Assalammualaikum, memula, terimakasih sekali kepada kengkawan yang menyokkong SUMOlah dan sedang berjuang untuk memastikan ianya terus di panggung. Kami pun sedang cuba mempertingkatkan iklan di tv melalui tv3 dan astro ria minggu ini.... Yang pentingnya kami akan berlawan habis-habisan untuk filem iini. We are fighting for those of you who believe in this movie sehingga hari terakhir ianya di pawagam.
Saya sekarang sedang berada di sabah untuk rangka promosi ke Kuching, Kota Kinabalu dan Bandar Seri Begawan dan pada kali ini kontingen besar pelakon-pelakon turun padang untuk mempromosikan filem ini..
ON A TANGENT - In a way gua bersyukur yang benda ni berlaku dan mengingatkan gua yang sometimes we have to fight for what we believe in. And i am 100% aware of what all the parties involved are or are not doing.
Don't stress kengkawan... we fight together and lets try turn dis baby around and make some history. I am not a huge fan of mediocrity. i hope you are not too. i hope all of us are trying to find ways to make ourselves better.
For those of you who care, i salute you..
for those of you who don't ... it's your choice..
wokeh,bro...kite sama2 berjuang...lagipon ramai yg x tegok lagih cite nih disbbkn exam dll
cayalah bro!! we all will be supporting u ok!! dont worry bebehhh
actually you are my Hero,Bestest Actor.i p tgk SUMOlah 2 kali,you know why?because of you-Abang Afdlin Shauki.SUMOlah use 3.8 juta,waw!!!i really hope you can win spider man3....supporting you forever and ever.Menang lah!!!!!!SUMOlah!!!!!!!!!!YES.my Afdlin.
yeayyyyyy that's the afdlin we know and love!!! when????? when u coming to brunei??????? OMG!!!! UR COMING TO BRUNEI???!!!!
p/s- that picture is a snapshot from tha movie soal hati!!! I love that movie!!! when the VCD (original not pirated!) came out I got one and watched it over n over n over again!!!!
as with all the movies that u are in afdlin!
you are awesome!
waitin soo long for this movie....n this saturday i gonna watch it n hav funnnnn....hehehhehe...beshhhh nyerr....i alreadii book it...soo there is no chance the seat gonna full rite..hehehe...chayok abg.shauki
Berjuanglah brader Afdlin. Kasi gempur sama itu pawagam-pawagam.
We support your type of movie and would love to see this type of genre in Malaysia. Hope your name will one day be a power brand and all your film becomes classic status.
tumpang tanya siapa tu Che Pah?
saw sumo-lah! at cineleisure and laughed my ass off big time. not done that for a long while! keep up the good work. and keep 'em coming!
hmm kitorg student UTP (uni. tek Petronas) tgh exam skrg ni... ramai dr kitorang mmg nak pg tgk... tp sbb exam ktorang xdpt la nk spend time... timing utk citer ni kuar kat wayang agak tak ok sbenarnye.. kalo awal 2mggu or lewat 2mggu lg i think ramai yg dapat tgk.. ramai bdak ipta/ipts skrg tgh exam...
papepun gud lak to u bro afdlin... pas exam kitorang gi tgk... jgn risau ah
One word to describe SUMOLAH...SUPERB!!!..NOKOTTA..
NOKOTTA..looking forward to watch d 2nd time..surely will recommend to my peeps...
good job Afdlin...
its a masterpiece!!
baru je habih tengok sumolah. I had a lot of fun la. I would give a B. Still has some flaws, but overall, i had fun ... so in the end ... that's what matters most.
Props to Kartina Aziz dengan Awie, i think they're the best performer in the movie. Awek Siam tu very the beautiful ... berangan nak dapat awek macam tu the whole day after watching the movie. Tapi her acting ... still kaku. Maybe she wasnt sure what the director nak. Afdlin pulak ... still kaku sikit ... and dialog banyak yang macam skrip ong putey yang ditukar kepada bahasa melayu. Tapi i dont blame sumolah aje, becoz nowadays, almost every movie, ada je dialog cliche yang macam dialih bahasa dari english ke malay.
