Hi gang apa khabar? Memang sudah lama saya tak menulis didalam blog ini kerana kehidupan yang bergelumang dengan kerja untuk memperbaiki diri dan menjadi yang terbaik mungkin di dalam kerjaya saya.
Minggu lepas saya dikenalkan dengan budaya kerja orang jepun and i am quite awed at how friendly, efficient and how quickly they adapted to working with my crew. The shoot went smooth, with some minor annoyances, but as a whole i think we have an outstanding product in SUMO-Lah. It was really touching to see the two crews exchange goodbyes as we were leaving back to kl and i must say i never tire watching grown men cry as i know that they have been moved by the whole new experience.
Semalam saya baru pulang dari Jepun bersama krew saya dan saya rasa amat teruja berjumpa dengan anak bini saya. I missed them so much. My daughters have grown up so much, the way they talk, their facial expressions and i just can't help but ask myself what part i had in helping them be this way. Don't get me wrong, i am not complaining about being busy but i pray to allah i never lose sight of what is really important to me, my family.
Going to Japan and experiencing the freedom at which the artistes there are able to express their souls through their art really made me think about our country and made me ask myself what i want to achieve in my short time here on this earth. I have never wanted to be too popular and end up having a wedding at klcc, but i have this need to do work which will, even if in a small way, be inspirational to people. I think when you die people very rarely remember how much money you have, but they will remember... if you have done or affected them somehow. I guess i have a need to make a difference, to make an impact, to leave a mark on this earth when i leav,e so that in times to come, some good will come from it. I realise in japan that my fight really means something and my quest is really important to me... and money isn't a great motivator anymore. I guess when you start not to care about the dollars and sense of it all (I can already see investors squinting their eyes as wrinkles slowly form on their foreheads) you are free to explore the depths of your creativity.
However having said that, i am no U-Wei hj Shaari nor am i a Yasmin Ahmad, I am in awe of their creative freedom and the path the have chosen for their life. I am sure they have had to fight for what they have right now, as i have wth my own personal battles and demons. Coming from a poor family, i have been trained by my parents and then brainwashed by the malaysian education system to believe that , having a stable job, security and making as much money i can, should be the main objective in life, being an artiste... being creative... thinking out of the box... having dreams were all a waste of time. Get 20A's in your spm, then get on the Dean's List in ur UNI and be headhunted by the big corporations so finally they can stick u behind a desk and WORK FOR SOMEBODY ELSE. This is in no way wrong if this what u want for yourself, but as Robert Kiyosaki said in his book, Business school is where they breed robots. What happens when the way people do business before, doesn't work anymore now, as in the case of the recording industry. The way they've been doing business haven't changed but other factors like people and technology has, so instead of Harvard business school grads, they need creative people, who think out of the box to come up with some fresh new business ideas and concepts to revive the ailing giant.
I might die never being rich for thinking this way but i think there is a reason why god gave me a brain, and especially for making me see things the way i see them. 'MONEY does not equate TRUE HAPPINESS' and when i truly understand this mantra, i know i will be really free and i will achieve greater enlightenment.
Why i believe my movies work? My desire to make people happy and enhance their paradigm is greater than making money. I want for people to live 'in' today and make themselves want to be better human beings, as i am trying to be. It is not enough for people to just have a laugh at my movies, it is essential that they KEEP THINKING!
I am aware of the power that comes with my fans watching my movies, making it box office successes and showing to the rest of MALAYSIA that i am someone to watch out for. My fans are my true heroes. It is their choice to want something different that has given my film career true life and true meaning. And now It is my responsibility to keep doing better work and to give them things that i have in my head (and not nescessarily what they want).
Two projects : LOS DAN FAUN and SUMO-lah are the first true foray into this... I have not experienced this kind of freedom in making movies ever, working for the studios and i am proud of this two movies and wait to see where i can go from there. HOPEFULLY : THE WORLD.
On another ambitious great Malaysian note : Puteri Gunung Ledang is on again and if any kodoks want to go with me and some of the cast of SUMO-lah please call Anne and if you don't have Anne's number call VISIONWORKS at 0341435097. I believe that Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical was one of the best things to happen to this country and especially to local theatre for a long time.
