Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Much Ado about Toilet Cleaning?

One quick question.

Are the cabin crew association so insecure about their own profession that they have to justify that they are at par with airline pilots? in my mind they have a great profession. They get to travel, meet many people and at the same time. I too had contemplated once in my life about becoming a steward but alas my calling in the arts was stronger and they had no steward baju that could fit my bulbous size.

So, I am wondering now... why is there such a Hoo ha about that Syarifah Shahira scene on BULI BALIK.

When looking at any particular dialogue you have to understand the context from which it is said to understand what it was message it was meant to deliver. Hence that is part of the art of story-telling in cinema.

The scene they were talking about was the scene where sharifah shahirah's character obviously an unhappy stewardess with many internal issues responded the way she did in a therapy session for people with depression.

She was depressed. Depressed people say things that is a reflection of their current state of mind. In this context, SS was angry with the attention given to her by the boys, just because her sister mentioned that she is a stewardess. This is because in BULI we had earlier established that SS's Fiancee was having an affair with a stewardess working for Aeroflot and had left her for the stewardess. In BULI BALIK we see her become a stewardess to see what the fixation is that men have with stewardesses that they are seen as objects of desire aka sex symbols.

So In that context, when SS said that "what the big deal... I just clean toilets up there!", she was conveying her bitter frustration at the stereotype and retaliating to the response given by the male species of the therapy group about the stereotype of stewardessess in our society. If i were to literally translate what SS said in actual in your face dialog, then she would say " Excuse me, I pay my dues up there, my job requires me to do real work and not just look pretty for your filthy eyes, OK!!!" To me cleaning toilets, signifies real work. I do not see it as being beneath anyone.

BULI is a movie about how a bunch of people who are stereotyped as Fat, Ugly, Accountants etc. are trying to overcome their insecurities and become more confident with who they are.

I really don't see how The Malaysia Airlines Flight Attendants Association (MAFAA) couldn't see this, unless they didn't understand the film. Unless that scene is the only scene they watched! and based on that one scene the whole film is condemned.

The BULI and BULI BALIK Movies were always movies about social issues of coping with living in an unfair society today. And how do we addresss social issues if we can't even talk about them ... or lay them out there for people to contemplate.

Just another question to ponder

I clean my toilets to keep it hygenic for myself and my family. I do not think it is a job that demeans somebody's self worth. A former politician/Deputy Minister friend of mine told me once that he still cleans his house toilets because he cares about his family's well being and is proud to be of an example to his kids. The Moral is, if it is good enough for the leader of the house to clean the toilets, it is good enough for anyone.

God forbid that the toilet cleaner's association of Malaysia would then contemplate to take action against the The Malaysia Airlines Flight Attendants Association (MAFAA) for saying that their profession is DEMEANING.

In the end, this film is fictitious and has no intention to make any reference to anyone alive or dead.

A very famous person once replied when posed this question.

When can we say that we are truly developed nation?
When we can look at ourselves and laugh!




Anonymous said...

Ok Pe...
Cuci toilet sronok pe...What's so demeaning about that. What we should remember is how lowly beings we are that everyday we are still required to clean shit and pee that is derived from our own selves. Maybe that should drive home some humility in us. Yang membersihkan lebih mulia dari yang harus dibersihkan.

Anonymous said...

It was a very unprofessional move by MAFAA. For sure they have their own ideas and point of views about this. But filing a lawsuit? I was actually shocked by the action they made.

I would like to think that they never made a wise thought about it before deciding to bring it to court. I mean, they maybe wise but never wise enough to see the messages inside the story. I am so pissed with people who think they know everything.

People a not that dumb to justify a flight attendant as a toilet cleaner. Yet not that dumb to think that they are at par with airline pilots (but for sure i agree that flight attendants does play a big role up there). MAFAA as a big organization, and perhaps having the 1st class mentality (which now i doubt), should have realized this. A lot of people maybe dying and crying to be a flight attendant, or at least envy their jobs that enables them to travel a lot. Damn man! A stewardess is definitely a sex symbol!!

This situation here defines another problem for creativity and idea. I may ascribe this as a beginning for many more to come. Unless MAFAA is the only organization that feels so unsecure about their jobs? Duh!! Wake up man, you are all cool fellas!!

I better stop here man, got a lot of things in my mind but better keep it shut before they decide to trace my IP address. lol.


Anonymous said... 3...cuba lagi....

aidareza said...

Afdlin, there is nothing wrong with the issues you brought up in your movies.

This toilet issue is totally blown out of proportion. Ada ramai orang benggong kat MAFAA tu kot!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi afdlin!
first of all may i say, great blog u have here..i've linked u to mine since quite some time ago and have enjoyed reading it tremendously =)

and as for this entry, all i can say is..i feel u, maaan!

i've just finished cleaning my toilet too and really do not appreciate it if ppl wud think my hard work is if at all, demeaning...
it saddens me that SOME msian are still as close and narrow minded that they cannot see the bigger picture or msg that u and ur team are trying to send out.
keep up the good work and u have my full support =)

UglyButAdorable said...

i think the stewards & stewardess in m'sia nie kerja kerana terpaksa. macam it's the easiest way to make big free..sampaikan pasal issue nie yg remeh temeh pun nak amik pot. what's so demeaning about cleaning toilets. for me biler pegi rumah org i'll peep in their toilet and that will be my first impression. either it's filthy or super duper clean.. kesimpulannyer toksah layan benda merapu nie..just keep doin' your stuff afdlin..

Anonymous said...

hello there..waaaa happynye dpt baca bnyk topic best2.. dh lama tak masuk blog cip niey..

hmm psl toilet ni..saya suke cuci toilet!! lebih kurang tiap2 hari sy cuci toilet..sbb suke dok dlm toilet lama2 huhu!! mcm2 leh buat..leh berangan..berangan dan sebagainye hehe..

ehe sowi mcm sbenarnye sy serious cip!!

neway cip..actually im looking forward to read more comments from u on Gubra lar cip..macam tak cukup je yg cip tulih b4 this..klu free..comment lagi k..

beside's ur work..i love Yasmin Ahmad's!! i Love Gubra..very beautiful movie..more comments dkt my blog k..senang2 jenguk2 la..k..hv a nice bz weekend!bz ke?? i guess so :)

Jalal said...

