Just to inform & confirm with you the airing of the making of Sumo-lah
on Astro Ria the following times :
SABTU / Saturday 12 May 6.30pm
SUNDAY / Sunday 13 May 11.30 am
MONDAY /Monday 14 onwards, 3 times daily
Guess what? i also found the SUMOlah trailer online!! if you haven't seen it, please check-out
officially from astro insider checkout http://bicaraskrip.blogspot.com
Astro Ria (04)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
6:30:00 PM
Synopsis: Di Balik Tabir SUMOlah arahan Afdlin Shauki menampilkan Awie, Radhi Khalid, Gurmit Singh dan ramai lagi. Saksikan filem ini di pawagam berdekatan anda sekarang!
Also on this week:
13-May-2007~11:30:00 AM
So jangan lupa tengok!

Also need your help guys, if you enjoyed the movie to tell your friends and get their bontots into the panggung. thank u daun keladi gang.
Afdlin Shauki
awak saya sanggup ambik cuti psl nk tgk citer awak. best cuma kt still x dpt grasp the idea of radhi khaled jd sumo guy....kering wak!.nokotto!
Nokotta!it's great when u know that in order to do the movie the director did his homework.It shows through explaining the sumo's techniques etc (eventhough i x understand it).graet job afdlin.keep it up.
afdlin sensei,
i know it's quite far fetched..but any chance of sumo-lah going for international release/film festivals? i dah laaa tak dapat tgk mukhsin...;( ni sumo-lah pun tak dapat tgk. kenapa lah bila tahun i start belajar overseas, all the good msian movies yg i gila nak tgk baaru release? 'cinta' pun baaru dapat tgk last week...org yg balik mesia belikan ori dvd. ;(
please..please..nak tgk sumo-lah.
i watched the first day show. very excited to watch the movie.
you and phua chu kang really a great pair-lah.
hail to the chip kodok!
abg afdlin, i watched the movie today...n i thought it was GREAT.HONDA SITI...hahahaha.seriously saya tak sedar mula2 tu.wutever it is, im proud of u!!....i love all the scenes in japan!!...OSSU OSSU OSSU!! =P
A'kum... Saya tgk citer awak 10 mei baru ni. Nokotta!!! Saya suka dan tersentuh dengan mesej yang awak sampaikan. Saya doakan awak akan berjaya dan terus berkarya. Bila dah keluar VCD nanti, jgn risau..saya akan beli yang original seperti mana Baik Punya Cilok dulu. Gua cakap kat bini gua... Afdlin punya movie...kita beli ori..!!! Akhir kata...
watched it during the screening on wednesday...(by xfresh) and i think its really a good movie!! lawak kualiti giler!!keep up the great work!! i strongly suggest u guys to watch it!! =)
Once again.. Afdlin Shauki, best director in the making. That summed up the sumolah movie *winks*
"stalker! stalker! stalker! stalker!" [Ramlee off-screen to Akira]
Malam tadi tgk kat tgv klang, pecah perut dibuatnya, abg afdlin memang world lah.
Terima kasih bebanyak sebab sudi b'gambar ngan me & my sis. Saya yang pakai kamera kokak
zaman dolu2 tu...
Saya pastikan akan tgk lagi dan lagi cerita abang afdlin...
lagi satu bila tgk abg afdlin real nampak cute sangat2.. :)
afdlin, good job.selama ni i cuma tahu kaizen jek..sekarang dh tambah satu lg -nokotta!. may i know hw can i get soundtrack filem nie..i suka esp lagu yg u nyanyi ngan lagu masa u guyz kat jepun tu...bgtau ya wak
marah gua kat lu ingat lu nye movie guna 4:3 tapi kat wayang pakai 16:9 nyer ratio. apehal hal makin lebar muka bro kat wayang, pastu gua tak puas hati gua pi belakang tanye kat pekerja tgv, rupenye salah diorang. dierang telah melebarkankan citer lu tak pasal2. so sorry la.