Lepas tu ... i think banyak sangat rojak, sampai rasa macam tak kena pulak movie ni. Kejap bahasa english, kejap malay, kejap manglish. I tak berapa setuju sebab even in real life, we all tak berdialog macam tu.
Tapi secara ringkas ... very the funny movie ... i like ...
That's the SPIRIT maa!!!
Bro,like that song u sang on that
Movie.....ada soundtrack kaa??
one word..SUPERB!
yep there u go..the spirit of Nokotta is still inside u..proud of ya!
love your talent...the most...nak pergi tgk...tapi mcm ada factor yg bgtau..nanti la...kejap la..isk...so far seblum nih x pernah mcm ni plak...y ahh?..i think u shud promo more on tv...maybe a bit attractive...scene yg tunjuk kat tv tu cm x menarik...i xnak tgk just bcoz of afdlin...but the movie itself shud speak...
saya sudah tonton jumaat mggu lepas. best, mmg best.. gelak punya kuat sampai satu panggung bole dgr (sbb x ramai org pun masa tu, maklumle, early bird nye show, hehe). tp kecewa sbb TGV ipoh tu x pasang bebetul, kejap² jadi half screen, kejap² jadi half screen... adeh.. kecewa betul.
neway. tahniah wat bro afdlin the cifkodok dan team sumolah~ semoga berjaya~!! pis~!!
promote wei promote. me nak pi tgk lagi sekali ni. rasanya end of this month mesti ramai pegi esp bebudak IPT ramai dah abis xm.
congrats bro! me nak pi tgk lagi bro. aritu me promote kat kwn2. tak sangka diorg pi tgk.
rezeki tangan Tuhan...Dia lebih mengetahui...Kalo ada rezeki lebih, ada la..Kalo takde nak buat camne...
anyway gOOd luck for SUMOLAH brO...
yOu're still rawking =)
nak tengok... but dun hv time...EXAM!!!!! fcuk it!!!!!! got no cinema in kelantan sumore... Fcuk again.....
bro..sory la...tak dpt tgk lagik lu punya cite baru...skrg sume tgh bz ar...exam punyer pasl..
nk buat rekod a week nyer susah ar..tp kalo nk buat rekod monthly...bole la..nnti gua ajak member2 n org2 kg gua gi tgk cite baru lu..
orait?...gua doa2 u punye cite success..kasik kalah itu "jgn pandang tepi..."
Sebenarnya, trailer memainkan peranan yang sangat penting untuk menarik minat penonton (mmg pakcik dah tau pon kan?). Malangnya trailer Sumolah menghampakan. Yang Sumo Lesson No 1 tuh ok.. yang tak ok nya bile sampai preview content movie.. skejap2 jek tunjuk dan takde dialog langsung. Patut taruk sikit mane2 babak yg lawak2. Ini akan menarik minat penonton untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi sebenarnya dlm babak tuh. Dan diorang pon membayar beberapa ringgit untuk menonton filem SumoLah. Pokemon punye dragonball
kenaper still guna dubbing argh?? Malaysiaku yang maju nih takbleh buat cam hollywood lagi ke?
To all kodokians,
Let us all take this peluang to
wish Bro.Afdlin a wonderful
Birthday too....
Happy birthday bro..yg ke-36
May GOD bless u n keep u strong
Happy Birthday jugak bro Afdlin.
