Hey Gang! i am back in our beautiful hot and humid country and am so excited to watch GUBRA tomorrow. I am sure most of you wanna know and are wondering about a) how the trip to LA went b) was i treated like an arab terrorist at the airport. c) Did i meet anybody famous while i was there d) ...and if i died in a drive-by gangland asassination, who is going to get my action figure collection?
First of all, I am truly sorry for not blogging while i was in LA but i wanted to really immerse myself in that wonderful experience and internet connection in my hotel was damn mahal. The more time i spent on the net, the less money i will have to shop with. SHOPAHOLIC ALERT!!
Okay before i start to merepek here is a brief chronicle of my journey to The City of Angels.

welcome back home
hope its been fruitful
ada bawak balik toys tak???
anyways.. see you tomorrow~!
yeah!! bro dah balik!!
aiseh...nombor lima je... makin merosot...
Wah!!! beshnyer beshnyerr beshnyerrr
Welcome back bro. Hope that the trip was as great.
erk.. bro cip kodok..ingat zul lg, curseshadow (liverpool fanz).. bestnye die dpt naik keter limo panjang lg.. kak nasha siap ambik2 gambor lagi.. hehe.. takpe2, kak nasha ade amik gambar stering ngan kepala gear keter limo tu tak??, bro.. kalau nak cari pelakon tambahan untuk citer los & faun, zul nak la.. bleh tak?? ade masa lawat la blog zul yer.. thanx bro, slalu support kerjaya cip kodok.
i tgk melodi tadik, nampak heppi je u ols pegi LA tu ye??? jgn lupa, dah dapat byk Ilmu kat sana, u produce a better film in malaysia.. my frens n i will always sapot u lahhhh!!
waaaa shiok sungguh!!!!
I love disneyland... !!! :D
I think it is TRULY the happiest place on earth.
(tapi tak pergi Makkah yet, so maybe will change my mind *wink*)
Selamat kembali, and good luck in your new movie. Semoga tiada lagi halangan.
Your blog keluar dalam Majalah PC edisi April 2006... Jeles nyer... Huhu.
Happy Blogging!
wahhh...bestnya adventure kat LA tu...hehe...memang LA best kan? heheh...
also, saw the trip being featured on Melodi today...wahh...jelesnya...seronok sakan iye...
the 'welcome to america' sign freaks me out too...
Fuyyooooo.....seronot sungguh nampaknya. Pic Limo tu yang paling best!
yum yum...the limo looks great!
why are you perpetuating the myth that every brown/asian/muslim in an american airport is treated like an arab terrorist or LA is like a place where someone like you will be shot in a gang shooting?
i mean were you actually treated like a terrorist or got shot by some gang member? if not, this is highly irresponsible. youre just distancing the divide, bro. north americans are just as nice and welcoming as every other people in the world, if not more.
Besh2 chip....limo tu sungguh santeklaa..hehe...bertuah badan...
cepat cepat lah update cerita LA...
betnyer .. bestnyer...
tu karam singh waliya ke?
welcome back la Cip..
tapi cip nampak gelap sikit ah..
(upload la lagi gambar, semalam tak tgk pun yg kat kamera cip tuh..huhuhuu)
Welkam bek to Mesia. I know u enjoy!
tak kisah apa pun, actorlympics dah nak main balik, chip, bila date yg ada you fish and ida? gua nak pegi tgk, tak missed nye lah....
Ya Rabbi... awat pi duduk kat San Pedro? punyalah jauh nak pi memana pun...
Awat tak duduk kat down town aje?
anyway, did you manage to go to the 3rd Street Promenade tak?
Pi magic mountain tak cip? Naik Colossus sampai terkuar anak tekak...
Taruh gambo bebanyak lagik ni cip!!
want some more droolings pics please..
your sis in law sangat hot la. haha
bak kata elisa..disney tu happiest place, tapi biler dah pi Mekah.raser tiap tiap tahung na pie..happiest and tenang..
i dare you to show us your action figures that u have bought in L.A.!!!
Dont tell us that u didnt buy one while in L.A?
It's good that u had a great time there.. Nasha Aziz is really really gorgeous!!
best nyer.................... tahun depan kena set pergi lagi tu bro'....hehehe
Kewl...put some more pictures please !!! hehe..
