Jika kita boleh begini di dalam semua hal, mungkin kuranglah perperangan dan hasad dengki di dalam dunia ini. Let discussion be the only solution to peace.
Saya memang minat melihat perbualan kita semua dan saya bersetuju dengan konsep ...
NIAT TAK MENGHALALKAN CARA.... dan akan cuba apa yang saya boleh untuk mengelakkan daripada ianya berlaku. Semampu saya dalam mencari nafkah yang halal..... jadi belilah album saya dan tontonilah filem saya banyak2!!! heehee
SAya juga bersetuju dengan SAHABAT yang mengatakan bahawa kalau kita bukan betul-betul ariff dlm bab agama ni, jgnlah kita perdebatkan sangat. Akan tetapi seperti blog yg saya tulis tu, niat saya hanya nak mengundang perbincangan dan perbincangan itu bagus untuk segala permasaalahan.
Tetapi mungkin kita mesti renungi juga apa dia didalam hidup kita yang kita betul-betul menegakkan kebenaran agama kita dan apa bahagian lain, jika ada, kita tak endahkan pulak. Saya rasa kalau kita mengikuti ajaran kita biarlah secara total. Islam is about moderation and balance isn't it?
Banyak juga video Ahmad Deedat yang gua dah belasah tengok and he always puts the point across that Islam is beautiful and i believe that.
Jgn bab nak kahwin empat kita guna agama, tetapi syarat2 kahwin empat tu tidak kita perihatin, pukul bini separuh mati, dera anak sampai masuk hospital, tak pulak mengikuti ajarannya.
Yang buruk semua dari saya.
Inilah gua spending the day watching 'Sky High' at KLCC and then lepak sat kat KLCC pond with my lovely kiddies.

Kadang-kadang bila gua perhatikan anak-anak gua, gua tertanya pada saat manakah yang gua kehilangan the simplicity of my life, Keinginan untuk sentiasa mengetahui sesuatu yang baru dengan minda yang sentiasa terbuka, kesucian hati yang tidak berprejudis, keberanian untuk menghidupkan imaginasi dan kebolehan untuk sentiasa menjadi REAL / telus dikhalayak ramai. Dengan bebudak, what we see is what we get. Why aren't we the same as adults? WHAT HAPPENED TO US?
Every kodok wants other kodoks to be honest to them, but then we have a culture of cakap berlapik, which is disguising the truth for what it really is.... how many of us who want people to be truthful, are really open to the truth.... i wonder. is this making any sense?...
JUST the ramblings of a comedian after spending a day with his kids.
so abg afdlin, saya cadangkan buangkan jer anon option tuh... senang cite... supaya bacul2 nie akan reti tulis name sendiri
That I agree with cikokui.....
Btw, cute puteri-s you have there! sungguh comel... Mesti terlampau seronok dapat tengok Sky High kan?
cutenyaaaaa! boleh mintak jadi menantu nanti, pak? heehee! :D
Your daughters are so cute!~
hmmmmmmmmm (all mushy), another reason for me to kawin cepat2...
Yes,i understand what you're saying Afdlin. Its gets bloody annoying when one does that (cakap berlapik). Especially in malay tv dramas haha (no offense to the hard working ppl in the industry). But in my (19-year-old-naive) opinion,malaysian ppl (especially malay i think) tend to do so maybe because it is our nature..because malays are naturally too polite to the extent that they cakap berlapik..but in the end of the day,we must always watch what we say in some circumstances,right?
oh i dunno..what does others think? Afdlin sir?
boleh jadik model ok. style tu dah ada
Cute daughters!
Have you read this on the NST? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/k_amirkhan/scan0002.jpg
==> dated 13 Aug 2005 <==
Oh my... your princesses are so gorgeous! Reminds me of my nieces especially Muna Nabilah. She's 6 already but still manja tak boleh nak cakap and dia pandai "beli jiwa" sampai sometimes I can't say no to her.