Semoga lebih sukses dan mantap.
i dont care no maytter what people will critic you...but the message is there...i got ur point... and it really bring indepth motivation for me.
thanx for the words, Nokotta~!
haritue saya nak pegi tgk crita nie for the second time tapi jarak dari umah ke pawagam tue ambik masa dlm spuluh minit melalui highway tau.saya dgn adik saya cuma ada lagik 15 minit jerk lagik..nanti nk cari parking apa semua..tapi maybe dah rezeki abg afdlin parking semua senang jerk tak payah carik..even lif dlm shoping cmplx tue semua pun ok..tapi kenapa tak meh dtg alor setar wat promo..sorry to say..kat sini majoriti bdk2 muda yg suka2 lepak n akan teruja tgk artis datang..diorg kalau tgk artis dtg sini akan menarik diorg utk mengetahui lebih lanjut cerita apa itu..try lah..coz selalunya menjadik jerk sy tgk kat sini..sebb pawagam sini metrowelth punya..so kalau ada filem diorg selalu artis diorg meh wat promo...plz plz..come here..ALOR SETAR..
guys..pi rate this movies kat yahoo movies seperti link dibawah nie.coz CO's review kat situ tak membantu jerk..lagi pulak sesetgh org even saya sendiri suka tgk review org kat dlm tenet baru pi tgk cerita tue..n yahoo mcm platform yg lebih mudah dari forum kan..coz forum kena register dulu baru leh join..but for all afdlin shauki movie sy dah tak search review dlm nie terus jerk pi tgk wayang...coz i believe in you bro..
so guys...cepattt...
wahahahaha gua nak SHOW-OFF hahaha malam tadi promo SUMO-lah kat kuching... gua sempat amik gambar ngan brader kodok hahahah
gua dapat poster ngan cap sumo-lah ber autograph hahahah heppi nya gua~~~
apa2 pun SUMOLAH...mmg best ler....mmg power......
Bro Afdlin...i tengok kat myspace today bro nyer birthday erk? happy birthday bro afdlin..semoga panjang umur..d murahkan rezeki selalu..AMIN!
walaupun ada torrent pun aku x kan tgk citer SUMO ni... tunggu hari raya je la, itu pun terpaksa sbb time tu mesti citer melayu je pecah TV
sorry bro!
You are one cool dude.
i just came back from watching ur movie with my wife. show at gsc one utama (9.15pm 20 may2007). unfortunately, people watch that movie i can say less than 60 i guess.to my bro, i would like to say that ur movie just ok. not so good compare than your previous movie but more morale inside it which we can learn. that is your good point. from my analysis with my wife, the major failure of your movie is the way you promote ur movie. lets flash back ur gezek past few month, 'sumolah dengan 'keceplex'' what was dat? i think if from the early stage u show the fighting shot, japs culture or shot movie preview at least can be done less than 10 second, could improve and will attract more people to come. not only malay but other races too. U have PCK, that is another point could be used to attract other races. Oh i'm sorry, this is ur blog not mine. but i concerning about malay movie quality. afraid that the quality can go nowhere. adios.!!
btw, hepi besday!
happy birthday abang afdlin!
Sumolah mmg best bro. 800x lagi best dari cicakman yg takde jalan citer tu. aku akan promote membe2, kawan2, suku sakat pegi tgk citer bro. Semalam pun aku satu opis dah pi tgk. Bro u r one of the kind. Sumolah is the best film I watched this year....
happy birthday, bro. may God bless you with long life, good health and happiness throughout!
pelem lu tak laku pasal lu masuk asiaworks...tempat jahanam tue melahirkan losers laa... sebelom lu jadi mat2 asiaworks gua rasa lu lebih berisi dalaman, bukannya berisi luaran mcm lu sekarang ..bila dalam dah kurus prodak pon kurang tarikan buat lah apa pon mmg tak kan bersinar..hentikan jelah.
tapi gua tau la sangat perangai mat2 asiaworks..degil nak mampos..nak buat camno dah nasib badan lu laa..
