The Japanese people DON'T have the same phones as we do!!!!!! FRAKK!!! They are one step ahead of the world and they don't fren-fren the same telephony delivery system we have. A week without sms??... can i survive????
Any way this is how i spent my first day in YOKOHAMA!!!..

Wonderful city and all but i miss my kids, MIA and ANAIS and their mama already.... nasib baik gua pun macam the japanese, FORWARD THINKING.... i put my kids photos on my blog so i can see them when i rindu...
waaaa.... u r in Yokohama!!!! awat tak habaqq..kalu idak leh join u berjlnn ;) i'm in Yokohama too!! Yokohama Station, my playground maa.. nak pi pusing2 Yokohama gak lah..untung2 leh jumpe u :D
Maaan you have inspired a huge teppanyaki craving!!! Have fun dude.
Errr... Bila la gamaknya gua boleh pegi Jepang tu... ehek!Ehek!
Yokohama is a fantastic city. Very calm and cool, unlike Tokyo which is too frantic for my liking.
Dulu selalu la lepak at Landmark Tower during lunch hour. We spent more time browsing the shops and not really eating anything.
I wonder if that Indian restaurant is still there. Y1000 and you can eat all you can :)
wuu . yesterday webcam . u already in yokohoma aite ? huhu . selamat berjalan jalan di yokohoma :)
sib baik ada skype kan cip.. leh la kami menghiburkan hati mu yg kesepian di sana.. nanti saya nyanyi lagi lagu kocok kocok tuk cip!!! muahahahaha...
cip, ni ayat saya kepada yutaka or mana2 mamat jepun yg hensem la eh "kakkoii dayooo!!!" pastu bg ma phone no or email saya pon jadi lah... jasa mu akan ku kenang cip!!
pastu, jauhi lah love hotel & say no to iku3x... no piruuu osso!! wakarimasu ka? hee hee
pesanan mesraaaa dari Anne'nul..
great photos afdlin :-)
Hmm.. gua ni tak pernah langsung jejak kaki ke Yokohama tu...
Yg gua tau pasal Yokohama cuma ia adalah brand bateri kete dan basikal. Ehek.. ehek...
brader.. the quality of some of the pics dooesnt do you justice.. quite a number are blurry or under exposed.. either you need a camera upgrade or a 'skill' upgrade.. :D
all the best for your japan trip!
Gambatte ne!All the best to u may d course taken be a value added item in ur creativity work.Have a great time in Yokohama!!!
best nyer!!! posa x tu? segar je nampak. sonok la ek lu bole la g collect anime figure byk2. cr yg rare species punye.
waa... ada kat nihon ker?mai la kyoto leh jumpa kitorang ... nanti kami buleh bawak jalan2 gi temple2 yg melambak kat sini!hehehe!
keciknya bilik hotel dia. Exactly like what was described by Candace Bushnell in her Lipstick Jungle novel. Toilet dia pun mesti kecik gile.
Hidup Sempoerna Hijau 14 ..!!!! Caya lah Chip , kalau lepak teh tarik takde masalah tetukar kotak ni .. :))
wah beshnyerrr gi japan!!!
itulah degil sangat dulu govt nak hantar gi study kat jepun takmo pegi....
chip!! nampak chip pegang botol air kat airport...haaaa kantoooiii tak pose yeeee....hihih:)
oh jelesnye cip kodok kat jepun.. deng...
hye, afdlin.
tengok kat sini byk betul gambar2 of ur xtvt. better buka online photo album macam fotopages ke tak pun fotopages, lagik satu fotopages.com ekekeke..
kalau dah ada album online tu blh all ur die-hard-fan tengok gambar2 u utk melepas rindu.. ehehe..
kat blog u cerita about u. bila nak tengok gambar, ur fan blh buka ur online photo album. :)
well, i pun suka tengok gambar u. kiuutt..!!
bestnya gi japan.. all the best afdlin!! :)
have fun chief (cip rase macam coklat cip pulak, hehe).
p/s: check out their panasonic and jyuun handphone series, kawaii desu! kalau pandai baca kanji/kana/gana dah lama dah dikebas dengan pantas, kan?
elop chief,
balik nt nk kodok panggang okeh?
takpun sushi kodok..
elop chief,
balik nt nk kodok panggang okeh?
takpun sushi kodok..
elop chief,
balik nt nk kodok panggang okeh?
takpun sushi kodok..
elop chief,
balik nt nk kodok panggang okeh?
takpun sushi kodok..
mak aihhh...
sampai 4 kali...
cett.. ngok nye enter button..
muahahahahahahh !!
cip! pergi jepun kirim salam kat "morning musume" kalau sempat, kaji sikit pasal "hello project" cara diorang organize new talent...
chip-kodok-san !!
more,more, more ..( fast forward 44 kali ) MORE photo-photo , plezzzzz...
