Well here i am in Bangkok again but this it feels different,
Everytime i have been here it has been for work (Both BUli and Buli Balik was finished in Siam Lab Bangkok), well this time work is still the reason why i am here and Insya'allah the warm, smiley nature of the Thais don't change overnite as they are having peaceful protests here in Bangkok to try and get their King to intervene in the ousting of their current Prime Minister Thaksin. Insya'allah.
Anyway, i decided that since i had a free day yesterday that i would use it to explore BANGKOK and look at their people to get a better understanding of them. I decided to visit them via the river and i have to say my paradigm was opened again.
Eventhough they all say i look Thai, but i guess i must have had tourist written all over my face as my guide did a good job of ripping me off. I had to pay 3000 baht just to take that ride on the boat (i dunno betul ke tak price tu) but eye-opening betul boat ride tu. Everyone from all economic levels live by the river and is like a summary of how Bangkok is.
The main river 'Menam Chao Phraya' plays host to the most luxurious hotels in town like The Shangri-La, The Peninsula, The Sheraton etc. and is busy gila babi with boats which is either shifting reclimed river sand, to other commercial liners and not to mention all the tourist boats that are zipping around looking to pick up unsuspecting tourists waiting on the many-many jetties along the river.. Suspen pun ada pasal lalulintas sungai ni busy gila dan Mamat bawak bot ni macam bawak beca kat penang tu-lah, yang dok belasah aje lawan arus trafik kat jalanraya penang.
em bro, u went there alone eh?
ape cher kat sane? cari lokasi utk shooting ker?
aiyak cip...naper tangkap gambar sendiri cam takder mood... jer...hehe..
~from Melaka with kodoks~
aiks.. buat apa pi bangkok.. masuk election for the next thailand PM ke? huhuhu..
cip, again akan ku ulangi nya.. walaupun sudah ku berkali kali ku katakan.. JANGAN SAMPAI KENA KIDNAP.. heehee..
wah lepak kat bangkok nampak huhuhuhu
skodeng time erh bro
nway kasi lah intro ape lu buat kat sane
sure wat movie best lagi kan
insyaallah kiteorang kat malaysia doakan kejayaan anda di bangkok
at least hang dah enjoy sehari dua kan...so, rasenya bang kena keep kewl and relek ler.........
Bos, 3000 baht = RM ... berapa?
Aiyoh, brudder you sure kena tipu la. We paid 5,500 baht I think but that was for a double decker boat that could seat 40 people. It also had toilets and a cafeteria. Never mind la. It's the experience you got at the end of the ride that matters.
Your ride on a boat in Menam Choa Phraya, reminded me of my little visit to Venice. But not as similar as Bangkok, definitely for sure!(nak emphasise ni). Satunya, takde la budak2 italy tu nak terjun n mandi kat canals tu. And tgk dorang transport, jentera like those in 'Bob the Builder' via river, and garbage collection bins (yg besar2 tu la), amazing. Even the polizia pun ronda on water. But I wonder, how do they get the ambulance in an emergency? Atas darat kat Venice tu, takde jalan kereta pun.
Anyway, harap cip tak mabuk laut from the boat ride. Kita, seminggu kat darat pun rasa lantai tu masih goyang2.
Tahniah 17days smoke free.
Have fun working in Bangkok brudder. Dun curi-curi isap rokok kat Bangkok tu dah ler brudder. Hehehe kalo brudder isap rokok pun bukan kitaorang tau pun. Hehehe sorry brudder jangan marah gurau aje. Ok brudder take care ok. Jalan bebaik kat Bangkok tu. And have a save journey home!
Bro aku rasa dah tiba masa ko bukak lab sendirik la tak yah gi bangkok... boleh buat duit tu bro.. cadnag aje nie.. hehehe
aiseh, brudder... tak di masaj ke brudder?
dude. the river boat, is only 800 bath. pergi balik. try talkin in thai next time. albeit brokenly, they'll give you local price.
err.. u do know, everythin there ada 2 price?local & tourist price? the trick is to assimilate nicely. tho they pretend they dont talk english, but they do understand you. so when ur orderin food, dont be rude or say somethin derogatory depan depa. once u turned ur back on em.. they'll pour soup on their feet to your food. or just spit in your rice. so.. careful yea. :)
huhuhuhuh.. sangat menarik.. lagi2 yang bab bebudak kalis buaye tuh... kui...kui...kui...
budak siam yang tunjuk 'peace' tu ada iras2 bro' la pulak....hehehe....
nak itut! nak itut!
asal tak ajakkkkkkkkk!!!!!
patutla lama argon, pegi negara tomyam rupenye...
Cip kodok pegi Thai? Cari Tom yam ker? Semalam kami sefamily punyerlah boring tak tau nak wat per, bukak balik vcd tom yam goong, yang Tony Jaa berlakon cari gajah dia kat Sydney. Saya teruja tengok crita tu, almaklum ler ada bab lawan-lawan tomoi tu. Di Thai dia ada tomoi, tapi kita di Malaysia ada gak silat. Boleh bikin gempak panggung gak, kalau kena jalan critanya.
Well...considering that you saja kat bot tu (yang sepatutnya boleh ambil a few more penumpang), that's why lah ia mahal. It's like you reserved the boat just for you...exclusiflah tu!
Oooh... nice nice.
I was just about to ask why the entry was so short and then I noticed the word BERSAMBUNG at the bottom. LOL! I'm so blur... =p
Interesting boatride though. Been to Bangkok once but didn't take the boatride. My mom and dad (on an earlier trip before mine) took the boat though. It was 600 baht per person (this is for the charter boat). But like jt said - you sendiri naik boat tu, of course la mahal!
Anyway, just dropping by to see what you were up to... upload more pictures on the next post! (Blogger is having a bit of a problem though, I can't seem to upload mine)
Take care!
Hi there! Im frm S'pore.Browsed thru yr blog from another fren's. Boleh saya link awak kat blog saya jugak? Anyway, I've never been to Bangkok..Negeri Sembilan pernahlah cos that's my mum's homeground!
Hi afdlin, what's the political situation there like? Will it be safe to take my family there for a holiday?
fuhhh...mcm naik limo jek..duk sorang² dlm boat yg panjang..uh yeahh!!! cip mmg gempaq!!!~
waliao bangkok, fun ey? :D
hey i enjoy reading your blog ( as much as i enjoy watching all your movies, they rock )
and uhm u dont mind me linking your blog from my page, do u?
Elllo Bro Afdlin...
Ur blog lawak lah...dgn u sekali lawak kodok ... just love seeing ur lawak face...stay chubby always yeah!!! that's ur X-factor!!!
Booyahgah. Adventurous. Bestnya.
aritu aku ade nampak ko laa cip. kat klcc. sorang2. pakai suit sume cukop. ko baru balik dari prom nite ke?ngahaa. nak tegur tapi ko tgh kusyuk tgk cd game playstation..
The pics are cool and so serene. Life is so good.
I wonder kekalau diorang ada experience traffic jam kat tengah2 sungai tu...
hey...good luck on your coming project. I never been to Bangkok but have ben to the islands...don't like city much, much more a nature kinda person. next May going to Phuket and Samui. but you should try going to Koh Pha Ngan for the Full Moon Party...wicked!
why don't you guys make a movie..like a road movie to these islands in Thailand or maybe an unknown island in Malaysia...it would turn out great. Try watching this mexican movie...'y tu mama tambien' ...'dan mak kau juga' dalam melayu lah....good road movie. by the way i am Sarawakian.
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