Hi! Do tell me about your trip to that place near the airport! ***wink***wink*** Pergi tak jemput pon...
walau, enjoy sakan
Ha ha.
Nasha memang anggun.
wah, byk jeles to cip yg pergi ke LA. satu hari gua juga berazam akan berjalan ke sana.
just to share something with u guys regarding GUBRA - sesiapa yg nak menonton filem Gubra fi pawagam, dinasihatkan jika cuba buat booking phone/online dan dimaklumkan dah fully-booked, jgn berputus asa. terus BELI DI KAUNTER sahaja. dan jika di kaunter kata FULL pun, sila tunggu setengah jam sebelum filem bermula (iaitu waktu apabila online/phone booking direlease) - most probably akan dapat beli pada masa tu. taknaklah tuduh sesiapa atau mengesyaki yg bukan2, tetapi macam ada pihak yang buat booking tiket gubra banyak2 tapi sebenarnya bukan nak beli tiket tu pun sebaliknya cuma nak menghalang orang beli.
for full story refer to this post at yasmin's blog -> http://yasminthestoryteller.blog...in- mystery.html
i dah tengok Gubra, and what can i say... SUPERB!!! tak rugi ditonton berkalikalikali!
ops.. sorry tersilap link. this shd be the correct one.
karam singh walia pon pegi ek..huhu
lebih kan sikit lah gambar nasha aziz... hehehe...
Hi! Do tell me about your trip to that place near the airport! ***wink***wink*** Pergi tak jemput pon...
Nak tanya gak tu anon... yang berlambak sepanjang La Ciniega tu kan? Takkan tak singgah!
Ya Ampun Cip!!!
wah! besnyee!!!
chip nampak macam abg surau la ... ngan janggut sekali ngan snow cap semua tu ...
heheh ...
NI ha le baru Temah pirst time drop by to comment. Selama ni dok jadi silent reader. Temah masa belajo dulu g Universal Studio tu shiok giler. Pasal Disneyland plak nengok kat melodi nunjuk street & light presentation tu sume.. cam same je masa Temah g sana tahun 1998. Tinkerbell still jadi kemuncak before mercun sume dilutupkan tibe midnite ye tak?
Anyway... ada satu soklan tu you and maybe others dlm blog ni pon pasan, esp yg nengok Melodi hari ahad lepas.. Ape.. si Nasha tu ada apa2 ke ngan Dato' Farid. pasal mana saje ada gambo Dato, sure ada Nasha. Afdlin, u ni secara tak sedar(atau sedar) telah jadi kaverina (kaver) factor for them. Pasal you ada je kalau diaorg ada.. Serious.. kalau readers ngk Melodi.. mmg very the obvious mana ada Dato' di situ ada Nasha yang bermaintain2.. Mmg dia suke maintain pon. Me thinks her natural style..
Temah suke sama Nasha & Dato'..but haiyoh.. very the obvious lah them. Temah dont think this is coincidence. Perkataan itu adalah kaver semata2.
wah lawar lah view approach at LAX
ntah bile aku dapat bawak 747-400
bawak cessena pun sangkut lagi
huhuhuhu nway bosan tak naik flight lame2
kina - Ahhaaakkk! The exact place... B.E
Tuan rumahhh... letak la satu dua gambor dari B.E :-P
Cip Kodok, Letak la gambar dari google earth. Sure nampak kodok dari langit
jelesnyer aku nengok ko dengan Nasha Aziz .. cis cis.. :p
Aku terlepas satu perkara laa..
aku nak tanya sangat2.. kolam pancing kat mana yang buat shoot utk baik punya cilok tuh aaa?
B.E ek anon...
kekekeeee Cip, letak la cip...
memalu pulak...
ke dia pi Viper Room je ni Anon? aper kellas pi b.e je kan...
alang -alang mesti Viper room kat Santa Monica blvd tu.. ke sunset blvd? aku pun dah lupa...
yang kompom, umah aku dulu kat hawthorne blvd
i've been there!
disney LA is like the bomb.
eny u.
dpt naik limo.
mana aci ;p
best site
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