baru balik tgok semalam.. kelakar abis.. citer dah best.. tapi panggung x penuh.. maybe sebab mlm tadi org tengok final AF kot.. sib baik astro aku kene potong.. tepakse gi tgok sumolah.. kekeke.. masaalahnya bro.. lu spatutnya buat promosi besar besaran.. time (AIM) ngan anugerah2 lain yg lu pakai kimono tuh.. apsal x promosikan sekali bila filem nak keluar.. pastu pulak dlm paper pon x de poster sumolah bila akan ditayangkan.. lagi satu.. tau x kenapa filem jgn pandang belakang leh laku? sebab diorang iklan dlm panggung dari 4 5 bulan sebelum tayangan.. org yg tengok iklan dlm panggung mesti tertunggu-tunggu nak tengok!! sama la filem lain.. ada je iklan dlm panggung.. tapi sumolah?? nape brooo??!! takper la.. org baru tau cite ni baru keluar.. promosi kena lebih skit lah.. filem ni best.. industri perfileman negara bertambah ceria dengan adanya anda dan sumolah.. congrats..
promo lagi, kalau boleh sehbat promo spiderman....
uncle afdlin!!! sumolah rocks big time! i had a great time in the cinema.. was laughin like mad... heeheh.. nokotta!!
have watched the movie, yeay! nicely done it en. afdlin! attention to details sungguh.. hurrah!
we went to sungai petani all the way from perlis just to see SUMOLAH!
DEFINATELY worth the trip!
we really felt inspired after watching the movie. Kudos!
i wish i can watch it now...
I will InsyaAllah...
My doa and pray will always be you.
Gambatte ne kudasai!
Hey there ,i'm one of you biggest fan !! Cannot wait for the new movie to come out . And i watched Sumolah a few days back and i like it a lot. Going to see it again with other friends.
Keep it up !!!! NOKOTTA !!!!!
hi abg afdlin!!! br stumbled your blog today! i really loves all your works (Buli was damn fantastic!) and teringin sgt nak tgk Sumolah...takkan takde screening kat dublin ni? hehehe....
but i'll be going home next month (yaay for summer break) so hopefully i could watch it then...!!!
Hepi besday la. Hope the best for you. Nokotta.
teruskan cif. Med akan sokong filem2 u sepertimana filem2 u sebelum ni. NOkoTTa!
no worries bro..together we stand..!!
Last saturday.. tengok ngan kawan. terhibur gak! hehehe Nokotta Nokotta
APP gi tengok SUMOLAH kat BTS last Thurs. Show pukul 3.15, gedebak gedebuk iklan, pukul 3.40 baru start. Pas tu, pukul 5.30 tak abis lagi... Adoi, APP nak kena ambik kuar sekolah ptg ni, so terpaksalah keluar dari panggung sebelum tamat movie. Wuahhhh! sedey!!!
i just watch Sumolah! yesterday with my wife n my brother.. we enjoy it very much! i know bro afdlin product always syiok one. Buat kerja tak main2 punya.. very good effort bg kat this movie to make it sukses... should have more promotion outside if want to attract more people.. i think this movie can go international coz barisan pelakon pun dah international n travel sampai jepun lagi tu!! Cayalah Bro Afdlin!, don't give up.. Nokotta!! Layan je rap jepun dalam movie tu.. HAHAHA
Bro Afdlin, citer ni kalau nak kene bagi bintang, saya bagi satu langit. Brader kiralah baper bintang kat langit tu. Saya respect habih citer nih. Ader banyak element, patriotik, lawak, nasihat, action, semangat, drama, jiwang, ganas (mkn wasabi) dan macam2 lagi. Brader memang genius. You blend all the aspect with style and precision. The fusion between japan and malay is very beautifully make. Awek jepun mkn kopok lekor. satu lagi. gurmit singh is very the macho la dlm movie nih (winter sonata). kim salam sama dia. Saya seru kepada mereka yang belum tgk citer ni, marilah tgk beramai2. bawaklah sedara mara, rakan2, org kampung. rugi sapa tak tgk. something new is on the cinema and it is afdlin shauki trademark. Saya dah tgk semua citer brader, and not one disappointing me. Every single one is a masterpiece. cayalah brader afdlin. give me five!!!!! nokotta!!!!!
kesian bapak kodok dan kodok-kodoknya... u ve lost it dude. terimalah hakikat
malam nie aku nak gi tgk.3 org semuanya.kat mv screening kul 9pm
esok aku komen.
