Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

DIARY OF A CANNES VIRGIN.Update from Cannes : Ocean's 13 Premiere

Semalam adalah hari yang amat menarik dan sibuk di Cannes kerana bintang-bintang hollywood terbesar dari filem OCEAN's 13 termasuk pengarahnya Steven Soderbergh telah menghadiri Majlis di Canes untuk membuat media Junket serta Premiere filem OCEAN'S 13 di Eropah. Nanti i story you some more. For now check out the photos.
ME dan Partner di dalam dewan Grand Lumiere, untuk menonton Ocean's 13 buat pertama kalinya. Saya mengaku ada macam jakun sikit perangai pasal amat excited.
Walaupun besar gila dewan ini, ianya penuh sampai tersendat, kerana tengok free! tapi masuk hanya kalau kita ada jemputan. DAN KITA ADA!
Cita-cita gua dan ramai pembikin filem dunia untuk diiktiraf di Cannes dengan menerima Palme D'or. Cita-cita biar tinggi, dapat tak dapat belakang kira.
Di luar panggung Du Monde yang dikhaskan untuk filem-filem tidak bertanding. Kebanyakan filem kali ini dari negara-negara Afrika.
Di Belakang Palais (tempat Marche Du Film di jalankan) ni pula ada tempat parking bot mewah dan ianya dihuni oleh orang-orang kaya yang khabarnya bersedia untuk mengeluarkan wang untuk projek-projek filem yang menarik.
Huru-hara manusia berebut nak cuba masuk ke dewan tayangan.
Transformers juga berada di Cannes dan Trailer terbarunya yang memang meletop juga dimainkan. Di depan hotel intercontinental ini sejarah berlaku bila Don Johnson dengan selamba lalu didepan gua. GUA MINAT DIA masa Miami Vice dulu la. haha.
On the rad carpet going into the grand lumiere.
Poster utama festival filem Cannes ke 60.
kawasan red carpet di mana press photocall di lakukan. Memang banyak sejarah di sini. Bila agaknya masa seorang Anak MAlaysia tak kiralah sesiapapun yang akan mengharumkan nama NEGARA apabila filemnya di mainkan in competition dan di yangkan di grand lumiere ini.
Impian tu amat berkuasa dan dengan izinNya apa saja mungkin kita capai. insya allah.
Power to the People
Afdlin Shauki


Anonymous said...

jauhnya afdlin merantau...hehhe

Anonymous said...


michelle yeoh pernah lalu di situ..jgn lupa..shes a malaysian


touch-me-not said...

wow siok nyerrr..
how did you get the invite afdlin?!!!
you must be having so much fun there, loving the pics.:)
Cannes looks so beautiful.... sigh..

chown26 said...


Lu memang buat gua rindu kat Cannes. Kalau nak indian food try Shalimar Restaurant. Kari ayam campur cheese. Sedap giler!

Kirim salam kat Kiera Nightly kalau jumpa.

Anonymous said...

Bro, u lawak giler

booGie said...

Kim salam Audrey Tatou.
Kalau terjumpa la :)

Anonymous said...

michelle yeoh sekarang dah jadi gundik hollywood :( amacam jualan kat sana Afdlin?

Anonymous said...

Salam Afdlin, I just came back from watching Sumolah, your truly superb creation! I am very impressed and I have blogged all about it, promoting it to fellow bloggers. Keep up the good work! Nokotta! ^_^

Mr. Right said...

Apa sebenarnya tujuan lu pergi sana? Aku confius ni. Promote Sumolah or any of ur previous movie? What u mean by promote? bawa jalan2 and jaja kat distributor luar ke?

Story la sikit wat exactly ur mission?

Sori la if aku tanya soalan bodoh. Tapi mmg aku nak tau.

was sunsetdihatiku.. said...

Harlow, just to reinstate a msg.

charlene* (5/28/2007 12:13:10 AM): Dear Chief Kodok yg sgt happening, like seriously how not impossible is it to have a Sydney n Melb premiere of SUMOlah? kamon, kamon!! 3 weeks back we had the premier of indonesia's Jakarta Undercover in Sydney n Melb organised by my frens at the indo society. what do u reckon? can we try to have one for your baby( the movie )? we charge ppl to watch it.. the profit can go which ever way that you want.. but it will be nice for us anak2 malaysia di OZ to get the chance to watch a malaysian movie, relatively soon after its release.. or at least before the vcd/dvd keluar.. please consider : )

your support and/or feedback is much appreaciated.

the scale of the screening can be discussed before picking the best option.. i really hope we can do this.