So guys apa lagi, i know some people don't believe this, but i truly believe if you choose to be better human beings our world will become a greater to live in. try it. Pick up the next rubbish you see on the street tommorow or give a complement to the security guard at your apartment or give a smile to the bus driver or sapa-sapa saja kan. You've got a brain, i'm sure you can come up with something more creative to do to be better human beings. The small thing make a difference. U make a difference.
Power to the People
Afdlin Shauki
finally u write again... hahaha. cip, tlg kirim slm kat Charoenpura, makin lama tgk dia, makin timbul perasaan halus nih. hahah ;p
welcome back cip!... wahhhhh been like hell tunggu your latest post... tak sabar2 nak dengar/lihat perkembangan SUMOlah... harap semuanya OK till the end... aku doaakan kejayaan cip dalam kerja dan hidup.... amin.
Hi cip...
akhirnya kembali menulis lagi... x sabar nak tunggu update SUMOlah.
hurm..betul jugak tu! balik keje nanti boleh try sapa-menyapa security guard kat bawah tuh.
cip selamat kembali... to mesia... hope sumo-lah is getting along fine and dandy. i saw you that day at the sushi shop in Bandar Puteri Puchong tp dari jauh aje lah... kang kena hambat lak ngan Anne. hehehe Anyway nice to have you back.
hipp..hipp..hooray... all the best for your family and you and your films..
Assalamualaikum Chip...
Okaerinasai! Enjoy reading your blog today. U sounded like a whole new person. Anyway Chip....wishing U all the best and trust me......we'll always be right beside U whenever U need us.
good to know ur back safely together wit ur crew.. enjoy your family as much as u could..
there's no place like home wit ur children..
take care of ur health ya..dun forget.
finally the cobwebs have been cleared...
Go Afdlin! Go Afdlin! Go Afdlin!
yeayyy!!! ur back!!! yeap, ur rite cip, nothing in de whole wide world matter de most, than family!! family is like a very (x1000)priceless, precious treasure, dat u've hidden n x want others to find.. to have it.. to own it.. take care, ya!! adios..
I sincerely hoped it's not FUGU talking.
An inspiring piece of memo there. Just dont ever let that fire in you fizzle. Wishing u all the best to beat all the odds and obstacles just so that you can keep contributing to us fellow mortals on the many aspects and genre of movies u can ever come up with.
It is harder when u r at the higher position. Bruce Lee once said: "Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.
good luck abg afdlin!
between dreams and money is one thing,but some of us fear pursuing dreams equal to=having trouble paying rent n bills cos u never listened to you parents.so how dya do it-people nowdays say dreaming is just what it is,dreaming.wich i tink is total crap,but might just be true
Assalamualaikum Afdlin,
The Japanese are indeed the hardworking lot. The Malays can learn a lot from their working culture.
Anyway, Good Luck to you and I pray for the Best in all your future undertakings. May Allah swt bless you and your family always.
Aunty Azizah,
Shah Alam.
yo bro...
so bila plan nak tgk PGLtM tuh? any specific date? plz email me ok kalau confirm nak pegi...
..well sometimes for some people when they die, some interested parties may enquire their dollar and cents rhey left behind..samada niatnya baik atau sebaliknya..
glad you came back safely..
yo bro,
let's go against any conventional answers to any questions. let's go against the primary schools, high schools and even the higher institution of learning which have nothing else to do but trying to teach us how to think rather than to teach us the structure of subjects. let's revive scholasticism as an academic lark. may you bro afdlin, challenge the sputnik-panicked classroom of Malaysia!
Blaise Pascal kata "The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble"
just be a good pebble. luv ur work bro.
Mr Afdlin,
CLICK, the new Adam Sandler movie, make me rethink of what to achieve in life, and what to not let pass.
Well... having enough money to spend for loved ones, for necessities and some luxury will someway bring happiness. i shud say...
Good Day, sir!
Lu gilak lah kodok.... all the best to you.... its ok even tho u are not u wei ker yasmin ahmad ker but u are u, that the most important thing, u are walking that path now Kodok.