khamis ni pirate carribean lak.. sure sumolah kene tukar cinema kecik.. kamon2 rakan2 sekalian.. kasi sokongan pada sumolahh agar terus maju..
aku tengok kat mid valley jangan pandang belakang leh masok panggung 12 - THX lagik..aku rasa ni lah 1st time kot cite melayu masok tHX kat mid valley tu. Sumolah bila lg??
tak penah2 aku gi wayang tengok citer2 melayu tapi tahun nih jer aku dah tengok jgn pandang belakang, zombi kg pisang dan last weekend sumolah.. sayangnyer cite paling tak bess ialah sumolah.. sungguh aku kuciwa.. buli, buli2 dan baik punyer cilok punyer lah bess.. but sumolah? apa sudah jadi afdlin? sumolah is just TOO NICE.. banyak sangat ketengahkan nilai2 moral.. agak memuakkan ala2 tengok iklan finas pasal moral yg ditunjukkan before every movie screening.. betol tak? movie watching is a form of escapism where you can detach yourself from real world problems\stress.. kalau setakat nak mempertengahkan nilai2 murni\moral every 10 minutes in the movie, baik tengok tivi pendidikan jer.. sorry i have to say this but sumolah is just an average movie with poor advertising ideas.. and when you go against the big guns being screened currently in the cinemas like spiderman3/shrek3/pirates3, memang masuk akallah sumolah is gonna get low viewings.. final note.. i watched sumolah last saturday kat tgv pyramid.. less then 20ppl watched your movie.. its that bad..
apa kata jual terus kuarkan VCD/DVD....its true la bro kodok...you cannot beat spiderman3, shrek3, and pirate3....ramai kenkawan skolah aku kumpul duit tu nak tgk 3 sequel cerita tu...bukan x nak support filem melayu...tapi timing tak betul....lenkali..tayang la time raya ke...31 ogos ke...sure ramai org tgk....bulan 7 ni pun..transformer nak kuar...wajib tgk gak tu...kartun feberet masa kecik...
moral of the story...org melayu x minat tgk citer bogel artis lelaki...klu perempuan sure penuh panggung...
nice work!..but myself xberapa satisfied when i watch this movie..seem little bit missing..kurang kick skit..i admire ur work on Baik Punya Cilok..anyway this sumolah will be hit if there's no "labah-labah" buat sarang kat panggung..
7 out of 10 for u...
ive just watched sumolah just now...nice movie, quite inspiring...your quotes all..n funny pun..n plus, ur an amazing actor. i will tell my frens abt sumolah! ur goood....
bro...ni nak kasi tau sikit nih...last night my friend and i teringin lah sangat nk tgk SUMOLAH nih...as everybody in town said that this is the very happening film in the era...so weall pie lah check kat GALAXY kat ampang nun...yg tak best nyer...hanya ader 2 show ajer...pukul 5.00pm weall tak abis keje lagi...and pukul 7.00 pm...maghrib dh nk masuk waktu nyer...pastu pulak show tue di waktu nk masuk maghrib lah pulak...mcm mana lah weall nih nak tgk film ni..coz sume show nyer utk weekdays...at 5.00pm and 7.00pm...mmg lah weekend ader tp nyer...mcm biasalah...mcm2 hal nk buat waktu weekend...lagi pun weall mmg free mlm2 hari...teringin lah mlayan film melayu nih...tapi nyer...hajat tak kesampaian...huhuu....so di cadangkan lah...supaya kasi tau sama itu owner panggung show utk weekdays di tukar waktu nyer ke waktu yg sesuai...coz ramai lagi di luar sana bukan nyer tgk hari minggu ajer...tapi nk release tension mlm2 hari nk tgk gak.... HIDUP FILEM MELAYU.....
bila nak tayang in spore?
Reading these peoples comments have really given me a real urge to try to check out your movie Sumolah.