Just a fan.

Cipkodok said...

Dear Anonymous, thank you for keeping my blog interesting.

Cipkodok said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abang Am said...

Alo bro afdlin. Lain kali nak datang Cannes tu bgtau la awal2. Ramai student Malaysia kat situ. Kitorg boley tolong. Tadak hal punya.

Anonymous said...

tahniah afdlin. sumolah best wo! dvd bile keluar?

Anonymous said...

Alamakk.. gua jeles kodok bila tengok Chif dah tengok Ocean 13. Argh...

Anonymous said...

michelly yeoh dah lalu... jgn lupa... tapi dia pun dah lupa kita kot...

Anonymous said... the envy u ley! caught any glimpse of brad pitt?
btw, wud sumolah be screened here in singapore?

Anonymous said...

zul suke giler la ngan abg kodok kite nih.. sampai ke cannes die pi.. cayalah afdlin.. u r the best.. lepas nih afdlin kene buat citer seram plak..nampak best bile tgk citer kelibat dulu.. u mmg ade talent buat citer seram la broo..

Chim said...

salam....pehh jauh gile bro kodok merantau.... takpe, satu hari nanti mintak2 ade filem malaysia diiktiraf sane.... btw keep up your good work! dah nengok sumolah , sampai hari ni mimpi baling garam....

Bile nak kuar DVD afdlinnnnnnnnnnnn~~~

Azlan Zed said...

wa doakan moga2 satu hari nanti filem lu tersenarai bro... insya'allah... majulah filem kita untuk bangsa dunia... sekian saya melaporkan...

Anonymous said...


Marliza Radzi said...

power to you!!!

Anonymous said...


i watcted your new movie..Sumolah...
mula2 i ingtkan cite tu cite lawak bodoh...rupanya cite lawak xbodoh....good work afdlin...

cuma,ada satu kelemahan yang i perasan xbest sket laa,i xtau org lain perasan tak...heroin u & patrick spoke japanese in that movie mcm baca skrip and sound too formal....harap kalo u buat film yg guna jap next time,plis make it look like real k....

akhir kate,slmt bersaing dgn movie luar+internet....

Anonymous said...

Kouji write;

afdlin,ur friend sent msg in jap?can u read it?he says"Sumolah amacam?mesti meletup kat Msia saya rasa...buat lagi film yg bagus ek...msg dlm jap ok kut,sape2 boleh tlg translatekan?"

in motion said... juga mau pergi ke sana

Anonymous said...

hi brother adflin...

just want to congratulate you on your show - Sumolar. I watched it (Cineleisure, Curve, was packed..midnight show I think)....and I would say it is better ..(much better) than some of the English and Cantonese movies that I have watched (by the way, I am a Chinese). The only local shows/movies that I watch are yours..because the rest are just horrible....Sorry, just being truthful here. :). Anyway, keep it up! You have my support bro!

Keep it up!

Khoo CS

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

haha afdlin shauki minat don johnson!! minat la transformers! baru rock! (padahal transformers tu pun asalnye katun budak2) hehehe. maunya tak jakun. sape2 gi situ mesti akan jakun punye. (sapa2 dari malaysia la kan) tapi ape pun saya suka words of wisdom dari afdlin. "cita-cita biar tinggi, dapat tak dapat belakang kira." betul! saya akan berpegang pada kata2 itu!

wowbestnyer said...

Nak rock minat la the rock...
hoh org ramai giler kalu jual goreng pisang pun laku tu...
tengok wayang cam tengok wrestling jer..
kalo buleh jual sumolah kat situ ko gomollah beb... hohoho

jakun ke king kong ke janji ada yg start langkah pegi sana baru ada yg bukak mata follow lu walau tak pakai follow me..

janji tak rosak buah pinggang...

xBrain said...

kodok, kodok, jauh ko lompat sampai cannes ek..