* blur tak blur gambo tu semua , belakang kira ...
dengaq cerita, their toilets are canggih giller? betul ke?
have fun.
alamak now I'm craving for sushi lak... errrkkk
uiiiiissshhh...bestnye dpt pegi jepun!!! cip watpe pg sana? ada shooting drama jepun kat sana ke, kot2 la jadi extra ke hape...!! hehehe halamakkk...teringin nak bebuka mkn california rolls sushi la plak. ni sumer cip punye psl. mana nak cr sushi kat campus ni???
kalo ade time & ade lagi kat area tokyo (alah 30 jam je yokohama tu ngn shibuya), meh aar join org mesia buka posa kat embassy 29hb nih. mesti ade nye kodok2 yg sronok dpt jumpa geng... heheheh...
Laa.. Lenkali Chif kene pakai telepon 3G baru boleh roaming kat sana... Baru leh SMS dsb.. Eheheh..
Gua bulan depan gi Kawasaki (jiran Yokohama).. Peace.
jelesnya kat abg afdlin la...uhuhuuhuhuuuu.... nak itut... nak itut... jelesnya....nadia kirei dashio... kambakte!
haik?penat ka jumpa miyazaki?musti best giler....nanti leh buat projek anime malaysia lak...
bila nak melalak kat skype laie?anne tak kasi iku3 ke?hehehe...yamate3x pun takleh gak ke?...hahaha...
lagi satu nak tanya, dlm satu kitab pink tu, 2 ayat tu jugak u pilih nak tulih kat tgn...knapa ek?2nd day pkataan ape lak?
Akum...wah best la abang dah pegi Jipun . Kat kampung saya takde suma benda tu bang . Anyway , i'm one of ur biggest fan . Tahap cipan rindukan beruang kutub la bang . Saya harap akan terus dapat melihat abang berkarya dengan jayanya . All da best bang...er..lagi satu , kalau abang ada masa tu pergi la ke blog saya yang tak cukup nulan tu yek ..AKum ...
Hi cip kodok,
jauh sampai ke negri terbit nya matehari
ohayoo...wah, best la ko dapat g nihon ek...aku gila babas mo g sana tapi tak juga dapat g lagi...but, i really wants to go there...some day, i'll....
collect semua figure2 yang cambest kat sana..
pesanan ikhlas: ingatlah orang tersayang kat malaysia... :p
(ada ide2 baru, bawak la balik..buat kat malaysia cip. jangan lupa studi "SUMO" karekter..)
Wat ape kat sane tu? Cuba cite sket...
erk, macam kantoi pegang botol air di pagi hari ... hehehe ... tak puasa nie!!! ;-P
wooo..u are in japan kah! come to okayama pulak la..we can bring u jalan2 here too mah!
oww brother kodok japan he youkoso!!
yup japanese tak guna GSM phones..mmg meranalah dok sini.. sobsobsob!!
hope you'll have a great time in Japan... best ah kan bukak poser awal kat jepun nih... huhuhu (^-^)v
sampoerna menthol ROCKS!:D
oh of course u too, cip kodok!
hey afdlin dude. ive just had a listen to your cd man. and hey dude, its good la. the quality of the recording, the mixing, oh my dude - its absolutely great. its a big shame that u cant find the cd at any kedai cds. cd mawi banyak la. urgh. and who's the bassist la? malu sial. rasa nak put my finger on the chopping board aje.
anyways, selamat hari raya dude.
Yup chief, they dont use GSM phone. But then you can rent their phones. Just ask around. Lots a place available which offers the service for travellers such as urself!!!
Happy travellin!!! Cepat balik!!!
wowwiieee, yup2 yokohama is beautiful with its port actually, also very nice at night.
Lain kali tulih kat tgn, 'Ore kakkoinn dayo' hehehe
Chep, jelos aku.. bila la aku leh pi jepang... bukan aper teringin nak tgk matahari turbit kat sane jer...
Ni mesti project BAIKKKKKKKK PUNYAAA!!!!
All the best cip... gua nak beli saham boleh???
Gua suka advert Baik punya cilok ... very funny. looking forward to it ...
Hans looks good in this type of character, perhaps because he is a fun guy in person ... betul tak cip?
cuma jatuh nak cakap "hello"..nice one lah afdlin. baik punya cilok.
Stimulating content. Do continue blogging new articles.
Cheers & best regards,
Zaim Al-Amin
happy eid mubarak.
selamat aidilfitri.
tried fugu/foogoo/foo-ntah la camana mau eja tu yet?
bestnya.. all the sushi u can eat!!
Aloha cip...
4days tak sempat nak tgk blog u... wow!!! byknya comments 58 - 3 nina punya yang terajin enter tu... ;->
u di japan i di hong kong... rindunyaaa laaa kan kat msia and segala isi yang ada di Malaysia
;-> c ya Malaysia tomorrow afternoon... ingat nak naik feri ke japan tp tak sempat heee...
all the best!
ne carefull with sushi.nowadays x semua yg halal
ne plak..silap..be :)
Selamat Hari Raya abg afdlin . yana doakan abg afdlin dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur :)
Semoga lebaran ini menjanjikan satu kehidupan yang lebih meyakinkan kepada kita semua .
daripada yana sekeluarga :D
laaa tak ajak saye!!kalau tak shoot your photo for free jer bf!!!
anyway, sy ni peminat br gak ni...hehehe
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