Anyway bro, I'm not sure if linking up with Celcom was the best idea though. I was totally clueless over the X PAX advertisement for months and had to switched channels when your advert came on (due to overplay). Those guys use big stars like you, Beckham, Giggs, Owen, Gerard, Lee Hom, etc. to sell their poor service. I'm not sure if any advertising with them has even paid off. Question, have they even paid you yet?
I really hope Sumolah betul betul berjayalah honestly. A talented and gifted guy like you deserves to enjoy success both locally and internationally. Remember, everything in Malaysia is small... except if you're a cunning hungry politician. Thankfully you aren't one.
Power to Afdlin Shauki
Alan L
i dah tgk movie ni hari tue.. walaupun kena bayar mahal sbb tgk weekend... by da way nice movie... tapi i prefer baik punya cilok... geli la plak tgk org jepun tu bercawat jer.. hehehhe.. semua cite afdlin i suke... kiranya semua citer u i pg tgk kat wayang r...
oh ya.. one things.. i rase celcom ngan ogawa punya promotion kat dalam tu melampau sgt r... sampai naik nyampah pun ada kat celcom n ogawa tu.. i understand that diorang sponsor kan..??? tapi klu byk sangat sakit jiwa.. da movie is nice...
ckp nak promo bebanyak... takde pon. yang ade pon lepas konsert final af.
bro...gua dah tengok filem sumo lu...memang patut dapat awars la......best tahap gaban....terbahak2 gua sampai cite abis.... plus babak2 lu cam pilem hollywood....mengancam!!
keep it up bro! and down to earth always!!!!~
cif ni baca ke komen2 kiter ni? biler dia nak reply ni?
u rox!u noe dat u look so cute in d poster!!criusly..different..ah-ha..plastc surgery..jk..hehehe..d film was realy cool!!lwk gler!!hahaha..(LOL)BEST OF LUCK ON UR NEXT FILM..yg lost&found tuh..muah2!!!
kenapa sumolah takde kt Ipoh? so not best~ igt nk blk kpg tgk..haip..camne ni? -nort
To anonymous yang tannye cip dah baca ke belum,
Cip selalunya baca all your comments, but for now, he's in Cannes Film Festival, next week baru balik laa..
gua br tgk Sumolah smlm...all in all, best giler bro!!
well done!!
gelak non-stop nye, n most importantly, i shared those happy moments wit my dearest frens n my little bro...mmg 1 team yg gempar...
besh besh...xtau nk comment cmne lg, but mmg best gler n worth my money n time spent...
p/s: bro, mana nak cari mee yg u mkn masa kena mrh ngan mak u 2??(1st scene kartina aziz)
nmpk sdp jekk...kg baru kaa??
wa tido beb tgk citer lu...adehh apa sudah jadik!!!....tapi wa still beleive in u...
the most meaningful scene of all:
when ramlee suddenly said
"ramlee sayang mak mak tau tak?"
and he and his mak both hugged and cried and laughed
the funniest line ever:
"brad who?"
this has got to be the greatest movie ever
power power power. aku tengok citer ni last weekend. dan demi afdlin aku pilih sumolah walaupun time tu ada citer jack sparrow. klaka giler. yang penting lawak urban, bukan lawak bodoh. hahaha.
tapi tu la....iklan celcom dgn ogawa dlm citer ni mcm terlebih sgt la. by the way, tu just my 2cent. aku tak penah terbabit dlm pembikinan filem, so tak berani nak cakap lebih lebih pasal sponsorship nih.
tapi, bottom line, citer dia memang power. good and bad pasal japanese dan malay, kekeluargaan, trust, honesty dan dignity. all blend together walaupun citer ni genre dia komedi. afdlin, gua salute lu.
sorry afdlin..i wanted so bad to enjoy the movie because i'm a huge fan of yours, but somehow i couldn't. i found it:
a) boring - a bit slow
b) banyak sgt documentary-like narrations
c) packed with celcom and ogawa ads
but then again, maybe i went in with an extremely high expectation, because of all the buzz about it being a good movie and the fact that i know u always make good movies.