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum en afdlin shauki. hows france?dah balik malaysia ker?did u get to meet brad pitt n george clooney n the rest of the ocens'13 gang??hohohoh..must b really excited.

this comment come a little TOO late i think.i think the reason ur sumoLAH movie not doing so well in the cinema like baik punyer cilok is because ur opening date tak cun lah.sbb ur opening week is the same week as spiderman 3 opening week. i think nex time u shld choose another date yg lebih cun n tak diganggu oleh other holywood blockbuster movies.

i mean, i went to watch spiderman 3 like last week n the cinemas for that show still full house!!! time u kena pilih date yg cun lah....

and, owh, dont try to release any movie in july bcoz transformers movie is coming out on july 4th. i know many msians sure akan choose to watch transformers rather than malay movies. i know this because i grew up watching transfomers on the weekend n this movie is going to be the summer blockbuster movie that i know that many people cant wait to watch it.u too.i know.dont lie. we all used to love to watch transformers...

good luck n may all the success be yours..haf faith in GOD and believe in yourself.

headsteadi said...

bro afdlin. kalau ada sumo 2, ambik ler gua berlakon ... hehehe

Anonymous said...

With your passion ... I have no doubts that U'll be there ONE DAY. My money on you.

Anonymous said...

plz update ur blog..

Anonymous said...

hey GLP,

can i hav eyour email address?
i need to send you my storyline for your critics.



and oh, btw tabik-springgg your risk-taker for sumolah!

touch-me-not said...

Update!!! update!!!! :) we miss you afdlin!!! update!!! where are you?....

Anonymous said...

WOW!...hebatnye!...Cif Kodok goes to Cannes!

wowbestnyer said...

lebeh kurang mr bean holiday ler gitu,,,
kalu mr bean lumber beskal blh menang ko lumber kodok la lak...

wowbestnyer said...

hohoho dapat jemputan vip best la..
gi saner... cam ner rasanyer
biler ler bleh rasa mcm 2 ek..

p/s agaknya bila bank call aku surh bayar utang kad kredit tu rasa mcm vip gak... yer ker... heheh

bila nak ambik aku belakon tak pun aku ambik ko ambik aku belakon plak..
mana tau kot dapat masuk tv ke masuk vcd cetak rompak ker..

Anonymous said...

this is not supposed to be that way...

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Afdlin.I am a big fan of you the time you were still not this chubby(Soal Hati),hehe.Luckily,my bf looks exactly like you,it's been 3 years and a half we've been together.I am going back to Malaysia this August,so I wonder where do you shop for big size shirts and pants.Currently,I am in Japan studying.Can you kindly reply this comment or give me your email?Is it selambakodok?I've watch Sumolah about 9 times now,and will grab the VCD by the time I go back.Forgive for downloading it,seems "tak tahan mau tengok".Sorry for my broken english and malay.:)

Anonymous said...

lamenye x upadate ;(
sumolah best,
ocean 13 pn best, mcm series the hustle..

Anti Juta Juta Deals said...

All the best ! or is it dah habis Cannes and we are too late to wish you?

Well, nothing like selling your own product with passion . Look at Dr M ,he betul betul promote Proton from his heart. No shortcut !!Keep your good job from us at

Ied @ May said...

love sumolah. love baik punya cilok even more...buat la satu lagi movie macam tu....

Anonymous said...

Salam frm singapore, me and my friends are big fans (literally as well) of your movies! They are super funny and extremely selamba.. It is also interesting how you are able to address malays and their social predicaments in such a comical way. Unlike some malay comedies which are just pure dumb and really denigrating to ones intellect. Amazing! All hail afdlin! - Krul & gang

p.s: would love to hear from you sometimes, if you sudi..:D

Anonymous said...

All the best chief! we are all behind ur back! Org malaysia suka tgk bende yg da berjaya kat level internasional.. bila chief da menang award kat luar nnt baru la diorang berpusu2 nak tgk.. Our time will come.. dun worri..

Anonymous said...

ye ke? itu Love Conquers All menang award berlambak-lambak kat luar takde orang nak tengok pun.

kae said...

tak puas hati lak tgk poster filem dont look back tu...nak kena google up nihe.

Unknown said...

good luck afdlin man,

on another note, support also the two angkasawans by leaving them supportive commments at their blog

We malaysians must support Malaysians everywhere. Down with the naysayers!