I suggest you participate in Dubai International Film Festival dec 10-17 2006
Details at http://www.dubaifilmfest.com/2006/07/09/out-of-competition/
Let the arab world see your products and talents!
memang nak sangat tengok PGLM again, tapi, poket dah kering sebab august nih nak gi tengok konsert Sheila On 7 (13HB-JB, 16HB-KK, 18HB-PNG, 20hb-KL). jOM?
asslmkm abg afdlin.. wah, dah update blog rupa2nya. i was waiting and waiting hehe, tak sabar nak baca new entry..
cant wait to see ur SUMO-LAH n LOS N FAUN... tapi buat masa ni, masa tak mengizinkan la.. maklum kiter busy dgn military life..
meskipun duit itu penting dalam hidup ini, duit bukanlah SEGALANYA. i agree wid u.. zuraimi pernah terlibat menolong cikgu untuk melatih para peserta bagi Pesta Pantun sejak dua tahun lalu. pernah saya bilang cikgu - cikgu, saya tak kisah kalau cikgu tak balas pertolongan saya sebab saya jauh lebih hargai pengalaman bersama para peserta.. sebab, sejak bertemu di sesi latihan, kami bertiga terus menjadi kawan rapat dan teman istimewa hingga kini.. teman-teman istimewa itu dapat saya simpan dalam hati.. duit mana boleh simpan... hehe
go afdlin go! my support for you! don't give a fuck what people think... be creative and do it.
Hey abg afdlin! Your creativity and humour never fails to amaze me. I always look forward to your updates. Link you up can? ;)
wei korang...NAK CARI DUIT X??????DUIT!DUIT!
sape2 yg ade blog tu kan..korang bole cari side income tau..nak tau cmne..pi blog ni..
kompem korang xkn nyesal
Bro, your thoughts inspired me to always be a better person. And I admire your works too. I hope maybe one day I can make songs for your movies. If you have time do click my nick to read my blog (tak malu).
yeahh...go bro....keeps going!
"POTENTIAL INCOME OF 1k usd permonth!4067 Members and still growing under me"http://archiprez.prowealthsuccess.com/
Bro, have you watched Adam Sandler's "Click"? If not, p tgk, its a very good one. Serius tak tipu. And I hope you continue to touch people's feeling thru your movies. Keep doin it bro!
but money can definitely buy religious..currently
tu la bende yg berlaku skang...klu masuk agama x, dapat MYRxxxx....
aluuuuuu cip kodok-ku!
im goin to PGL on 18th nx wk..
hope can c u around!
Heya.. Very nice views on family. Think u shld catch "CLICK" starring Adam Sandler. Somehow or rather, it does "touch" something inside all of us.. Take care!!
I do believe you will win big time tonight on FFM. Let me give you a huge advanced CONGRATULATIONS!
congrats bro .... emmmm tahniah .... menang beb !!!!! gua mcm tak caya nama lu kena sebut ....
kongratulasi bro..sape kate org gemuk takley menang..memangg gempakklahh!!! now u r the best actor bro!!!
You're the MAN! Tonight's Yours...i admit Nordin's really touch my feeling...CONGRATULATIONS!!
Is ISMA in any of your movie?s He was my course mate..he's good..
nama adik Aizani. dari singapura. adik suka dgn abgnya. kelakar benar. and cute too.
tk sangka dpt terjumpa your blog.
post yg recent tu abg aru alik jepun betul atau act cite jepun? lau cite, kelakar tk?atau ni yg serious punya?
by the way, you can reach me at my blog.. this is the link.. Click here..
Mudah-mudahan, adik dpt reply abg afdlin. terima kasih ya..
Way to go! =)
congrats afdlin !! best actor !! nice speech too ;)
afdlin tahniah semalam menang ffm19 ....peminatmu dlm diam
afdlin CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! sebab menang semalam.......
Jgn sangkat orang GEMOK tak leh menang.....
kekodok tumpang bangga :)
keep it up beb!
Assalammualaikum cip!
Tahniah dpt 2 anugerah... tu la... saper ckp org gemuk x blh menang.
tapi speech si Amani tu mcm lepas geram jek.
