Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Assalamualaikum! tak jawab dosa. Dah lama menunggu?

Oleh kerana berberapa masaalah dalaman dan luaran yang di hadapi sejak seberapa lama ini saya tak dapat membawa diri saya berblogging seketika. Kena pulih semangat sikit la seketika dan mencari sumber inspirasi baru untuk meneruskan perjuangan ini.

Tapi ternyata satu transformasi telah berlaku. Pengalaman mematangkan dan mengeringkan hati. But i will believe in a good fight and a fight to the end. Insya allah.

Afdlin sekarang tidak macam afdlin dulu lagi.

Optimus Shauki

Kawan-kawan afdlin juga melalui transformasi ini.
Optimus Awie

Towkey gym ini juga mengalami transformasi ini.

Optimus Terry

Afdlin Shauki resumes blogging on the 27th of July and his entry will be a long one. It will span the couple of months he has been away from the blog to what is currently happening in his life. Why am i talking in the third person? suddenly i feel like datuk siti or even Ella.



Jangan lupa 27 JULY ini. Blog ini bergegar semula.


Anonymous said...

adeh..mana la lu pegi bro..tiap2ari gua bukak kot2lu ade update..ok i tggu 27 hb neh..hahaha...

keep up the good werk bro..

Anonymous said...

bang afdlin,sudah cukup LAMA x update lah...gua tgu ckp tau?nasib baik lu come back jd Transformers.tu la abang jd lagi you so so so much.i am ur BIG fans.come from Singapore.
cute cute cute afdlin.

Unknown said...

hahhahaha....robot ada janggut...yang ni bleh bertukar jadi ape bro?

Anonymous said...

Bro Adflin,

Good to have u back....laa bro!!
That's the AUTOBOTS spirit.....

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish that your blog is in English so that I could understand! You seem like a very funny and talented person. :)


e'eh! 27th july tu birthday kita lah, awak! hihihihihih.....

Azlan Zed said...

oh saye punye 29th... hehe... :D

JULIE said...

Asalamualaikum (tak jawab dosa), ni nak bagi tau,
ari tu, APP ada gi tgk Sumolah di BTS, tapi tak sempat abis kena kuar sebab kena ambik anak dari sekolah. Wbp, APP folo up dgn membeli VCD yang ORI untuk mengkatamkan citer SUMOLAH itew. Anak2 APP teramat suka esp bab Afdlin makan sushi dan wasabe itew. HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

oh goodness you're still on the net! haha. i almost lost myself in these 2 months without your updates. keep it rolling cip!

Anonymous said...

fuyo giler hebat! geng2 decepticon maner? =)

Wilde Katze said...

where can i get the mask ! its soo cool man! and can't wait to read ur newcoming post. . !

mafiaries said...

Welcome back Bro..Rindu giler kami sekeluarga..Huhu.Dah berkeluarga sekarang...:p

Miss Reen said...

alo alo..
gwe pun ari2 bukak blog nie.
tapi lama beno menyepi..
at last ader gak citer...
gwe nonton sumer citer abg afdlin nie..
krem krem perot gelak
tapi yg SUMOLAH tuh..
gwe terkejot jap..
gwe kenal itu KODOK la..
can't wait for this 27th...
oye oye oye

Anonymous said...

Salam... Where did you buy that mask? My son will go crazy if he gets it! He'll absolutely love it! Please tell me where...! Kat KLCC takde pun?


Anonymous said...

Aku ada pikir gak nak beli helmet thingie tu... tapi takut mak aku marah lak... dpt tgk gambo pun cukup le.. 27th July eh.. I'll be waiting. btw..that crack about those who talk in the 3rd person cracked me up. Good one chief.

Anonymous said...

bro...gua tau lu amik gamba kat mane...hehhehee...camne gym tu..semakin sebok ke..?bro gua dah nengok karya terbaru lu...tahniah bro...gua suh mak gua pos kat gua...memang best gaban...ok teruskan bekarya lagik..gua sentiasa sokong lu...

Anonymous said...

aflin sauki sulah kulus ka? bagut la kalau itu macam box ofis musti kasi gumuk punya!

dJ phuturecybersonique said...

kalau bawak motor guna helmet tu, agak2 polis tahan tak?

Anonymous said...

3 more days and counting.... la la laaa... meanwhile, I'll just finished up my Deathly Hallows while waiting for your next entry

Anonymous said...

itu transformers punya mask i ada npk kat metrojaya midvalley dkt kid's punya section. syokkk arrr!!! siap ada suara lagi...

