My friends i have just watched the final mix of BAIK PUNYA CILOK and in my opinion, THIS FILM RAWKS MY KODOK!!.. It is so fresh to be able to watch the film again after leaving it for about six months and i am amazed that i actually made the film. i know, i know it feels like i'm blowing my own horn... but this is honestly how i feel. AND THIS IS MY BLOG AND I AM ALLOWED TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL GOOD!! heehee. This movie is the bomb. A smart accidental crime caper and i know will make a difference in the MALAYSIAN FILM INDUSTRY!. Many a times when you finish shooting a film as a director you always wish, "PLEASE GOD, DON"T MAKE MY MOVIE SUCK!!". There are some minor problems in the post production side but as a whole it will be big! ... if we get kelulusan LEMBAGA PENAPISAN FILEM aka THE CENSORSHIP BOARD.
the media blitz for it is coming out soon.
Am now at the rehearsals of the closing awards night of the 50th Asia Pacifi Film Festival.... and i swear to you i am TENSE!!!.... i've had to change the MC script 17 times and there's still more changes coming. I mean, i'm willing to give my best always but i think this is pushing the limits a bit. i mean everybody's giving instructions!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!
I feel like i'm at a pasar malam.
We have been asked at the last minute to make our show longer.... and aku nak cekau daripada mana additional material yang aku nak kena buat as host malam ni. ARRRGGGHHH!
so i'm blogging now to vent.
KODOKS ROCKSS!!!.... webek...webek
hey kodoks ..... more big news coming soon, especially the winner for the pick the 'why you still fat?' poster plus the slogan contest..... This is just the beginning !.. the future is going to be rocking kodok!!!
guwe mesti tunggu cerite ni! semua lu punya citer, guwe layan..guwe musti sapot punya! caya la kodok!
Hello ur Kodokness...I love BuLi...i hope Cilok will be the same...cant wait to see it.
hi bapak kodok...
can't wait to watch the award show. mana tau PGL menang besar malam nih :)
moga ada rezeki malaysia ini malam :))
chip, all d best for tonite's show. wont miss u on tv tonite, all 3 of us!! even my 2 baby is excited to watch u already.
brO...jangan malukan kaum kodox ok?? all the best for tonite show...webek...webek!!!
bila nk tayang nih agak²?
lama tak conference..
Yey!!!! Afdlin punya stand-up kena postpone!!!
bulan ni budget kurang da...
hey kodok bossman...
ish...hopefully the new movie tak kena potong byk sgt by FINAS. i can't wait can't waiiitt...
don't worry so much lah...i'm sure u'll find the right materials to squeeze in... be spontaneous.
randomize your day, people!
i out.
Bro cip kodok!
Gua tak sabo nak layan movie ni! Lu punya line up actor tu mmg feveret gua.
Rasanye karakter Awie tak mcm dlm sembilu and all Usop Haslam's pelem tu kan? Heheh
Long live cip kodok!!
hope dah hilang sume kegemuruhan (perkataan 2 wujud ke?)... u rawk, big guy... jez watch abg afdlin kat astro tadi... besh...besh...
tadik best aaa abg afdlin... best makyeh... ("Mintak2 abg afdlin jadik MC selalu... takyah dgr Azwan Ali suruh tepuk2 lagi" - ujar Shai sambil berdoa)
Alops bro chief kodok...
saya masih lg tunggu member saya siapkan poster..tapi rasanya dh abis kot tarikh dier...
Lama tak online YM..jadi tak dapat nk bg laporan kt chief...
haa..satu lagi...nak buat tak buka puasa dengan kodok2 yg lain ni...
mesti kodoks2 support nyer bro...
aper2 hal inform kami erk..chau.
Congratulations on that Tokyo thingy... and congratulations for Baik Punya Cilok..
Kodok really rawx! ;)
Webek! Webek! Webek!
tak sabar nak tengok...cepatlahhh
congrats, macam biasa, wit kau mmg kena mlm semalam (walaupun ramai kwn aku yg 'blur' sama kau, kata kau stagnant), just that sharifah was too 'blur', kalau ganding dengan seseorang yg setajam kau, tentu bagus..but hans isaac kesianlah, dia takde karisma tapi mintak something big from the audience..kesian..
anw, baik punya cilok!!
yezzaz..mari mencilok bersama cip..cilok baik baik agar menjadi baik punya cilok..namun ketika mencilok ingatlah org tersayang..
cip..grand premiere nnt ajak sekali eh..hope xde pemotongan yg tidak patut oleh LPF
stand up lepas raya?
orait ler, gua tunggu.
ada ler masa nak pikir jawapan apsal still fat....
Lu dalam Actorlympics best beb.
Next up : Why You Still Fat
i saw u wife semalam,
kat pan pac...
so cute
yea!!! can't wait to see baik punya cilok.
afdli juz wanna sayyy..u were so cool kat FFAP last sabtu!sharifah shahira oklahh..hehe kan bes kalau depa bagi u n Sarimah jadik host..baru mencabar lawak selamba kodok u!n i still have ur cute pix in my camera fon..cuma nyesalll lah tak dpt salam u..banyak nye orgg kerumun u:( anyways keep up da gd work afdlin ill sure see ur latest movie!