Anyway, the main reason orang cakap berlapik is because truth HURTS. Orang kata kebenaran itu pahit - and it's true. So, bila orang tactfully say certain things, at least takde la hurt that much. But the disadvantage of cakap berlapik is, people tend to misunderstand what other people trying to say. And I say, most of us are still not ready to be told the truth bluntly. Mesti nak jugak cover line sikit sikit. Why? Macam macam. Tak mo face the facts or reality. Still living in a world of assumptions.
I am known among my good friends with my way of cakap tak berlapik - or "cakap takde insurance" everytime they ask my opinions about certain situations they're in or about themselves, because I taught myself to accept the truth from other people and they have to expect to do the same. And I have made people cry because of my words but in the end, they came to me and hugged me for telling them the truth. And they improve themselves, I improve myself and we're became better friends.
Cakap berlapik pun boleh buat kita berbohong pada orang tadi. Dalam hati kita, kita kata A, tapi kat mulut keluar A- atau B+ atau C terus. Tujuan supaya orang yang kita cakap tu tak tersinggung, and kita nak jaga hati dia. Yes, it's important to do that, tapi kalau dah banyak kali buat macam tu, lelama sampai bila pun the truth tak prevail.
I like to watch Kids Say the Darnest Things because kids tak reti nak cover line bila ditanya tentang sesuatu perkara. They say what they think. And I love to chat or debate with my 18 nephews and nieces because they honestly say what they think. Ye la.. kekadang diorang ada gak kelentong, but in the end diorang akan cakap jugak what they honestly think of certain things.
Sebab tu sometimes we wish if we can turn back time to our childhood days.. life was so simple back then!
Fadz, aku sokong 101%, hehehh...
btw, Afdlin, dah besar anak2 dara awak ye. Hmm... I wonder when I'll get the second one (sekarang masih ada satu anak bujang).
ur doters are so cute..rasa mcm nak picit2 aje..geramnye..hehe
His Kodokness and all Fellowship of the Kodoks,
Re: cakap berlapik
A wise man told me a long=ish time ago, "polite conversation are rarely either". And I believe that, you know.
Re: lost innocence
Reminds me of an old song - "whatever happened to the life that we once knew?" We have hopes and dreams and aspirations. And then we grew up *SIGH*
Wistfully Yours,
cute nyer ur daughters! sorg ikut muka cip, sorg lagi ikut muka wife cip!
ps: cip tak kena serbu ker masa jalan2 kat klcc?
pps: pernah nampak cip kat konsert force of nature, tapi, tak berani nak tegur!
Good 4 u to balance ur life with ur family. Well, at 1st sy tegezut gak bile bace 1st paragraph. x elok la panggey anak cip "2 ekor".. cian diorg x tau papper lg. ok la, bile nak bkk posa reramai? sy nk beli album fuyyo dah lame tp xde respond pon dr chip?
hi afdlin, put la ur wifey's picci too..and a family photo..sure nice!
Cute gals u've got there. 2nd doter saling tak tumpah your face lah. Posing depan klcc tu reminds me of the time when i met u & your family in Mar'04 when i was in KL for a short holiday. Sempat jugak kita take photo wif u depan Best Denki agaknyer. Masa tu terkejut jugak bila kita saw u in real life (maklumlah, kita pat spore ni jarang nampak artis m'sia in person).I still have the pic. Maybe i'll scan and email it to u.
Have a great day ahead!
tapi, tak bermakna, walau pun kita ni tak pandai agama.
tapi, tak boleh berpikir logiknya, kenapa hukum tu diturunkan, ye tak?...
kengkadang ni, setengah ustad tu..
nama je belajar jejauh..
tapi, pemahaman kengkadang hampeh gak.
memang la terrer mengahapal ntah apa apa surrah n hadis..
tapi, setakat tu je la..
jadi macam buruk kakak tua.
tau cakap, tapi, tak tau apa mende yang diacakap kan.
pastu, bila tak dapat paham ilmu orang lain.
terus hukum sesat.... :-D
chomelnyerr Miasara....
