A pipe dream, many might say but guess what? I am a person who constantly believe in dreams and making them come true. Buli was a dream... winning an award at the Malaysian Film Festival was a dream.... The current success of BAIK PUNYA CILOK is a dream... and now to conquer a greater vision of getting a local film distributed internationally... and maybe going to International film festivals and bringing pride to the country like P.Ramlee, Yasmin Ahmad, Ho Yuhang, Amir Muhammad, James Lee and to prove that mainstream doesn't mean shit-stream. Well, at least not all the time.
A great indication is that she has read the treatment and she thinks that it is really funny and a lot of fun. Next we have to talk money and schedules. YIKES!!!... donnolah... apa nak jadi-jadilah... Just tebalkan my face and make my ten cent face, get on my knees and get ready to beg and grovel. I have no shame, some of you might be saying.
Ab-so-frakking-lutely!!!... whatever for a DREAM.

PS. ACTORLYMPICS starts tomorrow!!!.... so for an evening of live selambakodok komedy and the opportunity to meet the stars of BAIK PUNYA CILOK, CIP KODOK and Harith Iskander LIVE don't forget to make a date with us at Bangsar Actor's studio.
mcm pernah ku dgr Ab-so-farking-lutely tuh...season brape ntah.. hehehhe anyway, congrats with ya new movie. You`ve done it very well.
ku dah tonton baik punya cilok.memang lawak spontan.penat ku gelak haha
yeah.. go chiefster go ! let's rock SUMO-Lah..
cheers !
wey...bile aku nak tgk citer nie aah?
afdlin, kalo ade org bwat pirate citer nie...aku akan kontek ko melalui ruangan msg nie...pastu ko leh la contact pihak berkuasa lak. ok!
waa... good choice.. dia mesti jadi best actress la..
i'll be watching ACTORLYMPICS on the 30th. The last show was damn hillarious. i'm expecting a bigger one this time around.
See you kodoks there!
awek nang nak tu nak berlakon!
ni baru la best
yes aku mengaku aku ni suka pegi tengok filem yang ada awek cun.
yeaa chip !
apa nak jadi-jadi lah ..
mesti jadilah ...
good luck ya ..loads !!
Good luck in 'securing' the actress! ;)
And looking forward to the 30th for Actorlympics too! See ya!
yo bro! good luck in getting Ms Intira Jaroenpura .. she's absolutely gorgeous. She will say yes to you .. hehe.
good luck bro...
we are always by ur side...
lets the kodoks brood rule the WORLD!!
Afdlin WORLD!!!
p/s: malam ni tgk BPC buat kali ke2..and gelak sekuat hati lagi..kita kasik gegar gegar gegar sama itu panggung....
hoi..hahahah..pecah perut tgk bpc mlm td!..seb baek tak tersembur air..congrats congrats!!!..bintang-bintang utk afdlin n ac mizal..good luck ek utk heroin nang nak tu
Baik Punya cilok == SUPERB!!
proUd to be malaysian~
sayangg Afdlin~
Wah!!! This guy is really ligatlah. When the film is running (Baik Punya Cilok), he's already all over the world working on his next movie - Sumo-lah.
Itupun, Buli Balik belum tayang lagi tu. One movie running, one moving pending showtime, one movie already in the making ...
Ligat, ligat ... gua respectlah tu Bro. Not only as a creative kinda guy, not only as a movie maker, but also as an entrepeneur. Maybe you should get an award for that too ...
dah tengok baik punya cilok. kelakar!
mlm ni...anything bro afdlin...all da best to BPC....we'll do anything to make sure all our fren watch this movie...layan bpc mlm nih...
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I've seen Intira Jaroenpura in a couple of Thai movies like "Six" and "The Unborn" and I think she's a brilliant actress and I personally like her, those short hair and all.
Good luck in wooing her tho. Can't believe she's actually a major star, thot she's one of those good actress but never given great roles, except from being scream queens in horror flicks.
Am looking forward to watch Baik Punya Cilok, but am waiting for the VCD version, so that I can watch it again and again. Wayang sekali jer, pastu asyik sakit hati cos ada orang bunyi-bunyi la, main handphone la, etc. At least tgk vcd kat rumah leh pause pergi kencing or buat air.
But fret not, I'll buy original. Its around RM19.90 kan??? Okayla tu.
don't worry brudder bear... oops! chip kodok. i pun belum tengok tu BPC lagi.. that's mean... masih ada orang yang akan datang panggung... we'll reach the target.. insya-Allah.... Keep a good health too.. don't forget that! Chiaow!