Caranthir said...

Cayalah afdlin!

Pocket said...

Menunggu 27thJuly to see the big
jek jok jek jok jok ...
(Bunyik cam bumble bee tuko)

Anonymous said...

wuhhuuu..... u r back ... im glad...nothing has crack...afdlin is in shape (round) kah kah.. kah.. kahh.. isk..iskkk..isskkk (i mean back to shape and shake the industry ) power to the ppl

123 said...

Yo bro,

Dah lama saya tak dtg check tgk blog bro ni. Skali dtg check - laaa...update sket je? hehehe

Tp kan, entry bro ni mmg buat saya suspen la. Suspen, ape yg dh transform? Ape yg bertuka nanti?

Red Raven said...

ermm...ermmm..mana nak dapat topeng tu bro? Nak satu lah

Azyze said...

Ye ye Afdlin dah balik!

Ye Ye Afdlin dah balik!

Ye Ye Afdlin dah balik!

*dengan gaya Pekan sambut mak lepas balasah telur tembakul sampai habis*

Anonymous said...

//ps ..bile lg nak buat filem sampah

Anonymous said...

Hidup tetap terus hidup...

kawaii_desu said...


memang baiiiik punya transform...

Anonymous said...

teringin tengok macam mana afdlin bertukar rupa menjadi kodok ala-ala transformer.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Optimus Awie ada rambut...
siapa 'taktontonfilemsampah' yang mangkuk itu?
after watching the not-so-scary Jangan Pandang Belakang', tetibe rasa rindu nak tgk KELIBAT.
bila nak buat cerita macam KELIBAT lagi?

Taiko said...


terlepas dari dosa.

y u z said...

yay! afdlin's back in style...


Anonymous said...

Penat gua tgu .....tak update pun..bro..asam garam idup sebagai director and producer.kadang kadang naik...kadang kadang turun....iNi zaman jatuh lu..apa lagi.kita kasi pecah la..


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

28th already..
where's your new entry..
arggghhh, tensinye..
tapi gua tau, musti lu tgh tulis panjang2 gile, tak siap lagik aa tuh..
huhu, niwei, tak sabar nak tunggu the next entry..
cepat cepat...

Anonymous said...

manenyer yg 27 july tuh???? ari ni dah 28 july.. gua dah tunnggu .. tapi sampai bila nak tunggu.... janji nak blooging semalam... tapi takde pon... nie yg nak marah ni... dah la lame dah dgr cite... janji nak cite 27july, tapi takde plak... jgnla hampakan peminat bro...

Anonymous said...

27 julai 2030 kot baru dia update...
takpee aku tunggu..haha

Unknown said...

budak gumuk ni tipu ni, picit nenen dia kang.

Amak said...

bro. pinjam topeng. =)
penah nampak kat bbpark. senyum aram tak balas. cis.

daniel henry said...

dah way pass 27/07 tak nampak pun the new entry...

Anonymous said...

saya pun tunggu nih...tarok la extension date...tadek la org tertanya tanya...kang komplen kat nizam pancaindera kang...baru susah org nak teka sbb dia tak berani nak tulis nama afdlin mmg sebenar dah...

Anonymous said...

ini dah 30th July dah ni.... mana long entry nyer... kata 27th july...


Anonymous said...

jangan hampeh dulu ...

mcm aku taip kat atas tu...

aku rasa 27 julai 2030 nanti baru dia update...

takpe aku tungguu..theheehehe

Anonymous said...

27 julaI????dah 30julai dah ..hahaha! aha!i honour my word with my action!!! where where??

Anonymous said...

Truth: Jangan lupa 27 JULY ini. Blog ini bergegar semula.
Honour: Bergegar with your full crap load of sheit!

Truth: Afdlin sekarang tidak macam afdlin dulu lagi.
Honour: He is now called Crapload Crapiolatron

Anonymous said...

probably beliau sedang bertarung menyelamatkan bumi. hehehe... keep cool laa, nanti2 dia tak bz dia muncul la...

* ainul AB * said...

Afdlin, ari2 bukak, sama... ari2 bukak, sama... lalu hati kecilku bertanye, MANA BRO SELAMBAKODOK NI? Tgh cari ilham kot (kataku bersangka baik)... Anyhow, U ARE THE MOST GEMPAQQQQ-EST EVER AFDLIN! Anda mmg best!

Anonymous said...


dah 31 ari bulan takde cite baru pung..mana janji² manis mu encik afdlin!

p/s:tengah marah ni...raummm...