aku nak jadik menantu ko..boleh yer Pakk?????
mana mak nyer
dian ptd 1/2005
alahai dah besar dah adik tu... cepat nya masa berlalu. the last time i jumpa dia dok dalam keta tolak bulan posa kat alam sentral.... yang i ingat dia dok panggey u dada.... your angels
woah i love the second picture. Really lovely daughters. Yes. Children portray what we can't. Becaause they r so true to themselves and not thinking of other things like adult do. Ee.. rase nak picit pp these 2 kids. :)
Bila kita boleh mula berfikir? Bila kita boleh membezakan buruk dan baik? Bila kita mula berasa kecil hati, sakit hati, dll.?
Aku rasa bila kita dapat jawapan tu, kita tahu mengapa kita tak seperti kanak2 yang tidak ada jawapan untuk soalan2 tu.
nice picture and beautiful daughters u have. I'm getting married after this Syawal. Doakan aku dapat anak cute macam anak ko pasal perawakan kita lebih kurang jer...!
Nasib baik aku dah tua, kalau dak mesti aku dah booking mia sara dulu... keh keh keh... jangan marah bro, nanti kena jual. anyway, cute daughters you've got there. i wonder, when shall there be a prince pulak eh? or, in the making? hehehehehe... godbless
I have to admit. despite my 'kejantanan' kelemahan aku ialah cute little baby girls! awwwww.. I always wish I had cute daughters. Nak nak plak twins! Mmg gila aku..!
Your daughters are angelic. Nak cupp sorang buat menantu bleh? Anak gua sure ensem cam ayah dia punya..
comel nye si baju pepel ~
soooooooooooooooo comelllllllllllllll
Cakap berlapik is tricky but it is important in order to maintain silaturrahim. If you look closely, bukan Malays je yg cakap berlapik. Bangsa lain pun buat jugak but in general, Malays do it a lot more cause it has been instilled in us all to be polite and humble. I think for me, it's alright to be brutally honest to me in private but in public, I would appreciate a little tactfulness. I mean, don't embarrass me la! Besides, if you jaga keaiban saudara you, God in turn, will do the same on yours. So, nothing to lose, what?
Finally, recommended reading ---> "Islam the Religion of Ease" by Harun Yahya.
Btw, Afdlin, you may not recognise me cause this was ages ago but we were in the same batch back in DU. I was in N5 and I remember your class buat drama of a bus being hijacked and you were the hijacker. It was funny and even back then I thought, "This guy should be an actor". And here you are...
indahnyer gambar2 ini yang merakamkan dua anak kecil berbaju ungu dan membuat aksi2 yang sungguh ikhlas dan innocent. indah sungguh bila membayangkan anak2 adalah permata hati dan suatu hari nanti adalah pendukung nama kita.
oleh sebab itu, setiap laku mak ayahnyer akan jadi pencetak kepada perilaku anak2nya.
tetapi, sebagai orang melayu, kita ada adat (yang baik ajer) untuk kita pertahankan dan perturunkan kepada generasi kita, dan sebagai orang Islam, kita ada hukum hakam Allah yang kita perlu didikkan kepada anak kita.
Nak cakap direct/berlapik? Bawak dua2 benda tadi (adat dan hukum), insya Allah direct macam mana pun, jika benar akan terserlahlah kebenarannya.
(p/s: ada anak ni seronok eh Bro?)
now that you mention about ahmad deedat. i reccomend you to watch zakir naik. one of the islamic research foundation researcher. best gak!
Azdel 'themattock' Aziz
your kids are so cute.. macam ayah dia gak.. pandai posing..
bravo to you bro, coz sharing with us your real life.. mesti klik your blog.. really interesting.. wish we can meet one day..
Aloha chip...
ohhhh my ....... comelnya... cutenya... gorgeousnya... lovelynya... blanya... blanya... blanya... (sesynonym dengannya)
Lord and fellowship of the Kodoks,
On the part of "cakap berlapik" ni, I believe that people need to use his/her own judgement.
comelnya ur daughters...