Hello bro,

What kind of people in right mind to kick u in the ass even though u said the right things in the right mind? That is MAFAA la hehe. They had to make that comment even though that u're right. Cam MAS bagi VSS tu, comment yang depa bagi tak masuk akal. Ramai lagi yang kena VSS tak bising cam depan pun.

I clean my own toilets even Khir Toyo pun cakap dia cuci tandas sendiri. Proud sangat ke jadi steward tu sampai tak leh nak cuci tandas. They think they are "GOD" because they always fly on top of people. One more think otak stewards ni dah rosak kot sebab selalu kena hi-lo cabin pressure. hehe.

p.s. cip dah bape hari stop smoking?

Snowy Nur Rainfall said...

Hi sir, just want to say i find your blog is interesting and i LOVE Baik punya Cilok and me and my friends and family watched it 5 times.

Yes, 5 times for a Malay movie. That's new for me haha...

Anyway, wishing you all the best always!


dJ phuturecybersonique said...

fret not, bro. i think everyone who has watched buli balik and even those flight attendants themselves have more sensibility than is being represented by MAFAA.

but i think this situation can create a great review tagline for buli balik when it comes out on dvd. think about it, "buli balik: sebuah filem yang dianggap melampau oleh MAFAA".

Cikokui said...

ala... diorg nie bukan ape... takde keje nak buat sebab dok risau nak kene buang kerje lepas nie... sebab tuh sibuk tak kene tempat... cite tuh dah lame dah kuar, siap kuar vcd dah pon, skang baru nak kecoh...

dan yg pasti, diorg nie hanya dgr dari cakap org pasal nie... tak tahu hujung pangkal. tgk vcd cite nie, part tuh jer... tak tgk dari awal sampai abis...

tak tahu kepala ekor, nak salahkan org... kalau nak saman... saman je la... nak paksa org mintak maap diatas kesalahan yg org tak buat.... macam budak2 darjah 0 je...

lagipun kepala otak diorg nie, tak paham kalau cite tuh berbelit2 dan ada maksud terpendam... dia paham cakap terus jer... tak reti kalau perkataan tuh maksud die lain...

ape2 hal... buat bodo je la cip... nak saman... saman je la...

Anonymous said...

Gua keje cleaner kat UK ni, setakat cuci toilet takde masalah. Bukan nyer merompak, cari rezeki halal. Bayaran lumayan ape, GBP8 sejam... tak de hal.. anyway, afdlin.. you rock!

Anonymous said...

The association has what-they-call-themselves "World class" members.....with 3rd world mentality. What's new?

soleilina said...

Good one, Afdlin! :)

imran said...

i will be a professional practitioner in the transport insdustry (now in last year of my professional degree in logistics and transportation) and i'll take note on this matter. if needed, will make all my staff and people of MAFAA clean those toilets and take a time to ponder around.


aku pun bekas mas stff, steward je, mmg kita perlu cuci toilet kalau perlu, apa nak malu, joke je...itu association mau serius sgt apahal..mcm dah tak de hal nak dibangkitkan, banggang betul

Anonymous said...

free your mind ...

Anonymous said...

Comment to P.Selvarani

Saya sebagai salah seorang penonton BULI BALIK langsung tidak merasakan yg babak stewardess sebagai seorang pencuci tandas adalah teruk.. we both know that these this is just the film, babak yang mengatakan "kiteorg cuci tandas je kat atas tuu..." sy rasakan langsung tidak menujukan kepada sesiapa..ianya lebih kepada komedi spontan.. watak tersebut hanya menunjukkan yang manusia punyai tekanan dan tekanan tersebut tidak hanya ditunjukkan secara terus.. kadangkala manusia menunjukkan yang dirinya tertekan dengan cara yang lain.. Jangan la disebabkan babak itu, isu besar timbul..Betul juga kata chip yang pencuci tandas tidak boleh dianggap hina, ianya juga dilakukan oleh ribuan manusia unuk mencari rezeki..semua rakyat malaysia punyai tandas di rumah mereka dan pastinya pernah mencuci tandas tersebut.. hina ke cuci tandas??so. buli balik hanya rekaan chip kodok kami.. tidak ada kene mengene dengan sesiapapun.. it is just film, afdlin just do it in real way.. we all love him.. he changed our film industry.. chip kodok.. kodokmu yang malang ini selalu bersamamu..

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you, but I think there are 2 ways (or more) to look at it. That's always the case.

i) Let's not take things seriously and take such remarks about flight attendants as a harmless joke, after all Buli Balik is a comedy film. We should know that Afdlin have no intention of offending flight attendants.

ii) Let's be respectful for each other's profession, do unto others as you would have them do to you. By making a joke that flight attendants responsibilities and tasks are just cleaning toilets, that's saying flight attendants are nothing like but the typical amah or cleaning lady we see in the office everyday. It's offensive to perhaps some flight attendants, and that reflected MAFAA.

I guess MAFAA is thinking of the second one. They're playing their role, and Afdlin is playing his role as a film maker. I'm sure MAFAA people are also intelligent & smart people, there must be a strong justification for their action.

Anonymous said...

hello all,abd afdlin!saya baru aje tgk soal siapa..cutenyaaa abg dlm tuh..kejap2 saya tersengih masa tgk citer tuh...keep those coming!

dJ phuturecybersonique said...

even datuk seri rafidah aziz cleans her own toilets at home. it made the news. so is toilet cleaning something to be ashamed of, MAFAA?

Anonymous said...




mob1900 said...

People tends to stop change, especially those who are empowered and entrusted to do the job. They will throw what ever they have into the fray but evolution of the mind will prevail!

like bro adlin says<


*eh, bro adlin boleh bagi nomber HP SS... heheheh

Anonymous said...

oi afdlin,

u ni malaikat ke ha?

ko ni nak defend jugak diri kau ye?

macam la ko ni malaikat la...

i hope they fucking sue your ass.

ya la after this u can delete this or ask kuli2 you to trace me la.

nak suruh orang open their minds lepas kau hurt people's feelings.

nah aku nak bagi kau open your minds: fuck off!

open la mind kau macam mana kau buka mulut kau tu.

mamasan said...

wow anonymous

if only we knew who you were, then we could take you seriously

nice language

Anonymous said...

