa
terus kann..

gua pun lain pada yang lain...

amir laaa

Anonymous said...

check dis song for CT and Dato K..from a heart-broken CT fan..

Anonymous said...

Hey bro afdlin!!..

actually this is my first time masuk ur blog.itupun lepas ada kawan kasitau.. pasal ur previous entry.. ehhe..

tak kisah lah tu..

neway... loooooveee you la bro!
teringin giler nak jumpa.. nak picit² pipi.. ihiks..
all da best to you bro!!


blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Good Luck Bro'..... Tak sabo tunggu sumolah keluar..!!!

eNeFF said...

A'kum Brudder Afdlin

Realy fanatic of your art work!!!
Tak sabar la nak tengok LOS dan FAUN and SUMOlah...
Aiyarkk cepat a kuar....
GooD LucK Cip Kodok

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikom chip,

i jus read berita harian..chip dpt plg byk nominations for Festival Filem Malaysia ke-19 (FFM19)..congrats chip!! mntak2 at least tersangkot la 1, 2..amiin..

Anonymous said...

Mari tgk foto bakal anak2 tiri Siti Nurhaliza...will Siti Nurhaliza be a good step mother?

sukanduniaaku said...

really like ur movies. fresh ideas n slumberkodok!!
congrats & gud luck to the chief of the kodoks!

btw, y 'sumolah? napa x 'sumotu' ke 'sumoni' ke 'sumoler' ke 'sumoke' ke kekekeke

Anonymous said...

Salinan Kad Pengenalan Siti Nurhaliza...get it here..

Anonymous said...

*feelin' enthusiastic about ur movie*

I cannot enter the celcom competition.. sigh.. i really want to be a part of this movie but what to do lah kan?

*thumbs ready... up or down, balik kampung or pegi town...*


whitehorse2099 said...

Tahniah kerana tercalon. Kalau ada rezeki boleh bolot semua award tu.

Azer Mantessa said...

k.. all the best 2 u and take it easy :-)

Anonymous said...

hi CIP! IT'S been a while i didn't visit ur blog ha ha everybody is so bz with their own thing lately.

well about sumola movie i wish i could see something different and hope we can have new perception of malay's movie. esp fm pengarah anak melayu hu hu hu yg berjiwa besarrrr badan pun besarrr jugak hehehe

well wish u all the best. don't worry i'm sure ur wife n the kids will be happy with the husband & papa achievement...something tht they can proud of.


Amiruddin Karim said...

Everything is interesting.. Sumo-sumo lah.. Everything..

Bro, I should do at at least one work with you.. someday..

Anonymous said...

sumo laaaaaaa...
saye mmg tunggu cite ni...

Anonymous said...

i didnt even hv the chance to watch baik punya cilok lg.pity me.just got the vcd posted from malaysia.the origional copy lg tu.but cannot be viewed in the laptop.dunno why.anyway keep up the good work.i'll try to watch the cd in other's laptop.i will.

Anonymous said...

i tau ni lari topik.. tapi i nak menyatakan kesedihan i atas permergian Allahyarham Hani Mohsin.. he's one of the finer actors in Malaysia..

Al-Fatihah untuk arwah... sangat2 sedih biler tahu Allahyarham adalah anak tunggal dan sudah ketiadaan ibu bapa.. hanya Hani Karmila saudara kandung terdekat...

Semoga Mila tabah meniti hari2 tanpa ayah tercinta...

azhar said...

hi there Afdlin..

dulu ada drop by a few times 2 ur blog..tapi tak post anything..

so ada preview..or the making of..Sumolah tak?..

i know ur into comics n action any project cam comic book movie type..i'm into comics too

i ada la 2 3 kali lepak ngan N'aa & Fauzi (NST Cartoonist)...they say u ada project on comic cam malay sarkas or somthng..heard about it..lupa d story line..its sound good...

dulu i had a plan wth fauzi n Naa to drop by @ ur office..nak cilok ur Action figures collection..hehehhe

if u have d free times..drop by 2 my blog...mostly more sketches n comic werks...errr i saw ur storyboard/comic by Don,,,is there any chance for me to b ur storyboard artist..hehehehe? u know Fauzi kena stroke?..kalu nak drop by visit him blog ada address dia..nak he is recovering @ his parents house kat Kg Dato Keramat

cant wait 2 c Los dan Faun & Sumolah

Anonymous said...

suddenly remember a character from Gila Gila back in 80's.. Periwira Mat Gila by Rejabhad.. Imagine that in the silver screen .

Anonymous said...

asslmkm abg afdlin. saya zuraimi dari singapura. hehe, ini merupakan kali pertama zuraimi visit blog abg afdlin. ehhhhh, walaupun dah berzaman blog ni bernyawa.... hehehe... i must say dat ur entries sound very humble and sincere sebab zuraimi tak jelak-jelak untuk scroll down and down and down... i also enjoy ur movies dan lakonan sebab its very uniquely you dan abg afdlin tak paksa untuk jadi macam org lain. proud to have anak melayu mcm abg afdlin.. bukan nak angkat bola tapi ikhlas dari hati..

buah mangga di pohon kayu,
anak beruang terlonjak-lonjak;
hamba bangga berdarah melayu,
terus berjuang walau diinjak!!

power to the melayus...


Monsieur Myswissbank said...

what a great post .. hmmm
'MONEY does not equate TRUE HAPPINESS'??
Maybe when I have enough ( I mean a lot of money ) then only I'll understand what that truly means... just kidding.

In the mean time, I'll work hard for that MONEY and wait till the true revelations comes.. :P

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your recent win!!!!

Anonymous said...

chip kodok..

U deserve the "Pelakon Lelaki Terbaik" award more than anyone else..
Keep on translating your brilliant n biyul ideas into more fantastic movies..
Your movies aje locally produced ones yg I sanggup pegi tengok kat wayang, angkat sekali satu gerabak ketapi! and tak penah nyesal tengok..

minat lu sudah lama bro!

Anonymous said...


How the hell does one contact you these days. Nobody seems to have your email address. I thought of you as I saw your picture in new straits times online. Congratulations on the award, First time I saw you on stage 2 decades ago, I knew you had talent. I'm not in the country. Working abroad. But no worries, nothing important, just saying hi!

Your only friend with 'Dewa' in his name.

zooltechnology said...

Nak cari DUIT dgn blog tnp mengeluarkan modal..di sini ade caranya...

lawatilah websiite ini dan anda bole download e-book tentang tips2 meningkatkn jumlah pengunjung ke blog atau website anda secara PERCUMA!

Byk tips2 menarik utk anda cuba dan senarai allifiate(program buat duit) yg brani buat high paying rate!!!!

zooltechnology said...

Chief mmg hebat..aku salute chief sbb dpt anugerah kt ffim!power!!!aku kt cni stiasa sokong chief!!!hahaha


Anonymous said... memang ensemlah...mcm kodok...hehehe