Kalau badan tough boleh ler cakap tak berlapik. Tapi kalau badan macam kodok kering memang sah tunggu nak kena belasah jer laaa.
akum bro...giler kiut anak2 u...rasa nak cubit2 jer pipi depa, tapi nanti tak pasal2 masuk sukabar dgn headline "Remaja ditahan reman kerana mencubit anak seorang artis"...maybe not..
i'm interested dengan perihal cakap berlapik tu.ni ada satu situasi bebudak kita dgn parent depa, esp yg jenis upbringing 'melayu jati'
consider this situation:
seorang budak sedang dimarah ibunya
"Kenapa ko pegi pecahkan pinggan tu ha? kenapa? degil ye? ha, kenapa senyap? ha, jawablah! jawab!"
"saya tak pecahkan pinggan tu, mak. kucing naik atas meja tu,"balas si anak.
"ooo...dah padai menjawab ye! dah pandai melawan ye!degil ni!"jerkah si ibu sambil memulas telinga si anak
if you're in that child's situation, what would u do?you can keep quite but that's like admitting it's your fault. but answering also gives negative results. so the Malays have been taught hypocrism (ada ke pkataan ni)since a kid, just to make sure the other party rasa sedap hati.if you're telling the truth, thay say you bad mouthed them.you try to say it cynically, they say you're being sarcastic.
its a cruel world.can't complain though
Afdlin; dah besar dah si kakak. last i jumpa dia di rumah bro farouk di cheras, last year with yr mom & bro. salam utk auntie, dgn doa semoga bahagia selamanya.
jauh sungguh hamba hop ...dari s'pore ke KL...*LOL. u hv 2 gorgeous gals there. love reading all ur entries & will be back often...Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
agreed with the jamie..ckp berlapik ni sebnarnye nk marah style halus..
bebudak ibarat kain putih..thats why they see things differently then us adults..mcm sinchan..haha
chomel duh anak gadis cip kodok kite
ya comel sungguh anak abang tu, tapi memandangkan abang ni famous saya nasihatkan janganlah letak ganbar anak dalam blog. ada risiko.
abg afdlin, napa panggil anak guna pkataan ekor tuh??..shian diorang..
tolong picitkan pipi anak u yg nombor dua tu..geram la!
weh afdlin.. ko tak panas ke pakai beanie siap berjacket kat klcc tu? haha..(aku harap benda ni tak akan menjadi isu yg dibesar2 kan..haha)..
anyways, msg to all out there, berbincanglah..calling names and condemning others are just for uncivilezed ppl..and oh, for kids too.. no one has the right to disrespect you when all you do is just expressing your opinions.. so, start using more nerves of your brains rather than totally venting out what's in your hearts..
selamat menyambut ramadhan!
pakcik afdlin..
blog pakcik memang best..
ilham..idea yang kreatif..
menjadi peneman dikala dok jaga restoran nie..
cute anak2 pakcik..
betoi gak, bila dah naik tua nih, garis lurus pun jadi lengkuk.
entah, kita makin ari, makin takut nak cuba benda baru kot, pasal dah penah jatuh etc.
Haih, waktu jadi bebudak, the world is our playground,
Dah tua, jadi burying ground...
...they like to be the first to stand before the LRT and monorail doors for reasons you and I could never make of...
Swan, saya rasa, awak tak pernah naik monorel/ LRT di kala peak period. Kalau dapat standing place without being able to hold onto something pun dah kira bernasib baik...really feel like swearing every friggin' day...
Salam dari Kota Singa...
I baru terserempak your blog and it's a pleasure reading it. Witty and intelligent. Ni bukan mengampu, but I think it's kinda rare reading substantial blogs out there like yours. Cheers bro...
bukan main anak ko ber aksi :D
i like ur last point..i think it is true..many adult like us have lack of curiousity. We tought we know everything and less appriciate of what happen around us.
SOmetimes, jeles aku ngan bebudak kecik. Everything they do, they do it with fun, bersungguh2, bersemangat.