I agree in everything you just said. We malaysian are just soo narrow minded they just don't see the bigger picture of every issue. We tend to "care" about the smallest matter but never bother about more important and obvious stuffs.

and to anonymous (points above) did you even watched buli balik? I mean I watch it and it didn't occur to me that stuffs like this will ever happen in the future because i see the bigger picture..the real issue that afdlin's trying to potray. And of course he's defending himself..there's nothing wrong with doing so. don't you also do that if someone point finger at you and you know you did absolutely nothing wrong? ;)


Anonymous said...

Arrgghh! Aku pon tadi kena sental toilet...AND AKU TAK SUKA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lepas ni afdlin naik kapal terbang MAS ada masalah ke? kang kena paksa cuci toilet plak...aduh..tak paham tak paham...kecil ati betul steward & stewardess atas tu..

sherrina said...

takde kehabisan topik ke MAS ni? agaknya sbb rakyat Malaysia dah tak pay attention to their issue (yelah dulu havoc isu beli lukisan juta2, la nie semua org sibuk isu jambatan kt johor). get a life, lah!!

soleilina said...

I agree with swan. Very analytically correct.

Anonymous said...

you talk badly about people one time you kena balik, you make buli balik you should know better. itu adalah putaran roda kehidupan dan mungkin juga balasan tuhan.

Anonymous said...



bkn nak fight you write skali...dorg for sure fight back.....fool people always do that...but i think it is no harm for you to speak up your mind there.....

thank you...

rheA said...

duh..some people are just shallow..let's not let such comments be a hindrance to our creative juices!carry on with yer great work mate!

Anonymous said...

to anonymous; i'm not against you nor Afdlin, nor MAFAA...BUT...

Ni kan blog afdlin, sukeati dia la nak letak apa, nak perasan diri dia hebat ke apa and nak taip apekebende dalam kepala dia...this blog is HIS...and not our rights to say he's right or wrong..we just say what's in our opinion...that's our limit !

macam u gak la, kalo u ada blog sendiri (tu pun kalau u ada identity lah, kalo tak asik nyorok belakang 'anonymous' u jek), u pun sakit hati gak kalo orang pakat kutuk luu tak pandai, bodoh tahap baboon, cas bagus...hangin gak kan?

so what kalo MAFAA nak saman? negara kita ada undang², bukan terus hukum mati pun...arts can be expressed in many ways, too bad they see arts from that direction...

Dduh...apa hal kalau cara kita berfikir & express our own definition of arts pun kena ada approval from MFAA

Anonymous said...

hmm.. there's nothing wrong in that scene, actually.. i dunno what makes it a big deal with MAFAA??? maybe they just need publicity?? who knows.. anyway, afdlin, really hv a great time with u during TM Group Award nite at PWTC.. u really rocks !!!

Anonymous said...

if people were to sue everything been said in movies, i don't think anyone would dare to make any. i don't know why they would make a fuss about that scene, thinking it was misrepresentation of the work. that cuci toilet thing should be the least in their mind when i think most people think they are bunch of sex workers and pornographic actors.

*i wonder why Tun M didn't bother to sue the producer of Zoolander. hahahha.

Anonymous said...

bagi saya issue cuci toilet bukan issue yg besar. woiiii korang tak penah cuci toilet ke kat umah korang. hishhhh ni blog aflin, bior la dia nak tulis ape yg dia suka. to me....cuci toilet lagi baik dari dibiorkan toilet tu berkerak semacam je. eeeee lagi geli. sori la....aku tak rela nak masuk toilet yang kotor.

Anonymous said...

apa le bangang dia orang ni !!!

Sorry le kalau terkasar tapi it a fact !!

Macam juga le mencuci tandas kat kapalterbang tu. It's a fact.

Lagi pun, inikan cerita comedy. Pelik betul.

Anonymous said...

Yo, Bro Afdlin

One thing to always bear in mind.

Anyway, its just a cerita. Takder kena mengena dgn yg idop ataupun mati. Tul tak? Jadikan la sesebuah sketsa tu satu tauladan je la kan.

Power to you!

Unknown said...

haihh.. bende kecik2 pun nak sue2 org. mcm mana org melayu nak maju? baru kena cuit sikit dah nak melatah. pastu takkan nak asik buat filem cinta, nyanyi2 hindustan jerr 24jam.
this is movie. tade kena mengena antara yg hidup atau yg mati.
ada sebut nama MAS ke? bukan airline dlm filem tu nama Aeroflot??

bro Afdlin,
we support u, not because we puja u. but for your movies that can make people laugh and not puke. don't let this small 'lalat' bring u down. keep entaining us with your movies.

p/s to anonymous yg kutuk2, tak puas hati dgn bro Afdlin tu.. kalau berani, letak la nama/nick. pengecut btol pakai anonymous! tak main ahh kutuk belakang. ke ko ni on of the stewardess??? huhuhuhu

majorsinbad said...

Alf ...

Just to let you know the are loads of people who are supporting you on this ..
People have to realise that its just a joke in the first place...
Fight this for laughter's sake ...
Lets not be over sensative and give space to comedy and laughter ...
I honestly believe life has to have bounderies ...
This honestly is still far away from that ...
Still within limits ...
So ask these people to chill out and look at themselves and think of ways to improve professionally and not think of benda remeh temeh nih ...

All the best Afdlin...

Anonymous said...

adakah mungkin disebabkan oleh tekanan udara di atas sana membuatkan mereka berhalusinasi dan mengambil satu babak dalam sebuah filem komedia sebagai ancaman besar terhadap pekerjaan mereka??