anyway, citer mmg best aar bro. honda siti, jepunyu, stalker memang lawak la. tak pernah lagi movie bro, aku miss, insya-Allah aku akan support apa juga mende yang ko buat untuk menceriakan umat movie kat malaysia ni.
hi aflin !
i would like act in ur film...
just leave me a message or email me. nadya nak berlakon coz nak timba ilmu & im is the one of acting student in uitm.... gain knowledge & experince !
that all..
take care
& have a nice day....
what can i say? hv been liking ur work since BULI, and BAIK PUNYA CILOK further confirmed my choice of preference.. now SUMOLAH.. enjoyed it, and like it. Not know anything bout directing skill.., but i felt SUMOLAH is 'smoother' than BULI.. macam minum mushroom soup, instead of WASABI (*LOL*)..
Congrates! Another creative production that marks another milestone even for local movies. Tahniah tahniah tahniah!!
Sampai habih citor tadi sy look back the SUMOLAH wording, i could see the aura of 'A BRAND', cam an ICON.
hi afdlin,
nice work on tis one..i think the most interesting of all ur movies. it get a full package: spirit, respect, loyal, culture, lalala.I LIKE...hehe, a usual srarts but a totally blow out when the slumber jokes came out continuously.. i laugh like no one is around..hehe..tak ingat dunia. usually I just follow my fren to watch ur movie..today also..but i realise now that next time i should initiate myself to watch ur movie..so keep up the good work..gammbaro!
Ossu..ossu... Yea yea.. gua jumpa lu n patrick kat Kinta City Ipoh, Perak. Gua n bini gua bergambar dengan lu. Gua macam tak caye je dapat jumpa lu. Yang best lagi... Gua dapat headband Sumolah yang ada signature lu and patrick...
Lagi 40 minit lagi nak tengok the making...
hi bro,
semalam aku tgk SUMOlah.
Yg aku tak suka -
1. Lighting keras. 2.Storytelling slow. Love story dgn Siti tu macam lemau sket. Rasa macam lama nak abis. 3.Art direction untuk score board tu nampak murah. 4.gurmit singh tak funny. Dia kena buat lawak PCK baru best. 5.Dan yg paling aku geram, nampak benor nak jual Celcom & Ogawa. Rasa macam tgk commercial 2 jam.
Yg aku suka - lawak2 one-liner macam Honda Siti, scene malu tak pakai baju depan Siti, semua scene kat Jepun except kat kedai Ogawa.
sorry kalau comment aku menyakitkan ati. Aku sayang kat work kau so aku nak kau get better.
P.S - kat mana nak mandi hot spring?
hi afdlin,
bdk tgv bgtau u all dh dtg jb...alahhhhhh sedihnyerr.
Bro Afdlin Shauki,
Thanks for making a good movie like Sumolah. Saya masuk ke panggung dengan perasan jiwa kacau sebab berlaku failure dalam projek saya dan keluar dengan semangat Nokotta. Thanks bro....a very good movie.
Afdlin..i saw u and Patrick Teoh in Ipoh..saw u came into Kinta City Shopping Complex through the Black Canyon Coffee outlet!! hehe....
I am a chinese..and i must say, i like this movie!!! way to go, brother!!!!
No awkward feeling for me although only me and my girlfren the only chinese in the cinema...ehhee...just rock it!
veri full with human values this movies..
erlops ^_^
serious 1st day release sumolah i drag my 11th year old brother to company me watching the movie (blh tambahkan kutipan filem tu----kasi meletup)
anyway, i really had a great time watching that movie.keep up with the good word.
bangga rasanya menonton wayang 2 jam 20 minit (cerita melayu pulak tu) tak sanggup nak gi toilet just stick to the chair until its over. as what i observe, memang ramai yang ketawa (bukan dibuat2) pecah perut.