I saw Baik Punya Cilok and I like it, I ve been spreading the kodok news all over...Keep up the good work ...All the best
Yo Alf,
Well done on BPC! You totally show us how Malaysian "almost dark" comedy can be done!
Enjoyed it.
Exquisite touch on the Dikir Barat segments. Coolest..
Keep up the good work - and do call me for auditions for any film that requires a twin. (people say I look like you).
btw, I mauled you over at one of the ex-intekma lions friendly games several years back..
cip.. dgn ke-successful-an filem ni.. try laa jual baju BCP plak.. sure lawa n $$$ nyeh.. hihi! aku masih berusaha suruh org2 yg aku kenal tgk BCP.. go KODOKS!
1st time tgk citer melayu kat wayang yang best.. memang buat pecah perut.. tapi aku rasa paling menarik dia punye gaya penceritaan.. siap ada flashback drpd pihak lain pulak.. mcm masa knp jeri tak call diorg bgtau ada polis... anyway.. congrates...
Ha.. lagi satu aku kagum ni.. ada satu family india.. besemangat tgk citer nih... pergh... kira bole tarik kaum lain tgk citer melayu... cayalah...
Congratulation!!!..Tumpang happy for you.. heee..
NOw can't wait to catch your production more to come...
cepat2 tayangkan.. your fans tak sabar...
Jumaat lepas aku dah plan baekk punya ngan org2 opis aku..tetiba sampai kat tempat kejadian...fully booked maa...frust la sekelian umat opis2 aku ni...
So malam esok...kami wat lawatan kali kedua pulak...kali ni aku siap amik cuti plak tuk pegi beli tiket awal2 tuk umat2 opis aku...
aku nak make sure dorang dapat tgk dan bukan dengar kelentong aku jer..mmg maveles! tak sabo tunggu 26hb...BULI BALIK maa...
Azeet. PJ
-niat di hati lepas balik keje,nak tgk mlm nih.. tapi....
"Reservation Info
You have selected
Cinema: TGV Bukit Raja
Movie: Baik Punya Cilok (BM) (U)
Date: Wed 28 Dec
Session: 9:00PM
Sorry the booking allocated seats for this session is fully taken up. Please try another session. There may be tickets available for purchase at our cinemas."
-same goes to midnite session, n also TGV Sunway Pyramid; dedua sessions. KLCC apatah lagik. uwaaaaaaa.. demam kura2 aku tak dpt tgk BPC!! Arghhhhh tak kira mlm esok plak nak try book! Kalo tak dpt gak aku masukkan kepala dlm jamban! huhuhu =P
haha.. I truly believe that ur face is worth more than 10 cents!
hey i've bought tickets to see u at actorlympics on new year!! haha.. front seats pulak tu. can't wait! sangat teruja!
was at bukit raja for road show. completely packed! had surprise visit at cinema as well after the show ended and the audience were all so happy! got small quiz, then gave away goodie bags.
audience memang suka sangat BPC. gelak tak habis habis!! all shows full sampai midnite pun.
this weekend got some more surprise visits kat KL/Selangor cinemas. which cinema? surprise... ;-)
tadi aku tgk BPC..mmg kelakar habisss..tak rugi aku kuar duit utk movie nih..tahniah brot afdlin..idea u mmg kreatif..walaupon aku rasa jln ceritanya biasa..tapi lawak dlm tu mmg terbaikk..tabik springg kat brot afdlin..keep up good work bebeh..anyway once again..congrats
Watched BPC last night with hubby & two boys. All of us trully enjoyed it. It was simple but yet so refreshing. Congratulations to you & the BCP team.
I have spread the news this morning to various yahoogroups that I joined as well as friends at the office.
It's so much better than Buli as well. Keep improving & we will support you whichever way we could.
Dah tengok BPC on 22/12, cinema full house! Memang best citer tu dan I dah war2kan satu opis...suruh diaorg tengok citer BPC tu.
aku miss la geng "pi mai pi mai tang tu".
Every once a while a bright spark comes along and am very excited about your success and the many successes you will be getting. Malaysia really BOLEH! Please don't forget the little people. Will see you and gang at BSC.
Watched BPC again last night @ GSC Mid Valley.
I'm happy to report that it's still full house with satisfied looks on everyone's faces as they left the hall after the show! ;)
Geng! Aku memang tak suka beli CD pirate kalu local movie, tapi filem holywood I would rather buy the pirate one lah ... Maybe people will say I'm bad or whatever. The reason behind this is just plain simple, I do not want to give them more money - they'll filthyn rich what ???
afdlin bro and all the kodoks buddies...
tribute to afdlin and review BPC at
u really made my day la...
semalam buat kali ke2..
urat2 gelak putus semua..