Anonymous said...


dulu cikgu aku ajar satu cara nak elak sifat sombong yelah dengan biasakan diri cuci toilet.

so sesapa yang rajin cuci toilet tu sebenarnya dlm diri dia takde sifat sombong... tak kiralah sebab kerja ke... volunteer ke...

isu nya diorang tak paham.

apapun, keep up the good werk...

gravtkills said...


i think they hv blown in out of proportion...takde sense of humor langsung

pye:rudz said...

taik punya hal pun kecoh ke? menggelabah betullah.
am wondering, just how far can we go to develop our country if silly issues like this still be the major headlines?
same goes to this "pakaian rasmi" issue in parliament. what's the big deal? bukannya mamat tu pakai kain pelikat ngan singlet masuk parlimen untuk berbahas!
i can't believe this is still happening in my beloved country.

p/s: some silly question, ye ke polis negara kita macam yang digambarkan dalam satu siri televisyen kegemaran ramai itu? boleh pulak terima yang itu eventhough it's a fiction. goblok.

highheelseliparjepun said...

Yo bro!Ignore them.Tak pasal2 cari pasal.Ape la..isu kecik pun nak bising2.Takde mende lain ke?Perasan jadik pencuci tandas plak.Kalau betul sekalipun,apa salahnya dgn cuci tandas?Abis tu?Siapa plak nak cuci tandas flight tu?Penumpang2 ke?Ape da...
Penonton tau tu hanya omong kosong.Takkan ada orang sebangang tu yg percaya bulat2 kerja stewardess tu mencuci tandas je.Itu cuma salah satu scope of works diaorang.Mcm layan penumpang2 gak dan hidangkan makanan/minuman.Bidang tugas tu.Nak bising2 plak.Lesing kang..

Anonymous said...


agaknya depa ni ada experience macam scene NORDIN kat toilet kot... kwang... kwang..kwang.. tu yang GUBRA tu..

anonymous : y anonymous? u got no teluts ka??

Anonymous said...

i guess, in my opinion somehow, if we said something bad to others, in any context, they'll surely terasa someway.

Even Sean Penn was sueing Team America for the jokes they made about him. Maybe the jokes in the film a bit harsh, (not really to me) so he can't accepted it, but a joke is still a joke, right, however u try to explain it?

and here, we're still asian.

Anonymous said...

Ahaks.. statement macam tu serupa la macam kes konsert KRUmania dulu, yang kena ban sebab perkataan 'mania' tu bermakna gila/taksub etc etc.. tapi orang yang beli album KRUmania tu takde plak jadi gila/taksub etc etc.

Ada jugak suku sakat yang tak reti nak bezakan antara figure of speech and literal meaning.

But you're right.. hina sangat ke cuci toilet tu? Kalau takde janitor (read: pencuci toilet) kat shopping mall/airport, nak ke kita guna public toilet?

Anonymous said...

Manyak mutut. Camne nak maju if orang cakap sikit terasa sgt.

darthvadai said...

Well said,

Obviously someone is on a power trip. It absolutely mind boggling to have so called educated people elected to represent the cabin crew behave like a 5 year old brat saying I dun want to be your fren.

These are the kind of people who should be a good spanking. What a shame and disgrace, you are probably rihgt that probably saw only that scene.

As Forrest Gump would say " Stupid is as stupid does"

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

...another 'Shallow Thinking Syndrome'.. ??? Huh...!!!

Anonymous said...

kalau dieorg nak sue. biarkan je. lawan kat mahkamah.kite tgk sape yg menang. ni seme kes ADA ORG NAK JADI HERO. menda yg tak patut jadi isu JADI ISU. karang nanti sape plak malu?tak blaja dari kes ketuk ketampi ke?

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

i am amused by JUDD, who said in a comment above: "By making a joke that flight attendants responsibilities and tasks are just cleaning toilets, that's saying flight attendants are nothing like but the typical amah or cleaning lady we see in the office everyday."

what's wrong with the amah and the cleaning lady at the office? i don't think their jobs are undignified or demeaning. i think they're superheroes cos how many people are willing to do that kind of a job?

the MAFAA should think about that before trying to take action against anybody.

Anonymous said...

hahahaa...persetankan mereka...CUAK jer lebey tu!! cepat sgt melatah!!they think they're so good laaa tu WUTEVER!!

Anonymous said...

when oh when will we malaysians learn to laugh at ourselves occasionally.

mafiaries said...

kenapalah..nak jadik negara maju, isu macam ni pun nak saman2..apa takder bende pekdah lain ker?
Kenapalah "mereka" ni tidak berfikir?
Kan awak dah berada kat atas, fikiran pun atas lah!

Cip, be strong!


ni aku nak cakap sikit pasal stewardess ni, kalu filem mat saleh kutuk stewardess mcm pelacur, dumb blonde dan easy women, depa tak saman pun, sedangkan itu semua lagi hina dari toilet cleaner, mungkin depa ni anngap pelacur tu lagi mulia dari toilet cleaner kot...

Pinkity said...

LOL, I thought it was pretty dumb that they made such a big fuss about it. So what? It's just a movie. If they want to make an issue out of it, why not look at other shows out there that crack jokes against more serious issues such as racism and politics. So what? Are we gonna apolagize everytime something like that comes up? If so, we'll be spending our whole lifetime saying sorry.

Anonymous said...

Adakah ini bermakna MAFAA tak suka pencuci toilet, atau MAFAA tak suka cuci toilet, atau MAFAA suka toilet yang tak dicuci, atau toilet MAFAA tak pernah dicuci?? Fikir-fikirkan.. hehehe

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...



u de rockz!

Anonymous said...

haih..small thing like that also nak bising2..mcm xde mender lain

Anonymous said...

I still believe we as human being, sometime we hurt each other tanpa di sedari. Manuasia macam2. Kita rasa mungkin kita pandai dan betul.But people still hurt man. Think about it. I'm a lawyer honestly, but my advise to you supaya hidup kita diramati Allah . Just Opologise. No big deal.So we can go on with our life with bigger cases. Allahualam.

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


the problem is, if every artiste/musician/filmmaker backs down all the time, then this is going to happen again and again. everytime someone sees something they personally don't agree with, they are going to threaten legal action.

then this country might as well not have any films, books, music, watever.


Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

having said all that, however, the final decision is in Afdlin's hands. whatever he chooses to do in this matter, we must respect his decision.

Anonymous said...

We will support afdlin. This is nuts. How is anyone going to make any film if people start to with lawsuits all the time.

Its a waste of time and resourses. Afdlin is doing the right thing by standing up and prove them wrong. Otherwise, when is this going to stop. It will occur again on other filmmakers. Then it will be doomed for local film industry.

Anonymous said...

kelakar org mas nie. ramai yg back up you...

Anonymous said...

ntah..sume pn nk bising2...bkn membina lak tu.....asek nk menjatuhkan org je...JAGA PERIOK NASIK SENDIRI SUDAH LA....

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about context.
You also wrote:
If i were to literally translate what SS said in actual in your face dialog, then she would say " Excuse me, I pay my dues up there, my job requires me to do real work and not just look pretty for your filthy eyes, OK!!!"

Perhaps next time you could let the character say exactly just that?
Then the message could come across more clearly.

Looking forward to Laus & Faun.

theroyalmonkey said...

hey there...

these 'people' have always something to comment small scene...riuh sekampung!

they're just jealous of you of having brilliant ideas.let it thing for sure you do produce good movies!!and continue doing that!

take care!

Anonymous said...

biasalah tu.. orang yg insecure memang cepat melatah cam tu...

Anonymous said...

1. kalu betol peramugari kena cuci toilet lam kapalterbang, MAFAA should rest the case.. sebab afdlin joke benda yang betol. ngaku jer lah dengan senyuman.

2. tapi.. kalu pilot yang sebenarnya dok cuci toilet tuh.. hahhh...! masak ler ko afdlin!!! kakakakaka...

3. yang nyatanya.. toilet aku memang aku cuci sendiri. amah ke bibik ke tak main...

Anonymous said...

Ntah la, aku pon x paham nape depa nak marah sgt. Ramai org sokong ko afdlin, so jgn la bimbang pasal sensetif x tentu pasal nih.

Anonymous said...

as yasmin said we can never learn how to laugh at ourselves sometimes. being a flight crew, this is the most difficult part to serve another fellow malaysian. you can never know if they can take the joke that other people find hilarious. most pursers will stress on how important it is to have clean toilets on board. personally, i don't see the issue here but hey you can never please eveybody can you?

Anonymous said...


This thing has been blown out of proposion. Kenapa nak malu kalau cuci toilet pun? Kalau ya pun part of job scope, kenapa nak malu?

I think this issue shouldn't be in the newspaper. Might be bad for your new movie, or might be good? Any other way, good work on the movie & godspeed.

YaNtZeN's (

HeadLiner said...


This whole scenario is at best ..rediculous.

My two cents worth can be read here:

Anonymous said...

wats so demeaning bout cleaning toilets? habis, si pramugari2 kat umah tu, kalu toilet korang dah bau hancing, takkan tak basuh kot? well, it comes with the job la people..yg nak sensationalize bende ni wat ape? bukan afdlin ckp korang basuh jamban + kena telan taik tu skali...give him a break yrself a break..the r other issues to think about like world hunger,rakyat msia yg cup..these shud be the in the papers ..u morons! find better things to do than trying to hog the paper's headlines! Once again..MORONS!(sorry for the foul language.. afdlin.aku pissed gile ngan orang mesia nie..)

Anonymous said...

wat the prob nye cuci toilet ni?depa ni org wat joke cam tu melenting..agaknya depa nak a part of diorang punya job we potray as a pelakon video porno tak pon pekerja seks??gitu?to be frank lah, rasanya kalau sepuloh..sembilan akan wat tanggapan gitu kat u all pelayan2 kat udara yg perasan high class..walhal sama je macam pelayan bar..poyo! dah tu pasal cuci toilet, yg tak de lah hina ni pon nak melenting..sedang kan menteri pon cuci toilet..hine??ada jadi hine dia??tak!!gaknya u all kat MAFAA ni toilet mesti brand berkerak punyalah..jijik!! dont worry cip..bukannye salah pon joke tuh. yg depa nak terasa tuh kenapa ?kot betol pon kenapa?tak de jadik hinanya korang kat penumpang. len lah korg ni sex korang memang nak di potray kan cam tuh??
to anonymous yg suka mencarut tuh...ur word dah menghinakan u all sendiri.poyo sekali lagi!! u kalau beranai tunjuk lah diri. ni menyorok. maknyah pon berani lah dari kau. tak de telurss ke?? kau sebijik macam pramugara terlampau...suka menyorok.kau ni ke??no wonder lah..org2 cip dan cip sendiri pon boleh je mencarut cam ko.tapi we all tak stupid like u. art pon citer banyak ke?bangang!!

ps//:aku penonton buli balik.:-angah

Anonymous said...

It is a typical Malaysian to make a big fuss out of nothing. It is like shit talking in Dewan Rakyat about Mawi, M.Nasir & P.Ramlee and one minister attire and other shit issues... There are a lot other issues that can be raise to make majority of Malaysian live a comfortable life such as finding ways to decrease the petrol price etc etc... You have to open up other post so that the hamba sahaya rakyat jelata can give ideas to all those dumb politicians to debate in Dewan Rakyat. ntah pape ntah...


mamabio said...

it's actually a compliment to stewardess when the scene potrayed that every man loves to know them better. u guys xpnh cuci toilet ke..? oo.. that's why..

they shld don gv a damn to benda remeh temeh.. publisiti murah ke..?

to anonymous b4 mamasan: i cant imagine how bad is your feeling hurt by afdlin. u don hv to "fuck-off" people n ask people to trace u. kemon.. hingat we all xde keje lain ke nak layan kau.. don talk about 'open mind' la if u yourself don know wht is it all about.

Anonymous said...

I like this statement.

God forbid that the toilet cleaner's association of Malaysia would then contemplate to take action against the The Malaysia Airlines Flight Attendants Association (MAFAA) for saying that their profession is DEMEANING.