Bang Afdlin,I will see.......the movies....Afdlin!!!!!!!I like you.you so so so cute....,but you already "kahwin".
hi afdlin. i just watched ur movie!! :) i must say, i liked it! i had been anticipating the show ever since i saw the trailer.
thank God the movie was not a let down.
the whole cinema laughed at many scenes of the movie and i think it also taught us all the meaning of Nokkotta!! :)
Hulamak bro! SUMOlah mmg best ahh!! Q dah 2x kali tonton..Hari jumaat tu & ahad (semlm)... :D
Hehee, tak tahan woo tgk abg afdlin pakai 'mawashi' tu..Cam tersepit jer!! Kehkehkeh.. :lol:
Jln cerita ni mmg ada umphh laa! Memula tu igt team Boleh Sushi gerenti menang..Last2 tewas rupenyerrr!! Aduhh.. :(
Tapi yg paling penting mesej yg disampaikan tu mmg 'makan dalam' ahh bro..Q solute abihh!! Nokotta..Nokotta..Nokottaaa!! :D
p.s Yg pegang watak Mickey tu cam "Ci Al" jerr..Lagi2 rambut 'punk' dia tu.. =/
p.p.s Tak sabo nak tunggu filem arahan abg afdlin yg seterusnya! BRAVE... :D
afdlin..this one.. I LIKEEE!!
u hav improve a lot..
d most important thing..d message being delivered out n clear.. MALAY culture has it own PRO n CONS n also JAPANNESE culture..optimistically..if we take the good side of both culture..we might get..the most PERFECT one..haha..
btw..ganbate Afdlin..
i'm gonna watch this movie again n again and again..
keep up the good work..
im waiting for ur next movie Afdlin..i likeee...
I watched it but didn't enjoy it as much as 'baik punya cilok' whc i think is your best work so far... for cilok i was very entertained and laughed like crazy... but for sumo i was entertained and laughed once in a while.. i guess after your success of cilok and buli balik, i'd expect more from sumo.. nonetheless.. keep up making movies... you're still a good filmaker and entertainer..!
I've seen it 3 times (and counting, probably) and its still all good. But then I'm biased.
Mum enjoyed it so much last night she's gone to watch it again with some friends today. She'll tell them all she knows you (tumpang glamour) Ha ha ha!
Great job little brother. Kudos
hi yasmin, saya suka sangat sumo ler. ketawa sampai kering gusi. dah lah saya seorang sahaja yang serani! teruskan di atas ;)
hey u..
by de way,,
i ngah exam during ur film release niw..
tapie...i gagahi jua nak nengOk..
sumOlah rOxx..Urmm..
laen dari yg laen..
4 Over 5..
ok kOts rate tu kan??
hOpe u & sumOlah succeSs
Hi Afdlin..salam kenal dari saya..
Happy mother's Day to all mothers out there..
great great show... full of originality.. excellent job abg afdlin!! honda siti..winter sonata.. kudos!!
however, sorry but i felt the momentum of them mo-v was a bit off. it dragged for a while in the middle and thot that it was a bit long...
nevertheless, i loved it! it was so much better compared to the other malay comedies that is so low mentality... well done!!
Master cip, sy dah tgk da cite sumolah..best!!!!memang best, ni nak g tgk lagi sbb best sampai tak le cover gelak tgk..memang best!! THUMBS UP..NOKOTTA NOKOTTA
Semalam aku tengok Sumolah kat Bukit Raja. Sold out.. penuh panggung.. Filem ini akan cecah box office at no time.
Kalau sapa2 jumpa Afdlin, please tabik spring kat dia untuk aku. Simply the best comedy film ever produce in Malaysia. Best gila.. pecah perut.. betul2 pecah perut.
Aku tak mampu nak bayangkan cammana kepala hotak Afdlin boleh terfikir nak buat filem bermessage serius macam ni boleh diolah jadi comedy. Afdlin mmg genius.