Kita org tua biasa nya anggap apa yg kita buat adakah kerja, x kerja tanggungjawab, x tanggungjawab terpaksa..stress oooo!! hehehehe
luv to see your daughters. your first baby looks exactly like the mother (dari lensa mata aku la) and your second baby looks like you.
both of them are sooooo cuteeee!!!
Your 2nd daughter really reminds me of my daughter...they almost look the same..chubby, cute & with curly hair...:D. I even printed out your daughter's pic & my sis really thought that it's my daughter, andrea..:).
wah comelnyaa. kecik2 lagi dah pandai posing. ehehe :D
betul...betul! yg kakak tu ikut rupa mamanya & adik ikut papanya....pada pendapat sayalah. cute sangat terutamanya gambar yg last tu. buat saya trgelak sorang2. kakaknya posing ala2 model. adik posing ala2 papanya. hahha.. ;)
endik afdlin a.k.a. chief toad,
Re: isu hangat
sometimes, when things are beyond our control, we need to remember that Allah has given us a leeway in amal makruf nahi mungkar, ie if you can't prevent by hand, prevent by your voice, worse comes to worse, you should deny it in your heart.
We all try our best, and hope our best is good enuf. (cewah macam bunyi lagu je, lagu apa ya?)
Re: your daughters
Cewah.. posing maut!
Re: innocence lost.
I think the child is still in us, cuma kekadang kena supress aje, out of politeness. Sometimes 'jaga hati' tu elok juga.. untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim kan. Even islam encourages us to communictae with hikmah (which is not hiding the truth, but saying the truth in a tactful way).
BTW, I think you are lucky to be an actor, then you can ACT childish and still get paid.. kahkah kah
boss, people write very long long one aahhh??? what heppen, you give inspirasi izzit? heh heh... lupa nak ucap:-
helemek.... best la dapat main ngan anak-2. cute-2 belaka lak tu. daughters biasnya ngam ngan abah dia kan?
sedihlah aku tak dapat nak bersama anak perempuan aku.
so, brader kodok. bersyukurlah kau diberi kelebihan berbanding orang lain.
keep up the good work!
anak2 anda sgt cumerlsss..
besar dah anak2 u afdlin..still remember their pixs from the one of the mag..masih pegang botol susu waktu tu :-D
comeynyer chief kodok's gurls.. =D
nak book untuk my son,still dlm perut lagi..heheheh..just kidding..
love ur blog so much!and minat u dah lama daahhh.... ;)
dua ekor puteri???
I thought my BM was bad =P
gosh they are such cuties..definitely inherited papa's natural act =)
astaga! .. sampai berair kolam tu
Peace be a upon you, Bro...
Bagi sesetgh org , Bro, kekadang saya terpikir yg diorang sentiasa membicarakan hal agama yg spesifik but then when it comes to the most basic and fundamental, it is sad to say that they totally neglected them. I have a few friends (not to mention from which radical region are they)who have always throwing muds of words. Sarcasm. Kekadang tu, saya naik muak.Cakap pasal kita terikut2 sangat budaya yahudi. But then we have to bare in mind that if we can't across the current, follow the current like wise. Macam bertawaf le kiranya. I am totally agree with you when it cimes to nikah kawin, every thing has to be cleared and well verse. But when it comes to basic halal and haram, that'll come to the worst. They're so pathetic!But it's better for us to know the overall basics, rite? Even my officemate (civilised indian) knews which is syirik or not (confused). There may a lot of people who have always like yours. Me either.
i call my dad..dada too..hehe..
Saya ingin komen pasal soal logo syarikat arak yang dibincangkan. Sebenarnya, arak adalah satu-satunya larangan yang cukup tegas di mana dosanya sering berkait. Tukang hantar, tukang tuang, tukang kira, tukang jual, tukang promote (iklan) walaupun tak minum tetap dapat dosa minum arak. Tiada grey area dalam soal arak. Tidak seperti soal riba, pekerja di bank yang bekerja jujur di bank yang bersistem riba terputus darinya dari hasil riba dan para ulama ada pendapat masing2 jadi ada grey area situ. tiada grey area dalam soal arak. Jadi kalau kita nak pakai jeans cap Budweiser, kita kena sorok atau buang labelnya dulu.