it was good, actually. just wasn't as enjoyable as i'd expect.
saudara afdlin...
kelmarin aku ada nak tengok hang punya SUMO-LAH kat Sungai Petani(Central Square). tapi tup-tup dah tak de dalam senarai...hampa kami...takkan nak tunggu CD/DVD hang kot..! mungkin hang tersilap sikit dari timing filem hang...dah la waktu ni Labah-labah-Man & Lanun Kepulauan Caribbean 'Di Penghujung Dunia' tengah on...jadi hang punya filem agak tersepit la...anyway aku memang tengok TMO Sumolah...dan aku lihat dia menarik...lain dari yang lain...harap dia popular kat siam/jepun/s'pore etc...etc...
ok lah...
majulah kodok untuk negara
ps: nyanyilah lagu 'siapa bilang kodok tak menawan...tak menarik hati-sambung sendiri la...'
dear afdlin,
i baru plan nak tengok sumolah this weekend.. but the sad news is they don't play the moview anymore kat gsc and tgv one utama, and cineleisure... i tak perasan pun sumolah dah start sebab promotion tak se'grand' mcm cerita mcm cinta, mukhsin, etc... how come?
Bro afdlin!
I already watch sumolah and for me it is worth my ringgit. Lor.. i will always sokong you bro!!! and i hope someday ull do some film pasal perang!! yeah!! perang!!! i percaya you can do it bro!! you are the new generation of Malays and i am proud of you. Ngahahahahaha
Anyway, i rase problem sumo-lah is.. it is about sumo, when it comes to sumo it is about orang gemuk dan tidak menyelerakan hahaha, serius, no offends, not so many people want to watch fat guy peluk2 with another fat guy...that is so stinking gay. Anyway bro u are the best!!!
Hello cip kodok!! i must admit i enjoy reading your blog, and i enjoy your movies even more!!!
its great to have Malaysians with a tasteful sense of humor around.
anyway ive just started blogging as well.
do visit if you have the time, maybe we can exchange links?
all the best.
salam bro.
firstly, aku nak ucap tahniah kat hang sebab berani buat filem mcm sumo-lah ni. salute-lah. dalam banyak filem hang buat, sumo-lah paling terbaik.
semoga maju lagi filem anak tempatan di mata dunia.
Sumolah the Best! keep up the good work...we those kind of movies...we need that kind of education and motivation...you prove that you dont need to go bald to make a good movie!
masa saya ke korea haritu sumolah belum masuk panggung. saya balik aje dah abis tayangan, baru 18 ari je kat korea, frust betul...
hello bro afdlin,
i just watched the movie last night with my hubby. i have to admit it was kinda slow for a start but eventually it was really funny and there were some funny scenes, which i laughed so loud my hubby had to smack me with the bantal so i can stop! but overall i think its ok - not fantastic but you did a great job. u can do better yah :) Hidup anak melayu! :)
aduh bro..
time kuar panggung..time tu gua tgh exam..mmg niat baik punye ar.. "pas exam..nak tgk sumolah ar",niat gua ketika itu..
so,abis je exam..gua pegi ar wayang kat ipoh..tgk2..dah xde..kecewa giler..
ape kes syrikat tempatan xsokong wayang rakyat sdri?its not fair..
time tu ade wayang spiderman3 n cter ape ntah..xigt plak..
hope pasni xberlaku keadaan sbigni lagi..
papepon,trus berusaha bro~
wish u best of luck..
im waiting for ur next muvie~
mana soundtrack sumolah???nak dgr lagu yg ade suara aweks jepun tu...tp tak tau tajuk lagu tu..huhu
tgh tunggu dvd nye sumolah..ble nk kuar yg cd nye x best gambar....
ak nak tau nie apa tajuk lagu yg ade suara perempuan jepun tuk..
lama dah cari masi tak jumpa la..
Dah lama tunggu nie..
kan bgus klu ade detail pasal movie sumolah..
Great movie
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