Kodok ngorok rokotok rokotok...
di pinggir kali reketek reketek...
Dia jatuh rokotok rokotok
Bangun lagi reketek reketek
(Lagu rasmi KoDoK!!!)
Syabas Cif Kodok!!!...
Wa bangga ada anak Melayu mcm lu...
silap2 lebih 5million hit ni...
dear zen
The "artsy-fartsy" group as you call them are people off the streets who bothered to buy the tickets for the show! We don't select our audience, they select us!
So please, if you want to see the show, don't let your ideas about who's who get in your way!
if you mean you would like to see the show outside of KL then that is another matter entirely. We have always wanted to do that, but time and scheduling has always been a factor.
Maybe 2006 is the year for that!
Respectfully - and Happy New Year to all,
Cip kodok
Great movie !! Had a blast watching it. Lawak habiss..... So far everyone I know who has seen it says it's great.
A commendable review on NST today.
"THIS has to be the funniest comedy of the year. Bursting with raunchy humour and witty lines, Baik Punya Cilok scores with a winning mix of ingredients to make audiences fall out of their seats laughing.
From the opening scene itself you know you’re in the hands of a gifted and focused director."
yo bro!!
best giler babas BPC ni... part training dlm utan yg paling best!!! part pale bob kena ketuk ngan leman...seriyes lawak sehhh!!!
mase part dlm utan tu cam lawak spontan jer..? anyway layan cam nak mati!!
lagi satu part naa murad cakap kelantan english & part 'rosalinda, paulina ngan betty'...siot nye giler!
bravo to u cip kodok!!!
(tak sabo nak tunggu buli balik! tgk trailer pun dah gelak cam nak mati!)
Fuyoooo BPC best giler!!!
Kelakar bangat!!
Ketawa guling2 tahap gaban
Cayolah bebeh
Buah tangan u ni memang terbaik
Congratulation for it
All the best bro
Jia you..gambatee kudasaiii
akhirnya aku dah tgk filem bpc tadi.. congrats.. dah lama aku tak gelak cam nak giler tgk citer melayu.. hahaha.. semoga next movie cip akan lagi menggelakan aku sekali sampai tergolek golek.. muhahah.. anyway sket pnye susah nak tgk tuh.. siap kena booking.. kalu tak booking.. hampeh la jawabnye.. ahaks.. hope my RM10 will be invested in another bombastic film.. hahaha..
cipster, am back!! yo yo yo..
tiada kata yang dapat ku lafazkan kepadamu wahai kapten kodok, hanya lah...
tahniah! omedeto! congratulations! felicitaciones! glückwünsche!
Francois de La Rochefoucauld once said, "Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will, we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible"
and cip, you are a living proof of tht quote.. bravo!
"woii, towkeh , apa dia pun nombor ?? cepat !! kasi ini peti punya nombor !!!"
"satu ( satu) , dua ( dua), tiga (tiga) , ampat , lima, anam ..
eii..apa punya nombor aa "
"Wa punya peti , wa punya suka lah !! "
ya, chip , ini lu punya movie , lu punya suka lah ...
wa pong hati sangaaat suka ...
nice chip !! tremendously nice ..
you've delivered something that we've been waiting for !! Alhamdulillah & tahniah ..
Bro Afdlin!...Congrats for Baik Punye Cilok! It was definitely the best local movie ths year. You have improved a lot since Buli. Baik Punye Cilok mmg complete, flawless & memuaskan hati I bila keluar panggung. This is how you make a movie...simple plot with a twist, tense, sedih, giler2, violent sikit & most of all...Funny! Sume ade!...
yo* im agree with those who really want to upgrade the new film director in Malaysia...
have my best support coz i watch all the quality movies in malaysia..pleassssee im begging do not produce love stories which is so "meniru filem2 laen yg pernah exist" please created something which is not sooo geli...i like all your movies..ade sumer..yg penting movie2 tersebut mmg best..afdlin best* keep on rollingggscone! yeahhhh =D ahahah kem salam mia sara oke
Congrates!congrates! hope the movie hit milliooonnnssss ringgettsss... jadik million air jgn lupe buat movie best2 lagik eehh...ala rindu aa citer ah-ha...tetambah along..along bukit beluntung! =D
Will you have any more comedy act in April? Balik Kampong in April, so hoping that you'll have another act for me and hubby to go to!
Yes, talented actress. Besides nice:)
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