Chief Kodok!!!! I saw you and your lovely wife and some of your friends i think at Picnic Foodcourt KLCC, 8+ p.m., on Monday!!! I was with my two friends [a girl and a guy - don't think you notice us] , having dinner and we were starstruck!! hehehe We really wanted to say hi and do things that fans do, but you seems busy, we didn't want to interrupt and also we bought movies tickets already. so we just watched [well, it was more like staring actually - kitaorg jakun bang]. congrats for baik punya cilok - i am so gonna watch that movie!!!!
nice bunch of kids!!!!
bro...gua rase gua slalu ckp berlapik. tp bkn gua nak ckp berlapik pon. mungkin pangaruh persekitaran, udara sekeliling yg gua baca time tu yg membuatkn gua x bleh nak berterus terang. gua ade baca sifat seseorg tu ade pengaruh drpd jenis darah die. gua pon x pasti/percaya sgt la tp...ade btol nyer jugak.kalo x sbb ape tuhan jdkan manusia ni berbagai2 jenis darah...pastu, gua rase nak ckp x berlapik ni boleh.tp cara tu kene la btol.supaya diterima org yg mendgr nyer.kalo tak, maybe bleh jd pprgn plak nanti.....wallahua'lam
Love the photos! The gals do know how to pose!
Great blog, refreshing, candid and personal. Keep writng, Bro!
ya rabii.. comeynyerrrrrr!!!!! kim syalamm syium miuummmm kat kodoks jr tue tuk gua!!! ;)
wow ur kids so adorable, know how to pose lagi...
love to come here n read ur interesting topics....
take care bro
Awwww your kids are so cute. looks like u!!
Hey Afdlin, just wanna say congratulations in your career. I'm a big fan.
Hi Afdlin,
Just stumble upon your blog..I',m a big fan of urs from Singapore ...beautiful girls you have do keep writing :P
Mamafai - http://mamafai.blogspot.com
tomeinyer puteri2 bro nie.... **wink**
I think the simplicity of our life ends when we try to over analize things around us. In the end things got complicated and no more 'that simple' as it used to be. I'll be enjoying like this when I balik kpg for Raya. Not with my kids, but all family members. Selamat Berpuasa Chief Kodok. Send my regards to ur wife & Shima.
Afdlin! Good thta I found your blog! A few months back I tried to call your mom a few times tapi tak di angkat dan sms tak dijawab. Dia dah tukar nmbor ke?
Please please ask her to call me please... & salam to her.
btw Afdlin, your 2nd daughter looks exactly like your mom! :)
anak2 awak comel lah.
syukurlah ada daddy macam awak yang perihatin.
selamat berpuasa maaf zahir batin (nanti raya kena minta maaf zahir batin part 2)
o ye got my new blog up, visit le ya:
ter"drop by" kat blog nih...
tetengok abg afdlin...huhuhhhuh:))
bebila g arr blog boy:
comellllllllllllllllllllllllnyeee cam apak dia gak...
anais tu mmg betul photostet muka cip kodok..nampak cool jek..
mia macam mama dia...veryyyy prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
dah bosoK anak ekau!!!
cutenya!!!! Is that your anak?
Hehe..sorrylah, coz i tk banyak ambil tahu tentang media, pelakon nih ke tuh...
Selamat berpuasa!!
Kirim cubit and peluk to ur anak!!
aloo.. cip.
leh x pinjam pic mia + anais? nk letak dlm my fotopages. x thn la tgk pic diorg ni. gerammm...
just click at
Hi Afdlin, I just came across your by accident..was googling for ..apa ek term tu in Malay..(Buah hati penganrang jantung ke pengerang jantung...) anyway your kids are ADORABLE and spontaneous..macam Daddy dia gak.
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