Muahahahahahaha.....I thk damaged control required lah.... :)

Reena said...

Seriously, some people just need to LEARN to open up and see things from a wider perspective. If it (the toilet cleaning issue) is such a big issue, then i wonder how can they deal with such a BIGGER issues? All things in life is just a matter of 'doing it the right way', we gotta learn to appreciate the work that everybody does. If cleaning the toilet is demeaning, what does that makes the toilet cleaners at the malls/schools/offices..ets?? A saying famously used by the artists - 'tanpa peminat siapa lah saya', same goes to the toilet cleaners - without them to clean it for us, how to do our 'business' laahhh??


Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

kodok kodok semua,

sila lah baca Malay Mail hari ni, mukasurat 2.

it seems it would be hard for MAFAA to sue, according to some lawyers.

Anonymous said...

The Visitor,
I think you're missing my point, I gave 2 ways of how people might look at it, it's not that I'm taking sides or anything. I didn't say clearly what do I really think, right?

And I totally agrew with you, 100%, there's absolutely NOTHING WRONG with amah and the cleaning lady at the office. I agree that their jobs are honorable and respectable (they earn their living dengan cara yang halal), and we should not think them as demeaning. Not at all.



Somebody must have think otherwise. The ones who are obviously pissed off now. So who? The stewardesses? MAFAA?

If Afdlin intentionally poked fun at stewardesses, and the "joke" turned out to be true, what's wrong with cleaning toilets in the first place pun? That's much much better by earning a living from bribery, scams, etc.

I rest my case.

Bergen said...

In the end, it is just a movie. They are called (probaby done) worse than cleaning toilets in real life. Some, not all. What's the big deal?

Remember that guy who taped the thing he did in bed with his girl? Maybe Sharifah should have said something naughtier.

soleilina said...

good one, bergen! LOL

Dilip Mutum said...

The problem is that some people have no sense of humour. These are usually the insecure guys (or girls).

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

ah, Judd, i see your point. apologies!

anyway, i'm now wondering what the individual flight attendants think of this issue. i am pretty sure some of them are not offended by what was said in the film. so far, it's only one guy who's been hoo-ha-ing about the whole issue.

so is it the MAFAA who is offended, or are the flight attendants of this country ALL offended?

Anonymous said...

In all, It was just a joke. These people (MAFAA) left their sense of humour behind when they review the movie. Some people are just overly sensitive. It'll be a lie if they were to say that they had not laugh, even a little when watching the movie. That's what comedies are mean to be. To be taken light-heartedly.

Judging from the comments you get above, your fans will always be supporting you in whatever you do. Shit happens anyways. Ta!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, some lawyers believe that by pursuing legal action, MAFAA could be barking up the wrong tree as it would be difficult to prove defamation in such a case.

Lawyer B. Lobo said to prove defamation, three conditions had to be fulfilled, namely: the statement made was defamatory; it must refer to the plaintiff and it must be published.

"In the first test, it is doubtful whether the statement made was actually defamatory. Assuming that part of the functions of a stewardess is to clean toilets, then it is a fact. A fact is the truth and the truth is not defamatory."

Secondly, he said, the statement referred to stewardesses in general, and not a specific stewardess or the society.

"For example, you can say ‘all lawyers are crooks’. That is not defamation but if you say, ‘lawyer Lobo is a crook’, then it is defamation.

"In this case, no reference was made to a specific person or a ‘person’’ in law."

He said although the third criteria of publication was met, the other two criteria remained doubtful.

"You must have all three to prove defamation," he added.

Anonymous said...

Itu pun nak ambik hati, macam budak kecik!

Sebenarnya Bro Afdlin bukan nak merendahkan martabat profesion pramugarilah, tapi nak meninggikan martabat profesion Tukang cuci tandas.

Angah said...

kalau dilabel sebagai simbol seks, takpe eh tapi tak leh kata tukang cuci toilet?

martabat wise, tukang cuci toilet and simbol seks, mana lagi tinggi? mana lagi mulia?

dah takde bende lain nak buat eh? dok lepak kat pantry, sembang pasal buli balik (in which if i were you, afdlin, happy siot!!! aku glamer!!!) and came out with a brilliant idea nak sue.. perghhh..

talking about mentality?

p/s: i know, i know.. tak suma yang dumb blonde (black?), tapi pepatah melayu ada kata, sekor kerbau bawak lumpur, habih semuanya terpalit.

Anonymous said...

Eleh, Rafidah Aziz pun cuci tandas sendiri...

sh3er@ said...

hey bang. some people takes things to personal. for all it's worth, you movie depict reality and some people cant handle that.

keep up the good work and bring Malaysian movies to life !

Anonymous said...

Hi Afldin.

Check this out:

Dah sampai jepun daa... it's under world wide weird news. :)

Hope AdDict said...

much ado about nothing, afdlin. i saw both buli balik and baik punyer cilok...enjoyed it tremendously...keep up the good job!

Ish Meen said...

I clean my own toilet hahahaha... there is nothing wrong with it. If you want to be a responsible person the first thing you have to do is clean your own private mess...

Anonymous said...

i'm with cip kodok here.

i think we can rest our worries about this issue. nanti senyaplaa tu... when they find another porn movie starring pramugara terlampau jr. to fuss over.

you go afdlin! u're the reason i watch malay movies!

Anonymous said...

'org2 besar' kat malaysia nih dah tak de keje lain ker? same goes to hattan pasal nyanyi lagu negaraku, then iklan budi bahasa tu, bende2 remeh mcm tu pn nak jadi isu. bincang bagai nk rak. hal2 lain diorang punya salah pandai pulak cover slow2. org2 mcm ni lah yg membantutkan kreativiti manusia lain. nak kata bodo pangkat masing2 kemain tinggi melangit.. wtf!!!

Nazri & Aidah said...

you know wat? when i read the comment that u made, i m so sure that u said it right! and not surprise that the comments come out from u... Go, A.S!

Cipkodok said...

never said it wasn't dawama.

thoyol said...

you know what cipp?
People should learn sarcasm as their second language. Haha..
Should be offered in University.