Anonymous said...

hellow..bumped to u at asian heritage row the other day when u were bz with ur and aunt were just that movie meant for hari raya? becoz u were wearing ur baju melayu...hehehe
nice meeting u anyway!

anyway...after the flood..u guys still there yah?

Anonymous said...

powerlah lu kodok

Unknown said...

Salam afdlin;

Aku arap lu tak balik kosong, balik biar ada isi. komen2 lain pun, boleh tahan teruja/sonok/kagum ko pegi sana.

maaflah, potong mood ko sikit. hari tu aku baca METRO, pasal collection SUMO ko dan filem2 melayu yang tayang selepas JPB. Tak tau lu baca ke tidak, tapi lu kalah dengan WJH la mat.

Padahal aku tengok, SUMO much better than WJH. dan aku pun tanykan soalan cepuemas, Kenapa?

sebabkan aku sorang, boleh tak lu buat post-mortem kat blog ni apsal SUMO so-so je collection dia. kitorang nak tau gak. Sorilah, aku tak puji-puja2 ko sangat, sebab ko ni satu dalam berpuluh billion, jadi, bila puji-puja sangat, lu lupa diri pulak, taknak la mcm tu.

aku ada buat sikit-sikit observation, pasal apa sumo ni collection tak boom, mcm JPB, WJH dll. Tapi lu menang ngn cita badai fasha tu bro!

Yang standard:-
pawagam kurang
penonton dah bijak
release time bukan gaji
jln cerita baru, bukan kesukaan orang ramai.
kurang promosi.

Yang ni aku punya:-
review dalam paper(MELAYU), adalah satu dua, itu tak power mcm filem2 lain(espcially filem keluaran David teoh. Wartawan main kotor ke? ke ko tak bayar lebih. aku ingat lagi, aku tertipu ngn mistik sebab review wrtawan, dan JPB sebab review wrtwn jugak.

Lu promo kat celcom tu lama sangat la bro, tu pun poster-poster je (GAmbo kaku) gazetnya pun kuar selepas release date. itupun kat rangkaian media prima, 8tv pun jarang, harap tv3 je. aku igt lu kena review balik term-term sblom lu sebat promo kontrak la bro. bagi fit ngan u punya plan dan research plan. aku yakin lu mmg well verse kat area lu ni.

lagipun, based gazet lu tu, lu punya target audience macam connfuse la nak pikat melayu ke, cina ke, india ke? lu jgn tenggelam ngan filem kita wajah kita bro. mmg filem melayu ni, org melayu je yang tengok. market pun org melayu la. tgk citer baik punya cilok. cerita pasal orang melyu pun international jgk bro. boleh mng oscar apa. tgk lagaan, contoh la. lagipun, mmg takde filem yang boleh gabung selera 3 bangsa major m'sia ni. kalu lu nak buat gak, dlm filem tu lu kena ada silat, kung-fu, tarian bollywood sikit. aku igt mat-gelap(animasi penah buat dulu, tapi hasilnya, segan la nak citer.

tapi, sumo ni mmg lain dr yang lain bro, kalu lu punya niat dan nawaitu nak bawa perubahan, memang jadi la bro. tu psl aku support ko bro. usaha lu nak prove something tu satu hal, yang lu berani nak provekan tu yang gua salute lu bro.

kodok2 lain jgn salahtafsir komen ni, aku sedih la tengok sumo yang patut hit 6 mill, sbb ia layak, bukan sebab ia terlebih promo,kontroversi, publisist murah, etc.

okeh la chif, aku mintak ampun byk2, kalu terguris hati ngan komen gua ni. aku komen ni semata-mata tak puas hati, sebab aku igt chief mmg next 6 mill man after yusof (bapa polis) dan david teoh.

LogicYuan said...

I wanna go to Cannes!!!! argh!

touch-me-not said...

ras raka.... buat essay ke?..
gurau je ye..

kemana afdlin menghilang...?

Afdlin... you are a Great talent.
Discovery is yet to come.

Don't ever give up.. *hugS*

Anonymous said...

yo brother..nak beli cookies ke untuk production team..