Congrats on the award dude!
webbek.. webbek!
Tahniah menang dua anugerah...tak sangka? Mimpi?..No, it's real, org gemuk cam adflin sure menang punyer sebab idea dier manyak owhhh..so keep it up...tak sabo rasernyer nak tengok the latest movie....yehaaaa...All the best!!
didn't get the chance to yell... CONGRATS!!! to you last night. =) make more fetiche movies please! cheers.
Congrats man!!! You are truly a talented and hardworking entertainer and the rewards are the icing on the cake in your glittering career.
well, i think the new generation of malaysia film is on da way oledi...babai to 'tangkap lentok' film...
to datuk YH, DTeoh etc >> you should change your film identity. orang dah takmo tengok pilem cinta tige segi dah. orantg nak tengok filem bijak dan membukak minda...
Tahniah brader,
part aku paling suka, time brader salam dgn RN b4 naik pentas. Both Gentlemen gitu.
kalau leh buat gathering kodok lagik GEMPAK.
Bolehlah kami tengok trofi2 tu digayakan dengan selambernya oleh lu, Bro.
Congrats lah!
Teruskan membina impian kami!
Note: Afdlin, rasanya nama Bro salah eja lah kat Poster Diva Popular. Please take note.Thanks.
..it's about time.
Tahniah, bro for all the FFM-19 accolades u have received.
Did u buy that kimono from Japan or tempah kat msia? quite a few of u wearing it. Good movie-promo strategy.
"Orang gemuk pon boleh menang". It goes without saying that you are the "heavyweight champion" twice as the best actor. U must be dead chuffed!
Btw, u mentioned Awie twice. Korang bestest friends yea....guna gym awie la tu.
Congrats afdlin for winning those awards :D
Alhamdulillah.. congrats bro. Power to the people. :)
Assalamualaikum bro afdlin,
congrats...!!! tak sangka lu menang... seb baik bukan rosyam... coz lakonan dia sama jee skg nie...
congrats again bro...
Amani .... speech dia perli tu.. hehee
congrats abang Afdlin.. biler nak bawak rombongan kodok pegi tgk PGL nih??
congrats bro and thanks for a good humble speech.you-know-who sounds stupid no matter what language spoken hatta mangalish pun.peace!
Afdlin or the person reading this for Alf,
I guess I should have guessed it. You have someone going trough the posted messages to filter them, just like they do in Finas with censorship, hahaha! Its just so damn hard to get in touch with you. No reason really just for the sake of it, unless you dont think its worthwhile!
Your only mate with 'dewa' in his name. Think hard, think real hard. Too much of this blogging is making me sound like a 22 year old! If this message doesnt go through, I'll make sure the next tiem I write in, I sound like a typical 22 year old adoring fan hahahaha! Then I'm sure it'll appear in the messages. To the person who reads all these messages for Alf, can you please tell him that I only wanted to just say hi or drop a line or two. I occasionally do this with old buddies, superstar or not. heheheh! I dont have any ulterior motives. I think someone in alf position whould probably be weary of old friends suddenly reappearing trying to get back in touch, but not me, I got nothing to gain from getting back in touch with him. Im not even in Malaysia.
But I would not expect to be able toget any sort of reply I guess cos how would I get a reply, unless of course I leave my email. hah! here it is: b_d_ism@hotmail.com
Oh damn, my message appeared, I was wrong after all. sorry bro. cos the first time I messaged you, I didnt see that message appear. So I thought someone tapis first. Oh mannnnn, now the whole world knows my email. Sorry Afdlin and everyone. Hes a good guy, most definitely, a really great guy! always smiles and always says hi when we bump into each other at the mall or anywhere! A truly sporting and friendly superstar. You all carry on now. Bye!
Congratulations for winning those awards.Semoga terus berjaya!
Congrats on your recent win.
Life is strange. You are sad without money. But it doesn't mean that you are happy when you have money too. I guess it's all about balance.
your sumo crew tgh memeriahkan my college, i wanted to join the crew (ftv club's handling) but since final year and berbadan dua, i didn't think i'd be menyenangkan korang, makin menyusahkan lagi ada nanti.
can't wait to watch sumolah. not because it was shoot in luct but cus u're the pengarah.
congrats for the award!