Anonymous said...

kesian kekadang...kita tak terasa pun yang kita buat salah..tap orang nak korek kesalahan yang bengang ni..kekadang susah jugak..berdiri tak boleh duduk tak boleh...entahlah...mungkin perlu bersabar kot. sabar itu separuh daripada iman

Anonymous said...

lepas ni aku nak buat lawak on org gemuk, org cacat, pompuan and anyone la, aku nak buat sampai dia orang nangis ke malu ke,
then aku nak kata eh open la your minds,
you should be able to laugh at yourself like im lauging at you.

thnk you afdlin.

Anonymous said...

As usual, these people they like to make a big fuss out of nothing. i was reading NST yesterday or the day before and they were commenting your lackadaisical (is the spelling correct) attitude towards this issue and demanded for a public apology. haiya, people make fun of lawyers all the time. relak je. these people just dont appreciate a good humour.

BlueRose said...

i like ur entries.very real,very str8 to da point...and for the record..i love ur BULI family too..guess my hamsters love them too. :) all the best bro..

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


they finally backed down!!!

congrats, cip!

babyarisha said...

hye cip..lek r..diorg tu saje je..
slalu nk enterframe..
ape yg kecoh sgt psal cuci toilet..
ala..dh dok dlm customer service line..bab2 kecil pun jd besar..
hal remeh jer..
keep ur work done dh r..
i supprot u la cip..
jgn layan diorg tuh..agaknye tgk filem x abis kot..
so bab cerita tu xde kena-mengena antara idup & mati tu diorg sure xbaca..stok yg agak2 wayang dh terang..screen xkuar gmbar tp kuar nama2 pelakon dh angkat punggung..
so salahkn diri-sendiri la xtgk coter tuh smpai pun stok tgu cite kuar vcd baru tgk..BB dh lama abis kt wayang..nape baru skrg nk kecoh..
rilek bro..u r among d best..

Anonymous said...


BULI is a movie about how a bunch of people who are stereotyped as Fat, Ugly, Accountants etc.

ACCOUNTANTS?? i can't agree more! aaahahahhahaaaa

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


i dont see it as "buat baik" when the fella was out to get you in the first place.

Anonymous said...

payah jugak nak buat lawak kalau ade limitations and restrictions nih. nak jaga hati semua orang. kalau US comedians, they are free (almost) to talk about anything. freedom of speech. even the late night shows macam David Letterman, Jay Leno & Conan suka-suka hati jer kutuk Bush, or anyone "superior" than them. kat Malaysia tak dapat ah.

so i guess we have to live with that. accept and acknowledge the fact that we have to think twice before making a joke.



having said that, do we wanna listen to Senario jokes only?

i can't.

Amirperfume (AP Network Enterprise - SA0215574-P) said...

tak kan kena gertak ngan MAFAA, berhari hari tak update blog..jangan la chief..update la... ibarat kata jam tag heuer "jangan retak oleh tekanan" Nike pulak sampuk...'buat je..!"

P/s Lepas ni persatuan pemancing malaysia plak nak ambil tindakan sebab chief mancing ikan kelisa guna umpan kerongsang nenek Wak.

-Sitti- said...

Abg Afdlin...Saya ni baru dapat tgk tgk Buli Balik minggu lepas... I actually thought the joke abt pramugari was a real tickle in my tummy. Tak sangka bleh jadi issue besar. But Alhamdullilah MAS drop the idea of suing u. Blehlah kita sume tonton more of ur movies.

Bukannyer degrading sgt cuci toilet tu...Saya pun pernah kerja kena cuci toilet orang kat Ozzie ni. Cari rezeki halal....ok pe.

KECU said...

ekceli... dialog tu just utk mencantikkan cerita jee... tu kan lawak... dialog tu just part of the story of buli balik... berapa saat jeee dialog tu...

kat sini kita kena lee open minded.. klu nak sensitif .. banyak benda lagik kat dlm filem yg wat org terasa.. mcm sepet n etc. Filem badul dulu pun byk gak perli org .. filem p. ramlee pun ada gak yg pakai dialog yg boleh mendatangkan amarah... tapi kenapa kita wat dek jeee..

so klu kita open minded just take it simple .. sure tak kecoh punye...

cuci toilet adalah satu pekerjaan yg halal.. mak aku dulu tea leady. and one of her JD is cuci toilet.. ok jeee...

aku pun pernah gak cuci toilet's one of my duty..(kena alternate ngan ofis mate). aku pun akan ckp aku kerja jadi account opiser tapi kena gak cuci toilet..

so kepada stewardess semua jgn lee marah.. klu tak ada u all tak syok nak naik kapal terobang tau...

Anonymous said...

nasib baik la aku only beli filem cetak rompak, especially anytyhing yang afdlin keluarkan.

Anonymous said...

i tell you what afdlin. they make themselves look stupid. by the way, our society not ready to laugh at satires. we tend to laugh at other people not ourselves.

kat US dulu pun aku cuci toilet kat chinese restaurant. daripada jadi perompak korporat, cuci toilet lagi mulia apa...

nanti sequel punya movie, buat la scene pulak menteri, polis, askar, tok imam, 'ceo syArikat penerbangan' pegawai kastam cuci toilet ke.

majulah afdlinshauki untuk negara!

max said...

Its true when they say never argue with idiots cause they'll drag u down to their level and beat u with experience. Not pointing any finger to anybody or any 'body' for that matter but like i always say, sapa yang makan cili dia yang terkinja kinja nak minum air.

Am i insinuating or implying that a certain 'world class' body or a certain anonymous individual are idiots...Hmm well if doing something like this over such a trivial matter and authoring a comment that goes to show that the author has an IQ slightly lower than a doorknob, Hell yeah!!! i meant it whole heartedly and then some.

U are saying that a single line, A SINGLE F'IN LINE in a local film in the course of a few seconds can jeapordise the image the integrity of a profession that has been held high in regards by many for decades. A few seconds to destroy a reputation of decades, Afdlin u shud be honoredlah. Hahahah they acknowledge u that much, more power to u.