U such a cool KODOK masa kat FFAP!! caya lah bapak KODOK!
haiii tak sabonye nak nengok baik punya cilok tu...ara payung, MC lagi kot? stok masih ada.. heheheh...:-) (**..ni le akibatnye kalo AL sikit bebeno dibagi dek company).
congratulations Bradder kodok! Hope this movie can achieve more than Buli. gua x sabor nak nontonnya. hahahaha. wei, g japan pulak ke? buat aa flashmob kat sane. ajak bebudak student mesia n kaki keta potong kat sane.
hello kodok man!can i ask u somthing aa?why is d tickets to actors studio so expensive one??so not all people can watch la.i'm really into theatres but nowadays since d price has gone up...not every theatre can watch one
Lu kalau cakap, gua memang cayer punya lah!
Ok. Gua tunggu.
Barang baiikkkk nyer beb!
congrats 4 de show!! n hope ur baik pny cilok will be better than BULI ;D all de best chief kodokz..
selamat berpuasa!!! :)
hopefully BAIK PUNYA CILOK best giler nk mampos mcm BULI!! ;)
gua tunggu
gua pun
murah rezeki chief kodok nampaknya... kodok2 sedunia akan terus mendoakan ke'kreatifan' dan kejayaan chief.
congrats chief kodoks,
anyway the awards show rocks because of u.. cuma aku nampak ko punya partner tu a bit blur.. lawak dia cuma org local aja yg paham so tak kena dgn ko punya wit. Anyway I think u handle the show well..
..how about an underground preview of Baik Punya Cilok to the fellowship of kodok members? Ada berani? Bayar pun takpe la.. Ada sokongan?
Ada macam Guy Ritchie punya style ker?.. kalu macam guy ritchie (Snatch, Lock/Stock..) wa memang suka aaa..
dear chief kodok..
takyah la tunggu kelulusan tu, buat jer cd ker dvd ker, gua sure beli nyer...
kamon la....
eh apa dah jadik dgn animation kartini ha..?
nak tanya ? sebab dah mention othman hafsham so nak tanyala..psl iklan merdeka petronas tu kan....dia tu ada kaki kan? tak kudung kan? ada sesapa bole nak jwbkan?
hi there... i dun know if u really read all of this comments... but i jez wanna say congratulations for being able to b urself...!
u r more than invited to check out my page...
yes, i really do read all the comments :)
On behalf of the malaysian artistes, gua nak meluahkan betapa bengangnya gua dgn kenyataan ADUN Sri Gading dalam Buletin Utama melalui sidang parlimen segmen malam semalam...Ada ke dengan sesuka hati dia nak jatuh hukum keatas Hattan kerana tersalah menyanyikan lagu NEGARAKU at final piala malaysia...siap cakap "orang yg sebegini (hattan) seharusnya dihukum kerana tergolong dalam pengkhianat negara!!"...Sebagai manusia apalah salahnya bertanya dulu pd yg empunya badan dimana kesilapan dan kenapa sampai jadi mcm tu...mungkin ada jawapan pd setiap persoalan ataupun sekiranya betul Hattan melakukan kesilapan tak de ruang ke utk hattan utk memohon maaf....ISlam Hadhari apa kebenda sampai nak maafkan sesama bangsa pun tak boleh...!! kepada bloggers semua sila lawati blog sesumpahmacho.blogspot.com.....kat situ gua ader citer pasal tabiat ahli2 parlimen yg bersuara lantang ni...sila lah... sorry chief kodok gua lepas geram kat sini...
bukan salah aper pun salah melody jer....cuba fikirkan kengkawan kodok yg berjiran dgn sesumpah semua....
huhuhuhuhu....filem yg ku nanti²..tak sabar ni...bila nak tayang huh!!
tak sabar la tunggu movie kau ni
hi chief,
thanks for the drink yesterday at Lotus. it was damn fun night.... mmm.... morning.. heehee
yeah baby!! kodok does rawk!! go brother kodok..
the busier you are and the more people criticize you.. it just means that you're getting more attentions and that you'll be getting better at what u're doing ...
cant wait for the movie to be out!!
go kodok go!!
Chief Kodok!!!! I saw you and your lovely wife and some of your friends i think at Picnic Foodcourt KLCC, 8+ p.m., on Monday!!! I was with my two friends [a girl and a guy - don't think you notice us] , having dinner and we were starstruck!! hehehe We really wanted to say hi and do things that fans do, but you seems busy, we didn't want to interrupt and also we bought movies tickets already. so we just watched [well, it was more like staring actually - kitaorg jakun bang]. congrats for baik punya cilok - i am so gonna watch that movie!!!!
chief kodok selamat menyambut ramadhan. sukanya sebab ut standup comedy tak postpone lepas raya...ada chance nak pergi tgk.
baik punya cilok...bila nak keluar?
Dear Bro Kodok..webek..webek..
honestly I can't wait to watch your 'air tangan'. Bukan apa..a bit disapointed ngan GGPP, ur role sket sgt la Bro..
Hidop Chip Kodok yeay!!
I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting to see Baik Punya Cilok. Sooooooo happy it's coming out soon!
chief.. i'm thinking of doing a multimedia thing or something for u.. tapi kalau chief boleh kasik poster high resolution Baik Punya Cilok mmg best.. leh tak? just asking..
..anyway Buli Balik and Baik Punya Cilok is difinitely on my list of must-see upcoming local movies. For the complete list please do visit my blog.. I'm going loco with movies..!
Peace, love and nasi kandar!
i can't wait any longer to watch BAIK PUNYA CILOK.. i can't imagine how this 4 people act like chalie chaplin look stupid but funny!
BIG credit to you, bro!
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