Bro u best la...apa2 pon jgn casting AMANI in ur movie..nyampah!
heheee saw u guys shooting at my college ! :D
I hope it's not too late to say this "CONGRATULATIONS Afdlin@ChifKodok on your winnings!"
Baru sekarang saya tengok pelakon dan tenaga kerja filem dinilai melalui bakat bukan paras rupa saja!
P/S: Baru balik dari Cambodia..
phew.. finally ;)
Welcome back.. Did u watched Click?
hey afdlin, keep up the good work. malaysia need more people like you. all the best ;)
saya mahu 'mendera' filem filem afdlin dalam blog saya....
ya ya ya ya
buli filem itu...
tapi hari ni tak sempat la
All Praise be to Allah
indeed, what HIS view is more important, to please HIM, love and to gain HIS pleasure in here after..
i also love to think out of the box
and read between the lines, but is that we can do everything in the name of art..
doctor has to follow the rule
humankind has also the rule of GOD..
rule has made to be break? who say that..
but please dear..
why you can't see the real issues,
we live in what Allah give, so follow HIS rule, Almighty Allah said if you didn't want to obey HIM, just find another world.
Basic thing as a human. Know, Love and Obey GOD..if even it means to sacrife our desire..
we live to love Allah..ultimate goal..
we just follow our desire, we will mad man, we will crush ourself man..
believe it.
Sat Aug 19, 03:11:15 AM 2006
nai said...
Syakh Khalid yassin, african american a famous preacher among youngsters in America and Sydney has said in one of his talk..
" i Have go out from the world of western, the dirty life as a non-beliver, but now Muslims wanna enter the place that we have go out.."
this not a tadzkirah, ceramah but we have a goal
Allah know best..
Give the true gudience,Alquran and Sunnah
kawan rase mcm pernah nmpak je muka artis thailand tu...kalo x silap dia yg brlakon dgn andy lau dlm citer fighter blues tu yek??
kalo x silap laa....
Tahniah Bos budak debab seMalaysia sebab memenangi Pelakon Terbaik di Festival Filem Malaysia baru-baru ni. Dapat sekali dengan cerita asal tu. TAHNIAH!!! Sapa kata orang hensem je boleh menang. Aku pun debab gak, kira banggalah jadi budak debab
Congrats on your recent win! Looking forward to more of your works :o)
alo chip kodok, ari ni gua rase happy n bangga siut dapat jumpa lu face to face kat istana budaya tadi.sori laa gua kacau lu ngan family lu.tapi lu memang spoting la chip kodok.tq sebab sudi bergambar ngan adik n mak gua tadi ..abisla kecoh adik gua kat kolej dia nanti ...apa2 pun PGLM memang MELETOP...puas ati siul ...AC memang berbakat beso ..punya laa serius time persembahan ..bila abis jee mula laa perangai gila2 dia datang lik ...memang happening..sekali lagi tq bro...
askum cekodok... eh kodok.. master of kodok.. tapi den bukan geng kodoklah sobab den slim sikit dari kodok2 yang lain.. pehal lah lawak lu sampai ke tahap kodok... lu memang lawak giler lah brader.. den raso lu leh dinobatkan nanti kembar ( kembar part idea filem2 jer ) allahyarham tan sri p ramlee.. tahniah lah walaupun lu tak hensom tapi bakat lu dah mengalahkan hensom hensom yang lain.. teruskanlah idea dan menghasilkan filem yang berkualiti dan yang penting setiap filem tu mestilah ditontonkan se real kehidupan yang kita tempuhi hari hari. filem memang lakonan tapi arahkan dan lakonkan menjadi seperti situasi semasa.. kalau lu nak buat filem berkaitan loghat negori sembilan nanti lu cari den.. den leh jadi penasihat loghat negori untuk citer lu nanti.. free jer janji namo den ada tertulih time filem tu abis nanti... ada filem atau drama kat tv sekarang ni tak 100 percen loghat negori yang betul betul "kick" .. oklah sory terpanjang lak komen biasa komen pendek jer kan..
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