Anonymous said...

canne ni kat which part of southern france? boleh tak abg afdlin taruk map dia dlm blog abg afdlin ;) thanks

Anonymous said...

kau nak jadi apa ni afdlin? tayang tetek, bontot, lutut lelaki lah. kau nak hantar orang melayu muslim masuk neraka ke?

Edward Ott said...

Nice pictures cool blog.

Anonymous said...

Bro.. tuangkan pengalaman dalam penerbitan buku. Contact RMN

Anonymous said...

Novelkan okey gak! contact

Anonymous said...

caya la my y still fat man... jauh merantau, luas pemandangan, or sumthin like that la...

Ninonoi said...

i am proud with u abang afdlin..and actually saya memang minat semua movie yang abg direct..idea xpernah membosankan...memang ada sedikit kelemahan tapi itu xkisah sangat..i know u can make us all PROUD..

keep up the good work !!
ganbarre !!

Zool Blogger said...

selamat berjaya bro... semoga mencapai apa dicitakan..

touch-me-not said...

hi afdlin... you scheming another briliant project?... is that why you've been too busy to update?... we miss you afdlin.

Anonymous said...


Jollence Lee said...

caya lah, tejumpa juga blog afdlin.

Anonymous said...

layan seyy tgk ocean's 13 cmtu..

Anonymous said...

Bro afdlin.. zul ade satu cadangan nak bgatu nih.. i've watching kaber hero, kaber zero smlm.. zul yahya tuh mmg klakar la.. i nak bg cadangan, apa kata for the next film, u amik zul yahya belakon ngan u.. serius akan jadi best giler.. serious..

Last Resort On Earth said...

I just watched Sumolah on vcd. Two nights in a row with my family. Wow, we loved it. We were laughing like there's no tomorrow. Hats off, my man, u pulled it off excellente. As always your movie never fail to impress. Funny & full of lessons about life (if anybody ever read between the dialogues). Whatever others said about your movies, they are feedbacks for you. Nonetheless, there's no shame of being Afdlin Shauki and all the things you've accomplished so far. Continue to do it, anyway. Continue to be the gift that you are to the people around you. OWTFGFIA!

Anonymous said...

tak tau nak ngomen apa. tapi nak jugak ngomen...ngapa lama tak update blog maaaa??? tgh frust nonggeng ke hapa? alahai bro...wa konpiden lu punya next movie mesti menjadi punyaa..wa pun hati bengkak tgk sumolah macam kene anak tiri kat wayang...mcm ada org dengki...hapa la aku ngomen ni...anyway bro...wa tunggu next filem lu..wa dah lama tak gelak ni...

Name : achoy06 said...

Aslamualaikum Bro Afflin, ni my 1st time tuliH kat bloG lu..apa2 pun kerja yg dilakukan ''SelamT maju JayA''...adiosS

Anonymous said...

Cip...update ur blog please!!

Anonymous said...

it's me shy...

cip kods, nokota !!!!

all the best.

Unknown said...

semalam gi rtm dengar taklimat. nampak abg afdlin. hensem as usual.. ekeke

Anonymous said...

besar gile dewan. mcm collosseo d porto

Anonymous said...

afdlin..u r so cool mam..pertaining to EF n HI...uve done the right thing! we will always support u !! take care*butterfly*

Pakcik Luar Otak said...

wahai abang afd yang tuft. update le blog mu ini. rindu banget deh.

Anonymous said...

first and foremost, i have seen the movie, SUMOLAH.. its brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!

and bro, can you send this link to hans.. i know u are his fren and got his hp number in ur hp kan :) peace

Iron Butterfly said...

Hey abang adflin, dapat tak email about my speed dating events tuh? guys if ur interested in KL Speed Dating (we cater for all races), can checkout the details at or email

Mari berdating! heheheh..

Roti said...

Abg apdlin...we luv u

Anonymous said...

Aminnnn... i hope yr dream will come true.... i will always support u.... i never miss all yr movie... luv it.... hope u will come with more excellent job... congrats 2 you.... luv U afdlin boyot... u are who u are never be replace...

tempegoreng said...

A'kum bro afdlin yang selambakodok, aku tempegoreng mengucapkan selamat hari raya yang ke...ntah berapa buat ko. Aku nak cadangkan ko buat smartpartnership dgn mamat khalid, mesti mengkodok! punye. Idup angkasawan!