Cuma terlalu banyak iklan Celcom and Ogawa. Tapi tak dapat cari sponsor air mineral ke? semua label kena buka.
Takpelah, asal Celcom happy, Afdlin happy and yang penting penonton happy...
Congrats to ketua kodok...! kau memang rocks..!
ur movie was awesome dude!!i personally think that u've matured in directing films and by far, this is the best movie u've ever directed and produced and i can assure u that from this movie, u've inspired many to just have faith in oneself..=) keep up the good work.u rawck!!!
mr afdlin,
I saw SumoLah yesterday with a friend of mine (with a very very high expectation of the movie) I must say i loved Buli and Baik Punya Cilok (i tak suka Buli Balik), so i'm very ecxited with your first "internatioal cast movie" but after 2 and the half hour, i still gelisah watching it, i think it's crap, you can do 100 times better than this, too many unimportant and wasted scene,movie pace pun very slow, editing sucks there's no build up, Sayang sangat this movie has so much potential, tapi nampak macam you rushing try to complete this movie (dahlah celcom and ogawa is everywhere - to many unimportant scene for celcom and ogawa)
tak pelah afdlin i hope los and faun and brave will be better than sumolah.
cif, i teringin sgt nak tengok u jadi kurus (lebih kurus dari masa filem Soal Hati) n berlakon filem u yg baru pasal kisah cinta..cinta yg pelik la bukan mcm cinta prof razak tuh..hahaha..amacam? sedangkan tom hanks boleh kurus utk castaway..takkan u xleh kot cif!
...err....boleh tak cif? tingin nak tgk u kurus..hehehe..
cif, jgn risau la pasal nak ajak bontot kawan2 gua tengok filem cif ni..dah i sebarkan kat blog i dan jugak kat forum i tu kaw2 nyer promo free lagik! tengok la sure box office nanti! Nokkota!!!
the first hour memang best dan lawak gler. Tapi aku macam ade nak tangkap lentok sket bile dah nak oenghabisan cerita itu. Maybe dah dapat agak kot ending dier cemana.
And tambahan aku tak berapa nak sihat sangat tapi aku gagahkan juga untuk menonton cerita mu wahai cip kodok.
Kesimpulan, cerita sumolah sememang nya berkualiti. Itu tak dapat nak dinafikan.. worth it..
Thank you afdlin for doin a very good job in entertaining your crowd.
The movie was awesome!!!!! Laughter at every corner :)
Brunei loves you afdlin!!!!
PERCAYA TAK ? TADI MASA AKU TENGOK SUMOLAH, ADER MAMAT NIE TIDOR SAMBIL MENGERUHh....hehe Betul Bro, gua tak bohong...aku tak tau aphal, mau nak aku pangil budak kampung baru terajang mamat nie... tapi pree country, lantak dialah.
Gua tabik springlah pasal lu nyer movie memang sacastic to orang melayu punya perangai. Harap kita leh ubah sikap..jangan dok ketawa tengok filem bro, dia punya ayat tue bawak balik sekali, annalist and implement.
wa tgk sumolah hari ahad (13 Mei) bersamaan dgn hari ibu. Serius beb. I like sumolah more than Baik Punya Cilok (BPC). Cayolah Bro Afdlin. 4/5 stars. So this is my humble opinion.
1st, Lawak sumolah bleh tahan dan still pecah perut but more important thing, lawak dia makin matang tak mcm BPC yang cenderung nak jadi kumpulan lawak senario. (lawak ke senario?)
2nd, tak dinafikan la, Sumolah contains lots of messages. I watched dat movie on mothers day. And frankly, dalam kita gelak2, wa paling tersentuh part Ramlee dgn Mak dia (Kartina Aziz) berpelukan waktu pagi sebelum game sambil Ramlee said that he really loves his Mom. Serius, org yang dah kehilangan Mak (mcm wa yang kehilangan Mak wa sbb Kenser) saja yang menghargai betapa sayangnya kita kat mak kita....