But in the end they did prove that they do have something however minute in that grey matter of theirs. If this thing did continue on the only apology i see u shud be doing is saying that u are sorry that they dont have a sense of humor and not having enough sense. Common sense are very uncommon these days. Come onlah its only a movie. A joke is a joke is a joke.

Hahahah macam real jer marah dah ler the matter settled already, lagi nak bikin drama. Actually having a mental diarrhea and nothing to do on this dull hot saturday afternoon. Best wishes and hope of more great things to come from u.

princessren said...

sabar yek en afdlin. biasa ler tu derang nak attention :D but glad that u look at the bright side of it...

Anonymous said...

Let's all face matter what we do we all need each other to survive in this world....from the rich to the poor.......
Cleaning toilet?Is that such a big question?How about waiter?Will that hurt?What if we call them doctors or nurses or heros of their nature of job that put them in the line of fire..............???

And will somebody please check who is this MAFAA people cause I've not heard of them cause I believe all this while MAS has got their Union body to do all the talking for them.

Lets us all grow up..........please!!!

Anonymous said...

seronok pe klu tandas berseh...
yapeda nk saman haha...

org meleysia nih terlalu sensitip i mean yg sewaktu dgn yg nk sue tu la hehe...

bak kate ust ismeil kamus... org melayu ske sgt mempertahankan kepisangannye... hahahaha

Anonymous said...

macam gini saja, satu perkataan atau phrase ada pelbagai makna, atau dalam istilah inggeris, multiple meanings. so kita mesti construe dia dalam context, yakni, seperti abang afdlin dah kater, cuci toilet tu synonymous to kerja dengan bersungguh sungguh, kalau cuci toilet mesti remove stains betul tak, so mesti betul betul buat la. kenapa mesti literal sangat ni?? tak paham ke yang dimaksudkan tu dalam figurative sense?

Confessions Of A Female Cryptic Mind said...


Theyre trying to sue your ass over some dialogue...

Well think of it this way, maybe its possible that theyre so out of luck with their businesses that they're undertaking any kind of lawsuits to defame you for 'defaming' them.

Isnt it a shame really?

Fly Emirates then. They have fantastic seatings :wink:

Pst: I like Buli by the way. I cried during the toilet scene because I felt so sorry for your character that I wanted to hug my screen.

Anonymous said...

i know its a little bit late to comment..but heck..i dun care..ahhaah
i dunt see nuthin wrong with jobs dat requires u to clean toilets..asalkan kerja tu membawa rezeki yang halal wat..
once my fiancee started in this retail shop as the toilet cleaner ajer..but in 2 months he became the assistant manager of the store..
so seriusly..apa nak malunyer..n nak marah pun..coz seriusly..stewardess n stewards flying up high tu..are basically waiters in the sky.cume dorang gaji lebih jer dari waiters kat on ground tu...n work is still work..

~chOTTo~ said...

when i was just a lil girl, i asked my mother, wat will i be.. will i be pretty.. will i be rich.. will it be ok if i chose to be a stewardess... since stewardess is always related to being pretty n sexy.. n by being one, i can be rich, instantly.. N this is what she says to me," hah?!! if u want to do waitressing.. serve pepol.. u might as well work in the coffee house or restaurant laa..."
Question: Will MAFAA sue my mother for the remarks??

Anonymous said...

my friend's a stewardess for M*S and she always make fun of her work as "cuci toilet atas langit" no biggie.. in mat salleh movies.. they seldom make jokes of jobs and even their own president..

apape pon.. i enjoyed buli balik! keep it up! can't wait to watch ur new movie!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.. i dah lame tak baca paper.. tgk blog ni baru tau pasal kes sue mengesue nih.. ala abang afdlin.. kita orang2 bijak laksana nih tak payah nak layan orang2 berIQ bawah 100 nih.. buat penat je.. huehuehue.. btw, apsal AIM cam hambar ek this time around.. i heard there's issues but i dun have time to read the news.. been very very busy.

Gusti Adipati said...

suelah. suelah lagi. Apadahal.

cuci toilet tu kan part of your duty mr. & ms steward(ess) hoi! apa masalahnya. Org cantik pergi toilet, org tak cantik cam saya pun pergi toilet aper.... so menyediakan infrastruktur yang bersih adalah satu perbuatan yang amat mulia. ye tak? ye tak? ker idak?

nie dah kira cam
"siapa pergi toilet, dialah kena flush"

udah udah..jangan dihiraukan apa yang kurang menyelerakan!

anyway, good luck Afdlin.

-bba- said...

I clean toilets back, in a cancer

Anonymous said...

Maybe its just better to say sorry1 don take it personal?

charlie-don't-surf said...

I am proud to say I also keep my toilet in good condition, but do not consider that a defining aspect of my life.

Anonymous said...

ni kalu sumbat adsense maun riban-riban dapat sebulan nih.... oi afdlin tolong selit adsense aku kat blog mung.. nanti kita tong-tong le.. ni nombol nye

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jangan wat dajal ye kerna:- "sebahagian kutipan akan didermakan ke dalam tabung bersamamu tv3.. insyallah..." heh!

Anonymous said...

herm.. aku nk reply frm wat Q (bukan nama sebenar) punyer posting..
i'm not AA punyer cabin screw (hehe.. most of us called them screw), tp i know it's not dat easy being a crew..
touchdown je, pax disembark, kena nk clean up sampah segala.. all dat kena buat within few minutes jer.. sbb turnover dia cumer 15 mins (if m not mistaken)
so, cuci toilet tu adalah salah 1 requirement utk jadi screw AA..
jadi, bile aku tgk BULI BALIK, when sh shahirah ckp, aku just tergelak..
it's not s glamer s wat d others think..

Anonymous said...

seriusly i find nothing wrong in cleaning toilet..and if FUTURE potential crews dont know the real scope of their job wouldnt they be "deceived"?i was a crew once.and it is part of the job to keep the toilets upkeep for the next person.and by now evryone should know what type of person afdlin is..hes blunt with his jokes and hes a comedian for goodness sake so why evryone is taking offence of that comment?if you cant laugh at yourself you dont deserve to laugh at others.

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