~sHaH2u.CoM~ said...

Ader jer idea... Baguslah!

Wanpetunjuk said...

askm abg adlin yang sentiasa comey...huhuhu, gua memang minat ngan lu bro...keselambaan mu itu...hahaha, more interesting bila abg jadi host...pecah perut...wish u all the best!!!

Anonymous said...

sesape ade plan nak pindah or sewa umah kat desa mutiara dekat mutiara damansara tu, pikir2 lah 2 kali. baca ni dulu blog ni dulu :

Anonymous said...

liar liar
pants on fire!

aku rasa afdlin tgh sibuk komplot ngan hans isaac camna nak buli balik erra fazira


Anonymous said...

apa kes ni bro,dah lama wa tengok,tala ubah pun lu punya blog,apa kes?hans isaac apa citer skang?i hope ok.anyway still waiting your promises.

judge said...

Hi Bro,

Just want to give some idea to the industries.

I observed that Malaysian films are gone too far now a days. Movies like Haru Biru, Rempit, Sepet and Gubra are out of the Malay value. Even though they said that Malaysians have to be open minded but Im not agree.
We have to be open minded but we need to keep our morale value. Your movies always applied high quality in sending message to the audience in the important of the value. I admired your creativity.
Hope that you will still continue with your concept and please don't be taken by such cheap value in your movie.
Work hard and good will, don't believe in luck.

Anonymous said...

i know that u b back w a POWWWOW make it a double POWWWOW ...

Love all ur movies ... though sometimes jalan cerita nye tersasar-susir ... but it got karakter ... its deeeeep ... and ur movies i can watch with my kids and laugh with them ... and of course morale values we have to keep that to be respected (at least we have our morale values intact even if we don't have plenty of mooolah)... that's from ur movies... we can be open minded but not when open minded throw our good values down the drain ... fikir fikirkan lah...

BTW ... Hans Isaac fan and PROUD OF IT

Anonymous said...

bro! bilan nak berlakon ngan ROSYAM? mesti jadi sehebat filem semerah padi..p.ramlee berlakon ngan nordin ahmad. hehehe.

i hope i'll see you act alongside Umie Aida in a serious movie (not like diva popular tu la). and aslo act alongside amy mastura (my faveret actress) in a romantic comedy movie. boleh ker?

utk meng'complete'kan senarai aktres yg pernah bro jdkan heroin..why not try Rita Rudaini adn Maya Karin...2 ni more better than si Fasha Sendat tu..

Anonymous said...

When Los dan Faun will be in cinemas?
Seems like a very good movie!
Btw, Afdlin, i hope u can reveal more of its synopsis..
tak baik tu main misteri-misteri..hehe..
Anyway, Sumolah was a nice movie...
Proud to tell u that, i am a chinese and i watched your movies!!!
Waiting for Baik Punya Cilok II or maybe also Along Bukit Beruntung The Movie...??? hehe

hbo said...

Haaa.. helmet tu mesti p beli kat Toy'R'us kan? Macam helmet yang I nak belikan tuk anak I jer. Tapi nasib I x belikan.. sebab muat untuk kepala bapak orang jer! kalau anak orang yang pakai mesti longgar.. tul tak?

Anonymous said...

best tul la korang eheh... aku nk cari topeng tue wakaka

Anonymous said...

ntah apa apa lah nak emo plak bebudak yg tak puas hati si kodok ni tak update blog. sukati dia lah ni kan blog dia.. korang ni dah dikasik bace tu pon dah kira ok dah tau.. bongok tol lah

Anonymous said...

sebab ngko la aku mula makan sushi..sedap gak ekk

Anonymous said...

hehehe abang afdlin cepat-cepat la keluar cerita baru ek. adik-adik, anak-anak anak saya, kalau sehari x sah pusing balik cd cerita abang tu(baik punya cilok, buli, sumolah, tu jer la sampai dialog kami dah hafal). takmo la beli cd cerita hantu-hantu ni, stereotype jer hantunyer.eheheheh looking forward for lost and faun. Along, bukit beruntung? bangga orang bukit beruntung.....u punya lagu tu best giler. my indian boss memang tabik spring la - dia nak buat lagu tema tangkap along for jabatan ni ehehheheheheh

-penangkap "along"

~RevoluTiTooN XIII~ said...

Take me as your Student,Sifu! I wanna be a Film Derektor, but i hv ZERO wisdom of it. by the way, nice blog..~