3rd thing is, Wa tertarik pada ayat Mr Honda-san mase die ckp "Bangsa saya pun tak semuanya sempurna" bila Ramlee asyik memuji2 bangsa Jepun. Yes that's right. Im agree with dat. Tak salah kita mencontohi bangsa Jepun / bangsa2 lain yang nampak maju tapi kita juga kena sedar bahawa bangsa kita tak seteruk mana sangat. Kita bleh contohi bangsa derang but bukan worship gila gila sampai nampak diaorg ni mcm perfect gile sempurna.
Apa-apa pun, thats my humble opinion. Opinion dari manusia yang memang tgk movie je tapi bukan penggiat / pengkarya / or this so called Professor dlm bidang movie. Wa enjoy the show dan Wa mmg tak pernah miss filem Afdlin. Keep up ur good work Bro.
Assalamualaikum wbt !
2 words, brilliant & hillarious!
great movie..put sarcasm in good way (bukak mata org melayu na)..
hurm mubi ni mmg bes.aku kuciwa cbb terlepas 15 minit pertama cbb lambat sampai.pastuh duduk2 je dah scene ramlee kene marah ngan doktor pompuan tuh.waaaaa...tp lawak syial arrr.bkn lawak bodoh.great job!cuma masa nak last2 tuh ade meleret sket.mayb leh potong kot last2 tuh.but overall.it is a good movie.keep up a good job afdlin.cayalah sama lu! :)
and nk tambah sket.Akira tu macho bak.body je rr.hehehe.kim salam kat pua chu kang.hiks.
Sumolah was Great..!!! , Just saw it last night & i got some questions to ask , taaapii... mungkin terlampau banyak nanti hehehehehehe... , mungkin aku mau liat lagi 2nd time lerrr.... LOVED IT..!!!
huarghhh...jenuh aku cari tempat nak komen pasal Sumolah. akhirnya jumpa jugak!
Jap...nak promote jap. Sesapa yg blum tgk, pi la tgk cite ni. best & lawak gile!!!! belum penah aku tgk movie msia gelak tak benti!
Dlm Harian Metro hari ni hang ckp skrg ni ramai dah suka mkn sushi lepas tgk cite ni. yg aku plak bukan suka mkn sushi tapi mcm tercari2 kat mana aku nak cari org bersukan sumo yg aku bleh tgk hahahahahaha. masa scene competition tu aku rasa mcm nak ckp "lawan, lawan, lawan" je kat dlm panggung tu hahahaha. kang org gelakkan aku plak bukan gelak tgk cite tu hahahahaha.
congrats bro. movie hang best!
sorry cip,
gua rasa, filem ni bukan filem terbaik lu la ... rasa cam ader kekurangan ... movie lu yg paling wa enjoy baik punya cilok ...
kelakar mmg kelakar ... tapi, macam ader yg x kene jer ... hmm.. susah nak explain kat sini ...
lu ader rasa tak cam filem ni tak berapa teliti dan cam nak cepat siap?
alo bro..os os os..best siot cite sumolah..aku cume nk tau lagu soudtrack yg kat jepun time ko tgh naik beskal tu..keep it up bro ;p
i've watched the movie, but it was not as funny and as good as Baik Punya cilok.
for BPC, i laugh like a crazy ass all the way as for Sumolah, i had to force laugh, once in a while. bummer.
But it was ok tho.
Better luck next time!
Yup Afdlin, u dah baca byk2 komen dari org2 kita, dan byk yg 'thumbs up' utk artwork u, and right now u know that u are getting better and better, so i doakan kejayaan u, berkaryalah dgn jujur seperti mana sekarang, NOKOTTA...
siyes nampak slim! hehehe.
first time afdlin nampak kecik! hihi
pecah perut brader...
as usual like your other movies...
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